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Penn State Behrend Faculty
School of
School of
School of
School of
Engineering and Engineering Technology
Humanities and Social Sciences
Andaleeb, S. S. Public and Private Hospitals in Bangladesh: Service Quality and
Predictors of Hospital Choice. Health Policy and Planning 15(1):95-102.
Service Quality in Public and Private Hospitals in Urban Bangladesh: A
Comparative Study. Health Policy 53:25-37.
Doran, D. T. The Impact of CEO Turnover on Security Analysts’ Forecast
Accuracy: A Comment. Journal of Applied Business Research 16(1):27-33.
Methodological Choices in Detecting Divergent Earnings. Journal of
Applied Business Research 16(3):113-123.
Ferrell, L., T. W. Loe, and P. Mansfield. A Review of Empirical Studies Assessing
Ethical Decision Making in Business. Journal of Business Ethics 25:185-204.
Jalbert, T., B. Boscaljon, R. Rao, and C. Bathala. The Explanatory Power of EVA.
Journal of Accounting and Finance Research 8(3):83-92.
Lobaugh, J. L. and A. V. Deshmukh. Supplementing Legacy Financial Systems by
Integrating High-end Technology. Strategic Finance September:52-60.
Millet, I. Improving the Quality of the Analysis Phase. Journal of Systems and
Software 51:151-153.
Millet, I. and T. L. Saaty. On the Relativity of Relative Measures-Accommodating
Both Rank Preservation and Rank Reversals in the AHP. European Journal of
Operational Research 121:205-212.
Nedovic-Budic, Z. and J. K. Pinto. Information Sharing in an Interorganizational
GIS Environment. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design
Pinto, J. K. Understanding the Role of Politics in Successful Project Management.
International Journal of Project Management 18(2):85-91.
Pinto, M. B. On the Nature and Properties of Appeals Used in Direct-to-Consumer
Advertising of Prescription Drugs. Psychological Reports 86:597-607.
Pinto, M. B., D. H. Parente, and T. S. Palmer. Materialism and Credit Card Use
by College Students. Psychological Reports 86:643-652.
Warwick, J. and P. Mansfield. Credit Card Consumers: College Students’
Knowledge and Attitude. Journal of Consumer Marketing 17(7):617-626.
Chinn, S. J. Application of Case-Based Reasoning to Temporal Aspects of
Workflow. 2000 Proceedings of the Decision Sciences Institute, November.
Orlando FL.
Mansfield, P. M. and J. Warwick. The Impact of Post-complaint Satisfaction with
the Salesperson, Retailer, and Manufacturer on Relationship Commitment.
Enhancing Knowledge Development in Marketing: Proceedings of the
American Marketing Association Summer Marketing Educators’ Conference,
pp. 204-205. Chicago IL.
Jill’s House of Cakes. Case in Western Decision Sciences Institute
Proceedings, pp. 264-266. Maui HI.
Nedovic-Budic, Z. and J. K. Pinto. Organizational Determinants of GIS
Interoperability: U.S. Experience. Proceedings of the Third AGILE Conference
on Geographic Information Science, pp. 19-23. Helsinki Finland.
Riggle, C., G. Madey, and S. Chinn. Nonlinear Dynamical and Chaotic Behavior in
Workflow Process Modeling. 2000 Proceedings of the Decision Sciences
Institute, November. Orlando FL.
Southard, P. B., S. Hong, and K. Siau. Information in the Health Care Industry:
A Primer. Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Hawaii International Conference
on System Sciences, pp. 1-10. Maui HI.
Deshmukh, A. Instructor’s Manual for Accounting Information Systems, Edited by
M. B. Romney and P. J. Steinbart, 8th edition, 148 pp., Prentice Hall, Upper
Saddle River NJ.
Deshmukh, A. and C. F. Venable. Test Bank for Accounting Information Systems,
Edited by M. B. Romney and P. J. Steinbart, 8th edition, 237 pp. Prentice
Hall, Upper Saddle River NJ.
Larson, R., R. P. Hostetler, D. E. Heyd, and K. N. Johnson. The Mathematics of
Taxes: Mathematics for Everyday Living. 177 pp. Meridian Creative Group,
Erie PA.
Slevin, D. P., D. I. Cleland, and J. K. Pinto. (Eds.), Project Management Research
at the Turn of the Millennium: Proceedings of the PMI Research Conference
2000, 460 pp. Project Management Institute, Newtown Square PA.
