U.S. Monster Review Terms Specific to each President& Era Hamilton v. (Federalist) Jefferson -cabinet-advisors to Washington—headed different Executive Departments -Jefferson-Secretary of State -Hamilton-Secretary of Treasury -Hamilton v Jefferson- (see chart) -Washington tended to side with Hamilton because his goal was to keep US thriving & business did this (Democratic-Rep.) Economy Business Agriculture Interpretation of Const. loose Strict (Dem. Rep. were strict to protect Themselves from Feds. Who controlled gov) (Jefferson is not so strict once he becomes Pres. Ex: Supporters Louisiana Purchase) farmers, workers merchants , clergy, lawyers National Bank YES NO Representative Democracy (who would vote) Elite Common Man Supremacy National government State government French Revolution sided with British Sided with French -National Bank-Hamilton’s idea to keep people’s and government’s money—could loan money out and make money off of it -Whiskey Rebellion-tax put whiskey—angered W. farmers and those who bought Whiskey -Fed. Gov. sent in troops & put down revolt -Introduction of tariffs -Tariff of 1789-raise US $ by taxing imports & shippers—angered & hurt S. -Treaty of Greenville-w/ Native Americans—gave US Ohio & Indiana Territory -Neutrality in British & French conflict-we keep trading with both countries -gets us involved b/c Britain and France are attacking our ships --Jay’s Treaty-w/ Britain—would still attack US ships going to France but would trade with US -Pinckney’s Treaty-w/ Spain—US could use Mississippi R. J. Adams 1797-1801 -XYZ Affair-French Diplomats refused to negotiate with US Diplomats until US paid bribes to XYZ -cause Quasi War-2 year undeclared war with France -Convention of 1800-ends Q war -Alien & Sedition Acts-to keep aliens from supporting Republicans—to keep republicans from saying anything bad about Feds. -VA & Kentucky Resolutions-(response to Alien/Sed Acts) -Nullification-fed. Gov. passed law that was unconstitutional states could declare law invalid -Midnight Judges-before he left office, Q. Adams appointed all Federalist judges to Supreme Court since Jefferson was a Dem. Republican G. Washington 1789-1797 -Farewell Address-3 warnings -NO foreign ties -NO Sectionalism -NO political parties -avoid sectionalism Thomas Jefferson 1801-1809 -Election of 1800-close, tie in House—Jeff. Said Impressment-Britain kidnapped US and made them serve on If elected would not fire federalists in power—or get their ships Rid of Hamilton’s financial plan -resulted in Embargo 1807-gov. ban on trade w/ -Bloodless Revolution-Federalists respected people’s other countries Right to elect Pres. -hurt US and removed ban except for Britain/ -Election of 1800 demonstrated power could be peacefully France transferred between pol. Parties -Louisiana Purchase-Jefferson takes advantage of getting more Land to add to US (shows how his strict interpretation had become looser) -US doubled & gained control of Mississippi -Lewis & Clark-trace Missouri R and find route to Pacific “Corps of Discovery”—traced Columbia R. to Pacific -Marshall Court-Chief Justice who made S.C. very powerful & independent branch of government -Marbury v Madison-Judicial Review Created by Mrs. Kasey DelliSanti 1 J. Madison 1809-1817 J. Monroe 1817-1825 Impressment & seizing ships -trying to avoid War -Macon’s Bill #2-whoever stops take ships first, we will start Trading with again -France stops first -British economy was hurting b/c US not buying stuff -because of Britain not stopping seizing ships—Congress declares war War 1812 -US & GB -Warhawks-wanted war (Henry Clay, JC Calhoun) Era of Good Feelings-time of harmony in politics -only 1 major political party had power-Republicans -Federalists lost power b/c of public’s disapproval of Hartford Convention Adam’s Onis Treaty-Spain gave all of Florida to US -Hartford Convention-Federalists opposed war met in New England -talk about secession -called for Amendments to increase region’s political power -beginnings of the end for the Federalist party -Francis Scott Key-“Star Spangled Banner” Missouri Compromise-keep slave and free states balances Missouri slave state Maine free state -36’30 parallel—anything N is free, S is slave Monroe Doctrine-prevented other nations from interfering in Latin America -stopped foreign alliances for awhile—following Washington’s orders -Battle of New Orleans-made Andrew Jackson a hero -fought after treaty is signed -Treaty of Ghent-ended War 1812—nothing changed hands, everything stayed same as was b/4 war Clay’s American System-improve US -National Bank -protective tariffs -internal improvements J. Q. Adams 1825-1829 -Election of 1824 Favorite Sons W. Crawford-South H. Clay-West JQ Adams-N A Jackson-West -outcome: Jackson won popular No candidate won in electoral college Goes to House and Adams wins -Corrupt Bargain-accusations that Adams made deal with Clay that if he (as speaker of house) swayed votes, Clay could be Adams Secretary of State Tariff of Abominations-hurt S and South Carolina and they threatened to succeed Andrew Jackson 1829-1837 -won election of 1828 against Q Adams Spoils System -appointed people who were loyal to Jackson to gov. jobs Nullification & Succession threat -SC threatens to succeed over Tariff of Abominations -Jackson’s VP JC Calhoun suggests Nullification-made Jackson mad but after some heat, situation diffused Indian Removal Act-provided $ to relocate Native Americans Worchester v Georgia-Cherokee of Georgia refused To go -ruled to honor their property rights -Trail of Tears-Indian journey west National Bank-thought bank was a monopoly, abused power-HATED IT -vetoed the new charter for the bank & too out all gov. funds -“Pet banks”-state banks that he favored—put gov. funds here Mayesville Road White Male Suffrage-all white males gained right to vote-property ownership was eliminated a qualification to vote Texas War for Independence -Alamo-Texans held off Santa Anna for 15 days and it was during this time that they declared themselves independent from Mexico -Jackson refused to make it a state because he did not want to increase tensions b/t N &S -Jackson signed a resolution stating Texas was independent Martin Van Buren 1837-1841 -Panic of 1837-crippling econ. Crisis that was a shadow over his presidency—caused because of Jackson’s bank decisions --newly formed Whig party gains strength Created by Mrs. Kasey