Creating the Village: Strategies for Engaging All Stakeholders in the Educational Process DOE: SCR 179349 Brandman: EDDU 9232 Wifi:110JM$gu3$t CREATING THE VILLAGE Today’s goal is very simple. We will go through the Portfolio page by page to make sure you are clear on everything that is required and you are on track to turn it in on June 18th. CREATING THE VILLAGE Do not leave here today with any unanswered questions about the Portfolio! CREATING THE VILLAGE Before we start that process, we want to review the overall goal of the class and talk about the Portfolio in general. CREATING THE VILLAGE The goal of this class is to help you create the village you need by identifying, connecting with and partnering with the various village members (stakeholders) in the your school, community, Island and State to provide your students with the best education possible. CREATING THE VILLAGE We talked about how the natural village isn’t as strong as it once was and how you have to work to build that village today to help your students. So this class is about building relationships with the different stakeholders in the village and maintaining those relationships. CREATING THE VILLAGE Other thoughts on the Portfolio. 1. We are very proud of the fact that we have had only a couple of Portfolios rejected by the PDE3 office in all the years we have been teaching. CREATING THE VILLAGE We are very clear with the PDE3 office about what we will require in the Portfolio and hopefully very clear with you as well. If you answer the questions posed in each section and provide the evidence we ask for, your Portfolio will be approved. CREATING THE VILLAGE 2. We recommend you type your answers for the Portfolio. We say this for a couple of reasons. -We’ve had Portfolios rejected because the reviewer couldn’t read the answers. -It looks much more professional. CREATING THE VILLAGE -People seem to put a little more thought into answers they type up. Not sure why, but it seems to make a difference. CREATING THE VILLAGE 3. Put some thought into your answers. No one word or short phrase answers. The purpose of the Portfolio is not only to meet the requirements for credit, but to make you a better educator! CREATING THE VILLAGE What the PDE3 office is looking for is that you took actions to improve student performance by building relationships with different stakeholders. That you had a rationale for those actions. And provide evidence of the actions you took. CREATING THE VILLAGE Not all of your actions will produce positive results. As with all things in life, we sometimes can learn more from our failures than our successes. The important point is that you reflected upon it. CREATING THE VILLAGE You understood why it worked or didn’t work and can then continue with the actions that were successful and change those that weren’t. CREATING THE VILLAGE Bottom line for us is…did the information we presented help you become a more effective teacher by partnering with the various stakeholders in your community? CREATING THE VILLAGE 4. This course is a bit different than ones we have taught in the past. CREATING THE VILLAGE We usually ask you to collect evidence from your students in your class for the Portfolio. In this class, we are asking you to collect evidence of the work you will do in building and maintaining relationships with the different stakeholders. CREATING THE VILLAGE Because of that, we encourage you to work with other educators in your school in completing the Portfolio. You will each still need to turn in a separate Portfolio, but please share the information you gather related to the different stakeholders. CREATING THE VILLAGE Please bring out your Portfolios and turn to page #2. CREATING THE VILLAGE STAKEHOLDER GROUPS 1. ____________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Leader: _______________________________________________________________ 2. ____________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Leader: _______________________________________________________________ 3. ____________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Leader: _______________________________________________________________ 4. ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________ __________________________________________________ Leader: _______________________________________________________________ 5. ____________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ ____________ Leader: _______________________________________________________________ 6. ____________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Leader: _______________________________________________________________ CREATING THE VILLAGE PORTFOLIO Page 2 We want you to have identified at least 6 different stakeholders and the leaders of that stakeholder group. We sent out a spreadsheet with 329 different stakeholder groups. CREATING THE VILLAGE That list is on Joe’s website: Click on Hawaii classes, Portfolios and you will find it under the Creating a Village class. CREATING THE VILLAGE As you look at your list of stakeholders, think of how partnering with them can help your students. Some provide direct help to your students and other’s help is indirect. CREATING THE VILLAGE By this we mean, a business which can provide tutoring is an example of direct academic help to your students. Or a foundation that provides scholarships that motives your students to work harder. CREATING THE VILLAGE Indirect help are things such as the work that was supposed to be done in the cafeteria here at Jarrett. It was to have provided the students with a better environment and those type of things impact student performance as well. CREATING THE VILLAGE Another example is partnering with an agency that helps finds adults employment. A student has a much better chance of being successful coming from a home where their parent/s are employed. Both from an economic and psychological view. CREATING THE VILLAGE So how can stakeholders help? CREATING THE VILLAGE The Students… -Basic needs