Freedom of the City of Newcastle conferred on those who

City & County
of Newcastle-upon-Tyne.
Roll of
Honorary Freemen of the City.
in the South African War.
-------------------------------------------------------Volume 1 Page 1
City and County of Newcastle-upon-Tyne.
Roll of Honorary Freemen Of The City admitted
in recognition of their Loyalty and Devotion
to the Throne and Empire in gallantly
Volunteering and Serving with the British
Army in the War in South Africa, and who
at the time of so volunteering resided in
Newcastle-upon-Tyne or were enrolled on the
Citizen Roll of Newcastle-upon-Tyne.
Council Meeting, 7th August 1901.
It was Resolved
“That, in recognition of their loyalty
and devotion to the Throne and
Empire in gallantly volunteering
and serving with the British Army
in the war in South Africa,
the Council do hereby admit –
Lieutenant D.A. Drummond
J.R. Renwick
Surgeon-Captain Percival Davidson
Quarter Master Sergeant R. Embleton
-------------------------------------------------------Volume 1 Page 2
Squadron Sergeant Major A.E. Brooks
Acting Sergeant Major R. Bevan
Sergeant Robert William Markham
W. Henderson
F.G. Spencer
H.M. Goldie
H. Willard
Sergeant-Farrier C. Goundry
Corporal A. Hepburn
G. Archibald
T.H. Thorpe
Lance-Corporal S.A. Bowman
Trumpeter F.H. Colville
G. S. Ash
Trooper J.S. Archer
B.O. Criddle
R.C.W. Carr
J. Dent
J.C. Ferguson
T.H. Lawson
H. Pearson
A.H. Piddington
-------------------------------------------------------Volume 1 Page 3
Trooper T.M. Prunty
H.R. Richardson
John Sanderson
K.B. Spurgin
G.W. Thompson
J.W. Bowerbank
T. Cairens
H.A. Innes
C.J. Mitchell
A.W. Maudlen
W.P. Robinson
G.E. Spencer
R. Wilson
A. Baker
R.H. Greensit
J. Greer
G. Gillespy
G.A. Harker
J.S. Hutton
R. Henderson
T. Lishman
A.K. Moffat
-------------------------------------------------------Volume 1 Page 4
J.A. Pearson
G.A. Pearson
J. Robertson
C.T. Robson
E. Straughan
W. Weir
W. Addison
B. English
W.M. Spours
J. Thompson
J.W. Carr
C.N. Dodd
J. Porthouse
R.J. Greenwell
R.J. Bulman
R.T.C. Hassell
E.F. Hutchinson
H.R. Wilson
J.W. Bainbridge
Sidney Herbert Lawson
of the 14th, 15th and 55th Companies
-------------------------------------------------------Volume 1 Page 5
of the Imperial Yeomanry;
Volume 1 Page5
Major Harvey Scott
Captain J.C. Wedgewood
Lieutenant H.S. Bell
W.C. Macartney
F.G.D. Johnston
R.W. Wilson
Surgeon Captain John Wreford
Veterinary Lieutenant Wm. Dotchin
Battery Sergeant Major William Smith
Quarter Master Sergeant Henry Wardale
Sergeant Julius A. Askelund
Benjamin Forster
William A. Gibbeson
Samuel Harris
Thomas Howarth
James D. Low
Joseph Alexander Smith
Frederick J. Usher
Sergeant-Farrier Thomas Aikin
Sergeant Collar-Maker A. Nesbit
Corporal Robert John Brewis
-------------------------------------------------------Volume 1 Page 6
Corporal John Thomas Arthur Briggs
F.W. Drake
Robert Forsyth
Forster Orange
Frederick W. Thompson
Corporal Shoeing Smith William James Keen
Alexander Adams
Corporal-Wheeler T. Heward
Bombardier John Cook
Ellesmere Clairmonte
Albert Crocker
John Dalton
Henry Dalton
C.H. Dumbell
Robert Finlay
Volume 1 Page6
Archibald Fletcher
Joseph Freeling
