NCLB Target Populatons - Laurel County Schools

Trainer Introduction
Rule of (2) feet
Limit side conversation
Cell Phones turned off or to vibrate
“Tater Family”
Parking lot questions
“Fifty Strategies for Teaching English
Language Learners” (Adrienne Herrell and Michael
Jordan…second edition)
The following modules are designed for school leadership to readily
share with teachers. Included are strategies on how to help one of our
NCLB targeted gap populations; our English Language Learners.
These modules are designed to be shared in approximately (5), 60
minute sessions (faculty meetings, team meetings, department
meetings, early release days etc.) If more time and opportunity
allows, in the notes section there are activities to better engage
teachers and heighten the learning experience. In order to complete
each session, the group will be provided roughly 5 minutes per
strategy, unless extra time is built to address the activities/notes
Share/discuss/implement. The critical piece to any professional
development is follow-up and reflection. Reconvene at another time
for follow-up and reflection on each of the strategies and determine
the impact these strategies had on student learning and teaching.
Module I
 Module 1 Predictable Routines and Signals
 Module 2 Visual Scaffolding
 Module 3 Realia Strategies
 Module 4 Interactive Read-Aloud
 Module 5 Advance Organizers
 Module 6 Preview/Review
 Module 7 Language Focus Lessons
 Module 8 Academic Language Scaffolding
 Module 9 Language Framework
 Module 10 Skills Grouping
Module II
 Module 11
 Module 12
 Module 13
 Module 14
 Module 15
 Module 16
 Module 17
 Module 18
 Module 19
 Module 20
Total Physical Response
Shared Reading
Leveled Questions
Manipulative Strategies
Partner Work
Communication Games
Bilingual Books and Labels
Cooperative Learning
Culture Studies
Learning Centers
Module III
 Module 21
 Module 22
 Module 23
 Module 24
 Module 25
 Module 26
 Module 27
 Module 28
 Module 29
 Module 30
Integrated Curriculum
Sorting Activities
Collaborative Reading
Multi-media Presentations
Reciprocal Teaching
Modeled Talk
Reporting Back
Vocabulary Role Play
Vocabulary Processing
Module IV
 Module 31
 Module 32
 Module 33
 Module 34
 Module 35
 Module 36
 Module 37
 Module 38
 Module 39
 Module 40
Word Walls
Story Reenactment
Talk Show
Writing Workshop
Read-Aloud Plus
Language Experience Approach
Interactive Writing
Guided Reading
Peer Tutoring
Module V
 Module 41
 Module 42
 Module 43
 Module 44
 Module 45
 Module 46
 Module 47
 Module 48
 Module 49
 Module 50
Attribute Charting
Cohesion Links
Learning Strategy Instruction
Free Vocabulary Reading
Repetition and Innovation
Syntax Surgery
Multiple Intelligences Strategies
NCLB Target Populations
Strategies for Teaching English
Language Learners
Statistical Facts……………
The U.S. is becoming more ethnically and
linguistically diverse every year.
More than 90% of new residents come from
non-English- speaking countries
The number of students with non-Englishspeaking backgrounds represents the fastest
growing group of this population
In the last decade, the total student
enrollment in public schools increased by
only 14%
English learners grew by 70% and is
projected to grow even more
The 2000 U.S.Census identified 20% of
school-age children as non-native English
New Residents,
Total Enrollment
ELL Population
% of school age
children ELL
Intentional Planning….
With some extra effort in instructional planning
and assessment development, teachers will be
well on their way to providing English learners
with opportunities to learn and become active
Part I: Enhancing Instruction
See it…..
Hear it…..
Smell it…..
Touch it…..
Act it…..
Draw it…..
Move to it…..
Model it…..
Talk about it….
Repeat it…
Teach it…
1. Develop Classroom Routines…
Predictable routines are important strategies that help
reduce anxiety and stress for English language learners.
Because English language learners do not always understand
everything being said in the classroom, having set
patterns, routines and signals helps minimize their
anxiety and helps students better understand what to
expect. If they know what to expect, they can then focus
their energy on instruction.
Routines in the classroom…..