Pinto, J. K., P. Rouhiainen, and J. W. Trailer. Project Success and Customer
Satisfaction: Toward a Formalized Linkage Mechanism. In Project as
Business Constituents and Guiding Motives, pp. 103-115. Edited by R. A.
Lundin and F. Hartman. Kluwer Academic Publishing, Amsterdam
Andaleeb, S. S. Strategic Stakeholder Insights and Policy Prescriptions for Higher
Education in Bangladesh. Chapter 7 in Studies on Socio-Political and
Economic Development of Bangladesh, A. Ali, Editor. Bangladesh
Development Initiative and University Press Limited, Dhaka Bangladesh, 23
pages, November.
Stephan, J. D., D. H. Parente, and R. C. Brown. Seeing the Forest and the Trees:
Balancing Knowledge Using Large Scale Simulations in Capstone Business
Strategy Classes. Journal of Management Education, 28 pages, December.
Ford, R., C. Robson, D. Temple, and M. Gerlach. Matrices for Scene Change
Detection in Digital Video Sequences. ACM Multimedia Systems Journal.
Gray, R. and F. van Graas. Inflight Detection of Errors for Enhanced Aircraft Flight
Safety Using DTED with GPS and Radar Altimeter. NAVIGATION, The Journal
of the Institute of Navigation. 24 pages.
Hemminger, T. L. Using Neural Networks and Computerized Tomography to
Measure Wall Thickness of Industrial Plastics. International Journal of Smart
Engineering System Design. 2(4):273-282.
Holliday-Darr, K., D. Blasko, and C. Dwyer. Improving Cognitive Visualization
with a Web-Based Interactive Assessment and Training Program. The
Engineering Design Graphics. Winter 2000, 64(1):4-9.
Parry, B., T. J. Ganley, D. T. Bortel, R. Englund, and T. Cooney. In Vitro Analysis
of Periprosthetic Strains Following Total Knee Arthroplasty. Orthopedics.
Englund, R. Case Study for First Year Seminar - A Plan Which (mostly) Worked.
American Society for Engineering Education 2000 Annual Conference. CD
ROM: 2000 ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings.
Ford, R., R. Weissbach, and D. Loker. A DSP-Based Modified Cost as Receiver
for LVDT Position Sensors. 2000 IEEE Measurement and Instrumentation
Conference. pp. 1448-1452.
Gray, R., M. Uijt de Haag, and S. Young. DTED Integrity Monitoring Using
Differential GPS and Radar Altimeter. IAIN World Congress, U.S. Institute of
Navigation Annual Meeting. pp. 1-10.
Gray, R., M. Uijt de Haag, and J. Campbell. A Terrain Database Integrity Monitor
for Synthetic Vision Systems. 2000 IEEE/AIAA 19th Digital Avionics Systems
Conference. pp. 1-8.
Gray, R. and R. Weissbach. Integration of Satcom and GPS into a Technology
Curriculum. Proceedings of the 2000 American Society for Engineering
Education Annual Conference and Exposition.
Johnson, D., R. Englund, B. McAnlis, K. Sari, and D. Columbet. ThreeDimensional Modeling of a Bolted Connection. 9th International ANSYS
Conference and Exposition. CD ROM: ANSYS 2000 Conference Proceedings,
Contact and Impact 1. 6 pages.
Johnson, D. H. and D. Pal. Simulation of an Ultrasonic Piezoelectric Transducer.
9th International ANSYS Conference and Exposition. CD ROM: ANSYS 2000
Conference Proceedings, Contact and Impact 1. 5 pages.
Khalilollahi, A. and E. Mahajerin. Finite Element Evaluation of Temperatures and
Stress Distributions in a Composite Circuit Board. Proceedings of the
Seventh International Conference on Composite Engineering. pp. 437-439.
Saunders, L. K. L. Process Dynamics Models for the Control of End Milling.
Proceedings of the 2000 American Control Conference. pp. 2563-2567.
Finite Element Modeling of Exit Conditions for Metal Cutting.
Proceedings of the 2000 ANSYS Conference and Exhibition. CD ROM: XIX
Metal Forming/Finite Element Modeling of Exit Conditions for Metal Cutting.
12 pages.
