Academic Writing IV Spring 2013 Meet twice a week M, W (Sec.201) Monday 2:00-3:50 (3-505) Wednesday 8:00-9:50 (3-516) E-mail: Austin Casey Phone: 134 3922 0499 Website: Office Hours: (ICB 319) Wednesday 6-8, Thursday 10-12 1 Today: Homework Due: Journal 4: Technology Writing Test T1: Project Moses Homework: Journal 5, Essay 2 (first 100 words) 2 Reminder - Attendance Each student is allowed 2 unexcused absences (X) per session. After that your grade will be effected. Hand in your assignments on time, if you are going to miss a class, give your essay or journal to a classmate Essay: Issues Thesis = topic + opinion + reason (brief reason) Must attach rough draft to get full score (don't lose any papers I have handed back) Essay: Issues Rhetorical question = a question that has no expected answer. X Don't you think so? Isn’t it? X You agree don't you? Aren't they? Try not to use no more than 1 per essay/journal It can be used as a hook or to catch the reader's attention Its not academic, and may seem childish if used incorrectly Essay: Issues For non-specific or unsure examples, usually use or not and as connectors Ex: My grandfather said to always keep valuable metals such as gold and silver in a bank vault. = both Ex: Digging for pirate treasure with a metal detector, you can find gold or silver. = we are not sure which one, non specific example Ex: The king collected valuable gems like rubies and emeralds. = He collected both rubies and emeralds Essay 2: Argumentative Essay Rules for Essay 2: 1.Research Essay (3 Academic References) 2.Argument, counter argument + refute 3.Who disagrees with you 4.One quote “……….” 5.Cannot use first or second person (I, you, etc) “ Quotes ” (1 kind of reference) A few quotes are good (1-3 per essay) Must have at least one academic quote Don’t forget the in text citation, or you will have plagiarism! Put the in text citation right after the quotes: According to Kant on filial piety, he stated that “family ties are important” (Kant p.66). I agree that having a strong connection in your family is important because... 8 “ Quotes ” (1 kind of reference), each reference has 2 parts: Lucky Smith writes in The Hunting Diaries that “I think people should have the right to own a gun and go hunting, because it is an age old custom which can make us feel more natural. We also get the benefits from cleaner meat and good exercise in the forest; hunting is a way of life” (Smith p78). last name and page number Works Cited Page: Smith, Lucky. The Hunting Diaries. Berkeley, California: Berkeley Books, 2010. 9 Paraphrase (1 kind of reference) Read something from an author and put it in your own words Put the in text citation right after the paraphrase: According to Lucky Smith on guns, he stated that guns are safer these days due to new laws (Smith p.66). I agree because... 10 When do you cite sources in your essay? 1. When you’re talking about an idea you got from something you read. paraphrase 2. When you quote from something you read or heard. Direct quote 3. When you want to give the reader some places to look for more information. 11 Essay 2: Argumentative Essay Essay 1: Profile Essay 2: Argumentative / Persuasive Essay 550 – 650 words use quotes and paraphrasing from other authors 12 Essay 2: Argumentative I want this essay to be your opinion, but I also want you to support your opinion with other author's opinions At least 3 references. At least 1 quote You may also use 1 paraphrase 13 Meaningful Argument = Social Issue 1. Family: Growing Up, Love, Friends, Family, Child Raising, Entertainment of Youngsters, Population Control, Cloning/Genetics, Nursing Homes 2. Education/Jobs: Chinese vs. Western Education, Educating poor people, Educational facilities, Part time jobs 3. Health & Safety: Security & Police, Crime/Prisons, Censorship, Robot Spies, Medical Care, Drugs 4. Sharing: Resources & Energy & Land (food, water, oil, international aid, land/animals, etc) 14 Popular Social Issues: General Crime & Criminals: How to prevent crime, what to do with criminals. Censorship (blocking): how much should parents or the government control (of the internet for example) Resources: How to control, how to share Child Raising: What is the best way to raise a child? How can you make sure you child is popular, confident, educated, and has some good abilities? Will you send them to camp? Will you send them to learn some special skills? Taxes: Technology: various 15 Discuss Topics 1. The government needs to control the food industry more, such as requiring proper labeling and enforcing mislabeling 2. Refugees who face troubles in their country should be given citizenship because it is a kind of human rights 3. China should provide rice and financial aid to poor countries 4. Gender specific schools are better (all-boys or all-girls school) 5. International companies need to be controlled more 6. International marriage should give you a green card to that country (Levels: visa, residency card, green card, passport/citizenship) 7. Parents should be responsible for censoring the internet not the