“Fifty Strategies For Teaching English Language Learners” (Second Edition)
Adrienne Herrell and Michael Jordan
Routine Examples:
Benefits To ELL:
Morning Sign In
Students feel their presence is valued
Starting activity (Sponge activity, Journal entries, Problems of the day,
Bell ringer activity etc.)
Students know what to do immediately.
Teacher can note ELL student progress. Students may have the
opportunity to share out and chat briefly with peers.
Set place where certain activities occur.
Students know what to expect when moved to a certain area.
List the class activities and approximate times, posted in the same
place daily.
Students have a visual reminder of the day’s activities. Less reliance
on oral directions. Students begin to associate vocabulary with the
Model and Contextualize the oral directions.
Students waste less energy wondering what to do next “Take out your
Math book,” should be accompanied with holding up the math book.
“Open to page 21” should be modeled and page 21 written on the
Use of hand signals
Students are alerted to a change in pace, changing of activity
Posting of assignments, page numbers, long-term assignments,
Students are aware of expectations
Set place to submit assignments and get materials
Students are aware of expectations
2. Visual Scaffolding
Visual Scaffolding is planning instruction
that effectively incorporates and uses
drawings and photographs that connects
English words students hear to visual
images being displayed.
In Mr. Gym’s high school
physical education class…
Students are studying a unit on lifetime fitness and its benefits upon the
human body….
Mr. Gym plans to develop a “Word Wall” using critical vocabulary
important to the unit.
In planning for the unit, he begins collecting visual images of the core
content vocabulary that will be introduced.
Activity: Scaffolding Example
 In table groups………..
 Appoint a table leader to read the directions in the folder to the
group, distribute copies and materials.
 Read the Open Response question in the folder
 Match up critical vocabulary to pictures within the folder of words
to be taught within the unit that will be placed on a “Word Wall”
 For words that you can not find a picture to match….discuss as a
group what symbol or picture you could use.
Begin with the end in mind…
Develop the assessment up front…then
teach to that end in mind.
 Develop the open response question before the unit begins
 Best practice supports that teachers should write a proficient response to the question
they have developed that would be expected of the students upon completion of the
unit. (Keep in mind….student responses are a reflection of teacher instruction.
Proficient and Distinguished responses come from proficient and distinguished
3. Connect language acquisition to
the real world……..
 Things that are “real world are things that are concrete to learners.”
They are things that can be seen, heard, touched, smelled etc. This is
a powerful way to connect vocabulary to real life.
 Find, collect and store the many things that can be used in instruction
of a particular lesson or unit that gives students concrete examples of
vocabulary that are important to the lesson.
 The more concrete examples that can be shared, the greater chance
that learning and understanding will take place. The further down
the continuum one teaches with less concrete examples there is a
loss of sensory information that could be helpful in comprehension.
4. Interactive Read-Aloud
Although read aloud has traditionally been
used with young children, research has
lead some administrators of high schools
with low test scores in reading
comprehension to mandate the use of readaloud school-wide on a daily basis with
very positive results. (Trelease, 1995)
Read Aloud addresses…..
Helping ELL interact with personal
Helping students interact and be active
participants in the classroom
Helps ELL apply academic knowledge
Helps students obtain, process, construct
subject matter information in spoken and
written form.
Interactive Read-aloud is
Step by Step:
When students observe a teacher reading
fluently and with enthusiasm…they often
choose to read the same book or another
book by the same author.
The discussion of characters, setting and
description that is involved in interactive
read-aloud provides shared understanding
and vocabulary that helps English Language
Learners stretch their linguistic abilities.
Chose an appropriate book above their
reading level using different voices,
excitement and drama. Set aside time to
do this daily.
Pre-read an plan interactions. Before you
read a section of the book, mark the book
with sticky notes for discussion,
predicting and connections to other books
or personal experiences of the students.
Stop for interactions. Select 10-15 minute
section of the text to read each time.
Assess student progress and
understanding. A student’s ability to retell
events in a story are indicative of their
understanding. If ELL students can not
retell the story, they can often draw or act
it out to indicate their comprehension.
5. Advanced Organizers
Two Types:
Expository Organizer- presents concepts and
principles to the learner that will create a bridge
between what is already known and the new material
Comparative Organizer- integrates new material with
similar material already understood and focuses on how
the new and old material differ.
