FALL 2003 - Dallas Independent School District

October 4-19
Oct.22-Nov. 2
Nov. 5th-16th
Inertia, Forces, Acceleration [Newton’s 2nd Law]
Test: October 18 and 19
(Worth 100 Points)
Chapter 6 / 5, 6 Action/Reaction Newton’s 3 Law, Vectors/Scalars.
Test: 11-1 and 11-2
(Worth 100 Points)_______
Chapter 6 / 4
Ch. 9/ 12-14
Nov. 26-Dec. 13
Ch.8, 9/ 7,11
December 14-19
December 22-Jan 7
Universal Gravitation, Circular Motion.
Test: 11-15 and 11-16 of 2012.
Cons. of Momentum, Impulse, Collisions Test:12-12 and 12-13
Reviewing All Chapters Studied: Final Exams 12/20 and 12/21
Final Counts 20% of Sem. Avg. /
Merry Christmas_
Jan. 8-Jan.22
Ch. 10-11 / 8
Force and Displacement, Work and Power
Test: #1 Jan. 18 A and Jan. 22 B [Worth 100 points]
Jan. 23-February 7 Continued
KE/PE, Cons. of Mechanical Energy/Machines.
Test: #2 on 2-6 and 2-7 [Worth 100 Points]
Feb. 8-22
Ch. 11-14 /
Heat Transfers, Laws of Thermo entropy.
__________________Ch. 21-24_______Test: Feb. 20th and 21st (Worth 100 Points)__________
Feb. 25-March 7
April 11th-19th
Ch. 20-23 /32-35 Statics and Electric Circuits, Coulomb, Ohms Law.
Test: Mar 6th A and March-7th B-day.
Ch. 20-23 / 25
Electromagnetism, Waves Interference, Frequencies….
29, 31, 34, 36, 37 Diffraction and Interference.
Test: April 9th and 10th [Worth 100 Points]
Review for Upcoming TAKS Testing April 22-25_______
April 22-25
April 29-May 10
May 13-20
May 21-28
May 29-June 3rd
June 4-6
June 7th (Friday)
TAKS Testing Monday-Thursday.
Ch. 14-16/27-30 Wave Behavior of Light, Reflection, Refraction, Mirrors.
Ch. 14-17 / 26
Sound, Frequency, Resonance, Music Applications
Ch. 18 / 38-40
Nuclear Physics and Semester Review
Review for Final Spring Exams
FINALS 20% of Spring Semester Final
UNT Coliseum, 6:00 pm 2013 Class: Black Shoes !
March 8-April 10
Note: Chapters noted before the slash / are chapters from Principles and Problems by Glencoe
[maroon text].
Chapters noted after the slash (/) = Conceptual Physics by Paul Hewitt [orange text].
Read the Glencoe textbook at home as HOMEWORK ON A REGULAR BASIS! PHYSICS I
Instructor: Dan Williamson
E-Mail Address: dawilliamson@dallasisd.org
Conference Periods: A-4 Phone: 940-369-1254
Tutorials: Mornings 8:15-9:00 am
Course Description: General Physics topics will cover all the TEKS that comprise the TAKS Test. This core
class will award one credit for completion with a passing minimum score of 70 with regard to both semesters.
The curriculum will be taught via lecture, labs, class-work on paper, films, question and answer sessions, as well
as actual reading of the textbook. The majority of homework assignments will be reading the appropriate
chapters in the GLENCOE text of which Parents may need to monitor some children.
Principles and Problems by Glencoe [Maroon Color], Conceptual Physics by Hewitt
Supplies needed:
CALCULATOR, 1 Pen, 2 Pencils, Notebook Paper, & 6 paper folders.
Daily work including quizzes, class-work from paper or books, practices [warm-ups] and
reports shall constitute 25% while all chapter tests shall count 50% of the grade and Labs = 25%. Extra credit
work can be done throughout the semester which can be added to the forthcoming test(s).
- All policies in the STUDENT HANDBOOK will be followed. Know them.
- Students will sit in assigned seats while in the classroom.
- Be seated at the bell ready to copy 6 Notes and the day’s Objective in 1st 10 minutes.
- The ONLY food or drink allowed is bottled water and Gatorade type liquids and mints, i.e.
peppermints, Lifesavers, Altoids, Certs, rock candy, cough drops…No Food please.
- NO USE OF IPODS AND…… Cell Phones used only as a calculator but not on tests.
- Follow the dress code to prevent being sent to change/home/ISS etc. Missed
work will begin at 70 not 100 if class time is missed due to poor choice of
clothes! Please do not add fuel to a District Wide School Uniform Policy idea!
Overall, know the handbook, respect others and be respected. Please see Adams Web-Page
Range may be from conference with student, student and parent, telephone call home or to parent’s work, letter
home from Coach Adams, Monday evening or Friday morning detention, weekday All-School detentions,
Saturday School, or other as assigned by the Instructional Principals in accordance with GHS and/or District
Please read the Fall/Spring Syllabus each student was given. The TEKS will include all that pertain to Physics as
stated by S112.47. These of course can also be accessed through the TEA website or at our Open House on
September 10th of 2012 of which Mr. Adams will be in room A207.
Please sign below and return to your instructor. A signature indicates that you have read the course policies and syllabus and understand
Printed Student Name: _________________________________________________________
Student Signature: ____________________________________________________________
Parent Signature: _______________________________________________________________
DATE: ____________________Return this signed before noon on September 6th for a daily grade of 100. Until
this paper is returned signed by Dad, Mom, or a guardian, it will be the 1 daily grade that is dropped.