REPORT OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE STRATEGY TO MONITOR CURRICULUM DELIVERY AND SUPPORT TO SCHOOLS In pursuit of quality, efficiency and accountability Mr HM Mweli DATE: 09 June 2015 PRESENTATION OUTLINE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Problem Statement Purpose Progress in ANA and NSC Learning Outcomes NSC Results - final Background Provincial Oversight visits 2015 re-worked NSLA Integration of the Evidence Based Report (EBR) into NSLA Report on Quarter 1 NSLA reports NSLA reports on Progressed Learners Performance of Progressed Learners Pre and Post Tests NSLA reports- ICT Support Way Forward Recommendation 2 1. PROBLEM STATEMENT • The Basic Education sector has recorded tremendous improvement in access, redress and equity. • Gradual signs of improvement in areas of quality and efficiency are evident, but a lot still needs to be done. • Learning outcomes have shown an upward trend in the national, regional and international tests. • The National Development Plan acknowledges that targets in the Action Plan 2014 are stretched, but have increased them even further. • The NSLA must ensure that the sector delivers all the aforementioned targets. 3 2. PURPOSE To present a progress report to the Portfolio committee on the status of curriculum delivery and support to schools, with particular focus on the 2015 National Strategy for Learner Attainment (2015 NSLA) 4 3. PROGRESS IN ANA AND NSC LEARNING OUTCOMES 5 5 Number of Districts per Province Province Number of Districts North West 4 4 5 5 8 10 12 15 23 86 Mpumalanga Northern Cape Free State Western Cape Limpopo KwaZulu-Natal Gauteng Eastern Cape Total 6 6 EASTERN CAPE District Butterworth Cofimvaba Cradock Dutywa East London Fort Beaufort Graaff-Reinet Grahamstown King Williams Town Lady Frere Libode Lusikisiki Maluti Mbizana Mt Fletcher Mt Frere Mthatha Ngcobo Port Elizabeth Queenstown Qumbu Uitenhage Sterkspruit 7 ANA 2014 NSC 2014 51.0 50.7 46.4 41.1 55.6 49.1 44.0 45.5 47.1 45.8 46.4 38.8 44.1 45.0 41.8 45.3 46.2 39.4 49.0 50.2 43.1 33.1 47.8 57.1 66.7 82.3 57.9 74.9 56.9 63.3 71.9 63.9 63.9 62.4 61.1 61.7 60.1 64.9 55.1 67.6 65.9 74.3 58.0 75.0 60.5 75.5 7 Eastern Cape, 2014 Source: Universal ANA and NSC 2014 8 8 FREE STATE District ANA 2014 NSC 2014 Fezile Dabi 55.8 83.7 Lejweleputswa 53.6 80.8 Motheo 53.9 80.7 Thabo Mofutsanyana 56.9 87.6 Xhariep 45.1 78.2 Source: Universal ANA and NSC 2014 9 9 Free State, 2014 Source: Universal ANA and NSC 2014 10 10 GAUTENG District Ekurhuleni North Ekurhuleni South Gauteng East Gauteng North Gauteng West Johannesburg Central Johannesburg East Johannesburg North Johannesburg South Johannesburg West Sedibeng East Sedibeng West Tshwane North Tshwane South Tshwane West 11 ANA 2014 NSC 2014 65.7 88.7 70.7 79.7 65.7 81.2 57.1 86.7 60.0 92.7 62.3 81.2 61.9 83.9 59.3 85.6 55.1 88.1 61.3 86.3 67.0 91.2 59.0 78.3 59.9 84.0 64.8 87.0 53.1 84.1 11 Gauteng, 2014 Source: Universal ANA and NSC 2014 12 12 KWAZULU-NATAL District ANA 2014 NSC 2014 Amajuba Ilembe Pinetown Sisonke Ugu Umgungundlovu Umkhanyakude Umlazi Umzinyathi Uthukela Uthungulu Zululand 13 48.4 65.5 54.0 59.2 57.6 75.8 46.2 64.7 53.4 72.5 56.8 75.7 45.4 71.9 62.9 77.3 53.4 55.2 48.4 73.3 53.3 64.0 52.2 63.7 13 KwaZulu-Natal, 2014 Source: Universal ANA and NSC 2014 14 14 LIMPOPO District ANA 2014 NSC 2014 Lebowakgomo 38.8 74.4 Mogalakwena 34.3 67.8 Mopani 39.9 74.6 Polokwane 38.7 70.6 Riba Cross 33.4 64.7 Sekhukhune 33.4 63.6 Tshipise Sagole 41.7 81.8 Tzaneen 38.8 73.7 Vhembe 44.5 81.0 Waterberg 34.7 74.6 15 15 Limpopo, 2014 Source: Universal ANA and NSC 2014 16 16 MPUMALANGA • District ANA 2014 NSC 2014 Bohlabela 47.4 76.8 Ehlanzeni 53.0 82.1 Gert Sibande 49.9 77.1 Nkangala 46.3 78.8 Source: Universal ANA and NSC 2014 17 17 MPUMALANGA, 2014 Source: Universal ANA and NSC 2014 18 18 NORTH WEST District ANA 2014 NSC 2014 Bojanala 48.6 86.2 Dr Kenneth Kaunda 45.9 83.8 Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati 36.7 79.1 Ngaka Modiri Molema 46.1 87.0 Source: Universal ANA and NSC 2014 19 19 North West, 2014 Source: Universal ANA and NSC 2014 20 20 NORTHERN CAPE District ANA 2014 NSC 2014 Frances Baard 54.6 76.0 John Taolo Gaetsewe 39.1 72.8 Namakwa 57.4 82.0 Pixley Ka Seme 46.3 74.8 Siyanda / ZF Mgcawu 50.5 77.9 Source: Universal ANA and NSC 2014 21 21 Northern Cape, 2014 Source: Universal ANA and NSC 2014 22 22 WESTERN CAPE District ANA 2014 NSC 2014 Cape Winelands 59.8 83.3 Eden and Central Karoo 56.6 80.2 Metro Central 65.7 82.2 Metro East 58.9 81.5 Metro North 62.8 81.3 Metro South 65.8 81.8 Overberg 63.9 88.1 West Coast 62.3 88.4 Source: Universal ANA and NSC 