government 8. Companies should not market to children, it is a bad influence 9. Children should be 18 before dating (Puppy Love is not acceptable) / youngsters should have a curfew 16 More Topics Adoption, Human Cloning, Nursing homes, Cremation of dead people, Organ donation, Death penalty, Animal rights, Gambling, Hunting and Guns, Steroids in Sports, Robots & Jobs, Genetically Modified Foods, Space Exploration, One Child Policy, Euthanasia, Vegan/Vegetarian person, Student Suicide, Political Dispute 17 Essay 2: Example Outline Title: Video Games are The Devil Thesis: I don't think students need to use video games because they waste time, keep you from playing outside, and they will make your eyes bad. T1 The first thing about video games that disturbs me is that they can take away precious time from students T2 Secondly, I think students will not be encouraged to play outside if they have the latest games waiting for them at home'. T3 Last but not least, using games a lot will make your eyes bad Conclusion 18 Essay 2: More Help You can choose something that most people will disagree with, that can be more fun and interesting for argumentative essays Choose your own topic, a topic not listed is better – it will be fresh and new Write your real opinion, it is easier to have supporting evidence this way You don't have to agree with me, or your friends, or anyone – I want to see original topics. 19 Activity: supporting evidence I support teenagers working. List 3 good points and 3 bad points 1. 1. 2. 2. 3. 3. I support that people have the right to own guns. List 3 good points and 3 bad points. 1. 1. 2. 2. 3. 3. 20 Journal 5: Small Arguments (300+ words) 1. Make your own argument about something that doesn’t really matter. It is not a serious social problem. 2. Be creative 3. Choose a small topic 4. It can just be a simple opinion 5. Describe your point and counterpoint (like a mini Essay 3) 5. Due Week 12 21 Journal 5 Example: Bananas are the most convenient food because they have their own wrapper and you can carry them around and trade them. Other's Opinion: Many people think eggs are more convenient, but they can easily spoil or break and make a mess. Counterargument / refute Journal 5 Example: small arguments Opinion Argument I like cats. Cats are a useful pet because they can catch mice. Rice is better than noodles. Rice is better than noodles because it is healthier. TVs are bad. TV programs are bad for children because they show a lot of violence. Blue is the best color. Blue is the best color because it can make you feel calm. Essay 2: Social Issue Rule You must choose a topic that at least 50% of people disagree about. Ex: I think eating well is healthy for your life. NO Ex: I think pollution is wrong because... NO Ex: Why the pencil is better than the pen. NO, small problem Ex: How to install windows 7 NO, too small Ex: Once I saw a dog eating a pie. NO, horribly written, not a thesis 24 Essay 2: Don't be afraid if 50% or more disagree. 50% or more disagree: Ex: Unfortunately, war is important to develop better technology. YES Ex: Unlike my classmates, I think we should study more and sleep less to become more competitive YES Ex: I may be different, but I think smoking is an important way to relax yourself because... YES 25 Social Issue Rule Your topic must be a social issue that can relate to others. Ex: I had a difficult exam last week. NO Ex: I always struggle with English essays. NO Ex: Many people will struggle with exams if they were not properly educated because... YES Ex: Tests should not be given in our university because (non graded schools)... YES 26 Must be a big argument Ex: Bananas are the most convenient food because they have their own wrapper and you can carry them around and trade them. NO Ex: Reading magazines is better than reading novels because you can get more information from the pictures. NO Ex: Children should be limited in the time they spend watching TV everyday for their mental and physical development. YES 27 Try to make it an important issue Bottled water is better than tap water Pet fish are better than pet dogs Taking too much medicine is bad for you Eating too much junk food is bad for you ALL NO 28 WRITING TASK 2 - Outline You should spend 40 minutes on this task. Write about the following topic: Some people think that nuclear technology is a danger to life on earth, while others believe it can bring great benefits to mankind. Which side do you support and why? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. Write at least 250 words Activity: Discuss Topics What is the most important quality of a good friend? What do you think can make friends break up? Why do modern people have fewer friends these days? What do you think of the educational system in your country? How can teachers encourage creativity in students? Who is the most successful person you know? Do you think an adventurous spirit is born or nurtured? What kind of people are more likely to succeed? Who do you admire the most? Example 1. What is the most important quality of a good friend? Topic: Important quality of friends Thesis: Friendship can teach us the benefits of teamwork, as well as how to get along with others and be successful, therefore trust is an essential quality in a good friend. Essay: Useful Idioms 4: on Money 1. bread and butter = ? 