DelliSanti 2 William H. Harrison 1841 -war hero –1st Whig President -1st pres. To die in office--dies after 1 month John Tyler 1841-1845 -1st VP to succeed President -Webster-Ashburton Treatyformal line between US and Canada Zachary Taylor 1849-1850 Cali becomes state --nation is fighting over whether it should be slave or free James K. Polk 1845-1849 -Expansionist—promised to annex Texas & Oregon & buy California -Manifest Destiny-(see chart) -“54’40 or fight” -Polk supporters cry referring to wanting all of Oregon as part of US -Texas Annexation-really pushed through by Tyler b/4 leaving office but Polk dealt with results -Rio Grade v. Neuces River Boarder – -where would the boarder be with Mexico? US wanted Rio Grande(would give us more territory) -California -Polk wanted Cali. But this was Mexico’s -Mexican-American War -Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo -US gained Cali, Utah, Nevada, New Mexico, Arizona, prts Col. & Wyoming (Mexican Cession) -SHOULD THESE NEW LANDS ALLOW SLAVERY? Wilmont Proviso-any territory that US gained from Mexico should not be slave states -obviously made S made—this Proviso divided country -Popular Sovereignty-leave it up to the states was the counter argument -49ers-gold miners running to Cali. Franklin Pierce 1853-1857 Millard Fillmore 1850-1853 -Compromise of 1850 Henry Clay -grouped into 2’s to offer concessions to both N& S -Cali is free -Utah and New Mexico-Pop Sov to determine -slave trade but not slavery itself abolished in DC -federal enforcement of Fugitive Slave Act -Gadsden Purchase-gave southern part of Arizona and New Mexico to US Kansas-Nebraska Act-made open for settlement Bleeding Kansas-freesoilers and pro slavery settlers rushed to Kansas to be majority-antislavery settlers attacked Sectionalism—Long Term Causes Civil War States’ Rights Debate over slavery-pro v anti should slavery expand to new territories? Nullification-Tariff laws slavery issues-S threatens to nullify Any anti slavery laws Sectionalism-issues are very regional split N & S -industrial N agricultural S Compromise 1820-drew line to determine future areas of slavery Compromise 1850-Wilmont Proviso-Cali is free state—stricter Fugitive Slave Act Underground RR-network of abolitionists who helped slaves escape Fugitive Slave Law-allowed slave catchers to go into free areas and capture runaways -made crime to help any runaway -angered abolitionists Sectionalism Short Term Causes Civil War Uncle Tom’s Cabin-book depicting evils of slavery -Harriet Beecher Stowe Kansas Nebraska Act-popular Sovereignty Leads to Bleeding Kansas Caning of Charles Sumner in Senate-antislavery Brooks-pro slavery Dred Scott v Sanford-blacks not citizens Can’t ban slavery Missouri Compromise is illegal Republican Party-anti slavery Whigs and Free-soilers formed new antislavery party -official policy was to oppose growth and spread of slavery Lincoln Douglas Debates-debate over slavery issues Freeport Doctrine-refuse to pass laws to enforce slavery—to keep slavery out John Brown’s Raid-extreme abolitionist -Harper’s Ferry-arm slaves attempt -S thought Brown represented N who wanted control of S lifestyle Lincoln Election-cause SC secession -promises to stop slavery spread but not end it in S Secession -Confederate States of America-Jefferson Davis Created by Mrs. Kasey DelliSanti 3 Manifest Destiny Mormons -founded by Joseph Smith -Brigham Young-led group to Utah in 1847 Western Lands -Indian conflicts Removal Act Broken treaties -Oregon Trail-Donner Party Way wagons could travel west “54-40 or Fight” -theory that US should expand west Texas -Stephen Austin-leads settles -Mexico tries to regain control of Texas -Mexico fears plot by US to claim Texas -Texan War for IndependenceAlamo -1836 becomes “Lonestar Republic” -Sam Houston is president of Texas Mexican War Additional Area -California Gold Rush -gold found at Sutter’s Mill -led to Cali statehood -Texas finally annexed in 1845 -boarder dispute arises with Mexico -Zachary Taylor -Mexican Cession-California, Nevada, NM, Arizona, Utah, Colorado, Wyoming Era of Reform 1800’s Societal Change -2nd Great Awakening -period of religious revival after 1800 -Charles Finney-tent meeting revival -Utopian Communities -communal societies based on everyone working together (Brook Farm) Transcendentalism -belief in a simple lifestyle -Walt Whitman-“leaves of grass” Ralph Waldo Emerson-“selfreliance” Henry David Thoreau “Civil Disobedience” Institution Reform -Dorthea Dix-help for the mentally ill -helped start several mental hospitals Prison reform-meant to rehabilitate or help people fix their lives Life Under Slavery American Culture Rural slavery Plantations, field work, house work Urban slavery Skilled labor, more freedoms Romanticism James Fenimore Cooper-“Last of Mohicans” Nathanial Hawthorne-“Scarlet Letter” Washington Irving- “Sleepy Hollow” Herman Melville-“Moby Dick” Edgar Allen Poe-“Raven” Emily Dickinson-poet Alex Tocqueville-“Democracy in America” Hudson River School landscape painters of NY Transcendentalism Ralph W Emerson HD Thoreau PAINT AND WRITE ABOUT AMERICAN THINGS Abolitionists Those opposing slavery William Lloyd Garrison-“the Liberator” David Walker-freedom by force Frederick Douglas-“North Star” Education -one room schools -few educated beyond 10 years old -Horace Mann-advocated public education for everyone -Noah Webster-development of American dictionary -emancipation -gradual -immediate -religious reasons, morally wrong to have slaves, values of Constitution Rebellion Nat Turner-led slave revolt—scared many slave holders -led to greater control of slaves Created by Mrs. Kasey DelliSanti Pro-slavery -new fear of revolts -black codes-begin -believed Bible backed up having slavery -“happy” plantation myth 4 Mid 1800’s Reform, Continued Women in Society -cult of domesticity -husband, children, home, church -could not vote -could not own property, make $ if married Women’s Movement -Seneca Falls Convention-women’s rights convention Catherine Beecher-Oberlan College Elizabeth Blackwell-health reform Women Reformers Suffrage & Abolitionism Grimke sisters Lucretia Mott Elizabeth Cady Stanton Susan B Anthony Sojouner Truth-ex slave “Ain’t I a woman?” Immigration Temperance-move to ban alcohol Markets Expand -by mid 1800’s people were no longer totally self-sufficient -buy products from others -standard of living rose Lots of immigrants Mostly