EPIC Note templates-David Kim PROGRESS NOTE-OBGYN Subjective: @NAME@ is a @AGE@ with @LMP@ with complaint of *** @MEDICALHX@ @MEDCIP@ ROS: Negative for all systems, except for those listed above. Objective: @VITALS@ Gen: well nourished, No apparent distress, alert & oriented x 3 Abdomen: Soft, non-tender, non-distended, no organomegaly, and no hernias Extremity: full range of motion x 4 Neuro: normal gait Skin: no gross lesions rashes Assessment/Plan: @NAME@ is a @AGE@ female with complaint of *** @DIAGMED@ ANNUAL WELL WOMAN EXAM Patient name: @NAME@ Date of birth: @DOB@ Chief complaint: @RFVN@ HPI: @FNAME@ is a @AGE@ @SEX@ @GP@ with LMP *** who presents today for *** Health Maintenance: Last Pap:*** Mammogram:*** Colonoscopy:*** SURGICAL HISTORY: @PSH@ MEDICAL HISTORY: @PMH@ OB History: @OBBRIEFHIST@ GYNECOLOGIC HISTORY: SOCIAL HISTORY: @SOC@ Narrative @SOCDOC@ FAMILY HISTORY: @FAMHX@ Review of systems: Negative for all systems, except those listed above. Physical Examination: @VITALS@ @BMI@ Gen: well nourished, No apparent distress, alert & oriented x 3 Neck: No neck masses Breast: No breast masses, no axillary or clavicular lymphadenopathy, no nipple discharge Lungs: Clear to auscultation bilaterally, no wheezing Cardiac: Regular rate and rhythm, no murmurs Abdomen: Soft, non-tender, non-distended, no organomegaly, and no hernias Pevlic: Normal external genitalia, normal bartholin's glands, urethra, and skene's glands, normal estrogenized vaginal mucosa, normal cervix, Uterus ** size, no adnexal masses or tenderness. Extremity: full range of motion x 4 Neuro: normal gait Skin: no gross lesions rashes Assessment and Plan: This is a @AGE@ with G***P*** here for *** @DIAGMED@ PROCEDURE-PELVIC ULTRASOUND *** probe was used. Uterus: *** x *** x *** cm. Volume=*** Endometrial thickness: *** mm Comments:*** Right Ovary: *** x *** x *** cm Volume=*** Left Ovary: *** x *** x *** cm. Volume=*** Comments:*** PROCEDURE-FIRST TRIMESTER OBSTETRIC ULTRASOUND LMP:*** EDC by dates:*** CRL=*** mm AUA=*** EDC by ultrasound:*** Right Ovary:*** Left Ovary: *** Comments:*** Recommendations for final EDC:*** PROCEDURE-NST/AFI ANTEPARTUM TESTING NST: Baseline FHR: *** Variability: *** Accelerations: *** Decelerations *** Uterine Contractions:*** Ultrasound: AFI: *** Deep Vertical Pocket:*** Placenta:*** Presentation*** Recommendation/Follow Up: BIOPHYSICAL PROFILE Amniotic Fluid:*** Breathing:*** Movement:*** Tone:*** NST:*** Total Score:*** PROCEDURE NOTE-TRIGGER POINT INJECTION OF ABDOMINAL RECTUS MUSCLE This is Trigger Point Injection #*** Patient was consented on risks and benefits of trigger point injection, including but not limited to risks of infection, bruising, and pain. +Carnett test. {LOCABDOMEN:21145} ***/10 pain in supine position. ***/10 pain in sitting position. 3 cc 1% buffered lidocaine with epinephrine injected. Post injection pain ***/10 in supine position, and ***/10 pain in sitting position. No complicatoins. Follow up in *** weeks for next trigger point injection. David S. Kim, MD, MS, MBA PROCEDURE NOTE-ENDOMETRIAL BIOPSY Pre-Operative Diagnosis:*** Post-Operative Diagnosis:*** Attending:*** Assistant:*** Procedure: Endometrial Biopsy Complications: {YES/NO:21985} Urine pregnancy test was confirmed to be negative. I consented the patient for the endometrial biopsy procedure and discussed the following risks, benefits, and alternatives. Risks include but are not limited to bleeding, infection, cramping, uterine perforation, and allergic reaction (related to betadine prep). The benefit of the procedure depends on the indication for the procedure and may be to evaluate for endometrial hyperplasia. The alternative to this procedure include a hysteroscopy with dilation and curettage. Patients condition is stable. Procedure: Endometrial biopsy was performed in the usual fashion. The cervix was cleaned with betadine. A tenaculum {WAS/NOT:19945} was used to