Clothes Food Medical care School supplies Housing CREATING THE VILLAGE The Students… -Educational needs Tutoring Guidance Motivation (awards programs) Books Role models Internships Jobs CREATING THE VILLAGE The Parents… -Financial Food Clothing Housing Job training CREATING THE VILLAGE The Parents… -Support Parenting skills Educational tips Materials Counseling CREATING THE VILLAGE You… -Support Financial Behavioral Motivation Expertise CREATING THE VILLAGE The School… -Support Financial (grants) Motivation (recognition programs) Repairs or clean up CREATING THE VILLAGE Sometimes there is not a specific leader of the group. For example if you have “parents” as a stakeholder. If the stakeholder is a business, you can identify the owner of the business or the manager you are communicating with. CREATING THE VILLAGE If there is no specific leader, simply write: “No single leader of this group.” CREATING THE VILLAGE Remember, the PDE3 did not want you to use any other staff in your building as a stakeholder. Also, you can use only one stakeholder from the DOE…such as the Math specialist at the district office. CREATING THE VILLAGE We want you to think outside the box in developing relationships with new stakeholder groups that can help you. CREATING THE VILLAGE At your tables, share the 6 stakeholder groups you identified. I will be walking around and if you have any questions, please let me know. CREATING THE VILLAGE Turn to page #3 in Portfolio. We are asking you to examine in detail 4 of the 6 stakeholders you identified in question #1. CREATING THE VILLAGE STAKEHOLDER GROUP #1 Stakeholder group: ______________________________________________________ A. Goals of the group: ___________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ B. Resources of the group: _______________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ ____________________ C. Contributions: _______________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ D. Communication: _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Partnerships: __________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ ___________________________ __________________________________________ CREATING THE VILLAGE PORTFOLIO Page 3 CREATING THE VILLAGE Name the stakeholder group or individual you are assessing. A. Identify the goals of the stakeholder. B. Resources of the stakeholder. C. Contributions they can make. D. Communication E. Partnerships CREATING THE VILLAGE A. Goals of the stakeholder… Every individual and group has an agenda or goal. Sometimes it is a very open agenda, sometimes it is a bit hidden. This is not bad…it is simply the reality of the world. CREATING THE VILLAGE The idea is that the more you know about the goal or agenda of a stakeholder, the easier it is to help them meet their needs while staying in line with the needs of your students. It is always a good thing to help another individual meet their needs. CREATING THE VILLAGE B. What are the resources of the stakeholder group. -Money, supplies, scholarships -Expertise…Speakers, information -Man power…labor, tutors -Internships -Jobs -Shadowing programs CREATING THE VILLAGE -Help for parents…housing, food, clothes, legal, counseling, education, medical, etc. -Advertising school events -Equipment…for carnival, play, sporting event, music (getting Imua to play at your school event) etc. CREATING THE VILLAGE Knowing this helps you address… C. Contributions…so what can this group do for you, your students or the school? -Provide a speaker -Provide a tutor -Help with set design for a play -Be a Big Brother or Sister CREATING THE VILLAGE -Transportation…pay for a bus for example -Provide school supplies -Provide help for the parents, food, legal aid, clothes, housing, guidance -Jobs for the students -Motivation through rewards and recognitions CREATING THE VILLAGE -Help with community events -Food for back to school night or teacher in-service. -Guidance in getting a job, applying for college, etc. -Help with a fundraiser -Provide recognition of your staff, students or school CREATING THE VILLAGE D. Communication How do you communicate with the group? Is this done by the administration, you or someone else in the school. Who is the point person for the stakeholder group and who is the point person from your school? CREATING THE VILLAGE How do you communicate after they have helped? How do you keep them in the loop? CREATING THE VILLAGE D. Partnerships Identify the specific activities and events they can help you with. CREATING THE VILLAGE Think of it in this way. Contributions is what they could do. Partnerships is what they are specifically going to do. CREATING THE VILLAGE So for C. Contributions…You could state that this stakeholder group has a number of individuals with expertise in a particular field. In Partnerships…You would say that you are bringing someone from the group in to speak to your class. Or that the group will be providing tutors once a week for your students. CREATING THE VILLAGE While there is a difference between building a relationship and maintaining one, some of the actions you take are the same. CREATING THE VILLAGE Techniques for building and maintaining relationships. 