Irish and German Most settled in groups Low wages of immigrants caused problems with other workers—Nativism Know-Nothing Party Transportation Improves Robert Fulton-steam powered ships Many canals built after Erie Canal Railroad growth Factories Inventions Improve -Charles Goodyear Vulcanized rubber -IM Singer Sewing machines -Samuel Morse Telegraph Morse code James Buchanan 1857-1861 -secession of 1st 7 Confederate states SC Mississippi Alabama Georgia Louisiana Texas Florida Agriculture Inventions John Deere-steel plows Cyrus McCormick mechanical reaper Thomas Edisos-lights -development of industry Industrial Revolution Decline of skilled labor Growth of urban areas Lowell Textile Mills-factory system Strict control over factory workers lives Long working hours Child labor Poor ventilation/lighting Unsafe conditions -development of labor unions and strikes Thomas Edisos-lights Abraham Lincoln 1861-1865 Election of 1860-cause secession Suspended Writ of Habeas Corpus-do not need court order to put person in jail -used to stop dissent in states Copperheads-Northern Democrats who wanted peace with South Civil War-N v S Assassinated -5 days after Lee surrenders to Grant -John Wilkes Booth Sic Semper Tyrannis “thus it ever to tyrants” Created by Mrs. Kasey DelliSanti 5 Andrew Johnson 1865-1869 Civil War -power of federal gov is supreme -income tax first used -citizens drafted into service-Conscription -civil liberties suppressed -becomes President after Lincoln is assassinated Reconstruction-How are we going to put S back together Lincoln Plan-preserve Union, forgive Confederates (amnesty) -10% of state must take oath of allegiance to Union b/4 can become a state Radical Plan -Thaddeus Stevens, Sumner -Wade Davis Bill-Congress be in charge of reconstruction -harsher plan than Lincoln’s -majority of state must take oath of allegiance Reconstruction Act 1867-can override Pres. , military rule of S, protect former slaves, former Confederate leaders banned from office -Freedman’s Bureau-set up to help slaves get jobs, provide clothing, shelter -Congress passes 13th, 14th Amendments—slaves free, citizenship -15th-all male suffrage Economic Changes -growth of war related industry -N industry grew stronger -S economy is destroyed -must be rebuilt-Reconstruction Costs of War -deaths -U-360,000 -C-260,000 -1/2 mill wounded -$20 billion IN the South -Black Codes-black denied rights, grandfather clause, poll tax New Government in South -Carpetbaggers-those who moved from North to help ex slaves and teach -Scalawags-those who took advantage of S—were there to make $ Warfare Changes -new weapons -rifles -mini ball -grenades -submarine -iron clad ships -Monitor -Merrimack Johnson is Impeached -Johnson fights with Radicals -violates Tenure of Office Act 1867-fires cabinet member who sides with Radicals -is impeached but is acquitted & finishes out term U. Grant 1869-1877 War begins at Fort Sumter-1861 -Antietam-bloodiest single day of war -victory that leads to Emancipation Proclamation-freed slaves Still in rebellion (made war About slavery) -Gettysburg is turning pt. war -Sherman’s March-total war Lee surrenders to Grant at Appomattox Court House April 1865 -Union General from Civil War -15th Amendment-male suffrage -black voting Scandals -Whiskey Ring-Grant’s dishonest friends who would advice him -Credit Mobilier- construction company working on the RR had taken government profits—one of these was Grant’s Vice President -these scandals shadowed Grant’s presidency U-Anaconda Plan C-attack and invade N R. B. Hayes 1877-1881 -REPUBLICAN -ran against Democrat Votes close but Tilden won popular vote but lost electoral college (1 st time in history) -Compromise of 1877-deal is made that Hayes can be president if military is removed from S -Republicans agree and Hayes remove troops from S -END OF RECONSTRUCTION!!! South -Homerule-ability to run state gov without fed gov help -result is discrimination—black codes stricter -KKK -Jim Crow Era -segregation, Poll Tax, Grandfather Clause -Plessy v Ferguson-separate but equal -New South -from cotton to INDUSTRY -Sharecropping replaces slavery Created by Mrs. Kasey DelliSanti 6 Lives Change -13th Amendment-bans slavery --urban pop grow Many move west -many families destroyed by soldier deaths The West Native Americans American Interests -Homestead Act 1862-gave 160 acres to any person who would cultivate it for 5 years— helped settle W -Transcontinental RR-massacre of buffalo Herds -brought Chinese & Irish immigrants to help build -treaties with Indians were broken -forced onto reservations -uprising -Sand Creek Massacre -Little Big Horn-Custer’s last stand Assimilation of Native Americans -“Americanize”-be more like whites -Dawes Act-gave 160 acres -Wounded Knee-massacre of several hundred Sioux -Indian era comes to end Ranching and Mining -open range -ended because of invention of barbed wire -Boom Towns -miners would rush in -once gold depleted, Ghost Towns -Dime Novels-told tales of W Farming Inventions -deeper wells -steel plow Morrill Land Grant-gave fed money to help finance agricultural colleges -farming declines -rise of industry -urbanization -end of open range -great debts -RR rates and charges “Century of Dishonor” Helen Hunt Jackson -book written about Indians and injustice done to them Populism Farmer’s Problems Free Silver Crusade -weather-drought -nation enters recession in 1893 -falling prices -many want silver and gold standard for currency -increasing debt -would create larger money supply -dependent upon RR’s that -Greenbacks-issued based on silver and gold reserves Were charging too much -need for cheaper $ (inflation, deflation) “Raise less corn and more hell…” ~Mary Elizabeth Lease Grange -set up to stop RR abuses -Interstate Commerce Act-gov. regulates RR -pushed for currency reform Populists-political party -took place of Grange -strong support in Midwest -wanted reform -direct election senators -8 hour workday -silver standard -secret ballots -immigration control End of Populism -1896 election -WJBryan & McKinnley -“Cross of Gold” speech -Bryan stands for silver standard -McKinley is elected—ends populism J Garfield &Chester Arthur 1881-1885 -Garfield shot after 1 year in office Hayes & Arthur want reform in patronage (spoils system) Stalwart-person who was a political boss and appointed people to gov positions (used patronage to get themselves