Thomas Hamilton
John Henry Jones
Robert Leishman
Robert Moore
William Morrison
-------------------------------------------------------Volume 1 Page 7
Bombardier James Edward Robson
Volume 1 Page7
James Totten
Joseph Whitham
Thomas Winship
H. Woodage
Thomas William Graham
Bombardier Collar-Maker William Allen
Henry Gunton
Bombardier Wheeler John Jackson
Trumpeter David A. Kemp
William George Patterson
James William Worth
Gunner William Aiston
John R. Archibald
John Barty
Joseph Walton Bell
William Blakeney
George Albert Burke
John Edward Bunting
William Bell
William Calver
William Henry Cummings
-------------------------------------------------------Volume 1 Page 8
James S. Clarkson
John Clancy
Charles Dawson
Ernest Dodds
John Eglinton
William J. Gibson
William Gladstone
John Ried Gordon sic
Henry Holt
L.W. Holder
John Howe
James Joyce
J. Kidd
John J.G. Little
Thomas Laidler
Edward Mason
Volume 1 Page8
Alexander Martin
Niel McEachern sic
Samuel McMurray
John Michie
Frederick Morris
William Moran
-------------------------------------------------------Volume 1 Page 9
Gunner James Millington
Volume 1 Page9
George Gibson Moore
John P. Priest
William Richardson (1)
William Richardson (2)
George Richardson
Thomas Ross
Rowell Robson
Thomas Savage
Joseph H. Stephenson
David Storie
Joseph H. Stevens
J.P. Standfast
Robert Tarbet
John H. Turnbull
Arthur E. Usher
Francis W. Weightman
James Welsh
G. Webster
Robert White
Edward Willis
Ridley Winship
-------------------------------------------------------Volume 1 Page 10
James Wood
A.J. Whitehead
William Young
Frank Watts
J. Butler
J. McNaught
G. Piercy
J.A. Robertson
Joseph Bowman
James Brett
Robert Brown
William Bertram
Andrew Coulson
Henry Carr
George Crozier
Charles William Devlin
Robert Elliott
Frederick Embleton
Volume 1 Page10
Thomas Frame
Alexander Gardiner
James Goodwin
David William Gregg
-------------------------------------------------------Volume 1 Page 11
Driver William Hardy
Volume 1 Page11
Robert J. Hall
James Hewitson
Hunter Hills
George R. Hodgson
James T. Hopkinson
Ernest Hutchings
B. Hartley
E.H. Hamlet
Alexander Ingles
James Blythe Jobson
E. Lawson
Alexander Low
I. A. Mathieson
Peter McElroy
William McFee
Robert William McKay
William Morrow
Thomas Mortimer
Robert Muir
Samuel Newell
Albert Edward Newton
-------------------------------------------------------Volume 1 Page 12
W. Oliver
Thomas G. Parker
William Patterson
William Pennington
John William Pybus
Richard Pattie
J.M. Roche
Hunter Robson
D. Rollin
George Smith (1)
George Smith (2)
Peter W. Storey
James Stewart
William Stonehouse
Robert Sinclair
Charles Toole
George Alexander Taylor
William Usher
Thomas Wall
William Waldren
Volume 1 Page12
Thomas White
Arthur Wolland
-------------------------------------------------------Volume 1 Page 13
Driver W. Brown
Volume 1 Page13
W.J. Boggon
M. Dodds
Alexander Currie
Shoeing Smith William Gray
of the Elswick Battery of the
1st Northumberland Volunteer
Captain F.D. Price
of the 1st Durham Royal
Engineers (Volunteers);
Sergeant Joseph Matthew Craggs
Ernest Augustus McLean
Adolphus Craggs
James Purvis
Corporal Thomas Errington
John Smeaton
James Allan
