P4 Explaining Motion


Forces and Motion

Getting out of shape

Changing speed

Going round in circles

What do forces change?

• They change an object’s

– speed

– shape

– Direction ( link )

Forces everywhere

• A force is a push or a pull exerted on an object

• So many sorts ...

– Pull of Gravity

– Push of ground upwards (Reaction)

– Electrostatic

– Magnetic

– Upthrust (on floating objetcs)

– Friction/air resistance/drag

– any more?

More than one force

• Do things always move?

• So what’s happening?

• Forces can add together or oppose and cancel

• What else might happen?

Balanced forces

– Cancel each other

– Have a zero resultant force

• What won’t happen?

• What else might happen?

• Balanced forces don’t affect overall motion

• As soon as something starts moving one force in particular appears out of nowhere and makes life awkward

• Friction: but is it always a nuisance?

– Rubber needs to grip the road or wheels spin and you get nowhere

– Brakes need to work so you can stop

• Understanding leads to control!

– Curving a football

– F1 cars

Sometimes we need unbalanced forces

Unbalanced forces

Force diagram Force A Force B

1 12 N to the left 7 N to the right

Size and direction of the resultant force

2 7N to the right 12 N to the right

3 7N to the left 7 N to the right

4 12 N to the left 12 N to the left

What about Forces acting on objects already moving?

• Balanced forces?

• Stays still

• Unbalanced forces?

• Starts moving

• Already moving and unbalanced forces?

• Speed carries on changing.

• Already moving and balanced forces?

Imagine removing friction ...

How do things move?

• In a straight line, at rest or constant speed, unless

– an unbalanced force acts

• A resultant (balanced) force causes a change in speed or a change in direction or both.

Getting Out of Shape


How do things stretch?

• Once twisted, plasticine stays in the new shape or breaks - PLASTIC

• A rubber band regains its shape after being stretched and released


• An elastic material when released after being deformed returns to its original shape and size.

• Glass snaps - BRITTLE

Investigating How Springs Stretch

• Set the apparatus up as shown in the diagram

• Place a 100g mass hanger on the end of the spring.

• Line up the top of the ruler, reading

0 cm, with the bottom of the mass hanger

• Now wear goggles!

• Add masses, 100g at a time and record the new length for each load, (so get a table ready!).

• Stop at a total of 1 kg

Label s needed!

Good springs stretch evenly

• Provided the elastic limit is not reached:

– Straight line graph

– Passing through the origin

This is described as:

• a proportional relationship

• Doubling the load force doubles the extension.

Using Springs

• The way they stretch is so regular, they can be used to make a newtonmeter to measure forces.

• Mark the zero position

• Add 1 kg and mark the new position

• Divide the gap into 10 divisions

• Weigh something!

• This is called calibration

Stretching Rubber

• Try stretching a rubber band gently then strongly.

• Try sketching the sort of graph you think you could draw for force against extension.

• Then hold it against your forehead and stretch it suddenly. What do you feel?

Resultant forces

• Apparatus and materials

For each student group:

• Retort stand, boss and clamp

• Mass hanger plus masses (100 g)

• Metre rule

• Selection of rubber bands, elastic cord

• Marker pen


• Measure the distance between the marks when the band is not stretched

• Add 50 or 100g and measure it again.

• Go on adding loads and recording the distance up to 600g

• Plot a graph of Load against Length

How do I change speed?


• Speed is a measure of how quickly something is moving speed  distance travelled time taken

• Actually, the above formula really tells you the average speed during the time interval

• As the time interval gets smaller, you get closer to calculating the instantaneous speed.

• This journey can be broken up into 5 stages.

• How far does he go in each stage?

• What is the total distance travelled?

• What is his average speed?

• Start

• Subjects

• Physics

• Force and Motion

• Displacement – time graphs

• In the “Forces and Motion” program sketch out this curve, as near as you can, and watch how the car moves.

• Design a journey for yourself. Be patient and learn how the program works.

• Note how far the car has gone at the end.

• Design a journey that gets you back to the starting point, but is different in how it gets you “there” and “back”.