Elected) Halfbreed-name given to the Republican reformers who wanted to change the patronage system Pendleton Act -Jackson started the Spoils system -reformers at the end of the 1800’s wanted this to change -thought corrupt -Civil Service-hire those who are qualified to do gov. jobs -ppl. Had to take examination Created by Mrs. Kasey DelliSanti 7 Industrial Development Big Business (Gilded Age) US Industrial World Leader Entrepreneurs/Inventions -late 1800’s saw explosion of inventions and innovation Bessemer Process-STEEL!! (refined iron into steel) Telephone-Alexander Graham Bell Light Bulb-Thomas Edison Electric Power Typewriter Retail Stores canned food photography -US is world’s leading producer of goods: -unlimited labor force -abundant coal supply -iron mining -discovery of oil in US-Edwin Drake -RR development -high tariffs protected US business—ppl bought US stuff -laissez-faire economics -immigration supplied labor John D Rockefeller-Standard Oil Carnegie-STEEL JP Morgan-banking C Vanderbilt-Railroads James B Duke-electrical power George Westinghouse-invented airbreaks for RR Railroads -“iron horse” -better transportation of consumer goods -Transcontinental RR -standard of time—time zones -created towns throughout country -landgrants-RR gave land to people to make money so RR could be built RR Scandals -Credit Mobilier -stock fraud -strikes-Pullman strike Robber Barons Big Business Types of Big Business -corporations develop -public investment in corporations -mass market selling Disadvantages: -corruption, bribery, monopolies, destroy labor union movements Public Reaction: -Social Darwinism-survival of fittest -best businesses survive -Gospel of Wealth -Horatio Alger -rags to riches novels -inspired people Labor Working conditions -sweatshops -low wages -long hours -dangerous -child labor -mostly assembly line work -unskilled labor -people who made extreme profits by having monopolies or EX: Carnegie, Jay Gould (RR owner who practiced insider trading) Monopoly-business controls supply of product -no competition—prices high Trust-several businesses act as one -Standard Oil Merger-businesses combine Holding Company-businesses that controls other businesses as parent company Horizontal Integration-monopoly that controls all of SAME type of business EX: Oil Vertical Integration-monopoly that controls all businesses related to primary business EX: Meat industry—own cattle, slaughterhouse, RR cars, packing plants, delivery wagons -public begins to call for regulation -Sherman Anti-trust Act 1890-weak but set up precedent for getting rid of trusts and monopolies—gov. involvement Clayton Anti Trust Act 1914strenthens Sherman Anti Trust Act Workers Unite Labor Unions --tried to improve conditions for workers -used Strikes -Collective Bargaining -Arbitration -owners countered with: -Blacklists -lockouts Yellow Dog Contract -American Federation of Labor (Samuel Gompers) -only allowed skilled labor to join -made strikes good weapons for unions Created by Mrs. Kasey DelliSanti 8 Eugene v Debbs -united RR workers Pullman Coach Strike -gov. steps in Debbs is jailed -Debbs leaves prison as Socialist Haymarket Square Riot -Chicago Strike—bomb thrown at protestors -several union leaders convicted/executed -led to decrease in union activity Triangle Shirtwaist fire-led to gov. regulations such as open fire exits Immigration -more immigrants coming from Eastern Europe, Asia, Hispanic immigration Ellis Isle—Europeans Angel Isle-Asians -Chinese exclusion Act -many immigrants settled in cities Tenement houses Urban Experience (What was it like in the city?) Government Corruption -many people saw gov jobs as way to get wealthy -graft, kickbacks, fraud -leads to political machines-party comes to dominate area -offers rewards for voting for that person—helped many poor -political machine boss controlled many jobs, services -Boss Tweed and Tammany Hall -exposed by political cartoonist Thomas Nast -immigrants kept political machines in power by voting for them Urban Problems -rising crime rates -few city services -no sewer -no sanitation -fires -Jacob Riis “How the Other Half Lives” -Jane Addams---Hull House, Chicago Tammany Hall G Cleveland 1885-1889, 1893-1897 -serves 2 nonconsecutive terms Mugwumps-Cleveland supporters who supported reform issues such as patronage Hawaii-Queen is removed from throne -Cleveland strongly opposed imperialism but Hawaiian leaders would not leave the island -US wanted naval base at Pearl US Empire PPG Alaska-1867 -purchased from Russia Hawaii 1898 Philippines -become independent after WWII Puerto Rico-become territory of US -people become US citizens in 1917 Guam W. McKinley 1897-1901 Imperialism, Imperialism, Imperialism -economic and political domination of a stronger nation over a weaker one -why did we imperialize???? -DESIRE FOR NEW MARKETS -opened the door for us to trade with China -Spheres of Influence-foreign nation controls economic dev. there -Open Door Policy-all countries should be able to trade w/ China -FEELING OF SUPERIORITY -Alfred T Mahan-“Influence of Sea Power on History”—need for strong navy White Man’s Burden Spanish American War -Spanish rule Cuba -rule very harshly -Yellow Journalism-exaggerated stories written by newspapers in order to Attract readers W Randolph Hearst Joseph Pulitzer -newspapers were publishing this info about Spain in Cuba -US sends USS Maine to observe—BLOWN UP!! -George Dewey captures Philippines -Teddy Roosevelt & Rough Riders-Cuba -Jingoism-extreme nationalism -Treaty of Paris-1898 ends war Puerto Rico is part of US US buys Philippines Platt Amendment-US gets certain economic interests in Cuba—US sort of controls Cuba Boxer Rebellion-Pilipino people rebel against US presence there Open Door Policy-keep trade open with CHINA Spheres of Influence-one country has significant impact of development of another country Ex: Cuba and US Created by Mrs. Kasey DelliSanti 9 Teddy Roosevelt (Progressive President) 1901-1909 Panama Canal-US wants a shortcut through S America WH Taft (Progressive Pres.) 1909-1913 Foreign Policy Foreign Policy-Big Stick -militaristic Roosevelt Corollary to Monroe Doctrine -US will be only nation who intervenes in Latin America Big Stick-more bully-like Great White Fleet Bull Moose Party-Roosevelt’s progressive party when he decides to run for 3rd term Conservation Gifford Pinchot-appointed as Head of Forest Service -Roosevelt