William Farthing
William Jobson
Kerrison Charles Heathcote Osborne
Sapper Michael Laverick
-------------------------------------------------------Volume 1 Page 14
Sapper John Martin
John Summers
Matthew Imrie
John William Brown
William Dodds
Thompson Gowland Dalton
Michael Norman Robinson
Ernest George Messer
Ralph Charles P. Coulthard
Robert A. Brewis
of the 1st Newcastle Royal
Engineers (Volunteers);
Private Joseph Forster
of the 1st Volunteer Battalion
of the Northumberland
Lieutenant H. Beale
A. Reed
Sergeant G. Armstrong
Corporal J.W. Brookes
Drummer W. Kennedy
Private W. Seath
Volume 1 Page14
-------------------------------------------------------Volume 1 Page 15
Private J. Steel
Volume 1 Page15
W. Steel
J. Martin
J. Knox
W. Virtue
G. Harrison
J. Wedderburn
F. Wharton
of the 2nd Volunteer Battalion
of the Northumberland
Captain J.W.G. Simonds
Sergeant T.G. Hayton
J.E.H. Chambers
J.L. Robinson
F. Darrel
Corporal J.F. Pearson
Private J.W. Tupman
F. Patrick
J. Nelson
G.H. King
R. Armstrong
-------------------------------------------------------Volume 1 Page 16
Private William Birkett
Volume 1 Page16
A.E. Walton
D. Storey
A.H. Proctor
H. Fairley
W.E. Hall
J. Coulson
E.V. Todd
J.F. Pearson
M. Sidney
R. Innerd
T. Wightman
G. Pennock
J.L. Leadbitter
R. Blakey
R.F. Yeates
C. Schultz
R. Bailiff
J. Ellis
J. Clasper
W. Hall
F.W. Pearson
-------------------------------------------------------Volume 1 Page 17
Private R. Main
Volume 1 Page17
H. Sloan
A. Robertson
E.H. Perry
J. Marr
T. Nesbit
J.J. Robson
William Ross
M. O’Connor
J. Malcolm
A. Collier
R. Stewart
W. Fenwick
A. Clegg
H. Greenwell
A.D. Turnbull
F.J. Liddle
R.J. Taylor
J. Smith
A.R. Wilson
G.N. Pearson
R.M. Bellwood
-------------------------------------------------------Volume 1 Page 18
Private F.H. Woodmass
Volume 1 Page18
W.J. Wood
H. Atkinson
R. Angus
M. Purcell
C.A. Turton
E.B. Harbottle
B. Harbottle
D. Munra sic
Denis Considine
G. Sloan
of the 3rd Volunteer Battalion
of the Northumberland
Lieutenant J.R. Ritson
of the 4th Volunteer Battalion
of the Durham Light
Sergeant R.A. Dalton
Private W. Douglass
G.F. Hutchins
J. Tunstall
-------------------------------------------------------Volume 1 Page 19
Private Ernest Wilson
Volume 1 Page19
of the 5th Volunteer Battalion
of the Durham Light
Civil Surgeon W.H. Rowell
Leopold S. Davidson
Private Henry Hastings
of the Railway Pioneer
Trooper George Leach
of Kitchener’s Horse,
to be Honorary Freemen
of the City of Newcastleupon-Tyne.”
------------------------------------------------------Volume 2
City & County
of Newcastle-upon-Tyne.
Roll of
Honorary Freemen of the City.
in the South African War.
-------------------------------------------------------Volume 2 Page 1
City and County of Newcastle-upon-Tyne.
Volume 2 Page 1
Roll of
Honorary Freemen of the City, admitted
in recognition of their Loyalty and Devotion
to the Throne and Empire in gallantly
Volunteering and Serving with the British
Army in the War in South Africa, and who
at the time of so volunteering resided or
followed some profession, trade or occupation,
in, or were enrolled on the Citizen Roll of,
Council Meeting, 1st October, 1902.