2014 23 23 Western Cape, 2014 Source: Universal ANA and NSC 2014 24 24 National, 2014 Source: Universal ANA and NSC 2014 25 25 4. NSC RESULTS FINAL 26 Comparison of the NSC November 2014 examinations with the final combined results 9 (i.e. November 2014 and 2015 Supplementary examinations) November 2014 NSC examinations Province No. Wrote No. Achieved Eastern Cape 66 935 Free State 26 440 Gauteng 99 478 KwaZulu139 367 Natal Limpopo 72 990 Mpumalanga 45 081 North West 26 066 Northern 8 794 Cape Western Cape 47 709 National 532 860 % Achieved November 2014 NSC exam combined with the 2015 NSC Supplementary exam No. Combined % % Combined Combined - Nov % Achieved Achieved (Difference) 43 777 21 899 84 247 65.4 82.8 84.7 65.9 84.4 85.3 44 060 22 382 85 042 0.5 1.6 0.6 97 144 69.7 71.4 100 695 1.7 53 179 35 615 22 061 72.9 79.0 84.6 75.0 80.2 86.0 54 774 36 187 22 465 2.1 1.2 1.3 6 715 76.4 78.7 6 933 2.3 39 237 403 874 82.2 75.8 83.7 77.1 40 068 412 606 1.5 1.3 27 Comparison of the November 2014 NSC examination performance with the final combined November 2014 and 2015 Supplementary examination results There is an increase in pass percentage across all PEDS ranging from 0.5% to 2.3%, with the highest increases recorded in Northern Cape and Limpopo, which increased by 2.3% and 2.1% respectively. North West recorded an improvement from 84.6% to 86.0% and this now represents the highest provincial pass rate 28 Novembe r Achieved Bachelor Combine d Achieved Bachelor Novembe r Achieved Diploma Combine d Achieved Diploma Novembe r Achieved H-Cert Combine d Achieved H-Cert Novembe r Achieved NSC Combine d Achieved NSC Total Novembe r Achieved Total Combine d Achieved Province Comparison of the NSC November 2014 examination results with the final combined November 2014 and 2015 Supplementary examination results, based on qualification type Eastern Cape 13 435 13 482 18 339 18 380 11 958 12 151 45 47 43 777 44 060 Free State 7 987 8 035 9 754 9 896 4 107 4 399 51 52 21 899 22 382 Gauteng 36 843 37 121 35 034 35 167 12 295 12 679 75 75 84 247 85 042 KwaZuluNatal 35 724 36 212 39 751 40 899 21 544 23 426 125 158 97 144 100 695 Limpopo 16 325 16 370 20 927 21 155 15 912 17 231 15 18 53 179 54 774 11 229 11 269 15 898 16 028 8 423 8 825 65 65 35 615 36 187 8 509 8 568 9 472 9 576 4 079 4 318 1 3 22 061 22 465 2 176 2 204 2 941 2 979 1 596 1 748 2 2 6 715 6 933 18 524 18 757 14 573 14 675 6 108 6 603 32 33 39 237 40 068 150 752 152 018 166 689 168 755 86 022 91 380 411 453 403 874 412 606 Mpumala nga North West Northern Cape Western Cape National A total of 5 358 more candidates obtained higher certificates, 1 266 more candidates qualified for admission to Bachelor studies while 2 066 more candidates achieved admission to Diploma studies. In summary, 8 732 more candidates achieved the NSC after the writing of the 2015 Supplementary examinations. 29 • • • • A summary of the gains emanating from the 2015 Supplementary Examination The total number of candidates that achieved the NSC has increased from 403 874 to 412 606, an increase of 8 732 candidates. The total number of candidates that obtained the Higher Certificate has increased from 86 022 to 91 380, an increase of 5 358 candidates. The number of candidates who obtained admission to Diploma studies has increased from 166 689 to 168 755, which is an additional 2 066 candidates. The number of candidates that obtained admission to Bachelor studies has increased from 150 752 to 152 018, translating to 1 266 more candidates compared to the November 2014 NSC examination results. 30 5. PROVINCIAL OVERSIGHT VISITS 31 FOCUS OF OVERSIGHT VISITS The focus of the oversight visits were: • The alignment of provincial plans to DBE’s interventions; • Increase focus on implementation, monitoring and support by DBE and PEDs • Increase accountability at all levels of the system; and • Strategies to improve learner performance. 32 PROVINCIAL OVERSIGHT VISITS • As per CEM mandate, DBE conducted roadshows to engage and mediate the 2014 ANA and NSC Diagnostic Reports and other key NSLA deliverables to provinces. • Eight (8) Provinces were visited between 9 February to 11 March 2015. Western Cape visit was cancelled by WCED HOD citing unavailability of District officials due to preplanned activities. • During the visits, DBE shared the national priorities of the sector and provincial departments in turn shared provincial plans. 