grasp the anterior lip of the cervix. *** passes were performed using the pipelle. *** amount of endometrial tissue was obtained. The specimen was sent to pathology. Impression:*** Plan:*** Discussion:*** Specimens Removed: {gen none default:314326::"none"} David S. Kim, MD, PhD, MBA PROCEDURE-COLPOSCOPY HPI: @NAME@ is a @AGE@ @SEX@ here for colposcopy. . LMP: *** Last Pap was ***. There {IS/IS NOT:19182} a history of tobacco use. Pregnancy test was negative. Patient was consented for colposcopy and biopsies today. Patient was informed of risks and benefits of this procedure. Benefits include ruling out precancer and cancer. Risks include bleeding, cramping, pain, brown discharge. Patient was also warned to have pelvic rest x 2 wks. Cervical Exam: Acetic acid applied. AW @ *** *** lesions @ Bx's taken *** C/W *** Hemostasis noted Assessment: Colpo was consistent with *** Plan:*** David S. Kim, MD, PhD, MBA Procedure Note: Nexplanon insertion Patient was consented and explained risks of bleeding and infection. Patient was counseled on side effects of headaches, irregular unpredictable vaginal spotting up to 6 mo's duration, and amenorrhea in some women. The non dominant left arm was betadined x 3 to clean the area. Approximately 10 cm from the left medial epicondyle 1-2 cc of 1% lidocaine with epinephrine was injected at the site where the Nexplanon was planned to be inserted. The Nexplanon was examined and confirmed to have the etonogestrel implant in the loading needle. The Nexplanon rod was inserted into the targed area of the skin subdermally in the left arm and deployed without complications. Steristrips were placed over the small incision. The arm was then wrapped in an elastic wrap to reduce bruising. RTC in 2 weeks for Nexplanon follow up check. Patient counseled to use condoms for 1 week. David S. Kim, MD, PhD, MBA Procedure Note: Saline Infusion Sonography Pre-Operative Diagnosis: Post-Operative Diagnosis: Attending: *** Assistant:*** Procedure: Saline Infusion Sonography Complications: None A time out was performed. Urine pregnancy test was confirmed to be negative. I consented the patient for the saline sonogram procedure and discussed the following risks, benefits and alternatives. Risks include but are not limited to bleeding, infection, cramping, and allergic reaction (related to betadine prep). It is also possible that the procedure is suboptimal and/or non-diagnostic and further work-up is required. The benefit of the procedure is to identify uterine abnormalities such as polyps, submucosal fibroids, or scar tissue as it relates to infertility or recurrent pregnancy loss. The alternative to this procedure include a diagnostic hysteroscopy. Procedure: Saline sonogram was performed in the usual fashion. Speculum was inserted. Cervix cleaned with betadine. Saline catheter inserted into cervical os. Normal saline *** cc injected. Findings described below. Patient tolerated the procedure well. Findings: *** Impression: *** Plan: *** Discussion:*** David S. Kim, MD, PhD, MBA Physical Exam-full Gen: well nourished, No apparent distress, alert & oriented x 3 Neck: No neck masses Breast: No breast masses, no axillary or clavicular lymphadenopathy, no nipple discharge Lungs: Clear to auscultation bilaterally, no wheezing Cardiac: Regular rate and rhythm, no murmurs Abdomen: Soft, non-tender, non-distended, no organomegaly, and no hernias Pevlic: Normal external genitalia, normal bartholin's glands, urethra, and skene's glands, normal estrogenized vaginal mucosa, normal cervix, Uterus ** size, no adnexal masses or tenderness. Extremity: full range of motion x 4 Neuro: normal gait Skin: no gross lesions rashes Physical Exam-limited Gen: well nourished, No apparent distress, alert & oriented x 3 Abdomen: Soft, non-tender, non-distended, no organomegaly, and no hernias Extremity: full range of motion x 4 Neuro: normal gait Skin: no gross lesions rashes