Forensic Lab Investigations

Forensic Lab
Hair Analysis
What Is Hair?
Produced by hair follicle
Consists of:
Shaft (projects from skin) and a root (embedded in
the follicle)
Shaft is flat and ribbon-like in cross-section – curly hair
Oval shaft – wavy hair
Round shaft – straight hair
Hair Analysis
Three layers of protein:
Medulla – center section made of large cells
separated by air spaces
Cortex – surrounds medulla; bulky with
several layers of flattened cells
Cuticle – outermost layer, looks like shingled
Greatest source of strength
 Contains pigments – small, dark, and solid
structures that are granular in appearance
Hair Analysis
Hair Types:
Scalp – uniform
Beard – coarse, curved
Eyebrow, nose, ear, eyelid – shorter and stubbier,
wide medullas; taper at end
Axillary – uneven pigments; fine point at end
How did it come out?
Fell out – bulblike root
Pulled out – sheath attached to bulb or mutilated
Scale Pattern: Human Hair
Hair Analysis
Hair Identification: Animal Versus Human Hairs
Human Hairs are consistent in color and pigmentation
Animal hairs exhibit radical color changes
Pigmentation is more centrally distributed, more dense toward the
Pigmentation is evenly distributed, or slightly more dense toward the
In human hairs, has a width that is generally less than onethird the overall diameter of the hair shaft
In animal hairs, generally occupies an area of greater than
one-third the overall diameter of the hair shaft
Human hairs roots commonly club-shaped
Animal hairs roots highly variable
Pigment in Animal Hair
Human Hair: Root
Hair Analysis
Microscopic Examination
Why Examine?
Decays slowly compared to tissues and fluids
May have to compare hundreds of samples
Indicate physical contact
Hair Analysis
What information can a forensic scientist obtain
from a hair sample?
The source (human or animal)
The age
Hair pulled out or fell out
Treatment of hair
Indicates if bleached or dyed
Dyed have less prominent pigment granules
Hair grows about ½ inch per month
What part of body
Drugs, soil, lice
DNA analysis
Human Hair: Brown vs. Red
Human Hair Types
Limb Hair versus
Facial Hair
Differences in Hair
Hair Cut Types:
Worn Razor
Dyed Hair