Reviewing Key Terms Insert the terms below into the following paragraph to describe the nature of government and differing political and economic systems. Each term should be used only once. constitution sovereignty democracy communism autocracy capitalism state free market republic command economy Reviewing Key Terms Every (1) has a form of government that has (2) within its territorial boundaries. A (3) is a government of and by the people that may have a (4) that protects the rights of the people—unlike an (5) that concentrates power in the hands of one person. The United States is a (6) with elected representation. It has a mixed economy based on (7). The (8) allows buyers and sellers to make economic decisions about what to produce, how much to produce, and who gets the goods and services produced. In contrast, under (9), the People’s Republic of China and other states have operated a (10) with government planning. 1. state 2. sovereignty 3. democracy 4. constitution 5. autocracy 6. republic 7. capitalism 8. free market 9. communism 10. command economy Recalling Facts 1. Why did the thirteen British colonies in America become known as “states”? They became known as “states” to establish their sovereignty when declaring independence from Great Britain. At that time each state considered itself a country. 2. What system of government divides power among different levels rather than giving all power to a central government? The federal system divides power among different levels. Recalling Facts 3. Describe three kinds of nonstate groups that influence national politics. Political movements, such as national liberation organizations maintain diplomatic relations with many states; multinational corporations have offices and factories in many states—they carry out activities on a global scale; international organizations undertake a variety of tasks, often to serve the needs of member states. Recalling Facts 4. How is a direct democracy different from a representative democracy? In a direct democracy the people govern themselves by voting on issues individually at meetings that all citizens may attend. In a republic, people elect representatives to govern for them. 5. What is the role of government in a laissez-faire economic system? The government avoids interfering except to ensure free competition in the marketplace. Understanding Concepts 1. Public Policy List the major advantages of living under a constitutional government. Answers may include: The government’s power is limited by the powers assigned to it and with held from it; powers are divided among branches of government; the people maintain sovereignty. Understanding Concepts 2. Global Perspective Which of the following ideas do you perceive to be the most powerful force in the world today: communism, socialism, or capitalism? Explain. Students will probably choose capitalism since many communist or socialist systems have failed or are faltering. However, students’ reasoning is more important than the choice of system. Critical Thinking 1. Understanding Cause and Effect Why is widespread educational opportunity necessary for a nation to develop a democratic system? Without education, people do not have the skills and knowledge to make informed, intelligent choices. Critical Thinking 2. Making Comparisons In a Venn diagram like the one below, show how capitalism, democratic socialism, and communism are alike and different. Capitalism: private property; business competition; profit motive; freedom of choice Socialism: peaceful change; government owns basic industries and provides social services; freedom of choice Communism: violent revolution; no private property Interpreting Political Cartoons Activity 1. What is the subject of the painting in the cartoon? It shows the writers of the Constitution, the Founders of the United States. Interpreting Political Cartoons Activity 2. According to the painting, who were the Founders of the United States? They were white men. Interpreting Political Cartoons Activity 3. What message is the cartoonist trying to communicate? The cartoonist wants to communicate the absence of women among the Founders. Interpreting Political Cartoons Activity 4. Do you think women influenced the creation of the United States government? Why or why not? Possible answer: Yes, although women were treated as second-class citizens, they still influenced society at that time and thus affected the ideas of the Founders. Why does Delaware call itself the First State? It was the first state to ratify the Constitution.