It was Resolved
“That, in recognition of their Loyalty
and Devotion to the Throne and Empire
in gallantly Volunteering and Serving with
the British Army in the war in South
Africa, the Council do hereby
Admit Lieutenants
Hugh Green
Andrew Frederick Thomson Meikle
-------------------------------------------------------Volume 2 Page 2
Regimental Sergeant Major:Volume 2 Page2
David Pringle
Squadron Sergeant Majors:N. Callcott
G.W. Collier
T.H. Davis
F. Harrison
R. Henderson
W.H. Patterson
W.O. Scott
Squadron Quarter Master Sergeant:T.S. Gallagher
Quarter Master Sergeants:Alex Carr
Edmund Bell
John Bell
C.R. Thompson
Joseph Woolf
Regimental Farrier Sergeant
Major:John Chandler
-------------------------------------------------------Volume 2 Page 3
Sergeants:Volume 2 Page3
F.C. Armatage
G. Armstrong
W. Battensby
Jos. Birney
Jos. Browne
H.L. Brownlow
Fred W. Byrne
G.E. Coates
Geo. Donkin
Robert Gibson
Gerald Haselden
M.B. Henderson
Robert Mills
L.J. Murphy
John Oswald
R.T. Penn
T.W. Robinson
W. Sexton
J.G. Stephenson
J.W. Telford
W.R. Trotter
-------------------------------------------------------Volume 2 Page 4
Jos. Watson
Volume 2 Page4
J.G. Weatherstone
R.A.J. Whitehead
W. Whelan
Sergeant Saddler:J.G. Allen
Corporals:F.C. Anderson
T.H. Anderson
W.G. Anderson
C. Baglee
E.G. Baker
R. Brierley
James Brown
Robert Day
M.S. Dick
Wm. Dickinson
T.C. Grant
Wm. Gramadzki
F.W. Johnston
R. Cooke-Jones
H. Louis
-------------------------------------------------------Volume 2 Page 5
John Lyon
Volume 2 Page5
James McMahon
H. Morrell
W. Nixon
C. Phillips
R.P. Preston
J.F. Routledge
F.E. Sanderson
H.W. Stait
John Ed. Smith
J.T. Sutherland
J.G. Sutherland
George Swan
Wm. Tickell
W. Whelan
Farrier-Corporal:Thomas Brewis
Lance-Corporals:H. Ainsworth
Thos. Anderson
Thos. Boog sic i.e. Boag
-------------------------------------------------------Volume 2 Page 6
W.H. Brodie
Volume 2 Page6
Jas. Cullen
W. Dickinson
G.K. Drummond
Reuben Levey
W.D. Smeaton
Lance-Corporal Signaller:M.A. Thompson
Trumpeter:John Chisholm
Shoeing Smiths:J.D. Bond
A.A. George
R. Volume 2 Paget
W.C. Paton
Troopers:M. Aisbitt
G. Alcock
John Allman
Joseph Arthur Allonby
Thos. Anderson
A.M. Armstrong
-------------------------------------------------------Volume 2 Page 7
E.J. Armstrong
Volume 2 Page7
G. Armstrong
H.S. Armstrong
M. Armstrong
R. Armstrong
T.E. Armstrong
J. Arnott
J.S. Astrop
Robert Athey
Jos. Avery
William Avery
B. Aynsley
E.W. Bacon
J.S. Baird
T. Baker
S.J. Baldaro
A. Barrett
N. Barrett
M.N. Bates
J.S. Batie
J.C. Blackburn
D.R. Blaylock
-------------------------------------------------------Volume 2 Page 8
Wm. Blaylock
John Boazman
James Bogie
Volume 2 Page8
John Bolam
E. Bolton
J.O. Boyle
W. Bransfield
H. Brantingham
Henry Brewis
T. Brierley
J. Broad
Jas. Brough
Geo. Brown
Gilbert Brown
J.T. Brown
J.W. Bulman
Fred Cable
F.H. Campbell
A. Canham
A.E. Carrick
Geo. Cathey
-------------------------------------------------------Volume 2 Page 9
John Chisholm
Volume 2 Page9
H. Clark
G.A. Clinton
J.G. Coates
Jos. Collings
R. Common
Jas. Aikman Cooke
J.W.R. Cooper