33 PROVINCIAL OVERSIGHT VISITS (Cont.) • PEDs to provide the DBE with amended plans which included the recommendations of the engagements and the alignment to the sector priorities. • Two (2) day follow up visits (June/July 2015) are planned to monitor NSLA progress and implementation of aligned improvement plans. • Tentative dates and the purpose of the visits have been shared with provinces at TDCM. – Day 1 will be a provincial office visit and one selected district. – Day 2 will be a visit to a primary and a secondary school respectively. 34 PROVINCIAL ROADSHOWS ON THE MEDIATION OF ANA & NSC DIAGNOSTIC REPORTS DATE PROVINCE VENUE EXPECTED ACTUAL OFFICIALS Province 9 FEB EASTERN 95 74 Ms P Tyobeka, Mr TE Rabotapi, Ms K Manona, Ms CAPE Khembo, Mr Q Moloi, Mr Tlhabane, Ms Ogubanjo East 10 FEB 388 268 Ms P Tyobeka, Mr TE Rabotapi, Ms K Manona, Ms London Khembo, Mr Q Moloi, Mr Tlhabane, Ms Ogubanjo Mthatha - 450 254 Mr Rabotapi, Ms Khembo, Ms Nxumalo, Ms V 11 FEB Trinset Maharaj, Dr M Simelane, Mr Ras, Dr Sekao, Ms M Sangoni, Mr Thakgedi, Mr Mkhwanazi, Ms Letoaba 12 FEB 16 FEB LIMPOPO Port 185 Elizabeth Algoa 133 Province 65 65 18 FEB Ls 110 Nylstroom 78 18 FEB Christ Worship House 300 203 18 FEB Flora Park High School 280 191 Mr S Tlhabane, Mr K Naidoo, Mr Mudau, Ms M Modiba, Mr M Nematangari, M P Legong, Ms F Mohosetsi, Mr T Kojana, Mr Rabotapi, Mr SPG Govender, Mr Q Moloi, Mr H Mahomed, Dr A Nkosi and Dr N Nduna-Watson Mr L Mudau, Ms W Carvello, Ms M Masemula, Ms M Modiba, Mr Nematangari, Mr K Naidoo, Ms Ogunbanjo, Mr Dikgomo Mr Rabotapi Dr A Nkosi, Mr T Masango, Mr S Mabaso, Dr A Nkosi, Mr P Rakgoathe, Mr A Dladla, Mr S Qanya, 35 Mr E Rabotapi and Dr A Nkosi PROVINCIAL ROADSHOWS ON THE MEDIATION OF ANA & NSC DIAGNOSTIC REPORTS DATE PROVINCE VENUE 23 FEB KZN EXPECTED ACTUAL OFFICIALS Provincial 90 Office 58 Mr HM Mweli, Mr E Rabotapi, Ogunbanjo, , Mr Dikgomo, Ms M Samuels 24 FEB Durban 167 105 Mr T Masango, Mr S Mabaso, Dr A Nkosi, Mr P Rakgoathe, Mr A Dladla, Mr S Qanya, Mr E Rabotapi and Dr A Nkosi 25 FEB Vryheid 146 109 Dr D Sekao, Ms F Nxumalo, Ms V Maharaj, Ms P Sangoni, Mr B Ras, Ms M Samuels, Mr G Coetzee 25 FEB Empange ni 162 102 Mr L Mudau, Ms W Carvello, Ms M Masemula, Ms M Modiba, Mr Nematangari, Mr K Naidoo, Ms Ogunbanjo, Mr Dikgomo 25 FEB Pietermar 200 itzburg 90 Mr T Masango, Mr S Mabaso, Dr A Nkosi, Mr P Rakgoathe, Mr A Dladla, Mr S Qanya, Mr E Rabotapi, Dr A Nkosi 36 Ms PROVINCIAL ROADSHOWS ON THE MEDIATION OF ANA & NSC DIAGNOSTIC REPORTS DATE 2&3 Mar PROVINCE VENUE Northern Provincial Cape Office EXPECTED 80 ACTUAL OFFICIALS 70 Mrs Tyobeka, Mr Tlhabane, Mr Ndlebe, Ms Manona, Ms Khembo, Mr Moloi, Ms Ogubanjo/Mr Moloi/Dr Poliah 3 Mar Diamantvel 80 d High School 50 Mr T Masango, Mr S Mabaso, Dr A Nkosi, Mr P Rakgoathe, Mr A Dladla, Mr S Qanya 4 Mar Mpumala nga Nelspruit 45 Ehlanzeni District Main Hall (Kanyamaza ne) 27 Mr T Kojana, Mr SPG Govender, Ms Ogubanjo/Mr Moloi/Dr Poliah, Mr H Mahomed, Dr A Nkosi, Dr N Nduna-Watson 5 Mar Nelspruit 205 (Kanyamaza ne) 140 Mr L Mudau, Ms W Carvello, Ms M Masemula, Ms M Modiba, Mr Nematangari, Mr K Naidoo, Mr Mahomed, Dr Nduna-Watson Middleburg 205 119 Dr D Sekao, Ms F Nxumalo, Ms V Maharaj, Ms P Sangoni, Mr B Ras, Ms Weston, Mr Govender, Dr Nkosi 5 Mar 37 PROVINCIAL ROADSHOWS ON THE MEDIATION OF ANA & NSC DIAGNOSTIC REPORTS DATE PROVINCE VENUE EXPECTED ACTUAL OFFICIALS 9 Mar Gauteng Provincial 200 Office SCI BONO 121 Mr E Rabotapi, Mr Chetty, Ms M Samuels 10 Mar Free State Provincial 197 Office 148 Mr Rabotapi, Mr Govender, Mr Ponela, Mr H Mahomed, Dr N Nduna-watson 11 Mar North West Provincial 100 Office 122 Mr Mweli, Mr Chetty, Mr Tshabalala, Rabotapi, Dr Simelane 12 Mar Western Cape Provincial Cancelled Office 38 1+4 ROADSHOWS DATE OF THE ROADSHOW 28/04/2015 PROVINCE Eastern Cape VENUE East London Roseview Primary School, Bloemfontein Scibono ACTUAL NUMBER OF ATTENDANCE 76 17/04/2015 Free State 21/04/2015 Gauteng 28/04/2015 KwaZulu-Natal KZN DoE Ulundi 44 29/04/2015 Limpopo LP Head Office 126 17/04/2015 Mpumalanga 22/04/2015 Northern Cape 22/04/2015 North West MP DoE Head Office NC Head Office HRD Building WCED Head Office 07/05/2015 Western Cape 39 21 75 27 OFFICIALS Mr Tlhabane, Mr Dikgomo and Ms Ramphele Mr Rabotapi, Mr Mweli, Ms Khembo, Mr Mkhize and Mr Masango Mr Rabotapi, Ms Samuels and Mr Chetty Mr Rabotapi, Mr Dikgomo and Ms Modiba Mr Tlhabane, Mr Dikgomo, Dr Nkosi and Ms Ramphele 20 33 Mr Mweli, Mr Tlhabane, Mr Dikgomo, Dr Nkosi Mr Tlhabane, Mr Dikgomo, Dr Nkosi and Ms Ramphele 6. NSLA 40 BACKGROUND • The Teacher Development and Curriculum Development (TDCM) workshop of 26-28 January 2015 focused on NSLA. • The revised NSLA was discussed at HEDCOM of 9th February 2015 and CEM of 12-13 March 2015. • Both HEDCOM and CEM endorsed the dates for the submission of the integrated NLSA Reports. • HEDCOM requested a further extension of two weeks to input into the reporting template. • All provinces were reminded to provide feedback. • Feedback was received from (written) and Mpumalanga (verbal). 