• Print these off if you can!

Representing motion

• We can do this with a travel graph

– a plot of distance travelled vs time

• We must define a starting position and direction

– At starting position the distance=0

– One direction of travel is positive, the opposite direction is negative

Speed and Velocity

• The velocity of an object gives its instantaneous speed and direction

– (This is called a VECTOR)

– Speed on its own is a scalar.

• As with displacement, the sign of the velocity indicates the direction

– Without direction, speed is a scalar

– a negative velocity means speed in the opposite direction

Distance-time graphs


How would you represent something getting slower?


Note: distance can also become negative, if object travels in the opposite direction

Speed and Velocity

• Going from A to B: + velocity

• Going from C to F: - velocity

Ben Johnson:

1987 world record run

• Copy the table

Time taken / s Distance run / m

0 0





















• Draw a distance-time graph of the 100 m run.

• What is his average speed?

• What speed does he reach in the fastest 10m?

• What is his speed in the slowest 10 m?

• Describe from the graph how his speed changes during the race.

0 0




























9.83 100









0 2 4 6 8 10 12


Calculating speed

• The slope of the graph gives the speed

(strictly the velocity)

– slope  distance travelled time taken

(a) Slope = 60 / 10 = 6.0 m/s (b)

(b) Slope = 0 / 5 = 0.0 m/s

(c) Slope = 100 / 25 = -4.0 m/s

(a) (c)


(d) Slope = 40 / 15 = 2.7 m/s

• The steeper the line, the higher the speed

Distance-time graphs

• Try to describe the motion shown in the graph

– What does the slope of the line represent?

– What does the slope of the dotted line tell you?

Distance-time graphs

Constant speed backwards

Constant speed forward

Slope= average speed of return journey

Slope = speed

Speed=5/0.42=11.9 km/h stationary

After 160 minutes, we are back where we started

• Add up all the distances in each stage to get a total distance covered in the journey.

• What was his average speed over the whole journey?

• Can you work out his fastest speed forwards?

• Can you work out his fastest speed coming back?

Earth’s Gravity Field

• The weight of something is a measure of how strongly the Earth’s gravity pulls it down.

• The region where gravity acts is called a gravitational field .

• Gravity pulls more strongly on more massive objects, so we record the weight per kg as the field strength.

How does gravity work?

• Isaac Newton realised the significance of two simple ideas:

– It is the same force that holds moons in orbit as pulls things down on earth

– Every piece of matter attracts every other piece of matter

Size – or mass – decides how strongly gravity pulls


• “g” represents the strength of gravity, it varies from place to place.

• However far away you go, it just gets weaker and weaker but never vanishes completely.

 Earth: 10 N/kg

 Moon: 1.6 N/kg

 Mars: 3.8 N/kg

 Venus: 9.1 N/kg

 Mercury: 3.8 N/kg

 Pluto: 0.6 N/kg

 Sun: 271 N/kg

 100km asteroid: 0.04 N/kg

How come moons stay in orbit?

• Imagine a giant cannon firing a cannonball faster and faster

• The pull of gravity makes sure it lands ...

• Until it is going fast enough to fall round the earth!

• Gravity keeps the ball in orbit

Comet orbits

• If we fire a satellite into orbit and don’t get the speed just right, it starts to overshoot before being pulled back...

• This distorts the orbit into an ellipse .

• Comets move in clear ellipses

• Most planetary orbits are almost circular.

How to satellites move round an ellipse?

• As they climb higher they lose KE and slow down.

• As they fall lower they lose GPE and gain

KE, speeding up

• Wherever they are gravity pulls them towards the centre of the Earth

Gravity holds the Universe together

• Moons go round planets

• Planets go round stars

• Stars revolve round galactic centres

• Hundreds of billions of stars in a galaxy

• Hundreds of billions of galaxies

Calculating speeds in orbit

• How fast is the Earth moving?

• Radius of orbit:

150,000,000 Km

• Time of orbit: ?

• Speed is: distance travelled time taken

• 2 πr / T

• 2x3.14x150,000,00


• km/hr

Research for yourself