6. Pre-view/Review (Building Vocabulary
and Concepts to Support Understanding)
Plan your lesson and gather materials that will help students understand concepts and
vocabulary needed to comprehend the lesson
Introduce key vocabulary and concepts (The focus here is not on teaching the lesson but on
making students familiar with the key vocabulary and concepts
Teaching the lesson using the supporting materials and critical vocabulary at every
Reviewing vocabulary and concepts and encourage students to demonstrate understanding
by referring to the support materials.
Provide additional practice by creating bulletin boards, word walls or learning centers that
allow students to practice the key concepts.
Assess student progress and understanding by documenting students’ interaction with the
7. Language Focus (English
Vocabulary and Structures)
Language focus lessons are lessons in which the emphasis is on English vocabulary and
usage rather than curricular content.
 Observe and note language errors. (Plan time to work with small groups of students
who have the same needs for direct instruction.
 Gather materials for hands on demonstrations of the language usage to be taught
 Explaining and modeling language usage is when teachers introduce the vocabulary
and model simultaneously.
 Practicing in active mode gives students the opportunity to perform or model a
hands-on movement or activity as they focus on language usage.
 Practicing for mastery allows the teacher to observe the student’s mastery of the
focus language. If students do not connect the language to the actions correctly, repeat
the 3rd and 4th steps.
8. Academic Scaffolding (Support of student
use of language in various academic
A. Modeling academic
 For students to
successfully participate in
academic lessons in the
classroom, teachers use a
series of scaffolding
strategies that include:
B. Contextualizing
academic language
using visuals, gestures,
C. Supporting students in
the use of academic
language through active
learning activities.
Steps in a language scaffolding
 Identify academic vocabulary and language structures
 Design and teach introductory activity. (If students are required to ask
questions, model the use of language in question form. If students are to
take notes, then model how the notes could be taken.
 Practice in pairs and small groups. Research supports improved learning
when students are allowed to work in pairs or small groups. Interacting
verbally allows students to practice language in authentic ways.
 Guiding and monitoring the practice requires a teacher to move about the
room to monitor and encourage the students’ use of academic language.
 Reviewing the vocabulary and language structures allows pairs or small
groups of learners to report back to the whole group using the academic
language in context.
9. Language Framework
LFP is a strategy in which the teacher
identifies the language necessary for the
students to be successful in a lesson and
plans activities that support the use of the
language in multiple functions.
10. Skills grouping
(Arranging students in groups based on their need for instruction in a specific
 Steps in implementing skills groups:
1. Observing and documenting language
2. Reviewing needs for instruction (look
for commonalities for “like groups”)
3. Designing and implementing lessons
Part II. Support for Student
Providing English learners with
multiple opportunities to interact in
English in non stressful setting.
Give students opportunities to practice their growing
English skills in partner and small group settings
 Elicit information and ask
clarification questions
 Clarify and restate
information as needed
 Indicate interests,
opinions, or preferences
related to class projects
11. Integrating Movement Into
English Acquisition
 In first language
acquisition, children
listen and acquire
language before they
attempt to speak.
 In total physical response
the teacher gradually
introduces commands,
acting as she says them.
 The students initially
 They develop
understanding through
moving their bodies and
they are not forced to
speak until they are ready.
respond by performing
the actions as the teacher
demonstrates them.
Gradually teacher
demonstration are
removed and students
respond to the verbal
commands only.
Step by Step: Total Physical Response
Choose vocabulary to
Make a list of
classroom words
students will need to
know. (Directions,
colors, simple
commands etc. that
require a movement
response “Stand-up,”
“Sit down,” “Show
Me” etc.)
Introduce vocabulary
Introduce 2-3
commands at first,
giving commands while
demonstrating them
Dropping the physical
As students understand
what to do without
waiting for teacher
commands, drop the
demonstrations and
introduce new ones.
Practice these students
understand them, then
drop demonstrations.
Add additional
Find new ways for the
students to demonstrate
their understanding of
vocabulary such as
pointing, drawing
pictures, taking turns
Play games for
additional practice:
Have ESL student’s
volunteer to give the
commands when they
feel confident enough
to do so.
Asses student progress
and understanding:
It is easy to document
student progress and
their ability to respond
to commands with
physical movements.
Make a check list of
what has been taught.