41 Western Cape BACKGROUND (Cont.) • Western Cape proposed the deletion of a number of activities and performance indicators and the addition of new indicators. • Mpumalanga supported the new strengthened NSLA and proposed that the quarterly reports be reduced to three reports per annum. (Review 4th Quarter) 42 7. 2015 REWORKED NSLA 43 PURPOSE OF THE NSLA • The Department of Basic Education (DBE) has updated and strengthened the 2015 NSLA Integrated Framework in order to address all issues that contribute to underperformance in the system and revised the reporting tool which informs provincial and district activities and programmes to improve overall learner performance in line with Action Plan to 2019 – Toward Schooling 2030. 44 HEDCOM RECOMMENDATIONS The revised 2015 NSLA was discussed by HEDCOM on 9th February 2015. • The recommendations made included: – reflecting a differentiated approach in providing support to under-performing provinces, districts and schools; High enrolment subjects; – Learners with special education needs; – Girl learners in MST subjects; – Addressing weaknesses and gaps provided in the subject profiles; and – Support for repeating and progressed learners in all grades. Subsequently HEDCOM recommendations were infused in the document. 45 2015 STRENGTHENED NSLA • Recommendations by WCED were carefully considered by the DBE and based on the strength of the provincial motivation provided, either accepted, rejected or amended. • Verbal input from Mpumalanga is likely to result in an amended and shortened quarter 4 report focusing on support for learners writing the 2016 supplementary examination and progressed learners. 46 2015 STRENGTHENED NSLA (Cont.) The changes made to the NSLA are indicated under the following headings: – Revised sections of the NSLA to ensure clear accountability; – Detailed Performance Indicators to improve accurate reporting; – Making the framework grade and phase specific with a special focus on Senior Phase aligned to the interventions; – Specific focus on Progressed learners and Retained learners; – Inclusion of the 1+4 Mathematics project; – Including measuring the impact of interventions; and – Differentiated approach to performance and underperformance. 47 2015 NSLA – REVISED SECTIONS 2013 1. Development of Management and Leadership; 2. Comprehensive Teacher Development; 3. Resource Provisioning; 4. Efficient School Support; 5. Enhancing proficiency of languages; 6. Maths and Science Improvement; 7. Protecting Teaching Time and Quality Contact time during teaching and learning; 8. Effective implementation of credible assessment and examinations; and 9. Adding value to the development of the learner. 2014 2015 1. Management and Leadership 1. Management and Leadership 2. Early Childhood Development 2. Early Childhood Development 3. Primary/GET Schools: Foundation Phase; Intermediate Phase; and Senior Phase. 3. Primary/GET Schools: Multigrade; Foundation Phase; Intermediate Phase; and Senior Phase. 4. High/FET Schools 4. High/FET Schools 5. Mathematics, Science and Technology 5. Mathematics, Science and Technology 6. Comprehensive Teacher Development Programme 6. Comprehensive Teacher Development Programme 7. Resource provisioning 7. Resource provisioning 8. Inclusive Education: Special Schools; Full-service schools; Home Education 48 9. ICT 2015 NSLA – PERFORMANCE INDICATORS 2013 2014 2015 A report with evidence of the following is available: Number of school with Grade R Number of learners enrolled in Grade R Grade R learners in Public Primary Schools. A report with evidence of the following is available: Number of schools with Grade R Number of learners enrolled in Grade R o in Public Primary Schools o In independent schools (including community based sites) A report with evidence of the following is available: Number of schools with Grade R Number of learners enrolled in Grade R o in Public Primary Schools o In independent schools (including community based sites) Report on Dates of delivery of stationery, textbooks, workbooks, Braille and Large Print Materials and assistive technology and devices as well as quantities delivered to both section 21 and non section 21 ordinary and special schools Report on procurement and delivery of Braille, Large Print, ICT for visually impaired learners as well as the implementation of South African Sign Language (SASL) is compiled and presented A detailed report on the: total number of Special schools in the province; total number of Special schools procured for; total number of Braille, Large Print and ICT resources procured per grade per subject; total number of visually impaired learners per grade per subject that have received Braille/Large Print/ICT resources. 