PSF page archive 4-15-09

Removed from wiki page “Program Speaker Facilitators” on 4/15/2009
Please ask speakers to send ahead any material they might want us to include in a
conference notebook, and please ask for biographical notes when they are confirmed.
Deliver this to the PR committee. Thank you!
this is Jessica--I just had a voice mail from a company that represents speakers.
Number is 1-800-225-4575
I just confirmed that Paula Mirk will be here on Thursday, Oct. 29.--Jessica again
Meeting Notes 1/15/09: See Link on Left
Speakers and Facilitators
We already have one speaker, Paula Mirk from Global Ethics. We probably need one
more. (We have contacted 2 others so let's wait to hear from them before we send out
more feelers). Once we have our speakers we need the following to happen:
Student panel - consisting of graduates from GPS and other schools. Schools know for
Global Ed are Hathaway Brown and Provident Day.
Consistent contact with speakers to provide details of the conference and details of
what we expect from the talk.
Communication with Maria Matthews about possible use of Speaker Series endowment
for honorarium
Transportation from hotel to school and back
Transportation to and from airport
Arrangement for evening meals for facilitators with Jessica and Cindy to go over
procedures. This happens the night before the conference.
We are probably not looking for super high profile (and expensive and hard-toget) speakers, but I thought I would throw these names out anyway- just because
I am personally interested in hearing them speak and it would draw me into
attending a think tank: Fareed Zakaria (of CNN and Newsweek International) and
Gabor Steingart (of Der Spiegel). -Katye
NCGS schools who might be very helpful to you in planning and presentation or
discussion faciliators:
Bitty Dorr at Hathaway Brown,
Ann Pollina, head at Westover,
Joan Lonergan, Head of Castilleja,
Susannah Jones, Head at Holton-Arms,
Karen Roark, head of Winterim at Harpeth Hall,
Margaret Broad, Head of St. Margaret's.....the list goes on!
Kitty's email and phone are the following: phone: 978-626-6007, email
I have heard from the Office of Multicultural Affairs with the city. Who knows--they might
be interested in sponsoring. The contact people are Solomon Hatch, Community
Outreach Coordinator, and Barbara Medley, Interim Director. I am not sure if this is
Sponsors category, Program, or PR category so thought I'd add it anyway--Jessica
Proposed Ideas for Program (To be discussed at next Program meeting before we proceed)
Please add your ideas to these suggestions.
Three Main speakers:
Paula Mirk - Ethics and Social Justice (confirmed) Available G period to talk to GPS students
Senator Bill Brock-former US Senator from Tennessee-committed to global education
Greg Mortenson - Three Cups of Tea (not confirmed) copies of new book provided
Samantha Power (if Mortenson can't come)-Anna Lindh Professor of Practice of Global
Leadership and
Public Policy Carr Center for Human Rights Policy at John F. Kennedy School of GovernmentHarvard.
Possible Topics/Threads for Discussion Segments for “Best Practices”
. Ethics and Social Justice (group discussion following Paula Mirk’s presentation)
Confirmed: Ethics and Justice Facilitator: Johann Aberger, teacher of outdoor education,
geopolitics, and environmental ethics at Colorado Mountain College in the Rockies.
. Connecting Globally through Technology (examples shared) (Offered twice?)
Confirmed facilitator: Randy Stevens, Head of School from St. Timothy's in Stevenson,
(NAIS 20/20)
Integrating Global Awareness into the Classroom (Offered twice?)
(How to connect the “Add-ons” such as speakers, travel, video conference into
curricular study and genuine classroom experiences)
Suggested Facilitator-Hathaway Brown-Bill Christ, Head of School
. Global Student Experiences: Networking to make them happen on a shoestring
(How to network with schools in other countries and organizations that fund travel
and other experiences)
Confirmed Facilitator-Harpeth Hall-Karen Roark, Dir of International Exchange Programs
.Living Life Globally (Panel of young graduates – college or career)
Confirmed Facilitator: Crystal Kile, Ph.D. , GPS '85, Tulane's Center for Research on
4 to 5 schools represented -- possibilities: Harpeth Hall
Magee in New Orleans-Crystal will contact
GPS (Elizabeth Wray)
Castilleja-Palo Alto
Hutchison-Memphis, etc
(What secondary school experience inspired them to seek out program/live in other countries;
How did they network?)
.International Connections: Girls to Girls (Skype or posible Video Conference Presentation)
(How NCGS members can work together to enhance each other’s programs; Those experienced
in 20/20)
Need to plan two or more segments (early morning for Europe and evening after cocktail party
for Australia)
Possible Facilitator: Margaret Broad from St. Margaret’s School in Tappahannock, VA
(Anne Exum knows her and is willing to call)
.Nuts and Bolts of Developing a Global Program (Basic steps)
Suggested facilitator: GPS-Jessica Good, Dean of Faculty
.Green and Global go hand-in-hand
Possible facilitator: Nancy Mugele from Roland Park Anne Exum to call)
Global Community Service
Possible facilitator: Karen Tobey from Castilleja School
As you develop ideas for program topics, you need to contact these folks recommended
by Kitty Burns of NCGS: see above list of possible facilitators.
Need to define population - Population, or target audience, for the first Think Tank will
be NCGS members only. (JP)
Music/GPS group performing