Thermal Models for Drilling During Burr Formation. Proceedings of the
2000 ANSYS Conference and Exhibition. CD ROM: XIX Metal Forming/Finite
Element Modeling of Exit Conditions for Metal Cutting. 12 pages.
Torres, K., K. Holliday-Darr, D. Forsman, D. Baird, and D. Johnson. Tech
Prep Camp: Introducing High School Students to Engineering Technology
Through Model Rocketry. American Society of Engineering Educators National
Conference. 11 pages
Weissbach, R., D. Loker, and R. Ford. Test and Comparison of LVDT Signal
Conditioner Performance. 2000 IEEE Measurement and Instrumentation
Conference. pp. 1143-1146.
Farrell, R. Chapter Five: Clamping Unit as part of the Injection Molding
Handbook. Carl Hanser Verlag. 65 pages.
Beaumont, J. Revolutionizing Runner Designs in Hot and Cold Runner Molds.
2001 ANTEC.
Beaumont, J. and K. Boell. Controlling Balanced Molding Through New Hot Runner
Manifold Designs. 2001 ANTEC.
Ford, R., R. Weissbach, and D. Loker. A Novel DSP-Based LVDT Signal
Conditioner. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement. 6
Ford, R., J. Bondzie, and P. Kitcho. Java Applets for Microelectronics Education.
IEEE Transactions on Education Special CD-ROM Issue. 12 pages.
Fucik, O., P. Zemcik, D. Loker, R. Ford, and R. Weissbach. A Flexible DSP
Hardware Platform for LVDT Signal Conditioning. Fourth International
Symposium on Electromechanical Motion Systems. 3 pages.
Gray, R., M. Uijt de Haag, and S. Young. A Performance of Evaluation Database
Integrity Monitors for Synthetic Vision Systems. 8th Saint Petersburg
International Conference on Integrated Navigation Systems.
Gray, R. and R. Weissbach. Industrial Collaboration for an Interdisciplinary
Elective in Applied System Design and Remote Diagnostics. Proceedings of
the 2001 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition.
Hoffman, D. and J. Beaumont. Thermoset Filling Imbalances in Geometrically
Balanced Runner Systems. 2001 ANTEC.
Koch, P. E. Developing Next Generation Power Systems. Intelec Conference.
Koch, P. E. and McCarr. Developing a Surface Texture with Film Insert Molding.
2000 ANTEC.
Koch, P. E. and Heuer. Creep Testing of Polyolefins in Aqueous Mold. 2000
Lasher, W. C. Computation of Two-Dimensional Blocked Flow Normal to a Flat
Plate. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics. 23 pages.
Loker, D. R. Remote Data Acquisition Using LabVIEW. ASEE Annual Conference.
7 pages.
Saunders, L. K. L. and C. Mauch. An Exit Burr Model for Drilling of Metals. ASME
Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering. 12 pages.
Torres, K. and M. Casey. Electrical Engineering Technology Experiences for
Kindergarten Students. 2001 American Society for Engineering Educational
Annual Conference and Exposition.
Vitolo, T. M. and C. Coulston. Can - Should – Anyone Write a While Loop? Chapter
in Challenges of Information Technology Education in the 21st Century.
Baldwin, D. (book review) Rev. of Orlando: A Biography by Virginia Woolf.
English Literature in Transition: 1880-1920, 43(1):89-93.
(book review) Sally Green, ed. Virginia Woolf Reading the
Renaissance. English Literature in Transition. 43(3):343-47.
Barnard, D. (song) Diehl Stands for Children. School song commissioned by the
Harry S. Logan Foundation and Diehl Elementary School, Erie, PA.
Blasko, D., K. Holliday-Darr, and C. Dwyer. Improving Cognitive Visualization with
a Web Based Interactive Assessment and Training Program. The Engineering
Design Graphic Journal 64(1):4-9.
Champagne, J. Among Good Christian Peoples: Teaching Etel Adnan’s Sitt Marie
Rose. College Literature 27(3):47-70, (Fall).
Comann, B. (poem) Autobiography. In The Louisville Review, (Fall).
(poem) Snake Alley: Taipei in Connecticut River Review, (Spring).
Connerty, M. (book review) Limoges Porcelain. 1 page, Amazon.com (November).
Davis, U. Mega-Merger Mania in the Media and the Effect on the Music Business.