2. bread winner = ? 3. bring home the bacon = ? 4. at all costs = ? 5. born with a silver spoon in one's mouth = ? 6. face value = ? 7. to cash in on sth = ? 8. hit the jackpot = ? 9. strike it rich = ? 10. to be in the red = ? 32 Essay: Useful Idioms 4: on Money 1. bread and butter = reliable income 2. bread winner = the supporter of the family 3. bring home the bacon = bring home money for family 4. at all costs = no matter what 5. born with a silver spoon in one's mouth = rich/spoiled kids 6. face value = the obvious value, surface value 7. to cash in on sth = draw out money, take advantage of sth 8. hit the jackpot = to get rich, lucky 9. strike it rich = to get rich 10. to be in the red = to be in debt 33 Activity – make a sentence with the following idioms Born with a silver spoon in one's mouth face value hit the jackpot to be in the red Common Idioms 3 Apple of my eye Carry a torch for someone Kick the bucket / have a bucket list Diamond in the rough My knight in shining armor Have your cake and eat it too All the world's a stage Be like clay Common Idioms 3 Apple of my eye = your treasure Carry a torch for sb = carry a secret love for sb Kick the bucket = to die Diamond in the rough = sth good in the bad My knight in shining armor = your hero Have your cake and eat it too = best of both worlds All the world's a stage = everyone plays their part in this world To be like clay = moldable, easy to control (person) *neutral word * Activity – make a sentence with the following word sets Jane, clay Bill, diamond in the rough Bill, kick the bucket Jane, have her cake and eat it too Essay Types: You will write 2 essays and weekly journals 1. Remembering an Event (550-650 words) Something that happened to you. An interesting event that you remember clearly. 2. Writing a Profile (550-650 words) You will describe something or someone. 3. Proposing a Solution (550-650 words) You will discuss a problem and explain how to fix it 6. Journal Entries These will be given by the instructor. They will cover various topics. Very similar to IELTS Task 2 questions 7. Vocabulary Quiz A weekly quiz on the target words Course Schedule: Lesson A Lesson B Week 4 Essay 1: Choose your topic T2 Week 5 Essay 1 Rough Draft Due (550+ words) Week 6 Essay 1 Final Draft WEDNESDAY(550+ words) Week 7 T1 T2 Week 8 Quiz Week 9 Midterm J3 J4 39 Journal 1 Different Shops Write an essay comparing and contrasting the experience of shopping at two different kinds of stores. Use specific reasons and examples to illustrate the stores' similarities and differences. Use 4 vocabulary words from Chapter 6 Journal 2 Choose an IELTS Task 2 question and answer it. Remember choose a trend or a problem. Then use the format “what are your opinions on this” Use 4 vocabulary words from Chapter 6 Journal 3: Bucket List A bucket list is a list of things you want to do in your life before you die. Although this is a creative writing assignment, you must still follow the correct structure as usual. 250+ words, follow normal structure: Introduction, Body, Conclusion. Make a thesis Journal 4: IELTS T2 Choose a science or technology based IELTS Task 2 question and answer it. Remember choose a trend or a problem. Then use the format “what are your opinions on this” Write the question clearly and paraphrase it for the introduction. 250+ words, use 4 vocabulary words from Chapter 7 Journal 4: Tech TOPICS: people's reliance on machines, government spending money for space exploration and development of new energy tech like ITER or CERN, military tech, functional robots Will modern people forget basic survival and necessary skills like writing and cooking because they use machines too much? How do you think people in the future will use robots? Why do people long for tech? Journal 5: Small Arguments (300+ words) 1. Make your own argument about something that doesn’t really matter. It is not a serious social problem. 2. Be creative 3. Choose a small topic 4. It can just be a simple opinion 5. Describe your point and counterpoint (like a mini Essay 3) 5. Due Week 11 45 Journal 6: Philosophy (300 words) Choose one of the following: 1. What is the universe? Where does it come from? Of what is it made? How did it come to exist? What is its purpose? By what process does it change? How long will it exist? Can we leave our universe? 2. What is the nature of humans? Are humans high or low in the universe? Where are we from, where are we going, and why? What is our destiny? 3. What is the meaning of life? What is reality? Is there a real truth? Is there a universal Truth, or does it depend on the person? 46 Journal 7: Review (300 words) Book or film review: Choose a book or film and write a review about it. 47 Homework Journal 5: Small arguments (Monday, May 6) Essay 2: First 100 words (Wednesday, May 8)