FDOT Matrix Derived from Specification PCH-7 Effective 01/30/2013 Rev 2.0 FDOT Traffic Engineering Research Laboratory (TERL) Test Lab Compliance Matrix Date: Click here to enter a date. Manufacturer: Applicant’s Name (print): Item, Model No.: Signature: ID No Section Requirement The following compliance matrix criteria are for all test labs 1 PCH-7.2 1) All test equipment used, as required by the manufacturer of the test equipment, is independently calibrated. Test measurements are within the calibration range indicated in the laboratory report. 2 2) Independent testing laboratories indicate that it and its personnel are not in any way associated with the manufacturer or any parent or subsidiary of same. 3 3) The laboratory report is neatly organized in a binder that includes tab-separated sections and contains a CD or other storage device for storing the electronic form of the report. 4 4) a) The laboratory report contains the laboratory name, address, phone number, and web site address. 5 4) b) The laboratory report contains the names and titles of staff performing the test and approving test results. 6 4) c) The laboratory report contains an executive summary of test results indicating whether the product passed (i.e. met product specifications) or failed. 7 4) d) The laboratory report contains a description of the test procedure and date of testing. 8 4) e) The laboratory report contains a description of the test equipment used and certificate of calibration current at the time of testing. 9 4) f) The laboratory report contains the test conditions. 10 11 12 13 14 Item Comply? (Yes/No) 4) g) The laboratory report contains the product specifications used for testing. 4) h) The laboratory report contains the test results including a pass/fail status relative to each test performed and supporting test data (graphs, measured data, etc.). 4) i) The laboratory report contains the product description, part/model number, and date of manufacture of product being tested. 4) j) The laboratory report contains before, during, and after-test photographs of the product being tested. 4) k) The laboratory report contains photographs of the test set-up and location of gauges (if used). Page 1 of 2 By signing this form, the applicant declares that he/she has read and understands the provisions of Section 7 of the FDOT Product Certification Handbook. The requirements listed on this matrix are derived from Section 7, and are the basis for determining a product’s compliance and its acceptability for use on Florida’s roads. Comments (Applicant must provide information as indicated) TERL Evaluation Method Applicant may provide comments in this field. Document Review Applicant may provide comments in this field. Document Review Applicant may provide comments in this field. Document Review Applicant may provide comments in this field. Document Review Applicant may provide comments in this field. Document Review Applicant may provide comments in this field. Document Review Applicant may provide comments in this field. Document Review Applicant may provide comments in this field. Document Review Applicant may provide comments in this field. Document Review Applicant may provide comments in this field. Document Review Applicant may provide comments in this field. Document Review Applicant may provide comments in this field. Document Review Applicant may provide comments in this field. Document Review Applicant may provide comments in this field. Document Review FDOT Matrix Derived from Specification PCH-7 Effective 01/30/2013 Rev 2.0 ID No 15 Section Item Comply? (Yes/No) Requirement 4) l) The laboratory report contains a description of the location and type of failure and photographs of each failure. The following compliance matrix criteria are supplemental requirements for testing pull and splice boxes 16 PCH-7.3.1 a) The laboratory report contains the weight of box and cover tested (box and cover weighed and listed separately). 17 b) The laboratory report contains load versus deflection graphs for each structural load test listed in Section 7.0 of the ANSI/SCTE 77 2010 specification (for each of the ten design load cycles, and when loaded to the test load or failure, whichever occurs first). 18 c) The laboratory report contains certificates of calibration including, but not limited to, load cells and deflection gauges. Page 2 of 2 Comments (Applicant must provide information as indicated) Applicant may provide comments in this field. TERL Evaluation Method Document Review Applicant may provide comments in this field. Document Review Applicant may provide comments in this field. Document Review Applicant may provide comments in this field. Document Review