International Jazz Archives Journal, Pittsburgh, PA 2(2):148-61, Fall 19992000.
Dougherty, S. Except By Falling. Mesa State University, 84 pp.
(review) Maria Mazziotti Gillan. What My Mother Told Me, in Red Brick
(review) Bernard Donzal. Rhetoric in an Anti-Foundationalist World in
(poem) The Myth of Assimilation I, The Myth of Assimilation II, Heart
(poem) Film Noir Condom, Origami Condom, Condom Poem #23, At
the Rally, Condom Poem #25, Nexus.
(poem) Alphabet Made of Musical Instruments, Crab Orchard Review
(poem) Alphabet at the End of the Century, Chelsea 68.
(poem) Bread, Bryant Review 1.
(poem) Bodega de Booty Canzone, Slipstream 20.
Eckert, R. Ten articles in Magill’s Guide to Military History, Salem Press,
December 2000: A Lincoln, J. Hooker, First Bull Run, Second Bull Run,
Antietam, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Wilderness, Spotsylvania Court
House, Bataan.
Fernandez, J. Tradición petarquista y originalidad creadora en los sonetos
amorosos de Luid de Góngora. Anuario de Letras 27:275-82.
(book review) Pedro Calderón de la Barca. El primer blasón del Austria
(Atribución insegura). Ed. De Victoriano Roncero López. Autos Sacramentales
Completos, 18. Pamplona/Kassel: Universidad de Navarra Edition
Reichenberger, 1997. Inti 48:177-80.
Frankforter, D. (parts of books) Hroswitha. Encyclopedia of Monasticism Fitzroy
Dearborn Publishers, Chicago IL.
(parts of books) Suger. Encyclopedia of Monasticism. Fitzroy Dearborn
Publishers, Chicago IL.
Gamble, J. International Law-New Actors and New Technologies: Center Stage for
NGO’s Law & Policy in International Business, 31:221-262 [co-author, C. Ku]
(proceedings) Improving International Law Teaching: Just do It
[proceedings of Joint Conference, Australia, 6/26-6/29/00). In International
Legal Challenges for the 21st Century, pp. 171-179. Australian National
University (December).
George, D. H. Forcing an Entry into Eternity. Spoon River Poetry Review
How to Survive on the Tenure Track. Associated Writing Programs
Chronical Job List 7 (March/April 2000): cover, pp. 10-14; also, on-line at
A Genesis [poetry]. 110 pp. New York: Brito & Lair.
(book review) Greg Kuzma. What Poetry Is All About, Spoon River
Poetry Review 25(1):124-126, (Spring).
Irwin, Z. (review) Melissa K. Bokovoy. Peasants and Communism: Politics and
Ideology in the Yugoslav Countryside in Nationalities Papers 28(3):288-290.
(review) Dusko Doder and Louise Branson. Milosevic: Portrait of a
Tyrant, In Library Journal 125(1):134 (January).
(review) Only the Nails Remain: Scenes from the Balkan Wars, In
Library Journal 125(1):135 (January).
(review) Return to Ukraine, In Library Journal 25(4):108 (4/15/00).
(review) The Politics of Retribution in Europe, In Library Journal
125(10):156 (6/1/00).
(review) Explaining Yugoslavia, In Library Journal 125(12):118 (July).
(review) Crimes Against Humanity, In Library Journal 125(14):232
(review) Eastward to Tatary: Travels in the Balkans, In Library Journal
125(16):120 (10/1/00).
(review) The Balkans: A Short History, In Library Journal 125(19):81
Kallgren, C., R. R. Reno, and R. B. Cialdini. A Focus Theory of Normative Conduct:
When Norms Do and Do Not Affect Behavior. Personality and Social
Psychology Bulletin, 26:1002-1012 [three studies] (August).
Kallgren, C. and J. Bender. (report) Resource Guide for Healthy Youth
Development with a Focus on Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Services and
Programs. Jointly authored by Penn State CORE and Erie County Network for
Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention, Education Subcommittee.
Kelley, C. Silencing the Voice of God: Rhetorical Responses to Promise Keepers. In
The Promise Keepers: Essays on Masculinity and Christianity, pp. 226-237.
Ed. D. S. Claussen, McFarland and Co., Westport CT.