P. Cooper
T.H. Cooper
W.J. Copland
N.C. Cowell
R.H. Coxon
John R. Craik
W.H. Craven
E. Crone
J. Crosier
Charles Crowe
J. Cummins
Wm. Cuthbertson
Angus Davenport
J.R. Davidson
-------------------------------------------------------Volume 2 Page 10
H.A. Davison
Wm. Davison
James Day
James Dean
J.M. Dickman
Volume 2 Page10
L. Dinning
John Dixon
N. Dobson
Thos. Dobson
Alex Dodd
R.J. Dodd
E. Dunbar
Peter Duncan
J.D. Dundas
Geo. F. Dunford
J.H. Dunn
John Henry Dunn
R.G. Elder
T.J.M. Elliott
Wm. Embleton
J. Errington
T. Everitt
-------------------------------------------------------Volume 2 Page 11
W.E. Fairley
Volume 2 Page11
W.D. Ferrow
W.H. Fleming
John Foley
James Forster (1)
James Forster (2)
William Forster (1)
William Forster (2)
T. Gaskin
John Gee
G.T. Gibbon
W.H. Gibbons
R.N. Gibson
R.W. Glass
E.G. Graham
G. Graham
R. Graham
Thomas Graham
Alex Grant
James Graves
J.S. Gray
-------------------------------------------------------Volume 2 Page 12
R. Greaves
E. Greener
J.J. Greensitt
N. Gregory
John Hall
T.G. Hall
J.R. Harman
Volume 2 Page12
A. Harris
H. Harris
Richard Harrison
C.H. Harrison
A. Haseltine
Robert Head
Joseph Heffernan
C.D. Henry
F.S. Henry
Walter C. Henderson
A.H. Heron
E. Heron
W.L. Hetherington
T. Hettle
R. Hewton
-------------------------------------------------------Volume 2 Page 13
Horace Heywood
Volume 2 Page13
W.B. Hicks
C. Hindmarsh
T. Hodgson
R. Hodgson
James Hood
Charles Hope
Henry Hope
W.C. Howard
H. Huntley
J.R. Hutton
G.T. Hey
J.T. Hey
W. Illingworth
John Jackson
E.H. Jeffreys
Wm. Jervis
Robert Johnstone
Walter Joyce
John J. Kinleyside
T.G. Kirk
Charles Knight
-------------------------------------------------------Volume 2 Page 14
R.A. Kolbe
W.C. Laidler
W.H. Laidman
J.W.B. Lambert
A. Laurie
Thos. Laws
R.C. Lange
Fredk. Lisle
G.W. Lisle
Volume 2 Page14
T. Lockhart
Wm. Lockhart
Cuthbert R. Lloyd
J. Maguire
Wm. Maguire
T. Makepeace
E.R. Mallen
Jos. Mark
Albert Marr
A. Marshall
R. Marshall
Jas. Martin
W. Martin
-------------------------------------------------------Volume 2 Page 15
Wm. Marwick
Volume 2 Page15
C.F. Maughan
W.A. Maughan
John McFadden
W. McGargle
W.F. McMullen
N.A. McRobert
E.L. Merson
David Miller
J.H. Miller
A. Milthorpe
Fred Monty
A.H. Moon
H.H. Moore
T. Morris
M. Mullarkey
A. Murray
R. Nesbitt
Lance Newton
J.J. Nichol
J.B. Nicholson
R.W. Nicholson
-------------------------------------------------------Volume 2 Page 16
S.G. Nutt
G.M. Oliver
Wm. H. Oram
C.E. Patterson
R. Patterson
W.H. Patterson
A.W. Pearson
F.W. Pearson
John Pearson
J.T. Pearson
Wm. Pearson
Volume 2 Page16
P. Peel
J. Peffers
James Penny
S. Perry
G.C. Philipson
J.W. Philipson
Thos. Phillips
E. Pickering
Alex Pittendrigh
P. Porteus
Robert Pringle
-------------------------------------------------------Volume 2 Page 17
J.W. Prior
Volume 2 Page17
Charles Edward Proctor
A. Purvis
Jas. Raeburn
W. Raillon
Henry Ratcliffe
R. Ray
J. Redpath
Jos. Reed
N. Reed
John Renton
G. Ritchie
A. Robertson
Wm. Robertson
James Robinson
John Robinson
J.G. Robson
R.H. Robson
W.L. I’Anson Robson
Benjamin Rollo
Jos. Routledge