put millions of acres of land under federal protection Dollar Diplomacy -less emphasis on military force -helping Latin American Industry -would help US and LA Racial Discrimination at the turn of the Century -Voting Discrimination Segregation Literacy tests Jim Crow Laws--lynching Poll taxes Plessy v Ferguson Grandfather clause Booker T Washington WEB Du Bois -founded Tuskegee Institute -demanded full rights NOW! -gradual improvement was the goal -helped found NAACP -wanted blacks to be educated Turn of the Century Life Urban Technology /Inventions Entertainment -Skyscrapers -elevators -bridges -electric transit systems -baseball -boxing -vaudeville, circus -ragtime music -motion pictures (no color, no words) Wright Brothers-1st flight Education -most city children are attending school -increase in high schools -small number of students attending college -Morrill Land Grant Leisure Time Amusement Parks Coney Island Hershey Bars Coca Cola Progressive Movement at turn of the Century “We want Change!!” Reforms Continue Socialist Ideas -populists -Suffragists -Temperance Eugene Debbs -American Socialist Party Issues that needed Reform -wealth gap existed—rich and poor -lack of social services -Needed Improvements -social welfare -moral improvement -economic reform -efficiency in gov. & business Progressive Amendments 16th-income tax 17th-Direct election senators 18th-Prohibition 19th-women’s suffrage Muckrakers -wrote about things that needed to be changed Ida Tarbell-Standard Oil Upton Sinclair-meatpacking industry—led to FDA Lincoln Steffens-political machines Jacob Riis-urban problems (tenements) Helen Hunt Jackson-mistreatment of Native Americans Women’s Rights -more states granting suffrage Susan b Anthony Elizabeth Cady Stanton Lucy Stone -organized protests to gain voting rights Gov. Reforms Consumer Reforms -lets make government more efficient -Commission system -utilities should be publically owned Insurance regulations zoning laws Building codes FDA-food and drug admin. Labor Reforms Voting Reforms -initiatives referendums Direct election of senators Limits on child labor Limits women’s working hours recall Created by Mrs. Kasey DelliSanti 10 Mexican Revolution -Pancho Villa-leads group of guerrillas into US trying to get US to intervene in Mexico -John Pershing-is sent to capture Villa, does not and US withdraws from Mexico W Wilson (Progressive Pres.) 1913-1921 Clayton Anti trust Act-stronger law to keep trusts out and protect unions Moral Diplomacy -Democracy was crucial to nation’s stability and it should be promoted to keep a peaceful world Federal Reserve System -banks have to keep portion of deposits in regional banks called Federal Reserve banks -provide cushion in case of losses Fourteen Points “Make world safe 4 Democracy” -said to Congress—promote trade among countries—no secret agreements—creation of League of Nations-prevent future wars -We never joined the League— WWI Causes of WWI -nationalism -alliance system -Archduke assassination by Black Hand Alliances -Triple Alliance (Central Powers) -Germany -Austria Hungary -Ottoman Empire Triple Entente (Allies) -France -Britain -Russia -(US) -alliances cause chain reaction after assassination US Neutral -develops sympathy for Allies -begins to export war materials Submarine Warfare begins -we are Isolationists US Joins -Lusitania sinks by subwarfare -Zimmerman Telegram -letter from Germany to Mexico asking Mexico to be German ally and gain back the territory it lost at the Mexican Cession -Selective Service-all men had to register for draft -US troops called Doughboys -Russia leaves war in 1917 Treaty of Versailles -Germany had to take blame for war -Germany had to pay Reparations-$ to Allies for war damages -Germany could not have military US Senate rejects the treaty and makes Fourteen Points -felt like the League was too much entanglement into foreign affairs -it was still formed without the US -Senators were led by Henry Cabot Lodge Stalemate-no one getting anywhere -Trench Warfare no man’s land -new types of warfare -machine guns -mustard gas -airplanes -tanks W Harding 1921-1923 Normalcy-return to simpilar ways before WWI -Isolationist policy -Washington Naval Conference-proposed no more building of warships -Kellogg Briand Pact-outlawed war -new high tariff -Nativist policy—quota system established Scandals: -Tea Pot Dome-gov leased out its oil reserves to private companies for less than they were worth—embarrasses Harding -Ohio Gang-poker-playing friends—ones involved in Tea Pot Created by Mrs. Kasey DelliSanti C Coolidge 1923-1929 -pro business and preferred laissez-faire policies -“the business of America is business” 11 Things going on during Normalcy -labor unrest—workers striking-United Mine Workers Red Scare -Russian Revolution and it turning Communist Palmer raids -hunt for anyone against any form of Gov. Sacco & Vanzetti-anarchists accused of murder and executed Growth of KKK Roaring 20’s Lives of People Women --many people living in cities -Standard of Living -airlines develop -automobile Travel Suburbs -electricity -flapper-hair, dress, attitude -clash of conservative values -families change -Margaret SangerBirth control Prohibition Prosperity -growth of advertising -productivity increases -Assembly line -Installment planincreases consumption -banned alcohol -many people hated law -gov did not enforce law -Speakeasies— drinking clubs Bootleggers-sold alcohol on black market -growth of organized crime -Al Capone Science/Religion Causes of Great Depression -buying on margin --stock prices inflated -stock prices fall -Black Tuesday-stock market crash -Fundamentalism-religious movement focusing on Bible truth -Aimee Semple McPherson -Billy Sunday -Darwin-theory of evolution -Scopes Trial-teaching evolution Harlem Renaissance -literary and artistic movement -celebrated AA culture -black nationalism Marcus Garvey -overproduction of goods -too much people bought on credit -no bank regulations Langston Hughes Zora Neal Hurston Black artists -Louis Armstrong -Duke Ellington -Bessie Smith Depression Life -Rural areas -forclosure of farms -Dustbowl Social Effects -suicides -mental illness -dreams forsaken Cities -shantytowns called Hoovervilles -Breadlines -soup kitchens Family life -hardship of women -men trying to get job -health of children Created by Mrs. Kasey DelliSanti 12 People/Movies Babe Ruth Mickey Mouse Bobby Jones Charles Lindbergh-1st transAtlantic flight “Jazz Singer”-first talking movie George Gershwin-music Georgia O’Keefe-artists painted urban landscape and flowers F Scott Fitzgerald-“Great Gatsby”—criticized the crazy lifestyle of the 20’s—coined it the Jazz Age FD Roosevelt 1933-1945 How to end the Great Depression? 