Current scholarships available through Northern Lebanon Guidance Office. You may pick up information in the guidance office lobby or follow the links, below if applicable. Scholarships marked with an * asterisk identify newly added scholarships. Listed in reverse order of deadline. The American Legion Scholarship Programs Baseball Scholarship, Legacy Scholarship, Samsung Scholarship, Oratorical Contest, Eagle Scout of the Year, Eight & Forty Lung Nursing Scholarship Different criteria for each scholarship. Go to the website for complete information and access to scholarships Deadline: Varies / Apply online Foundation for Enhancing Communities Scholarships (11) Seniors with financial need Deadline: Varies / Apply online *Various Scholarships available to PA residents Seniors, see each website for criteria or Pick up copy of list in GO Gilbraitti Scholarship Youth Volunteer Scholarship Healthy Choices Scholarship Scholarship by Design Award Caretenders Scholarship LM Scholarship Program Rogers Community Volunteer Scholarship Sedary & Associates Scholarship Lift Parts Express Scholarship Clarence Schock Foundation Scholarship Seniors accepted to one of the following participating universities: Cheyney, Kutztown, Millersville, Shippensburg or West Chester Deadline: Varies / Apply through the University Law & Justice Careers Undergrad Scholarship Senior students of color, pursing law-related career Deadline: Rolling deadline online *Northern Lebanon Athletic Booster Scholarship Senior athletes Deadline: May 8TH to Mr. Snyder / Pick up application in GO *Cura Bella Education Scholarship Education major Deadline: May 6th to Mrs. Machamer / Pick up application in GO *Health Careers & Eleanor Groh Davis Memorial Nursing Scholarship Seniors pursuing career in healthcare field (Accepted to school of nursing, medicine, medical technology, radiology, PT, OT or other allied health science) Deadline: MAY 1ST to Medical Society / Pick up application in GO *Marie Ambrose Levitz Scholarship Fund Seniors pursuing a career in conservation, horticulture, forestry and/or environmental studies Deadline: APRIL 30th to committee / Pick up application in GO Carl “Gib” Gibble Memorial Scholarship All Seniors Updated 4/5/2013 Deadline: APRIL 23rd to Mrs. Machamer / Pick up application in GO Student View Scholarship All seniors Deadline: April 21st online / Robert R. Lengle Memorial Scholarship Seniors planning to further education in law, forensic science, public safety and emergency medical response. Deadline: APRIL 19th to Mrs. Machamer / Pick up application in GO Fredericksburg Alumni Association Scholarship All Seniors Deadline: APRIL 19th to Mrs. Machamer / Pick up application in GO Northern Lebanon Education Association Scholarship-NLEA Seniors with emphasis on academics, need or service Deadline: APRIL 16th to Mrs. Machamer / Pick up application in GO Moyer-Longacre Scholarship Seniors majoring in education or educationally related field Deadline: APRIL 15th to Mrs. Machamer / Pick up application in the GO JoLynn Engle Springborn Scholarship “The Road Not Taken” Seniors (Complete essay) Deadline: APRIL 15th to Mrs. Machamer / Pick up application in GO Northern Lebanon County Rotary Club Scholarship Seniors based on academic achievement, recommendations and essay Deadline: APRIL 15th to Mrs. Machamer / Pick up application in GO Northern Lebanon Education Foundation Scholarship Senior with 3.0 unweighted GPA and emphasis on community service and leadership Deadline: APRIL 12th EMAILED to Mrs. Machamer Download electronic copy at Open College, Scholarship, Fin Aid tab. Ray S. & Lizzie S. Bicksler and Anna B. Greiner Scholarship Any Senior with financial need and strong academically (Preference given to children of employees of The Daniel Weaver Co., formerly Weaver’s Famous Lebanon Bologna, Inc.) Deadline: APRIL 12th to Buzgon Davis / Pick up application in GO Outside Scholarship websites: FAFSA – Free Application for Federal Student Aid If your child has been accepted to a college, make sure to attend an orientation session where financial aid will be discussed. Contact the financial aid office for potential scholarship opportunities through the college. Updated 4/5/2013 Updated 4/5/2013