Looney, G. Attendant Ghosts, 74 pp. Cleveland State University Press (November).
(book review) James Hauag. Walking Liberty. Mid-American Review
21(1):135-137, (Fall).
Two poems in Beloit Poetry Journal 50(3), (Spring):
We Call it Hot Blood and Hum It, p.33.
A Parable of Dust and Color, pp. 34-36.
(poem) Rumors in the Heart of the Pear. Flint Hills Review 5:96.
Three poems in High Plains Literary Review 15(1), (Spring):
Just Under What We Call Landscape, pp. 48-49.
The Coroner’s Soliloquy, p. 50.
Her Naked Feet Sang Mozart, pp. 51-52.
(poem) The Sleep of Wood in the Houses of Wrens. The Kenyon
Review 22(2):33-34, (Spring).
(poem) The Sorrow and the Grace of Vultures. Notre Dame Review
10:68-69, (Summer).
(poem) A Hosanna for the True Curve of the Body. Passages North
21(1):192-193, (Winter/Spring).
(poem) The Thin Architecture of Longing. Prairie Schooner 74(2):5961, (Summer).
(poem) Signs Garbled, Incoherent. Quarterly West 51:100-101,
Two poems in Sonora Review 37/38, (Fall).
Smoke and Songs to Heal the Moon, pp. 76-78.
This Gray Bluff of Salvation, pp. 76-78
(poem) Anything but Indifference and Wolves. Willow Springs 45:7071, (Winter).
Loss, A. and S. P. Loss. Highway 11, Harrisonburg, VA. SCA Journal 7(2):22-3.
Mace, D., R. W. Brown, M. T. Bardo, S. B. Phillips, and P. J. Kraemer. Damphetamine facilitation of Morris water task performance is blocked by
eticlopride and correlated with increased dopamine synthesis in the
prefrontal cortex. Behavioural Brain Research. 114(1-2):135-143.
Mace, D., J. R. Masse, B. Billings, H. S. Dhillon, R. Hicks, S. Barron, P. J. Kraemer,
P. Dendle, and R. M. Prasad. Three Months of Chronic Ethanol Administration
and the Behavioral Outcome of Rats After Lateral Fluid Percussion Brain
Injury. Journal of Neurotrauma 17(5):421-430.
Mester, C. and R. Tauber. Acting Lessons for Teachers: Using Performance Skills
in the Classroom. APS Observer, pp. 12-14 (January).
Morris, G. (parts of book) Nicholas Delbanco. In Dictionary of Literary Biography:
American Short-Story Writers Since World War II. 5000 words. Vol. 34, pp.
79-86. Gale Group.
(parts of book) Los Gusanos. In Masterplots II: American Fiction
Series, Revised Edition, pp. 1467-1471 (January).
(review) Mary Clearman Blew. Bone Deep in Landscape: Writing,
Reading, and Place. In Tulsa Studies in Women’s Literature, 19(1) (Spring).
(review) G. W. Hawkes. Gambler’s Rose. In The Philadelphia Inquirer,
p. K3 (5/7/00).
(review) Molly Gloss Wild Life. In The Philadelphia Inquirer, p. K1, K4
(review) Larry Woiwode. What I Think I Did. In The Philadelphia
Inquirer, p. K1, K3 (7/16/00).
(review) Jayne Anne Phillips. Motherkind. In Magill Book Reviews,
EBSCO Publishing/EBSCOhost and Northern Light [On-Line Publication]
(review) Richard Wiley. Ahmed’s Revenge. In Magill Book Reviews,
EBSCO Publishing/EBSCOhost and Northern Light [On-Line Publication].
O’Leary, B. (book review) Virginia Nightingale. Studying Audiences: The Shock of
the Real. In Journal of Film and Video 50(4):57-60 (March).
Pancake, A. ‘Similar Outcroppings From the Same Strata’: The Synonymous
Development Imagery of Appalachian Natives and Natural Resources. The
Journal of Appalachian Studies 6:100-108 (Spring/Fall).
(short story) Jolo. Published in Mid-American Review, 21(1):6-22 (Fall)
(short story) Revival. Published in Virginia Quarterly Review,
76(4):713-720 (Fall).
(short story) Dirt. Published in The Chariton Review, 26(2):21-25
Porac, C. and I. C. Friesen. Hand preference side and its relationship to hand
preference switch history among old and oldest-old adults. Developmental
Neuropsychology, 17:225-239.