Add additional
Add new commands,
no more than 3 at a
Always start with
demonstrations as you
introduce the new
12. Shared Reading
 Shared reading is a strategy that teachers use to read books, charts and other texts
when the text are too difficult to read independently. Students and teacher read the
text loud, together. Even if the students can not read the words, they are hearing the
words pronounced and follow along with their eyes.
 Shared reading can be done with multiple choices of small books, poetry, charts, song
lyrics or any text where student and teacher can all see the words.
 Shared reading gives the teacher the opportunity to use illustrations to support
vocabulary developments, to use think a-loud strategies to teach problem solving and
to integrate verbal integrations to support comprehension.
 Shared reading helps to build background knowledge experiences that help the student
to understand the meaning of the text.
Step by Step: Shared Reading
Introduce the text-Predict from the
illustrations on the cover. Encourage
students to talk about experiences they have
had that relate to the topic of the book, chart,
or poem.
Read the book and tact the print-Track the
words as you read so students can read
along. Use a pointer to make sure students
are looking and saying the words with you.
They will hear you pronounce them as you
Stop for discussion and prediction- Stop at
appropriate times to discuss what is
happening or to predict what will happen
next. Use the illustrations to help support
understanding of vocabulary. Involve
students in acting out movement words and
story events to reinforce meaning.
Encourage verbal interactions-Encourage
students to talk about the story. This allows
students to practice oral language and
incorporate new vocabulary into their
retelling of the story.
Rereading for additional practice and
exposure- Re-read the book, tracking with a
pointer. Encourage students to take turns
reading a page or refrain aloud.
Practice will small versions of the textAfter students have read the text several
times, they can read small copies of the book
independently or illustrate their favorite part
of the story and write about it.
Leveled Questions: Adjusting questioning
strategies to the language levels of students
Observing and documenting students’
language levels-On a class list, determine
what stage each student is at. This will need
to be kept up to date as you work with
students and observe their responses.
Preproduction- Nodding, pointing, physically
demonstrating (“Show me…” “Which of
Early production- 1 or 2 word responses,
making choices from given language samples
(Questions that can me answered with 1 or 2
words. “is it the ____one or the____one?”
Speech emergence- Phrase or short sentences
(expect grammar errors)
( “Did this happen at the beginning or at the
end?” “What happened next?” “Where did you
find the answer?”)
Intermediate Fluency- Longer sentences, fewer
grammar errors (“How did you…?” “What was
the character trying to do?”)
Leveled Questions (Continued)
Choosing and gathering materials-Determine which visuals, artifacts or gestures you will need to
make your meaning clear to students whose understanding of English is limited.
Planning a hierarchy of questions- Plan a series of questions at different levels that will help
you involve your students and determine their levels of understanding of the material you will be
Involve all students- Use the list of students and speech levels as a checklist to make sure that you
are involving all students in discussion and questioning and that you are adapting the levels of your
questions to their changing language acquisition levels.
Assessing student progress and understanding-Use the checklist you have created for
observation purposes. Observe a few students each day until you have examples of the verbal
responses typical for each student.
14. Manipulative Strategies:
 Identify concepts to be taught and ways to represent them
 Demonstrate and explain (Use manipulatives as you explain the
concept. Use the demonstration to connect the manipulatives as
 Provide Guide Practice
 Give students time for additional practice
 Celebrate and review
Manipulative Strategies
Subject Area
Suggested Manipulative Use
Miniatures or wooden cut-outs of objects
Colored blocks to teach colors, singular, plural forms
Attribute blocks to teach shapes, sizes, texture, color
Dolls to teach body parts
Beans for counters
Small groups for acting out word problems
Geometric shapes cut into fractional parts
Colored linking cubes for building patterns
Measuring cups and containers for studying measurement
Human body models
Realia for experiments
Styrofoam balls and toothpicks for construction
Magnets, batteries, iron filings
15. Partner Work
 Pairing Students
 Modeling the Task
 Providing Supporting Practice
 Sharing Progress
Partner Work
Learning Task
Pairing Scheme
Think-Pair Share
Students think about their responses
and then share and discuss their
responses with their partner.
Pair with one strong English
speaking model
Buddy Read
One student reads, the other listens
and takes notes
Pair with one strong reader
Research Interview
Students do research on a topic.
