Work System Cover Sheet

--Dts 1st draft 1/26/10, 2 pgs-Work System Cover Sheet
Please fill out this cover sheet as the last act of completion of the Work System
Modeling Project.
As has been discussed in class we wish to reiterate that:
1) we do not want you to report on any work systems wherein you might be
disclosing any confidential or proprietary corporate data.
2) the development of the Work System Methods is part of an ongoing research
project taking place on in several countries under the guidance of the method’s
creator, Dr Steve Alter in cooperation with Co-Principal Investigator Dr. Duane
Truex. Accordingly, these work system models become part of a growing database
of several hundred work system models treated as field studies which are compared
and analyzed in the aggregate or as part of a demographically determined sub set
(e.g., as in firms in the financial services or retailers) _as we work to improve the
Work Systems Method technique for use in teaching and in practice. Typically the
data are described in the aggregate; but instances where examples and text are
drawn from a given project the identity of the project author (i.e., you) is removed
and the company name is disguised to protect confidentiality. In the space below
we ask you to declare your awareness of this project and to further indicate your
willingness to participate and have your work system project added to the dataset
for further study.
In giving consent to participation you have thee choices.
1) Open where you and project and firm are not cleasned or hidden.
2) Where the identity of you and/or the firm are ‘masked’ by assigning fictitious
names or control numbers and referring only to those control identies, if ever
identified at all. The real identity of the firm or of the author will be known only to
the researchers.
3) Your data may be used only when a part of aggregated analysis and never singled
4) You wish to opt out of the research phase altogether and have the case graded
solely for the purpose of meeting course requirements. You have the option of
opting OUT of the research in which case.
Further, to aid in the analyis of the data, and for analytical purposes only we ask you
to provide the following demographic data.
Your age ?? (what are the standard demographic designators)
How many years of professional business experience do you have?
_________yrs (fractional to the nearest half year. E.g., 7.5)
How many people (both full-time and part-time) did you have reporting to
you in your current or most recent position. _____________ people
Rate self on scale 1-5
a. My professional roles use IT knowledge and they focus on building,
analyzing, or maintaining IT systems. eg., an IT Professional
b. My professional roles involve extensive use of various IT systems and
applications – e.g., spreadsheet, database, CRM or ERP software eg,.
Proficient User
c. My professional life requires that I use IT systems but my roles are not
associated with IT - e.g., User
d. My work requires that use IT occasionally, but it is not particularly
important in my work. –e.g., Infrequent User
Have you ever: (circle one)
Taken a course or workshop to be trained in analyzing or designing systems
Taken a course or workshop to be trained in Six Sigma YES NO
Taken a course or workshop to be trained as a programmer YES NO
Have you ever been deeply involved in projects where you have had to help
analyze and or improve systems YES NO
To the best of your knowledge, Do you work for a firm that:
a. have a proscribed, preferred or commonly used method for analyzing and
designing systems. YES NO
b. …other questions…?