Skarupski, K., B. E. Fries, J. N. Morris, C. S. Blaum, A. Galecki, F. Bookstein, and
M. Ribbe. Accelerated Dysfunction Among the Very Oldest-Old. Journals of
Gerontology: Medical Sciences 55(6):M336-41.
Skarupski, K. and R. E. Cherrick. Concerns Regarding Workforce Participation for
People with HIV/AIDS. American Journal of Vocational Assessment
Skarupski, K. and J. J. Pelkowski. (report) Drug Elimination Program Resident
Survey, 2000. The Housing Authority of the City of Erie, Erie PA (6/23/00).
(newspaper) Understanding the Health Status of African Americans in
Nursing Homes. Senior News (August).
(report) JFK Senior Center Outcomes Management Study. The John F.
Kennedy Senior Center, Erie PA (9/19/00).
Speel, R. The Persistence of Regional Divisions in American Electoral Politics.
Regional & Federal Studies.
Viebranz, G. Going Digital: A Basic Needs Guide to Archiving your Performances
on Compact Disc. Pennsylvania Music Educators Association [PMEA] News,
28:20-21 (Spring).
Jazz Reviews. PMEA News
p. 18 (Summer).
p. 18 (Fall).
Untitled submissions. College Band Directors National Association
[CBDNA] Report pp. 2 & 16 (Summer).
Wolfe, K. Creating Comic Dialogue in Molière’s L’Avare: Harpagon and the
Economics of Miserly Verbal Exchange. In Romance Notes 41(1):79-86.
P. R. Allaire and A. Cupillari. Artemas Martin: An Amateur Mathematician of the
Nineteenth Century and His Contribution to Mathematics. The College
Mathematics Journal of the MAA 1(31):22-34 (January).
Bertram, R., J. Previte, A. Sherman, T. A. Kinard, and L. S. Satin. The Phantom
Burster Model for Pancreatic ß-Cells. Biophysical Journal. 79(6):2880-2892.
Blakney, T. Comparisons of 140 Calculus Grading, 15 pp.
Blakney, T. and A. Salvia. Anthony Continuous Improvement Process: 6 Sigma
Methodology, 233 pp.
Bradley, A. Z., M. G. Kociolek, and R. P. Johnson. Conformational Selectivity in
the Diels-Alder Cycloaddition: Predictions for Reactions of s-trans-1,3Butadiene. Journal Organic Chemistry. 65(21):7134-7138.
Campbell, M. A., J. Gustin, L. Szoknicki, and P. E. Barney. Characterization of
genes for branched-chain amino acid aminotransferase from potato (solanum
tuberocum). Plant Biology. (August).
Campbell, M. A. and J. Patel. Solanum tuberosum cystathionine-gamma-synthase
(CGS1) mRWA, complete cds. GenBank Submission.
Isolation of a Functional Gene from Potato Encoding for Cystathionine
– gammsynthase (PGROO-017). Plant Physiology 122:293.
Chisholm, M. G. and P. E. Koch. An Introductory Polymer Chemistry Course for
Plastics Technology Students. Journal of Chemical Education 77(9):11471151.
Eckroat, L. R. DNA Finger Printing and Tissue Typing. American Association for
the Advancement in Science – Science Books and Films. 36(3):136.
Falvo, D. C., Larson, et al, Elementary Linear Algebra, 5th ed., Houghton Mifflin.
Part of book.
Gill, R. L., M. J. Fontana, M. A. Campbell, and J. T. Warren. Danio rerio ornithine
decarboxylase mRNA, complete cds.
Gupta, P., C. Leroux, B. Patterson, L. Kingsley, C. Rinaldo, M. Ding, Y. Chen, K.
Kulka, W. Buchanan, B. McKeon, and R. Montelaro. Human
Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 Shedding Pattern in Semen Correlates with
the Compartmentalization of Viral Quasi Species Between Blood and Semen.
Journal of Infectious Diseases. 182:79-87.
Halloran, M.C., M. Sato-Maeda, J.T. Warren, Jr., F. Su, Z. Lele, P. Krone, and J.Y.
Kuwada. Laser Induced Gene Expression in Specific Cells of Trangenic
Zebrafish. Development 127, 1953-1960 pp.
