Cover page for BTEC1015 Plasmid Identification Report Both a printed and an electronic version of your report must be submitted to your instructor. In order to prevent possible unintentional plagiarism, this pledge must be attached to the front of your Plasmid ID report. The consequence of plagiarizing is a zero on the assignment and a possible (even probable) failing grade in the course. Please refer to the links below to acquire more information on how to avoid plagiarism. Students’ pledge: This report is entirely my own written work. I have checked each sentence of my report (especially the introduction) and attest I have not copied and pasted sentences or phrases from any source, including the internet or another student. I also understand that Wikipedia, while possibly useful for gaining a preliminary understanding of a topic, is not a citable source. I understand that I may use information given to me by my instructor, but that this should be written in my own words and probably requires a citation. I have used the information in the Plasmid Report Guidelines to properly cite my sources. Plasmid Identification Experiment Rufus Tolbert Introduction Plasmids are small, circular pieces of DNA that is capable of being replicated. Plasmids are used to transport a gene of interest into another cell for replication, making it possible to replicate the gene of interest into multiple copies. Restriction enzymes are catalytic enzymes that cut a DNA at restriction sites, which are encoded in the amino acids of the DNA. The Enzymes travel over the surface of the DNA until they come up upon their specific restriction site in the amino acid sequence. They then cut it in one of two ways, either blunt (no overhanging amino acids) or sticky (overhanging amino acids). A single piece of DNA can be cut once, multiple times, or not at all. It is all dependent on the presence of their restriction site. Gel Electrophoresis is used to measure the length of pieces of DNA after being cut by Restriction Enzymes. You place the gel in between a negative and positive charge, insuring that the DNA fragments are closer to the negative charge because of their tendency to run to a positive charge. They will begin to rush towards the positive charge through the gel, separating the fragments by size because smaller fragments can travel easier than the larger pieces. Thus, the small pieces make it farther through the gel than the larger fragments by the time you turn off the machine. Next to your plasmid, you run a DNA ladder that is filled with fragments of very specific sizes, that way you can measure the length of your fragments by their relation to the fragments on the ladder. The goal of this experiment was to identify a specific, unknown, plasmid by digesting it with certain Restriction enzymes to get fragments that eliminate the extra possible plasmids until you reach the only plasmid that has those sized fragments with those specific Restriction Enzymes. This goal is important because it helps to understand and put to use all of the information and skills taught in the Biotechnology 1015 class. My strategy for identifying my unknown plasmid consists of digesting my plasmid with PVUII, BGLII, and KPNI as well as having a lane occupied with an undigested Plasmid. This would slowly eliminate the possible plasmids one by one leaving only one left for the unknown to be. Methods The code name that was given for my unknown plasmid was Br. It is possible to determine the concentration of the Plasmid by using the spectrophotometer to get an absorbance, then calculating the concentration of your absorbance using Beer-Lambert. The DNA ladder that was used in the experiment was purchased from New England Bio-Labs and was product name was 1kb DNA Ladder. The Enzymes used were also purchased at New England Bio-Labs. The names of the Enzymes were BGLII, KPNI, and PVUII. The first Enzyme used was PVUII. The second digest used BGLII. The third and last digest consisted of a mixture of KPNI and PVUII. The Enzymes were incubated for 9hrs at a temperature of 37 degrees Celsius. The percentage of Agarose used in the gel was 1%. The creation of the gel involved mixing .5g of Agarose with 50ml of 1X TAE. The mixture was then placed inside of a microwave and was melted completely. The melted mixture was then spun in ice to cool down the temperature. It was then placed inside of a tray with a comb consisting of 10 wells. The mixture was left to cool and solidify into the gel that would be used. The buffer used for running the gel during electrophoresis was 1X TAE. The gel was run at 150 volts for 30 minutes. The image of the gel was recorded using a UV Transilluminator. The sizes of the fragments in the gel were discovered by comparing the lanes with the digests to the lane with the ladder, lining each band up with the marker bands in the ladder symbolizing their sizes. Predicting the sizes that would result from the digests came from an online site at: The website had the ability to virtually digest the plasmid of your choice with the enzyme/s of your choice. I simply digested each of the possible plasmids with the same enzymes to discover the fragment sizes that would distinguish them from each other. Results and Conclusions The starting concentration of the plasmid was 17.4 micrograms per microliter. Each lane of the gel used was a combination of 11.5ul of plasmid as well as a mixture of water and restriction enzymes to create an overall volume of 15ul in each lane. Gels: pAMP PVUII # Ends Coordinates Length (bp) 1 PvuIIPvuII 2230-54 2364 2 PvuIIPvuII 375-2229 1855 3 PvuIIPvuII 55-374 320 BGLII # Ends 1 BglII-BglII KPNI +PVUII Coordinates Length (bp) 939-938 4539 # Ends Coordinates Length (bp) 1 PvuIIPvuII 2230-54 2364 2 PvuIIPvuII 375-2229 1855 3 PvuIIPvuII 55-374 320 pGLO PVUII NONE BGlII NONE KPNI+PVUII # Ends Coordinates Length (bp) 1 PvuII-PvuII 3052-494 2880 2 PvuII-PvuII 495-3051 2557 pBLU PVUII # BGLII NONE KPNI+PVUII Ends Coordinates Length (bp) 1 PvuII-PvuII 3052-494 2880 2 PvuII-PvuII 495-3051 2557 # Ends Coordinates Length (bp) 1 KpnI-PvuII 3156-494 2776 2 PvuII-PvuII 495-3051 2557 3 PvuII-KpnI 3052-3155 104 pGEM PVUII # Ends Coordinates Length (bp) 1 PvuII-PvuII 2004-4821 2818 2 PvuII-PvuII 4822-2003 2113 BGLII NONE KPNI+PVUII # Ends Coordinates Length (bp) 1 PvuII-PvuII 2004-4821 2818 2 PvuII-PvuII 4822-2003 2113 Table of Actual fragment sizes No Digest PVUII BGLII KPNI + PVUII 5500 5000 5000 5000 Table Predicted Fragment sizes Sizes in (bp) No Digest PVUII BGLII KPNI + PVUII pAMP 4539 2364, 1855, 320 4539 2364, 1855, 320 pGLO 5371 None None 5371 PGEM 4931 2818, 2113 None 2818, 2113 pBLU 5437 2557, 2880 None 2776, 2557, 104 pAMP PVUII BGLII pGEM NONE pGLO KPNI + PVUII NONE NONE pBLU NONE Based on the information that was attained from the gel picture as well as from the predictions, I have come to the conclusion that the plasmid that I have, is the pGLO. pGLO is the only plasmid that still consists of a high amount of bp’s after being digested by KPNI and PVUII at the same time. All the other plasmids were drastically lower in the amount of bp’s. References: The Free Dictionary by Farlex, 2011 <> New England Bio-Lab NEBcutter V2.0 New England Bio-Lab Products <>