Word - Remlee Green

Remlee Green
Somerville, MA | 617-797-7735 | remleeg@gmail.com
Project portfolio: remleegreen.com
Experienced, adaptable, and motivated team player in the UX field. Lover of organizing
information, project tasks, and people. Plays well with others, and by herself. Proven talents in
a diverse range of UX & web skills. Certified Scrum Product Owner experienced in both
traditional and Agile delivery methodologies.
Senior Information Architect
Sapient Global Markets - Boston, MA
Collaborated with clients in the financial industry to translate user needs, business objectives,
and technology capabilities into world-class user experiences by applying user-centered design
 Created compelling representations of high-level interaction, navigation, and
organization design for leading-edge web solutions and software
 Developed wireframes and prototypes to convey organizational structure, hierarchy,
and relationships of screens in a site
 Created visual designs to communicate specifications to stakeholders and developers
 Assessed existing sites for usefulness, usability, visual design, content, and branding
User Experience Specialist & Web Product Manager
MIT Libraries - Cambridge, MA
Managed successful, efficient project teams to design and re-design websites, from concept to
production, including libraries.mit.edu, a highly lauded site among academic library sites
 Created project briefs, wireframes, and prototypes to convey design ideas and
specifications to stakeholders, visual designers, and users
 Gathered user research with a variety of methods, including traditional usability tests,
guerrilla testing, card-sorting, heuristic testing, photo diary studies, observational
studies, focus groups, and interviews, in order to craft better virtual and physical user
 Wrangled web content and designed information architecture to create an increasingly
cohesive, consistent web presence across multiple sites and platforms
 Performed webmaster duties, provided customer support, troubleshot technical
problems, and coordinated over 30 web content creators
 Championed responsive design and worked closely with creator of MIT Mobile app to
focus on services users need on-the-go and improve the Libraries’ mobile experience
 Started the MIT Libraries’ social media presence, now with 11,000 Twitter followers, to
extend the virtual user experience & promote user engagement
Trained staff & users on a variety of topics, including best practices for writing for the
web, getting organized, and mobile apps for academics
Librarian for Web Technologies & Neuroscience
MIT Libraries, Engineering & Science Libraries - Cambridge, MA
Improved the website as a User Interface Group member, provided reference support to the
MIT community, and served as Library Liaison to MIT’s Brain & Cognitive Sciences department
 Used in-depth knowledge of users’ research habits to improve the Libraries’ websites
and search tools
 Led the Libraries’ betas program to provide users with innovative new services
Senior Processing Assistant
MIT Libraries, Science Library - Cambridge, MA
Maintained collections and provided reference support
Library Assistant III
MIT Libraries, Schering-Plough Neurosciences Library - Cambridge, MA
Supervised circulation activities and maintained collections
 Created user-friendly web content and maintained the branch library’s website
Senior Staff Assistant
MIT Laboratory for Computer Science - Cambridge, MA
Provided executive assistance for the Director
 Coordinated the Lab’s popular “Distinguished Lecturer Series” with speakers who
included Al Gore and Lawrence Lessig
 Created, edited, and distributed press materials for release of the Director’s book
Computer Skills
Wireframing & design tools: InDesign, Axure, Sketch, Flairbuilder, PowerPoint, sketching
Web development tools: Dreamweaver, HTML, CSS, Photoshop
Content Management Systems: WordPress, LibGuides
Education & Training
Scrum Product Owner Certification
Scrum Inc., Cambridge, MA
Statement of Accomplishment: Human-Computer Interaction
Stanford University online class, apprentice track
Masters of Library & Information Science
Simmons College, Boston, MA
Bachelor of Arts in Classics & English, Minor in Sociology/Anthropology
Allegheny College, Meadville, PA
Leadership & Volunteer Activities
Conference Volunteer, UXPA Boston, 2015
UX Fair Volunteer, UXPA Boston, 2014
Conference Volunteer, WordCamp Boston, 2014
Deputy Director for Chapter Assembly, ASIS&T (Association for Information Science &
Technology), 2010-2011
Chair, NEASIS&T (New England Chapter of ASIS&T), 2009-2010
Program Committee Chair, NEASIS&T, 2008-2009
MIT Libraries Infinite Mile Team Award for “Innovation & Creativity” for designing the
“150 Years in the Stacks” WordPress site, 2012
Chapter Member of the Year, NEASIS&T, 2011
MIT Libraries Infinite Mile Team Award for “Innovation & Creativity” for providing
excellent customer service on the “Ask Us! Central” reference support team
Presentations & Papers
Crummett, C., Duranceau, E. F., Gabridge, T. A., Green, R. S., Kajosalo, E., Noga, M. M.,
Silver, H. J., et al. (2010). Publishing Practices of NIH-Funded Faculty at MIT. Issues in
Science and Technology Librarianship, 62. Retrieved from http://www.istl.org/10summer/refereed2.html.
Green, Remlee. 2009. Implementing WorldCat at MIT. Talk presented at the New
England Technical Services Librarians of New England Library Association, April 17,
Worcester, MA.
Green, Remlee. 2012. MIT Libraries & MIT Mobile. Talk presented at the New England
Chapter of the American Society for Information Science & Technology, April 23,
Cambridge, MA. http://neasist.files.wordpress.com/2012/04/remlee-neasist-mobiletalk-20120423.pptx.
Green, Remlee. 2009. It doesn't have to be perfect! Adopting library services as betas.
Talk presented at the Medical Library Association, May 17, Honolulu, HI.
Green, Remlee, Courtney Crummett, and Tracy Gabridge. 2008. Developing Connections
Between an Academic Library and a Multidisciplinary Health Sciences Community.
Poster presented at the Medical Library Association, May 19, Chicago, IL.
Green, Remlee, and Mathew Willmott. 2009. Beyond Searching: The evolving role of
librarians in supporting citation and information management. Paper presented at the
Columbia University Reference Services Symposium, March 13, New York, NY.