J.R. Routledge
-------------------------------------------------------Volume 2 Page 18
E.J. Rudland
Lionel Sidney Rule
J. Ryder
Percy Sanderson
James Sargeant
A. Sawyer
T. Scotland
A. Scott
Geo. Scott (1)
Geo. Scott (2)
Walter Scott
R.Y. Shaw
L.W. Shearer
Volume 2 Page18
J.W. Shields
E.V. Simpkin
Jas. Smiles
M. Smith
R.T. Smith
R. Snowdon
G.G. Stewart
W. Stewart
E. Straughan
-------------------------------------------------------Volume 2 Page 19
Arthur Sturt
Volume 2 Page19
A.G. Sutherland (1)
A.G. Sutherland (2)
Robert Swan
George Tait
W.G. Tait
Wm. Tinle sic i.e. Tink
John W. Taylor
Robert Taylor
James Teasdale
John M. Thompson
Jos. Thompson (1)
Jos. Thompson (2)
Wm. Thompson
Tom Tickell
J.M. Tindale
J.W.B. Tiplady
W.E. Todd
T.P. Trotter
R. Turnbull
T. Vickerson
D. Waggott
-------------------------------------------------------Volume 2 Page 20
A. Waite
P.K. Waite
R.K. Waite
S.K. Waite
John Walker
P. Watson
Geo. Ed. Waterston
W. Wear
W. Weir, Junior
W. Welch
John Welsh
J.S. Wherly
F. White
W. White
Edward Wilkinson
Volume 2 Page20
L. Williamson
J. Wilson
James Wilson
M. Wilson
R. Wilson
T.R. Wilson
Wm. Wilson
-------------------------------------------------------Volume 2 Page 21
W.G. Winter
Volume 2 Page21
N.W. Wright
W.B. Yeoman
R. Young
of the Imperial Yeomanry;
Sergeant:A.R. Drummond
Corporals:L. Robson
J.J. Tron
Bombardier:W.J. Halsall
Bombardier Wheeler:James Smithson
Gunners:James Halliday
J. Hogg
Jos. Ingledew
Thomas Ridsdale
Charles Robert Smith
-------------------------------------------------------Volume 2 Page 22
James Stephenson
Drivers:John Love
George Stephenson
H.F. Storey
of the Elswick Battery
of the 1st Northumberland
Royal Artillery (Volunteers);
Captain:R.M. Rodgers
Company Sergeant Major:T. Nixon
Corporals:W. Bolam
R. Purdy
J.E. Swift
Lance Corporal:-
Volume 2 Page22
J. Connor
Sappers:A.J. Bell
George Brown
G.D. Brown
-------------------------------------------------------Volume 2 Page 23
R.P. Calder
Volume 2 Page23
J. Coulson
W.G. Cowen
L.D. Curry
R. Emmerson
W. Hodgson
W.E. Jeffrey
J.W. Paton
E.J. Potts
G. Reed
A.W. Smith
N. Stamper
J. Wall
of the 1st Newcastle Royal
Engineers (Volunteers);
Sapper:C.F. Whincup
of the 1st Durham Royal
Engineers (Volunters);
Lance-Sergeant:Angus McIntosh, Junior
Privates:T. Fairbank
-------------------------------------------------------Volume 2 Page 24
H. Welsh
of the 1st Volunteer Battalion
of the Northumberland Fusiliers;
Captain:Charles Blackett Skinner
Lieutenants:Lionel H. Palmer
Wm. C. Stephenson
Privates:A.J.R. Blacklock
A. Bowles
F. Leese
H. McVain
G.I. Nelson
James Watson
G.M. Wilson
Volume 2 Page24
of the 2nd Volunteer Battalion
of the Northumberland Fusiliers;
Captains:W. Colbeck written in error for Paul Colbeck
-------------------------------------------------------Volume 2 Page 25
Volume 2 Page25
G.R.B. Spain
Lieutenantss:E.A.M. Bindloss
Brian C. Townshend
Colour-Sergeant:W. Beecham
Sergeant:R. Unwin
Lance Sergeant:G. Wilson
Corporals:G. Dobinson
C.V. Proctor
Lance Corporals:W.G. Alderson
W.F. Fowkes
L. Pearson
J.R. Ryott
E.A.S. Thompson