Partners interview each other and
gain knowledge obtained by their
Equal partners or one strong reader
Conversation Role Play
Partners role play social situations
such as a birthday party, job
interview, meeting new people etc.
Equal Partners
Convince Me
Teacher presents a problem to be
solved. Students work independently
to find solutions Students are paired
to convince each other of the
viability of the solutions. They meet
with another pair and present the best
solution to the group.
One strong English model
16. Communication Games:
Identifying a language need
Modeling the game
Organizing the pairs or groups
Guiding the practice
Talking about the experience
Activity: Communication games
Barrier Games
2 students sit back to back. One student is
given a complete set of instructions that
must be conveyed verbally to the second
student who completes the task
Information Sharing
Each student has a part of the information
to complete a task or solve a problem.
They must share their information to
accomplish the task.
Inquiring and
A small group of students works together.
One has a set of information that must be
obtained by the others through questioning
and elimination of irrelevant items. The
group then decides the solution based
upon their inquiry.
Rank ordering
Students work together in a small group to
suggest solutions to a problem and then
reach consensus as to the rank order of the
usefulness of each of the solutions.
17. Bilingual Books and Labels
Identify the languages represented in the
Pronouncing and labeling common objects
Providing Bilingual Books
Providing translations
Exploring key vocabulary in several
18. Cooperative Learning
Cooperative learning is a term used for a collection
of strategies which students work together to
accomplish a group task.
K-12 researchers have concluded that, to succeed,
group work must be carefully structured.
Students must be prepared for social skillbuilding activities, assignments must be openended. The task must be such that the group
rather than the individual be required to
accomplish the task.
Cooperative Groups…
 Assigning groups and building a
team-Each time a team is formed,
provide an opportunity for teambuilding activity to allow team
members to be familiar with each
other’s abilities.
 Assigning role within the group-Give
team members assigned roles and list
clear descriptions of their duties.
(Leader, note-taker, reporter,
 Assigning the task-Give each team a
task to complete.
Intervening to ensure full participationTeachers must monitor group participation
and intervene when a student is being
excluded. Teachers must listen to make sure
that every member of the group is given a
chance to talk.
Reporting back to the class-Provide an
opportunity for the groups to report back to
the class at the end of the assigned time.
Debriefing and examining the group
process-Give each team the chance to
debrief, discussing the roles each team
member played in the success of the group.
19. Culture Studies
 Culture studies
(Freeman & Freeman
1994) are studies in
which students
research and share
information about
their own cultural
20. Learning Centers
Counting Center
Sorting Center
Listening Center
Language Master Center
Story retelling Center
Letter Work Center
Word Work Center
Pocket Chart Center
Computer Center
Writing and Publishing Center
Skills Center
Literature Response
Project Center
Illustration Center
Science Center
Observation Center
Theater Center
Editing Center
Middle &
High School
Logic center
Video Center
Research center
Multiple Intelligences Center
21. Imaging: (Creating Visual Pictures to
Support Understanding)
Step by Step:
Identify a curricular connections in which imaging would support student understanding. If
students are having difficulty remembering what they read or conceptualizing word problems
in math, students need instruction in imaging.
Plan an introductory imaging activity
Create mental pictures through verbalization- Plan the words you will use to create the
mental pictures. Be prepared to use synonyms to make images clear with English learners.
Assess the students’ understanding and progress
Add technology
Curricular Area
Imaging Use
Picture a word in your mind.
Close your eyes and picture the scene in your mind
Use with word problems. Have students close their eyes and
picture the people, animals and things involved in the problem.
After a section of text…create a mind picture of the text
Before you being to create art media, picture what you want to create.
Question students about the line, color and texture of what they see.
Have students picture what the music is suggesting. Have
students describe their mind pictures.
Before students begin writing, have them picture the image they
want to create with words. Have students verbalize the image.