1. Initiating…someone has to be the first to reach out to the other person, business or organization. CREATING THE VILLAGE Actions you can take… 1. Contacting the other person, business, organization, department, etc. to explore ways of working together. Evidence you can provide…email, letter, text of phone call, CREATING THE VILLAGE 2. Contact a person, group, business with a specific idea of working together. Evidence…letter, email or just a copy of the plan you gave them CREATING THE VILLAGE 3. Invite them into the school. No agenda other than having them see what you are doing and understanding what is going on in their community. CREATING THE VILLAGE Evidence could be the how you invited them or pictures of the event itself. Evaluation could be around the number of parents who participated. CREATING THE VILLAGE The same is true for people at the district level. Don’t complain that they don’t know what’s going on at the school level. Invite them in and show them. Evidence…email, letter, etc. CREATING THE VILLAGE Evidence for building… Letters or emails inviting them into your classroom. Evidence for maintaining… Thank you letters or emails, pictures of the kids working on things they recommended. CREATING THE VILLAGE 4. Acknowledgement/Recognition We all appreciate being recognized for the things we do. Think of it in terms of doing something extra for the school. Working on some after school project for example. CREATING THE VILLAGE Building…working with a stakeholder in creating a recognition program for your students. Maintaining…info about it in your school newsletter, weekly letter to parents, thank you on outside billboard CREATING THE VILLAGE Evidence… -Thank you letters you write -Thank you letters your students write -Pictures and articles in your school newspaper or newsletter about what the person, group, etc. did. Pictures on a bulletin board at school CREATING THE VILLAGE -How the students are using the supplies you provided. -How much better the school grounds look after their business spent a Saturday morning cleaning up. -How many backpacks you have given out to needy kids. CREATING THE VILLAGE 5. Communication -Relationships require effective twoway communication. Don’t just communicate when you need something. CREATING THE VILLAGE Evidence could be copies of the communications you had with the stakeholder. ”Just to keep you in the loop” type communications CREATING THE VILLAGE 6. Partnerships People like to feel that they are part of something. That they are part of a team helping and making a difference. CREATING THE VILLAGE So when you ask the person, group, etc. to help, understand you have to let go of the process a bit. You can’t control it all or it is not a partnership. Don’t give the illusion of control. CREATING THE VILLAGE Examples… -A school carnival…what part can they be in charge of. -A tour of their business…they determine what to show you CREATING THE VILLAGE Make sure that each party has some power or control in the relationship. That what they think or want matters and is important. CREATING THE VILLAGE 7. Clarity… In every relationship there are boundaries that have to be respected. CREATING THE VILLAGE So be clear about your boundaries… What the stakeholder can and can’t do. They don’t always see things from a school or legal perspective. For example, taking pictures of students. CREATING THE VILLAGE Don’t get them excited and then have to tell them “no” you can’t do this or that. Make sure on the front end they know what they can and can’t do. CREATING THE VILLAGE So your action could be to have a letter or form that outlines what is acceptable and what is not. This can be given and discussed with the stakeholder on the front end. This prevents issues coming up later. CREATING THE VILLAGE 8. Follow through… Simply doing what you say you are going to do! This builds trust and confidence in the other person or group. The foundation of every healthy relationship. CREATING THE VILLAGE Trust is one of those things that is hard to gain and very easy to lose. We could be honest with you 90% of the time …not a bad percentage. But you would tend to focus on the 10% we’re not. CREATING THE VILLAGE Make sure when you work with stakeholders you remember the adage… “Under promise and over deliver.” This means…if you think you can get an answer to a question they have in the next hour. CREATING THE VILLAGE Tell them you’ll get back to them in two hours. When you call back in one hour, you look like an all-star. CREATING THE VILLAGE So always make sure you follow through with any commitments you make. Become the person in the relationship who always keeps their word. CREATING THE VILLAGE Turn to page #7 in your Portfolios. CREATING THE VILLAGE BUILDING RELATIONSHIPS ACTION #1 A. Stakeholder group: ____________________________________________________ B. Mutual benefit: ____________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ C. Action taken: _____________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ D. Evaluation: _______________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ CREATING THE VILLAGE CREATING THE VILLAGE PORTFOLIO Page 7 We are asking in question #3 for you to take 5 actions to build relationships with the different stakeholders. You do not have to do 5 different stakeholders. You can do two actions for one stakeholder…for example. CREATING THE VILLAGE -2 actions to build relationships with parents -1 action to build a relationship with a business in your community -1 action to build a relationship with department in the DOE -1 action to build a relationship with a service organization in your community. CREATING THE VILLAGE Or… you might to do 2 with parents, 2 with businesses in the community and 1 with a service organization. The combination is up to you based upon the stakeholders in your community and the needs of your students. CREATING THE VILLAGE Let’s say that your action is building a relationship with the newspaper and ask them to send out a reporter to talk to your English or Journalism class. It would look something like this. CREATING THE VILLAGE A. Identify the stakeholder group… The business, person, group, district office, etc. Star Advertiser CREATING THE VILLAGE B. How was the partnership you created with them a mutual benefit. My students will benefit by learning about writing/journalism from someone in the field. The reporter has a chance to give back to the community and also the Star Advertiser benefits from the exposure of having one of their reporters in front of a group of students promoting the newspaper. CREATING THE VILLAGE C. Action taken…this involves what you did to either build or maintain a relationship with the Star Advertiser. There are a number of actions you could take after the reporter comes out to speak. 