-------------------------------------------------------Volume 2 Page 26
G.T. Tinn
J.R. Winter
Privates:W. Adam
J.E. Elder
D. Atkinson
J. Barnett
W. Bell
R.L.B. Bowman
E.A. Bramley
J.J.S. Brewis
G. Brown
W. Brown
W. Carnegie
J. Carpenter
A. Chisholm
J. Cook
W.H. Coulton
J. Dodd
Volume 2 Page26
J.G. Elliott
W. Galloway
-------------------------------------------------------Volume 2 Page 27
Thomas Gardiner
Volume 2 Page27
P. Gormley
T. Grieves
J.W. Henderson
G.A. Hopper
J.W. Horncastle
G.M. Hudson
J. Hutchinson
B.S. Humble
W. Jordan
M.R. Lamb
W.W. Marwell
J.D. Maule
R. Moffat
J. McDonald
J.T. Milburn
G.H. Mothersdale
J.E. Nichols
W. Nixon
J.J. Ord
T. Pattison
-------------------------------------------------------Volume 2 Page 28
W. Patterson
D. Philip
H. Pringle
R.W. Readhead
R.G. Rogers
F.J. Sands
J.T.R. Smailes
R. Sprot
C.E. Steel
J.W.D. Stott
J. Temperley
R. Toward
T.L. Tully
A. Turnbull
J. Tyers
G.S. Urwin
R. Waite
W. Wallace
G. Walton
J.G. Walton
G.F. Wass
J. White
Volume 2 Page28
-------------------------------------------------------Volume 2 Page 29
T. Wightman
Volume 2 Page29
H.F. Wilkie
G.H. Wilson
G.H. Wraith
F. Young
of the 3rd Volunteer Battalion
of the Northumberland Fusiliers;
Colour-Sergeant:William Orr
Sergeant:C.M. Brown
of the 3rd Volunteer Battalion
of the Durham Light Infantry;
Sergeant:W.B. Clark
Lance-Corporal:Joseph Murton
Privates:H. Addison
R.G. Clark
-------------------------------------------------------Volume 2 Page 30
A.T. Dunn
Volume 2 Page30
J. Dutton
R.L. Faid
J.J. Lynch
L. McDonald
of the 5th Volunteer Battalion
of the Durham Light Infantry;
Troopers:B.A. Peart
Stephen Robson
J.C. Calder
G.B. Marshall
of Brabant’s Horse;
Troopers:Joseph Pritchard
H.T. Rewcastle
of Kitchener’s Fighting Scouts;
Trooper:Geo. Errington
of Menne’s Scouts;
-------------------------------------------------------Volume 2 Page 31
Trooper:Volume 2 Page31
Thomas Henderson
of the 1st Scottish Horse;
Corporal:J.W. Lincoln
Sappers:W.A. Anderson
J.J. Bramwell
G.E. Dodds
A.W. Kingston
J. Lane
J. Reid
J.P. Robson
R. Robson
J.T. Thompson
J. Walker
Sappers:E.C. Horsley
J. Dowson
E.C. Horsley
J. Dowson
-------------------------------------------------------Volume 2 Page 32
of the Electrical Engineers
Volume 2 Page32
Civil Surgeons:Dr. Harold Turner Newton
Dr. A.M.G. Walker
Private:T.H. Graham
of the Royal Army Medical
Corps:Veterinary Lieutenant:Thomas Parker
of the Army Veterinary Department;
Private:Joseph Watson
of the St. John’s Ambulance
Trooper:A. Jennings
of Thornycroft’s Mounted
-------------------------------------------------------Volume 2 Page 33
Volume 2 Page33
William Lister Newcombe
of the 2nd Worcestershire
and such others as so volunteered
and served, and at the time of
voluntering resided or followed some
profession, trade or occupation in,
or were enrolled on, the Citizen Roll
of Newcastle upon Tyne, and whose
names were not included in the
Resolution of the City Council of
7th August, 1901, to be
Honorary Freeman of the
City of Newcastle-upon-Tyne.”
Source: Tyne and Wear Archives Service, Document T 193 3-4.