100Days- FDR’s first 100 days in office Congress passed lots of new legislation to end Depression -carried out reforms in banking and stock market -goal was to restore people’s confidence in banks so they would put their money back in them Fireside Chats-radio talks to public about issues concerning them such as trusting the gov and banks New Deal-Roosevelt’s many programs put in place to restore economy and put people back to work -it would be WWII that would end Depression but New Deal helped in the process Court Packing-wanted to add more Justices to Supreme Court who would pass his legislation -unconstitutional—some programs were seen as unconstitutional WWII -dies in 4th term New Deal Alphabet Soup FDIC-insured people’s money in banks National Recovery Administration-established codes of fair competition SEC-securities and exchange commission -supervised stock market & put regulations in place Social Security Act-retired pensions, aids ppl w/ disabilities Agricultural Adjustment Administration-paid farmers to kill crops to raise crop prices Works Progress Administration-employed artists Musicians, actors, historians TVA-Tennessee Valley Authority -built plants and dams in S trying to bring more industry there National Labor Relations Act (Wagoner Act)-right to Unionize—anti-union practices banned PWA-created jobs on gov projects Bank Holidays-banks closed until found stable enough to reopen CWA-provided work in federal jobs Culture During New Deal New Deal Critics Father Charles Couphlin-heavy taxes on rich to provide income for poor Huey Long-level income, home and college for all Francis Townsend-proposed income for elderly Many artists showed reality of Depression Grant Wood -American Gothic John Steinbeck Grapes of Wrath Marx Brothers “Gone with Wind” “Wizard of Oz” “Snow White and Seven Dwarfs” -soap operas -variety shows and plays Beginnings of WWII Pre War Foreign Policy -US focused on domestic issues -extreme antiwar feelings—we do not want another war like WWI -Neutrality Acts-forbids arms sales to warring countries Rise of Dictators Japanese Aggression -Manchuria -China -Emperor Hirohito-Tojo Italy -Fascism -Mussolini Germany -suffering from Depression -Hitler—3rd Reich Russia -Communism -Stalin Created by Mrs. Kasey DelliSanti 13 Appeasement -give Hitler what he wants to avoid war -Germany rebuilds its military -wants part of Czechoslovakia -demanded port in Poland -Britain and France realize appeasement will not avoid war because Hitler would continue demanding WWII Begins Hitler invades Poland in 1939 Axis Powers Germany Italy Allied Powers Britain France Russia (after Hitler breaks non aggression treaty) US will join Allies Japanese invade China in 37 Germany annexes Austria in 38 Germany takes Czechoslovakia in 38 Germany invades Poland in 39 -France & England declare war -Germany takes France -Hitler invades Russia—war is now on 2 fronts for Hitler Blitzkrieg -lightening warfare—German practice—heavy use of aircraft/machinery -quick victory in Poland -Luftwaffe begin bombing Britain -RAF defends Britain US Enters WWII War in Europe Cash and Carry-pay cash and you pick up your stuff and we will lend you supplies Lend Lease-help supply Allies—Arsenal of Democracy -US has embargo on Japan for actions of aggression in the Pacific— trying to get Pacific Islands -US gets warning of possible Japanese attack -Dec. 7, 1941 Pearl Harbor is attacked -US declares war on Japan and Germany & Italy declare War on US Selective Service -draft process -GI’s went to basic training for 8 weeks -Women’s Auxiliary Corps-volunteered to be receptionists, typers -minorities served in segregated units -Tuskegee Airmen Homefront War Production Board-industries retooled to make war supplies EX: car industry made planes and tanks Scientists-Manhattan Project-make atomic bomb -Rosie the Riveter -propaganda with newsreels of war -FDR & Churchill meet—Germany is priority Battle of Atlantic—convoy system -Russian winter stops German troops Germany is defeated at Stalingrad Africa/Italy -British and American troops invade N Africa to fight against Germany’s African Corp—led by Erwin Rommel -US led by Patton there -Defeat Germany DDay -Operation Overlord -planned by Eisenhower -paratroopers invade behind enemy lines at Normandy France -France liberated from Germany control Battle of Bulge -last German counter-offensive -Germany is now in retreat -massive bombings of German cities -Roosevelt wins 4th term with Truman as VP -Soviet armies push into Germany from east VE Day (Victory in Europe Day) -Big 3 continue to end war -death camps found and Holocaust is revealed -Roosevelt dies and Truman becomes Pres -Hitler commits suicide as Russia invades Berlin -German surrender May 5, 1945 Products Rationed War Bonds sold to give gov money Japanese Internment- War in Pacific -Japanese victories in Pacific -MacArthur retreats from Philippines -US bombs Tokyo -Battle of Midway-Admiral Nimitz ` lots damage done to Japanese Navy -Island Hopping-Japanese defended islands with Kamikaze -Iwo Jima-Okinawa—these 2 warned how much death an invasion of Japan would cost US Manhattan Project-led by Oppenheimer—scientists urged gov not to use Atomic bomb Truman decides to drop bomb on Hiroshima & Nagasaki (VJ Day) August 1945 Holocaust -Germany has anti-Jewish sentiment -Hitler blames Jews for problems in Germany -Nuremburg Laws-took away civil rights to Jews (star of David must be worn) -Kristallnacht-destruction of Jewish property Final Solution -rid Europe of all Jews -concentration camps set up in Eastern Europe -either gassed or worked in labor camps -Auschwitz -Eli Wiesel “Night” Created by Mrs. Kasey DelliSanti 14 Rebuilding World United Nations formed Cold War Potsdam & Yalta-division of Germany into 4 sections Nuremburg Trials-Nazi’s charged of war crimes (Holocaust) -General MacArthur-reforms Japan’s economy -establishes Democracy -Constitution still exists E Germany/E Berlin-Communist W Germany/W Berlin-Democrac Truman 1945-1953 GI Bill-gave loans to veterans to help them start business, buy homes, go to