1. Have your students send a thank you to the newspaper. CREATING THE VILLAGE 2. Have your students write an article about what they learned and put in it the school paper. 3. Post something about it on the school’s website. 4. Include something about it in a newsletter. 5. Post something on sign outside the building. CREATING THE VILLAGE D. Evaluation… Was it effective? You can look at this from a couple of different angles. 1) Did the newspaper respond back? Did they offer to work with you in another way? Did they put something in their paper about coming to your school. CREATING THE VILLAGE 2) Did your students get some benefit from the speaker’s presentation? Did some of them get more excited about their writing? Did they write some good thank you notes? CREATING THE VILLAGE For the Star Advertiser agenda of promotion… -Pictures you took and sent to the newspaper -An article about the speaker in your school newsletter -An article in the school paper -Something about it on the school marque. CREATING THE VILLAGE Turn to page #8 in your Portfolios. CREATING THE VILLAGE BUILDING RELATIONSHIPS ACTION #1 CAPTION Behind this page, place your piece of evidence: Please answer the following “Caption” questions: What are these documents? ___________________________________________ _____ ____________________________________ __________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ________________ Why is this evidence? ____________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ________________ What is this evidence of? _________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ________________ CREATING THE VILLAGE PORTFOLIO Page 8 There is a mistake on this page. The first question should read… “What is this document?” CREATING THE VILLAGE You are to provide one single piece of evidence for each of the 5 actions to build relationships and the 5 actions to maintain relationships for a total of 10 pieces of evidence. CREATING THE VILLAGE You are putting a single piece of evidence related to your action for building relationships behind pages #8, 10, 12, 14 & 16. You are putting a single piece of evidence related to your action for maintaining relationships behind pages #18, 20, 22, 24 & 26. CREATING THE VILLAGE Place that evidence behind page #8 and answer the Caption questions on page #7. CREATING THE VILLAGE For example… Your piece of evidence is a picture of a “Student Recognition” promotion the ABC business in your community is running. CREATING THE VILLAGE CREATING THE VILLAGE The caption would read as follows… What is this document? A picture of 5 students receiving an award from ABC business in our community. CREATING THE VILLAGE Why is this evidence? This is evidence because it shows how a business in the community can impact student performance. CREATING THE VILLAGE What is this evidence of? This is evidence of the partnership that the school has with ABC to promote student achievement and the students who worked hard to receive this award. CREATING THE VILLAGE Turn to page #27 in your Portfolios. CREATING THE VILLAGE REFLECTIONS A. What did you learn about the various stakeholder groups related to their ability to help in the educational of your students? ______________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________ _____________________________ ______________________________________________________ ________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ________________ B. What challenges did you encounter in engaging each of the various stakeholders? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________ ______________________________________________________ ________________ CREATING THE VILLAGE PORTFOLIO Page 27 We want you to answer the 4 Reflection questions on pages #27 and #28. Please be aware that page 27 was printed twice, and that there is a “real” pg 28. You need to go to Joe’s website and download pg 28. He also sent it to everyone on his e-mail list. CREATING THE VILLAGE Again, please spend some time and effort on answering these questions. Not only for the PDE3 office, but for your learning as well. CREATING THE VILLAGE We are very excited about our summer schedule of classes. They are now posted on the PDE3 website and you can register for them online. CREATING THE VILLAGE Bringing Excitement to the Classroom: Understanding What Motivates and Engages Today's Students Course #: IS 179666 Dates: June 15, 16, 17, 2015 October 3, 2015 November 17, 2015 CREATING THE VILLAGE Creating Responsible Learners: Strategies for Teaching Students to Take Control of Their Education Course #: IS 179666 Dates: June 22, 23, 24, 2015 October 10, 2015 November 19, 2015 CREATING THE VILLAGE The Portfolios are due June 18th. We will be here at Jarrett in my room, D-2 from 9:00 am to 3:00 for you to drop them off. Other options for turning in your Portfolio include. CREATING THE VILLAGE Bringing it to the class we will be teaching on June 15, 16, & 17 at the Pearl City High School Cultural Center. You can turn it in there from 9:001:00 pm on any of those 3 days. CREATING THE VILLAGE If you are going to turn your Portfolio in electronically, you can do that at any time before June 18th. Send it to: CREATING THE VILLAGE If you are having trouble completing the Portfolio, please contact Joe as soon as possible. Since all the credit for the class has to be turned in at the same time, if you are late in finishing your Portfolio, you are holding up the credit of everyone in the class. CREATING THE VILLAGE If you can’t complete it for any reason, you won’t lose you money as you can use the credit for any future class we teach. All we require is you e-mailing Joe and myself and letting us know that you’ll be applying the tuition of this class to a future class. The e-mail will provide proof along with our data base of tuition payments. CREATING THE VILLAGE I will stay as long as you need me today to answer any questions you might have. Mahalo for your commitment to professional development and supporting our classes. CREATING THE VILLAGE