22. Integrated Curriculum Projects:
Grade Level
Making our playground cleaner
Eating Healthy Foods
Our Families
Making our neighborhood cleaner
Making our school safer
Who are our neighbors
Where does our food come from
Upper Elementary
Our friends and our world
Making our town safer
How our officials are elected
Lobbying for a cause
Manufacturing a product
Middle School
Advocating for a safe school
Adopting a group
Beautifying a public area
Publishing a magazine or newspaper
Senior High School
Uniting the community
Designing a homework center
Advocating for a change in the school system
All Levels
Studies based on literature
23. Sorting Activities: (Organizing
Information into Categories)
 Sorting activities require students to sort objects,
words, phrases and sentences according to
parameters. These activities are helpful to
English language learners because they provide a
way for students to manipulate objects and
written symbols to show their understanding of
concepts while acquiring vocabulary needed for
verbal interaction.
24. Collaborative Reading (When
students can not read the text….)
This strategy is helpful to English language learners when they are reading for information. This allows a teacher to
support readers of various abilities to work collaboratively as they study a specific topic. Students use a variety of
library or textbooks with information on the topic being studied that provide a wide range of reading levels to meet
the needs within the class.
Step by Step:
 Gather a range of books on a topic-Gather books covering the topic to be studies to include various reading
Organize heterogeneous groups-Organize students into groups of 4-5 to explore topics. Make sure that each
group has a strong reader and writer. Have each group explore a different topic. Have the group brainstorm
questions about the topic they are researching. Provide each member with book on the group’s topic. The group
researches the questions using the book on the topic.
Providing research Instruction-Instruct the group to find the answers to their questions and take notes about the
information they will share with their group.
Create a data chart-After the group participates in note-taking, have the group create a data chart or visual and
plan how they will share their information with the class.
Practicing and sharing and information-Have the groups practice their presentation and then share out.
Document the groups progress-Document the groups progress through anecdotal records, check lists, rubrics
25. Multi-media presentations
Grade Level
Story retelling
Math presentations
Overhead projector, Transparency
Math manipulatives, overhead projector
Book talks (video book reports)
Video camera, VCR monitor
Publishing Books
Computer/Word software processing and
Computer with internet access, websites
Research on the internet
Above 3
The sky is the limit!
Classroom connections projects
Space Exploration projects
Computer with internet access
Writing and publishing software
Hyperstudio, Video productions, Power
Point, Capability to connect wit
classrooms across the nation
Internet with related to
26. Reciprocal Teaching
Reciprocal teaching is a strategy where students take turns teaching small sections of the
text. Students take turns summarizing, clarifying and asking questions until all
sections have been read.
Step by Step:
 Identify tough text- Identify a section that has some difficult vocabulary or concepts
 Explain the process and purpose- Explain to students that they will work in small
groups to make sense of the information they have been reading. Have them read
information silently.
 Walkthrough the process- After the group has read it silently, have them summarize
the material and pose questions to the group members. Identify literal questions
(simple recall), inferential questions (finding unstated meaning) and critical questions
(calling for higher level thinking)
Reciprocal Teaching….
Type of Q’s
(Facts and ideas)
Tell in your own words.
What is the main idea…?
How is ________an example of________?
Why is ____________important?
What is the main elements of__________?
How does________compare or contrasts with_________?
How could you design a _____________?
What might happen if you combine_____________?
Do you agree with__________?
How would you decide to___________?
This strategy is helpful to ELL because of its support for
comprehension and small group interactions
Part III. Strategies For Building
Vocabulary Fluency
The following section will include activeinvolvement strategies that build 2
important skills---vocabulary and fluency.
27. Modeled Talk
Give a verbal explanation and physical
demonstration of the directions or
This is one of the most simplest and most
powerful strategies with English
Language Learners.
28. Reporting Back (Verbal Practice in Curricular
 This strategy is used to support students in
bridging the gap between spoken and written
 Students describe their experience, using
vocabulary that is connected with the experience,
then the students write their reporting back
summary. (daily learning logs)
Vocabulary Role Play
 This strategy encourages learners to make
connections among past experiences, the content
being studied and vocabulary that is new.
 Learners are introduced to new vocabulary and
given the opportunity to discuss and use the
vocabulary in context though role playing.
Students are asked to perform a skit in which
words are used and demonstrated.
Role Play…
Identify key
vocabulary n the unit
to be taught.
Make cards with the
words written on them
Plan ways to use the
words. Involve
students in creating
scenes using the new
vocabulary by dividing
the class into small
groups of 3-5, giving
each groups a set of 4-5
Teach the lesson and
as you encounter key
vocabulary take the
time to discuss them.
