LAPs week of 2.4.13 - WordPress @ Clark U

SHCS Lesson Plan – Social Studies Department
Teacher: Greg MacPhee Course: World History II
Week of: 2/4/13 Periods: 1 & 7
Unit: Imperialism and WWI
Level: C
Essential Question (for current Unit)
Is the United States today an example of imperialism?
How did WWI change the world and how is it affecting us to this day?
Common Core Writing Standards: Social Studies Department
1. Write arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts, using valid reasoning and relevant and
sufficient evidence. (Example: essays, debating bullet points)
2. Write informative/explanatory texts to examine and convey complex ideas and information clearly and accurately through the
effective selection, organization, and analysis of content. (Examples: DBQ’s, ACAPS, responding to charts and graphs)
5. Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach. (Example:
research paper)
9. Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research. (Example: analyzing primary
source documents)
10. Write routinely over extended time frames (time for research, reflection, and revision) and shorter time frames (a single
sitting or a day or two) for a range of tasks, purposes, and audiences. (Example: bellringers)
Other Standards (if applicable) ex: ELBPO, reading, cross-disciplinary
WHII.11. WHII.12, WHII.15, WHII.48, WHII.17, WHII.18
What do you require your student to know?
Use an action verb that can be measured: S.W.B.A.T.
Example: Analyze the roles and policies of various
Civil War leaders. (US1.39)
Example: Identify leadership qualities of Ulysses S.
Grant in a written open response essay.
For the final assignment for this unit, students have been
assigned to create a political cartoon and an essay
explaining their position on whether or not the United
States is an empire. This week will be devoted to
reviewing past examples of imperialism already learned
in class and then also learning about various examples of
what some people today consider American imperialism.
Draw their own political cartoon
Clearly state whether or they believe the United
States today is an example of imperialism
Demonstrate an understanding of imperialism and
be able to give examples of it
Weekly Open Response Question:
Is the United States an example of imperialism? Use examples that we learned about in
class to support your answer.
Prior Knowledge:
Future Learning:
“White Man’s Burden”
Assassination of Franz Ferdinand
definition of imperialism
Trench Warfare
imperialist’s motivations
Modern war: submarines, poison gas, tanks, airplanes
political cartoons
initial enthusiasm for war turning to disillusionment
specific examples of imperialism in Africa and India
Armenian Genocide
examples of American imperialism, such as the Iraq War
Russian Revolution
America’s entry into the war
Treaty of Versailles
Lingering effects of the war
How to create a bibliography
Activities: (Period 1)
-Teacher will pass out worksheet
-Teacher will replay the clip from Gandhi of the Amritsar Massacre
-Students will discuss the first three questions
-Teacher will then pass out article on the Haditha Massacre in Iraq
-Teacher will read aloud the article, stopping to define words for students which they have
questions about
-Students will then fill in a Venn diagram comparing and contrasting the two massacres
-Students will keep worksheets for their final
(Period 7)
-Teacher will pass out worksheet
-Students will review the poem “The White Man’s Burden”
-Teacher will hand out short interview between Tim Russert and Dick Cheney where Cheney
asserts that Americans will be greeted as liberators, students will read it and answer questions
on their worksheets
-Teacher will then play clip of Fox News covering the toppling of the Saddam statue in
-Students will discuss whether they think Cheney was right or wrong
-Teacher will then project a picture taken from a distance showing the Iraqi crowd to be much
smaller than it seems in the video
Assessments/HW: Work on imperialism final assignment, due Friday (P. 1) and Thurs.
Activities: (No Period 1)
-Students will be given the option of choosing between four different articles about American
imperialism, whichever one catches their interest or goes along with their final assignment
-Students will fill in a graphic organizer for their worksheet which they will turn at the end of
class to check for comprehension, students may keep their documents for their final
-Teacher will circulate around the room checking for questions about both the article and the
final assignment
Assessments/HW: Work on imperialism final assignment, due Friday (P. 1) and Thurs.
Activities: (P. 1)
-Teacher will pass out worksheet
-Students will review the poem “The White Man’s Burden”
-Teacher will hand out short interview between Tim Russert and Dick Cheney where Cheney
asserts that Americans will be greeted as liberators, students will read it and answer questions
on their worksheets
-Teacher will then play clip of Fox News covering the toppling of the Saddam statue in
-Students will discuss whether they think Cheney was right or wrong
-Teacher will then project a picture taken from a distance showing the Iraqi crowd to be much
smaller than it seems in the video
-When they are finished with that, they will then choose 1 of 4 articles to fill in a separate
video clips to aid
Venn diagram
to aid with
comparing and
stopping to
define larger
words students
may have
questions on
students may
choose articles
based on their
difficulty, and
relevance to
their project
organizers to aid
visuals to aid
organizer to aid
- Teacher will circulate around the room checking for questions about both the article and the
final assignment
(P. 7)
-Students will be given time in class to work on their final assignment
- Teacher will circulate around the room checking for questions about the final assignment
Assessments/HW: Work on imperialism final assignment, due Friday (P. 1) and Thurs.
Activities: (Periods 1 & 7)
-There will be two lines of masking tape on the floor symbolizing two “trenches,” students
will be told that if they step out of their trench without permission they will “die”
-The two trenches will be opposing sides from WWI, there will be three small short lines of
tape in the middle of “no man’s land” where one by one, the “attackers” will step outside. For
each step, the “defenders” will role a die which will determine whether the “attacker” will
step forward, be wounded, or die.
-As the “attacker” makes their way towards the “defenders’” trench, they will draw cards for
each step as well which will also determine if they are killed, wounded, gassed, or have
immunity from dying for the next round.
-If attacker makes it to defenders’ trench, they roll a die to determine the fate of a defender
-Students who “die” go to the side of the class for to a “Heaven or Hell” section to watch the
remainder of the simulation and also to look at actual pictures of WWI
-After all “attackers” have died or made it to the defenders’ trench, then the sides will switch
and all previously “dead” soldiers will return to their side
-After both sides have both attacked and defended, students will return to their seats and be
asked, “Do you think that this was what World War I was like?”
-After students share out their responses, teacher will project the casualty figures for WWI
onto the board and ask them what they notice
-For an exit slip, students will be asked how they felt during the simulation and what they
learned about World War I.
Assessments/HW: Work on imperialism final assignment, due Friday
Bellringer: How do you think a “world war” can get started?
Activities: -After students share out from the bellringer, teacher will introduce powerpoint
presentation about the assassination of Franz Ferdinand including using pictures from
Sarajevo taken by the teacher during his trip there
-Before actual presentation, students will write down several questions that they will be able
to answer only if they listen to the powerpoint.
-If time permits, teacher will then begin an explanation of the MANIAS which all came
together to help cause WWI
simulation to aid
and experience
projected onto
the board
use of an exit
slip to gage
both images and
words projected
onto the board
Students enjoyed
watching video clips
and Saddam’s statue
and then comparing
what they saw to the
Classes enjoyed trench
warfare simulation,
many made
connections to history
and were excited about
learning more about
the war
Students had a difficult time connecting
“White Man’s Burden” to other documents
Many students particularly liked the article
on McDonalds and cultural imperialism, it
would be helpful to devote more time to the
idea of cultural imperialism in future
School cancelled on Friday due to blizzard,
p. 1 imperialism final will be due on
Wednesday as there is no period 1 on
In period 7, some
students were
targeted by other
Some students still
had trouble
understanding the
final assignment