oct 31

Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Standard: Expository Text
Objective: I will be to explore different forms of
expository text
Due today: Scary Stories
Dispatch: Proofreading page 33
Class work:
 Scary Story Sharing
 Expository Forms
◦ Final Book Report with cover page due
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Due Today: Reflection pg 47L,
Standard: 1c-Students know plates move at rates of cm per year and
effect the changing Earth’s surface.
Objective: I will explain how Alfred Wegner’s Theory of Continental
Drift was on the right track using evidence.
Password: With the evidence of GPS and earthquake epicenter
patterns, we can now support Wegner’s theory
Dispatch: On page 48L of your science journal;
Homework: page 48L of your science journal
◦ What questions do you still have about Tectonic plates, Continental Drift or the
◦ Poor Wegner Project
◦ Reflection: Today what I learned about Geologic History was…
◦ Work on Outline/project (due 11/06)
◦ Test on Thursday, work on study guide
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Due Today: Reflection pg 46L,
Standard: 1c-Students know plates move at rates of cm per year and
effect the changing Earth’s surface.
Objective: I will explain how Alfred Wegner’s Theory of Continental
Drift was on the right track using evidence.
Password: With the evidence of GPS and earthquake epicenter
patterns, we can now support Wegner’s theory
Dispatch: On page 47L of your science journal;
Homework: page 47L of your science journal
◦ What questions do you still have about Tectonic plates, Continental Drift or the
◦ Poor Wegner Project
Reflection: Today what I learned about Geologic History was…
Work on Outline( due 11/02
project (due 11/06)
Test on Thursday, work on study guide