Show the written word
and pronounce the
word clearly and have
students pronounce
them back.
Connect the
vocabulary to past
experiences. Shoe the
cards with the key
vocabulary and have
students share ways in
which they have seen
that word used.
Sort the words. Put
the words in similar
categories; nouns,
verbs, adjectives,
similar meanings etc.
Give the students time
to practice. Give the
groups time to work on
their scripts and
practice performing
their scenes.
Perform the scenes.
Have the students
perform the scene they
have written. Celebrate
innovative uses of the
new vocabulary
Focus on multiple
word meanings.
Compare and contrast
the uses of the words
by groups,
emphasizing the
differing contexts
used in the skits
30. Vocabulary Processing: (A Multistrategy
 Vocabulary processing is especially important to
English language learners because the vocabulary
is introduced in several contexts and the students
are given multiple opportunities to use the words
in their everyday interactions both in and out of
Vocabulary processing…
Word Collections are a
special kind of word
wall. Written on chart
paper or overhead
transparencies, these
words are all related
in some way.
 Example:
Ways to walkAmble
Students are the involved in
discussion, thinking of all of the
different ways they can think of
“to walk.”
As each word is written, someone
demonstrates it, everyone
practices saying it, acting it out
and then relating it to something
they are familiar with. Finally,
students write the word in their
31. Word Walls
 It is helpful to create bilingual or multilingual word
walls with the words written in several languages and
 Word walls are alphabetical lists of words for the
purpose of word study and vocabulary development.
 Some teachers create a number of words walls…high
frequency words and content specific vocabulary
connected to the unit of study.
32. Story re-enactment (Making stories come to
 This strategy encourages students to act out
stories after they have read them or heard them
read. It involves making props for the students to
use to re-enact the stories. Students use the book
language they have heard or read and better
comprehend the text by acting it out.
33. Scripting: (Practicing verbal interactions)
 This strategy prepares English language learners with “sample language
interactions or situational dialogues.” These are called, scripts.
 Preparing and practicing scripts in advance builds confidence in the ability to
communicate the English language
 Examples:
---A script for greeting classroom visitors
---A script for celebration visits to the principal (what to say to the
secretary, how to introduce yourself and tell why you are there.)
---Field trips (protocol, when talk is appropriate)
---Parent nights at school (what is expected, special assignments,
providing commentary)
34. Talk Show
 Talk show helps ELL
students and all
students practice
verbal communication
skills, builds
vocabulary and
 This strategy involves
3 students working
together to create an
interview in which
one plays the show
host(ess), one plays
the person to be
interviewed, and the
third provides a silent
“acting out”
35. Writing Workshop:
 Writing workshop is an
approach to teaching writing in
which students use their own
topics as they move through
the writing process.
 This strategy is especially
helpful to ELL because
students are encouraged to
discuss their own ideas, work
with a partner or or a group in
revising and editing and
interact verbally with others
 Writing Process:
1. Pre-writing
2. Drafting
3. Revising
4. Editing
5. Publishing
Part IV: Strategies to Build Comprehension
These strategies are devoted to
helping students making meaning
from text.
36. Read-Aloud Plus:
Making meaning from text…is a complex act that requires a number of elements including
vocabulary knowledge automatically. It is the automatic recognition of printed words,
background knowledge and the use of cueing systems.
This strategy is helpful to ELL students because it incorporates modeling fluent, expressive reading
of English with techniques for clarifying vocabulary, periodic checking for understanding
and the providing and activating knowledge that helps students make connections between
text and personal experience.
It incorporates:
 Visuals
 Realia
 Paraphrasing
 Rewriting
 Rewriting and illustrating
 Comparing and Contrasting
 Physicalization
37. Language Experience Approach
(building on an experience to create a
written account)
Publishing Format
Parent Newsletter
Collaboratively written where text is used and students share class activities
with parents.
Wall Story
After text is written, copy it one sentence at a time onto construction paper.
Display the pages in proper sequences along a wall or hang from a display line
in the room.
Individual Books
Help students to make a book of their text and fold them into a book.
Pocket Chart Game
As the text is dictated, write the sentences on a strip of paper. Mix the
sentences up and and have the students re-arrange them in order.