49 2015 NSLA – GRADE AND PHASE SPECIFIC 2013 2014 1. Primary/GET Schools 2. High/FET Schools 1. Primary/GET Schools • Foundation Phase; • Intermediate Phase; and • Senior Phase. 2. High/FET Schools Guideline on how to complete and what to include in the NSLA Template: • Only progress on activities completed in the current quarter must be reported on. • Time frames should relate to the quarter on being reported on. • The progress report should include feedback on activities, interventions, outcomes and support provided during school visits, workshops conducted to strengthen teachers’ knowledge, skills and teaching methodology and focus on the progress made regarding the strategies activities listed in the NSLA template. 50 2015 NSLA – FOCUS ON PROGRESSED AND REPEATING LEARNERS Strategic Activity Support to and monitoring of progressed and retained learners to address issues of retention and progression and to curb dropout rates Performance Indicator A detailed report on: No of learners progressed per grade No of learners retained per grade Nature of support provided Impact of support provided A summary monitoring report indicating: Key findings of monitoring visits Challenges / Interventions / Corrective measures 51 2015 NSLA - FOCUS ON UNDER-PERFORMING DISTRICTS/SCHOOLS/ SUBJECTS: Strategic Activity Performance Indicator Monitoring of and Support to under performing Schools Report per subject indicating: 52 Total number of underperforming schools in the province Total number of underperforming schools supported Nature of support provided Impact of the support Availability and utilisation of improvement plans Progress toward set targets Curriculum coverage per quarter Availability and utilisation of text Adherence to norm times 2015 NSLA – FOCUS ON SENIOR PHASE MATHEMATICS Strategic Activity Performance Indicator 1 + 4 Intervention model Implementation Report indicating: Establishment of clusters Number of clusters per District Nature of support provided Achievements Key implementation challenges and recommendations Report on Provincial and District Monitoring indicating: Frequency of monitoring Number of clusters monitored Summary of main findings 53 2015 NSLA – MEASURING IMPACT Strategic Activity Performance Indicator Audit current MST Teachers and posts - report on: teachers’ The development of a database of all MST teachers which should include the qualifications to qualifications of the teachers in MST subjects determine need for Audit all vacant substantive posts in districts and schools, challenges, training, up skilling in interventions MST subjects Development and implementation of a framework for utilization of itinerant Audit all MST vacant teachers substantive posts in Incentive scheme and recruitment plan for MST teachers. districts and schools Support programmes/workshops for MST teachers – report on: and the intervention strategies to address Support for Senior Phase Mathematics teachers Support for GET Natural Sciences teachers the challenge of teaching and learning Training and preparation of teachers to implement CAPS2 for Technical subjects, including Technical Mathematics and Technical Science in those schools Recruit MST teachers Support provided in other MST subjects The report should include Provide targeted o Criteria support o Purpose and Focus programmes/worksho o Total population vs. number targeted and trained/ supported ps for MST teachers. o analysis of pre and54post tests and impact 2015 NSLA – DIFFERENTIATED APPROACH Strategic Activity Interventions to improve learner performance including: Extra classes for top performers; Vacation classes Enrichment learning and / Revision classes. Performance Indicator A detailed qualitative and quantitative report per subject indicating the following: Nature of intervention Purpose; Focus of the intervention, Total population Duration ( 1hour x 10 days) Beneficiaries vs. Target (e.g.30 out of 145) Impact of the intervention (pre-test and post – test results) 55 8. INTEGRATION OF EBR INTO NSLA 56 PURPOSE OF EVIDENCE-BASED REPORT • To collect quantitative and qualitative data on provincial interventions conducted that directly improve learner performance in the National Senior Certificate examinations for presentation to the Umalusi Assessment Standards Committee. 