college -Integrates the military Levittown-lots of soldiers buying homes—started making homes on assembly line, looked exactly the same—Suburbia (cookie-cutter) Taft Hartly Act-outlawed closed shop (forcing business owners to hire only union members)—trying to get more people jobs after war Truman Doctrine-give aid to any nation that needs it to prevent communism from spreading Marshall Plan-Europe destroyed by war—devastation made communism more promising—recovery for Europe—it worked Berlin Airlift NATO-partner with Europe Warsaw Pact –Soviets and satellite countries Fear of Communism Alger Hiss & Rosenbergs- accused spies from Soviet Union Joseph McCarthy goes on witch hunts to find communists Senate investigations Army hearings House of UnAmerican Activities Committee-find people in gov who communists -Blacklisting actors and actresses -Hollywood Ten -GOAL-to stop spread of communism CONTAINMENT -Soviet Union is Communist—we are in a cold war (no fighting) with Soviet Union from 1945-1989 -we are competing in an ARMS race Iron Curtain-Winston Churchill’s reference to Western Europe and US separated from Soviet Union Germany split into 4 zones -France, Britain, and US combine zones -Berlin is in Soviet territory -Berlin Airlift-Soviets cut off supply routes into Berlin --Big 3 must air drop food and supplies to West Berlin -Atomic bomb tested in USSR (scares US) -Communism spreads to China -containment is not working Korean War (1950-53) -Korea split along 38th parallel -N invades S Korea -US enters to save S -MacArthur (WWII pacific guy) -China enters on N Korean side -MacArthur wants to attack China—Truman fires -war ends in 53 along 38th Parallel Space Race -57-USSR develops ICBM’s -57 USSR Sputnik US creates NASA Vietnam -Ho Chi Minh-N Vietnam Communist Diem in S-not communist—naturally US sides with S Eisenhower 1953-1961 -Westmoreland -Vietcong use guerilla tactics -trenches, blended in with civilians -US Search and Destroy -Napalm, Agent Orange -Tet Offensive-major attack by Vietcong on their holiday -public opinion turns Brinkmanship-go to brink of war for other side to back down -Massive Retaliation-use nucs to -bomb shelters built -“duck and cover” Sputnik -1st artificial satellite to orbit earth Protests -Hawks Doves -why are we fighting this war? -Students for Democratic Society -war is televised -hear about My Lai Massacre-hear about Cambodia (seems we are spreading war) -Kent State Suez Crisis-US going to help Egypt build damn—US finds out Egypt had gotten missiles from Communist Czechoslovakia—Britain & France invade Suez—Soviets threaten to rocket attack -brink of war U-2 Incident -US send spy plane over Soviet Union -Soviets detect and shoot down -escalate Cold War -US leaves in 1973 -Saigon in S Vietnam falls in 1975-Communism spreads National Highway Act—built highways—cars, cars, cars -Castro takes over Cuba Kennedy 1961-1963 Berlin Wall built—split east and west Berlin(symbol of communism) Bay of Pigs-Castro is Communist (SO CLOSE TO HOME)—attack and failure—Cuba turns to USSR for aid -Cuban Missile Crisis-USSR places missiles in Cuba—brink of war New Frontier-help poor, Peace Corps, education, civil rights -assassinated Nov 22, 1963—Lee Harvey Oswald -LBJ takes over Created by Mrs. Kasey DelliSanti 15 R Nixon 1969-1974 LB Johnson 1963-1969 Vietnam -Gulf of Tonkin Resolution-Congress permission to take any necessary measure to prevent aggression against US -US ship attacked -Operation Rolling Thunder-bomb Vietnam -Protest-Hawks v Doves -opposition to draft -felt working man’s war—privileged went to college and protested war 1968: -Tet Offensive -Martin Luther King is assassinated -Robert Kennedy assassinated -clash between protestors at Democratic National Convention -helps Nixon win presidency Domestic Policy/Civil Rights Great Society-continuation of Kennedy’s New Frontier Medicare/Medicaid-healthcare for elderly and poor Head Start -HUD-Housing and Urban Development Act VISTA (volunteers in service to America)-a peace corps in America Voting Rights Act of 1965-ensured AA right to vote Civil Rights Movement 14th & 15th Amendments ignored Jim Crow Segregation-Plessy v Ferguson (1896) Vietnam Vietnamization-pull US troops out but train Vietnamese troops to do most of ground fighting with US air support -Spreads war into Cambodia and Laos-try to stop Vietcong supply lines -meets lots of opposition by protestors—seemed he was spreading war My Lai Massacre-US troops slaughter women, elderly, children -spurs tons of protest -Kent State Pentagon Papers-classified documents Nixon wanted to keep secret –documented actions of presidents during Vietnam acting without Congressional approval -War Ends: -US leaves in 73 -Saigon in S falls and turns Communist -War Powers Act-limited ability of President to wage war Domestic Policy New Federalism-decrease size fed gov Civil Rights -integrate in S Swann v Charlotte Meck-busing Cold War -Détente-easing tensions with other countries -visits China -visits Soviet Union SALT Treaty-limit arms that each produce Economy -Stagflation-dilemma Nixon faced with rising prices (inflation) and economic stagnation (stagnant) Environment EPA-set and enforce pollution standards, Research environment Clean Air Act-set standards for clean air -limit pesticide use & strip mining Scandal Watergate-Nixon’s plan to break into Watergate hotel and steal campaign information from Democrats -burglars talked—Nixon accused and hands over tapes of his conversations—Impeached & Resigns Times start to Change: -WWII exposed racism -Truman integrates military Jackie Robinson Brown v Board (1954)-ends segregation Resistance Begins: -Rosa Parks-fights bus segregation -Martin Luther King-bus boycotts -believed in nonviolent resistance (Thoreau, Ghandi) -Little Rock 9-gov orders national guard to stop black students—Eisenhower uses federal troops to integrate -Greensboro sit-in -SNCC (student non violent coordinating committee)-organized sit-ins (college students) -Birmingham is an example of resistance -police use dogs -Kennedy supports integration there Civil Rights Act 1964-ends segregation in public places Freedom Summer-signing up students to vote—Voting Rights Act 1965 New type of Movement: Malcolm X-more violent than King—self defense Black Panthers-radical agenda accepted violence as means of getting equal rights 50’s Culture Car Culture -post war boom -growth of suburbs -most new homes here -cookie cutters -Baby Boom -Interstate Hwys. TV/Movies/Radio -movies had color, stereo sound -Lucille Ball -spurred other industryrefrigerators, frozen dinners -women often appear as perfect homemakers -few minorities seen -ideal America South Africa (you could get question on this) -Apartheid-divided S Africa into 4 segregated racial groups -whites, blacks, coloreds of mixed race, and Asians -COULD BE COMPARED TO JIM CROW Nelson Mandela-anti apartheid leader elected in 1st elections Music -Elvis -reaction to rock music Beatniks -social & literary movement -non material lifestyle -hippies would come of this -clashed with reg. America Women -boredom, wanted fulfillment Betty Friedan “Feminist -many working women paid less than men Mystique” Created by Mrs. Kasey DelliSanti 16 Social Change of 60’s & 70’s Counterculture Women’s Movement -non conformists -Hippies-rock, radical appearance, drugs, communal living, eastern religions -many protested Vietnam war -sexual revolution Pop art -Andy Warhol Rock music -Beatles -Woodstock -feminism -equality w/ men -Betty Freidan -book called women To look at lives for True happiness -sparked women’s liberation movement NOW-equal employment opportunity Roe v Wade-legal abortion ERA-equal rights amendment proposed—ended up no passing Latino/Native Americans -increase in Latino pop -Cesar Chavez-fight for better education & pol power American Indian Movement-won tribal lands back—more control over Indian affairs Environmentalist Movement Rachel Carson Silent Spring EPA, Earth Day Love Canal, 3-Mile Island R Reagan 1981-1989 (New Wave of Conservatives) G Ford 1974-1977 -pardon Nixon -economy still in turmoil -OPEC-raised oil prices extremely high in 73 WIN-Whip Inflation Now -cut back on oil consumption—conserve -Stagflation J Carter 1977-1981 Camp David Accords-peace agreement between leaders of Egypt and Israel—gave hopes of peace in Middle East Iran Hostage Crisis-US had supported Shah of Iran -rebels in Iran hated him -Shah forced to flea -rebels go to US embassy in Iran and took 52 US Hostages -when Carter left office, hostages released Human Rights Policy -give Panama Canal up -Camp David Accords -trying to promote world peace GHW Bush 1989-1993 -less federal government -appoint conservative Justices (Sandra Day O’Connor) -VP is GHW Bush Reaganomics (Trickle Down-trickle down from rich to poor) -cut gov spending -lower taxes -Supply Side Economics-lower taxes to get more supply, lower prices, more people will buy -more military spending -Star Wars-develop weapons that could intercept And destroy incoming missiles Strategic Defense Initiative Challenger -shuttle carrying teacher explodes as it takes off -Persian Gulf War -Operation Dessert Shield &Storm -Saddam Hussein -keep Iraq from gaining too much control over oil reserves Bill Clinton 1993-2001 NAFTA signed Impeachment -personal scandal -allegations of perjury -impeachment—found innocent Texas v Johnson-cannot stop flag burning—violates 1st Amendment GW Bush elected in 2001 Iran Contra Scandal -give weapons to Nicaragua (Congress had prohibited this)— Contras of Nicaragua would sell weapons to Iran in exchange for releasing hostages George W Bush 2001-2008 Soviet Union Falls -Gorbachev in charge -Glasnost and Perestroika-openness -Berlin Wall destroyed 1989 -Soviet territories separate No Child Left Behind War on Terrorism World Events to Remember Aparteid-S Africa; separate races -like Jim Crow Era in US -Nelson Mendela-Anti Aparteid leader Palestinian/Israeli Conflict -Yassar Arafat-leader of PLO Created by Mrs. Kasey DelliSanti 17 US History Important People Alexander Hamilton Thomas Jefferson Tecumseh Charles Grandson Finney Harriet Tubman John Quincy Adams Andrew Jackson William Lloyd Garrison Sojourner Truth John Brown John Marshall Henry Clay Frederick Douglas Elizabeth Cady Stanton/S B Anthony, Lucretia Mott Jefferson Davis John C Calhoun Lewis and Clark Dorthea Dix Hudson River School Abraham Lincoln Robert E Lee Ulysses S Grant Henry David Thoreau Ralph Waldo Emerson George McClellan Thaddeus Stevens George Custer (7th Calvary) Andrew Carnegie Vanderbilt Rockefeller JP Morgan Frederick Jackson Turner Queen Lili William Seward Alfred T Mahan Rough Riders Ida Tarbell Lincoln Steffens Upton Sinclair Frank Norris Jacob Riis Carrie Nation Ida B Wells Robert La Follette Marcus Garvey Henry Ford WEB Du Bois Booker T Washington Archduke Franz Ferdinand Jeanette Rankin John J Pershing Nathaniel Hawthorne Alex De Tocqueville Herman Melville Mark Twain John Steinbeck Cyrus McCormick/John Deere Robert Fulton Peter Cooper Alexander Graham Bell Thomas Edison Sumner/Brooks Stephen Douglas Cold War Presidents 1945-1991 Vietnam War Presidents 1954-1975 WWI Allied Powers WWI Central Powers WWII Allied Powers WWII Axis Powers Eugene V Debs Samuel Gompers John Jay Charles Pickney Marbury v Madison 1803 Schneck v US 1919 Northern Securities v US 1904 Plessy v Ferguson 1896 Brown v Board 1954 Swann v Charlotte Mecklenburg 1971 Texas v Johnson 1989 Worchester v Georgia 1832 Roe v Wade 1973 Sherman Anti Trust Act 1890 Clayton Anti Trust Act 1914 Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) 1887 Robert Fulton Freedman’s Bureau Carpetbaggers Scalawags Stalwart Halfbreed Charles Lindbergh Santa Anna Morill Land Grant Act 1862 Homestead Act 1862 Pendleton Civil Service Act 1883 Kansas Nebraska Act 1854 GI Bill of Rights 1944 Equal Rights Amendment 1972 No Child Left Behind (NCLB) 2001 Dawes Act 1877 War Powers Act 1973 Henry Cabot Lodge Woodrow Wilson A Mitchell Palmer Sacco & Vanzetti John T Scopes Albert Fall Langston Hughes Louis Armstrong F Scott Fitzgerald Aimee Semple Mcpherson/Billy Sunday Margaret Sanger FDR John Maynard Keynes Dr Francis Townsend Huey Long Frances Perkins Douglas McArthur George Patton Oppenheimer Fidel Castro George Marshall Alger Hiss/Rosenbergs Joseph McCarthy Stokely Carmichael (SNCC) James Meredith Thurgood Marshall Earl Warren Gloria Stenem Phyllis Schlafly Cesar Chavez Neil Armstrong John Glen Betty Friedan Rachel Carson Harriet Beecher Stowe Ho Chi Minh William Westmoreland Yasser Arafat OPEC Shah of Iran Ayatollah Khomeini Nelson Mandela Colin Powell Mikhail Gorbachev Saddam Hussein Sandra Day O’Connor Geraldine Ferraro Dee Brown Helen Hunt Jackson James Fennimore Cooper Edgar Allen Poe Created by Mrs. Kasey DelliSanti 18 Created by Mrs. Kasey DelliSanti 19