Walk on Story
Have students copy the sentences, one sentence per page of construction
paper. The students read the text by spreading the pages out on the floor and
stepping from page to page, reading as they walk.
38. Interactive Writing: (developing writing skills
through active scaffolding)
Interactive writing is a form of shared writing or language experience lesson.
The teacher and students compose a story or text and share the pen in writing down the
words on a chart.
Students are encouraged to write the parts of the text they are able to write.
This strategy provides scaffolding for young children moving from invented spelling
into conventional spelling.
It helps ELL because it provides an experience which to write is the first step in
interactive writing.
The teacher helps students in creating complete sentences, sounding out words to be
written and teaching the use of capitalization and punctuation.
39. Guided Reading (Providing individual support
within a group setting)
Guided reading- teaching
reading in a small group
setting, while providing
individual coaching.
Students are taught in groups
of 4-6 all reading at
approximately the same
The lesson begins with a book
walk (teacher and students
predict what will happen.)
Students read to themselves as the
teacher moves from student to
student, listening to them read
and coaching them on
decoding, self monitoring and
The teacher them conducts minilessons based o the needs of
the students identified during
the coaching sessions.
40. Peer Tutoring (Students supporting
student learning)
Peer tutoring is a strategy where a student who has already
achieved certain skills, works with a classmate to help
them acquire the skills
 Identify student needs
 Train potential tutors in how to pose questions that
support thinking, how to break the task into manageable
pieces, when to explain in the first language and how to
support English vocabulary development
 Match students considering gender, home language and
 Work with the teams and celebrate their successes
41. CLOZE(Using context to create
This strategy is based on written text where
some words are left out and blanks are
This strategy helps ELL, because it provides
an opportunity to teach English vocabulary
and reading decoding skills in a
meaningful context.
42. Attribute Charting (organizing information to
support understanding)
43. Cohesion Links (the glue that holds
paragraphs together)
Cohesion links often appear in the form of
pronouns that refer back to a person, place
or thing in a previous sentence or
references that require the reader recall a
previously stated condition.
44. Acquiring self-help skills
A. Metacognitive Strategies
B. Cognitive Strategies
C. Social /affective strategies
45. Dictoglos (improving listening and oral
communication skills)
 This strategy was developed by Ruth Wajnryb (1990) for
use with high school students but it can be used with all
 Dictoglos involves students in listening to repeated, fluent
readings of English text. Students will listen then take
down as much of the text as possible.
 Students then get in pairs and again in fours to combine
their notations and re-create as much of the text as
46. Free voluntary reading
Nothing helps reading…like reading!!!
This strategy encourages silent, self
selected reading of enjoyable books written
at the students’ independent levels.
47. Repetition and Innovation
 This strategy is the use of a piece of text in
several different ways to reinforce the
understanding of it and the gradual integration of
the vocabulary and concepts into speaking and
writing vocabulary of the students.
 The text is introduced and explored in multiple
modes with the students finally rewriting the text
to create an innovation on the original.
48. GIST (Exploring tough text)
This strategy is important for supporting
comprehension of informational text.
 Students work in cooperative groups and read the section
 After each section is read, members of the group work
collaboratively to generate one sentence that summarizes
the “gist” of the passage.
49. Syntax Surgery (Visually manipulating English
This strategy helps students to see the relationship of elements within a
sentence that my be confusing to understand.
Because English syntax often differs from the word order found in
students’ home languages, ELL sometimes encounter difficulty in
comprehending sentences they read or confuse word order when
speaking or writing in English.
How To:
Write a sentence on a sentence strip and then cut the sentence apart to
rearrange it into more understandable pieces.
50. Multiple Intelligences Strategies:
Body smart, sport smart, ability to move through space effectively, learns well through
Self smart---the person understands his/her own ways of knowing and learning
People smart--- the person reads others well, works well in groups, interacts effectively
with other people
Word smart---the person manipulates words and language easily, understands what is
read, enjoys verbal interactions
Number smart---the person manipulates numbers and or logic easily, understands
logical connections among concepts
Music smart---the person expresses himself/herself easily in rhythm and melody, sees
patterns and music in all endeavors
Picture smart---the person sees pleasing visual/spatial arrangements around him/her,
has the ability to learn and express with visual arrangements, art, and beauty