57 INTEGRATION OF THE EVIDENCEBASED TEMPLATE • Key areas of the Evidence-Based report were integrated in the 2015 NSLA framework e.g. Nature of intervention Purpose; Focus of the intervention; Total population; Duration ( 1hour x 10 days); Beneficiaries vs. Target (e.g.30 out of 145); and Impact of the intervention (pre-test and post – test results) 58 9. REPORT ON QUARTER 1 NSLA REPORTS 59 QUARTER 1 NSLA REPORTS • First quarter reports (01 January 2015 – 31 March 2015) were due for submission on the 09th of April 2014. Province Submitted / Outstanding Signed / Unsigned Eastern Cape Submitted: 07/05/2015 Unsigned Free State Submitted: 10/04/2015 Unsigned KwaZulu Natal Submitted: 17/04/2015 Signed by HOD Gauteng Submitted: 09/04/2015 Unsigned Limpopo Submitted: 09/04/2015 Unsigned Mpumalanga Submitted: 10/04/2015 Signed by HOD North West Submitted:09/04/2015 Unsigned Northern Cape Submitted: 09/04/2015 Unsigned Western Cape Submitted: 10/04/2015 Unsigned 60 NSLA QUARTER 1: POWER - POINT PROGRESS REPORT At TDCM meeting ( 8 – 10 April) Provinces were expected to: • Give a brief outline on what the provincial improvement plan covers. • What are the identified weaknesses from 2014 and how are they addressed? • What are the key elements of the differentiated approach of the 2015 plan? • How are the progressed and repeating learners monitored and supported? • How does tracking learner performance inform subsequent interventions? • Which subjects are going to mitigate the negative effects of the implementation of the withdrawal of the language compensation? • What is the profile of your 2015 class? 61 NSLA QUARTER 1: PROGRESS REPORT (Cont.) • Eight (8) of the provinces presented (Eastern Cape was not present and did not send a report); however, the majority did not follow the guidelines provided. • The detailed narrative reports submitted to the DBE have been analysed and a comprehensive feedback report provided to each province reflecting progress and issues requiring follow-up to improve NSLA. 62 10. NSLA REPORTS – PROGRESSED LEARNERS 63 FREE STATE – PROGRESSED LEARNERS 64 PROGRESSED LEARNERS: (GAUTENG) DISTRICTS EN ES GE GN GW JC JE JN JS JW SE SW TN TS TW Total Total wrote 15 596 17 527 13 942 3 120 11 432 13 632 10 728 11 499 12 712 9 019 5 498 10 577 11 101 6 471 10 717 163 571 Total Total Progressed Learners Progressed to Progressed to Grade 11 in % Total Grade 12 in 2015 Progressed wrote 2015 % Progressed 1 342 8.6 11 941 605 5.1 621 3.5 15 274 759 5.0 1 527 11.0 10 917 871 8.0 174 5.6 2 502 166 6.6 690 6.0 9 304 659 7.1 659 4.8 10 868 1 295 11.9 1 054 9.8 9 079 506 5.6 958 8.3 9 120 554 6.1 855 6.7 9 621 663 6.9 702 7.8 6 972 380 5.5 501 9.1 3 267 186 5.7 876 8.3 8 385 341 4.1 1 259 11.3 8 684 591 6.8 791 12.2 5 662 517 9.1 963 9.0 8 885 737 8.3 12 972 7.9 130 481 8 830 6.8 65 KZN - Progressed Learners/Repeating Learners • The province has 19 358 progressed learners • A revision program has been designed to offer to take place during winter and spring vacation • Targeted subjects: Accounting, Mathematics, Physical sciences, Economics, Life Sciences and EFAL 66 LIMPOPO - Progressed and repeating learners District Number of learners progressed to grade 12 Number of affected schools Capricorn 1108 200 Mopani 1800 198 Sekhukhune 1613 128 Vhembe 2400 300 Waterberg 2300 304 9221 1130 • The province printed and provided Mind the Gap learner guides to the progressed and repeating learners • All schools profiled the progressed and repeating learners and developed intervention programmes • Subject Specialists and Circuit Managers monitor the implementation of the strategies at school level 67 MPUMALANGA – PROGRESSED AND REPEATING LEARNERS STRATEGY ACTIVITY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR Support to Progressed and Repeating Learners Nature of support provided to the learners PROGRESS • • • • • • 68 Additional support material like study guides, newspaper supplements and previous years’ question papers were supplied to learners in order to enhance learning. Radio lessons are presented on the identified challenging topics More informal tasks are given to the affected learners. Extra tuition time is provided Schools have been supplied with the schedule for DSTV learning channel 319 and were advised to tune in to enhance their learning. DVDs for Life Sciences, English , Mathematics , Accounting and Physical Sciences) for grades 10 – 12 were distributed to secondary schools. NORTHERN CAPE - AUDIT PER DISTRICT OF PROGRESSED LEARNERS AGED 20 AND ABOVE DISTRICT AGE FRANCES BAARD JT GAETSEWE 20+ 384 21+ 22+ PIXLEY KA SEME ZF MGCAWU NAMAQUA TOTAL 361 152 33 930 3 242 359 106 13 720 2 117 203 46 4 370 1 36.67% 28.39% As a % of the total progressed learners in Grade 12: 14.59% 20+ 21+ 22+ 69 PROGRESSED LEARNERS PER GRADE IN 2015 - NC LEARNERS PROGRESSED IN 2014 GRADE GR R TO GR 1 GR 1 TO GR 2 GR 2 TO GR 3 GR 3 TO GR 4 GR 4 TO GR 5 GR 5 TO GR 6 GR 6 TO GR 7 GR 7 TO GR 8 GR 8 TO GR 9 GR 9 TO GR 10 GR 10 TO GR 11 GR 11 TO GR 12 TOTAL PKS 0 956 478 476 426 460 390 467 505 426 18 543 5145 ZFM 0 47 101 121 127 220 148 211 439 535 248 446 2643 JTG 3 66 93 113 129 201 158 251 376 482 395 444 2711 FB 143 819 1135 1191 1160 1058 1292 576 1027 1639 923 531 11494 NAM 0 94 173 192 257 365 320 148 217 368 39 63 2236 TOTAL 146 1982 1980 2093 2099 2304 2308 1653 2564 3450 1623 2027 24229 8.19% 4000 3450 3500 3000 2500 1982 2000 1980 2093 2099 2304 2564 2308 2027 1653 1623 1500 1000 500 146 0 GR R TO GR 1 GR 1 TO GR 2 GR 2 TO GR 3 GR 3 TO GR 4 GR 4 TO GR 5 GR 5 TO GR 6 GR 6 TO GR 7 70 GR 7 TO GR 8 GR 8 TO GR 9 GR 9 TO GR 10 GR 10 TO GR 11 GR 11 TO GR 12 NORTH WEST - Progressed learners • • • • • • The province has 3665 learners who progressed from Grade 11 to 12 Learners attended the camps over the autumn vacation, were planned as follows 10 camps were planned for 162 schools that participated Maths, Physical Science and Setswana are subjects mostly implicated For lower classes though learners are not attending camps special attention is given to them The understanding of the guidelines should be understood to deal with it properly Districts Teachers Days Dr Kenneth Kaunda Planned numbers 506 11 8 Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati 287 20 7 Ngaka Modiri Molema 1476 71 8 Province 3665 262 Maths, Physical Science and Setswana are subjects mostly implicated 71 PROGRESSED LEARNERS: GR. 11S OF 2014 PROGRESSED TO GR 12. (WESTERN CAPE) • Gr 11 learners who have progressed to gr. 12 have been identified. • Graded consolidation exercises for learners at risk provided as resources on the WCED website. 1. Gr• 11s of 2014 Progressed These learners are being given additional and differentiated support / intervention programmes. District 1 Cape Winelands 173 Eden And Central Karoo 28 Metro Central 66 Metro East 90 Metro North 161 Metro South 61 Overberg 48 West Coast 42 Grand Total 669 Source: CEMIS 12 February 2015 2 114 88 121 142 97 44 144 9 759 3 216 49 108 186 285 77 47 44 1012 Circuits 4 5 54 91 64 33 113 233 129 100 61 113 31 198 6 278 44 107 239 78 244 163 143 18 470 990 431 72 5 773 7 40 85 8 35 35 Total 1001 391 748 886 958 798 239 118 5139 % of ALL Gr 12s 12% 6% 9% 10% 9% 9% 12% 5% 9% 72 11. PERFORMANCE OF PROGRESSED LEARNERS 73 WESTERN CAPE - Grade 12 Targets For 2015 Vs Term 1 Performance District 2014 Wrote 2014 Pass Number 2014 Pass Rate 2015 Enrol 2015 Nr to pass 2015 % to pass Term 1 Tot Lrnrs Term 1 Nr Passed Term 1 Pass Rate Cape Winelands 6884 5730 83.2% 8333 7136 85.6% 7804 6814 87.3% Eden & Central Karoo 5449 4370 80.2% 6356 5447 85.7% 6321 5498 87.0% Metro Central 6199 4914 79% 7374 6235 85% 7021 5618 80% Metro East 6804 5518 81.1% 8400 7011 83.5% 7970 6609 82.9% Metro North 8820 7120 80.7% 10121 8512 84.1% 9577 8176 85.4% Metro South 7022 5703 81.2% 8817 7377 83.7% 6965 5826 83.6% Overberg 1397 1243 89.0% 1914 1699 88.8% 1909 1688 88.4% West Coast 2096 1853 88.4% 2399 2205 91.9% 2243 1999 89.1% 44671 36451 81.6% 53714 45622 84.9% 49810 42228 74 84.8% Total 74 12. 1+4 PRE AND POST TESTS 75 MPUMALANGA 76 MPUMALANGA TERM 1 PRE- AND POST-TEST FOR TEACHERS IDENTIFIED TO CO-FACILITATE DISTRICT PRETEST POST TEST 0 – 49% 50 – 79% 80 – 100% 80 – 100% Bohlabela 2 10 0 12 eHlanzeni 4 6 2 12 Gert Sibande 2 6 2 10 Nkangala 3 2 3 8 TOTAL 11 24 7 42 11 teachers identified for facilitation scored between 0 – 49 % All identified teachers achieved at 80 % and above after undergoing ‘training’ 77 FREE STATE 78 FREE STATE: BOTSHABELO PLC CLUSTER: VENUE: PHANO DATE: GRADE 9 TOPIC PRE TEST PERCENTAGE POST TEST PERCENTAGE Construction 10% 58% Area and Perimeter 74% 95% Algebraic Equation 80% 100% Geometry of the Straight Line 87% 100% 79 FREESTATE: BOTSHABELO PLC CLUSTER: VENUE: PHANO DATE: GRADE 8 TOPIC’S CONSTRUCTION PRE TEST PERCENTAGE POST TEST PERCENTAGE 14% 60% AREA AND PERIMETER 85.7% 100% ALGREBRAIC EQUATION 100% 100% GEOMETRIC OF STRAIGHT LINE 100% 100% 80 NORTH WEST 81 NW - MAQHAUSI HILLS (TEACHERS) GRADE 8 9 AVERAGE % PRE-TEST POST TEST 75 98 82 100 70 86 84 96 90 100 407 81.4 480 96 80 82 80 90 96 96 100 100 100 100 430 86 496 99.2 82 PRE AND POST TESTS 83 NORTHERN CAPE - PRE-AND-POST TEST RESULTS: AFRIKAANS HL SUBJECT CLINIC 84 NORTHERN CAPE - PRE-AND-POST TEST RESULTS PER DISTRICT: ACCOUNTING SUBJECT CLINIC 85 NORTH WEST - Pre and post tests RESOLEFETSE VENUE: HTS Klerksdorp