Hammond S., F. Li, B. McKeon, Sr., S. Cook, C. Issel, and R. Montelaro. Immune
Responses and Viral Replication in Long-Term Inapparent Carrier Ponies
Inoculated with Equine Infectious Anemina Virus. Journal of Virology.
Kraus, A. R. Test Item File and Instructor’s Resource Guide for Intermediate
Algebra. 560 pp. Houghton Mifflin, Boston, MA.
Kraus, A. R. and C. A. Leech. Test Item File and Instructor’s Resource Guide for
Elementary and Intermediate Algebra: A Combined Course. 690 pp.
Houghton Mifflin, Boston, MA.
Larson, R. E., et al. Precalculus, An Internet Approach, 1st Edition. Houghton Mifflin
College Division.
College Algebra, An Internet Approach, 1st Edition. Houghton Mifflin
College Division.
Linear Algebra, 4th Edition. Houghton Mifflin College Division. (1988,
91, 96 and 2000).
College Algebra: Concepts & Models, 3rd Edition. Houghton Mifflin
College Division. (1992, 96, 2000).
Elementary Statistics, Picturing the World, 1st Edition. Prentice Hall,
College Division.
College Algebra: Concepts and Models Student Edition. 3rd edition.
Houghton Mifflin, Boston, MA.
College Algebra: Concepts and Models Instructor’s Edition. 3rd edition.
Houghton Mifflin, Boston, MA.
Elementary and Intermediate Algebra: A Combined Course Student
Edition. 3rd edition. Houghton Mifflin, Boston, MA.
Elementary and Intermediate Algebra: A Combined Course Instructor’s
Edition. 3rd edition. Houghton Mifflin, Boston, MA.
Elementary Algebra Student Edition. 3rd edition. Houghton Mifflin,
Boston, MA.
Elementary Algebra Instructor’s Edition. 3rd edition. Houghton Mifflin,
Boston, MA.
Intermediate Algebra Student Edition. 3rd edition. Houghton Mifflin,
Boston, MA.
Intermediate Algebra Instructor’s Edition. 3rd edition. Houghton
Mifflin, Boston, MA.
Elementary Linear Algebra. 4th edition. Houghton Mifflin, Boston, MA.
Elementary Statistics: Picturing the World. Prentice Hall.
Larson, R., R. Hostetler, B. H. Edwards, and D. C. Falvo. Precalculus Functions
and Graphs, A Graphing Approach. 2nd edition. Houghton Mifflin.
CD ROM to College Algebra/Precalculus, A Graphing Approach. 2nd
edition. Houghton Mifflin.
Larson R., R. Hostetler, and D. C. Falvo. College Algebra. 5th edition. Houghton
Algebra and Trigonometry. 5th edition. Houghton Mifflin.
Precalculus. 5th edition. Houghton Mifflin.
College Algebra, A Graphing Approach. 2nd edition. Houghton Mifflin.
Algebra and Trigonometry, A Graphing Approach. 2nd edition.
Houghton Mifflin.
CD ROM to College Algebra/Precalculus. 5th edition. Houghton Mifflin.
Larson, Neptune, and Falvo. Larson Math I, An Internet Based Approach.
Larson Math II, An Internet Based Approach. Meridian.
Larson Math III, An Internet Based Approach. Meridian.
Leaver, D. CHEM 17 Lab Manual – 4 New Experiments Written For Fall Semester.
CHEM 14H Packet of Course Materials Supplementary to Lab Manual.
Masteller, E. C. and E. C. Obert. Excitement Along the Shores of Lake Erie –
Hexagenia – Echoes from the Past. Great Lakes Research Review 5(1):2531.
McCarney, M. Prerequisite Skills Review for Algebra I. 24 pp. plus answers.
McDougal Littel.
Cumulative Skills Review for Algebra I. 24 pp. plus answers.
McDougal Littel.
McKeon, B., Sr. Penn State Erie Research Labs (PERL): Procedures and Protocols
Designed for the Biology 012 Lab at Penn State Erie. 1st Ed. Penn State
Erie. 25 pages.
McKeon, B., Sr. and J. T. Warren, Jr. Biology 240: Form and Function: A
Laboratory Manual. 1st Ed. Penn State Erie. 88 pages.
Moore, B. G. Orbital Plots Using Gnuplot. Journal of Chemical Education.
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