SURNAME & INITIALS SCHOOL POST TEST LIFE SCIENCES PRE TEST SUBJECT: MS H CAINE & MS BALOYI S.M 100.0 100.0 1 MOLEKANE, M 18.0 55.0 2 SESENE, D 6.0 20.0 3 SEIPEI,L 12.0 32.0 4 JANTJIES,A 22.0 29.0 5 MOYI,D 22.0 25.0 16.0 32.2 Average 86 NORTH WEST - 2015 Term 1 Centre 2014 Total NUMBER % No Progressed Progressed Passed Bakwena 86% 88 89% 20 15 Botlhabelo 88% 123 85% 10 6 Central 95% 61 93% 3 1 Eagle 83% 49 84% 8 6 Lerothodi 62% 61 95% 3 1 Machadam 69% 42 78% 30 28 Malatse M 86% 139 91% 18 15 M Modisakeng 83% 118 85% 9 4 Mogale 73% 100 78% 19 12 Rabboni 98% 38 97% 1 0 Rakgatla 97% 95 97% 11 8 St Teresa 92% 169 95% 47 38 T Morula 97% 125 95% 11 8 Tsogo 95% 128 96% 25 22 Wagpos 95% 124 98% 1 0 87 13. NSLA REPORTS – ICT SUPPORT 88 Calendar App ANA- support App Parent Portal School Self Evaluation App Self-Diagnostic Assessment APPS MATHS EFAL Mindset Learn Xtra CAPs-aligned digital Content & OERs Fundza 2Enable TEACHER COMMUNICATOR App 89 Microsoft Math PROGRAMMES CURRENTLY OFFERED IN TEACHER CENTRES • • • • • FAL CiPELT Training; CAPS content training; MST teacher training; Principals and SMTs training; ICT Leadership and Integration into teaching and learning; • Library services provided; and • A+ ICT programme for out-of-school youth. 90 EASTERN CAPE - LEARNER SUPPORT 1. 2. 3. Radio Lessons (in partnership with community radio) 46 Telematics Centres Career Expo planning • Office of the Speaker (19 June 2015) • NTCEE (for September) 4. Co-curricular activities to improve Literacy • SOPA competition • Indigenous Languages (Freedom Day Debates) • SADC Essay writing competition 5. Learner Attainment Improvement Strategy (LAIS) • Launch – Butterworth District – 14 May 2015 • Study Tips Booklet • Curriculum Coverage: Topics & Tasks • LAIS information booklet • Posters 91 learners SUPPORT PROGRAMME FOR PROGRESSED LEARNERSNo IN of MANGAUNG per session (Free State) Two subjects per session will be offered. The aim is to not have more than 50 learners in a venue per session. Group 1 Subjects per group Ave # of learners per venue 342 7 49 337 7 49 193 4 49 115 3 39 166 4 29 306 7 44 ? ? ? 679 308 PhyScience BusStudies 4 Number of venues Life Science Economics 3 # of learners per subject Mathematics Maths Lit 2 Total per session 472 Accounting TOTAL per weekend 1459 (excluding Accounting) 92 IBP SUPPORT PROGRAMME (FS) Week A Time Activity 8:00 – 9:30 Session 1 9:30 – 9:50 9:50 – 11:20 11:20 – 11:30 11:30 – 13:00 Week B Day 1 Mathematics Day 2 Life Science Day 1 Life Science Day 2 Mathematics Maths Lit Economics Economics Maths Lit Mathematics Life Science Life Science Mathematics Maths Lit Economics Economics Maths Lit Phy Science Accounting Accounting Phy Science Snack Break Session 2 Comfort Break Session 3 Bus Studies 13:00 – 13:30 Snack Break Phy Science 13:30 – 15:00 Bus Studies Accounting Accounting Phy Science Session 4 Bus Studies Bus Studies Subjects – 2will day clusters Subjects alternate between day 1 and day 2 of each cluster. This is to make sure that the same subject does not fall on a Sunday every week. 93 STRUCTURE OF EACH SESSION(FS) 94 14. WAY FORWARD 95 NATIONAL CO-ORDINATION • The NSLA Management Team will host a full day workshop on how to analyse the reports in order to bring consistency to the way in which the reports are analysed by each directorate in the DBE. • The finalisation of the Quarter 2 provincial report will be done over a two-day period in order to meet the deadline. 96 PROVINCIAL CO-ORDINATION OF THE NSLA • All nine PEDs were required to appoint a provincial NSLA co-ordinator. • Only three appointees were received : Limpopo- Ms C Makondo Mpumalanga– Ms Lucy Moyane Western Cape – Mr Lance Abrahams • Six provinces did not comply. • Follow up will be made with the HODs of the provinces who have not complied. • The columns in the NSLA template will be locked in order to avoid the changing of activities and performance indicators. 97 DATES FOR SUBMISSION OF REPORTS • Subsequent dates for submission of integrated NSLA quarterly reports in 2015 are as follows: – Quarter 2 report on 9 July 2015; – Quarter 3 report on 8 October 2015; and – Quarter 4 report on 29 January 2016 – (Amended to focus on supplementary exams support and progresses learners) • Reports to be approved and signed by provincial HOD. 98 15. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Portfolio Committee discusses the progress report on the status of curriculum delivery and support to schools, with particular focus on the 2015 National Strategy for Learner Attainment (2015 NSLA). 99 THANK YOU 100 Website: Call Centre: 0800 202 933 | Twitter: @DBE_SA | Facebook: DBE SA