INNOVATION VOCABULARY LIST: To endorse = approuver To

To endorse = approuver
To update = mettre à jour
Brand-new = neuf/flambant neuf
Daring = audacieux
Efficient = efficace
Forward-looking = tourné vers l’avenir
Ground-breaking = révolutionnaire
Ingenious = ingénieux
A brainwave = éclair de génie
A breakthrough = une percée / une réussite
A patent = un brevet
A pioneer = un pionier
(To be) at the cutting edge (of) = être à la pointe de
(To take) an innovating leap = franchir un pas innovant
To change the landscape = changer considérablement
Thinking outside the box = penser différement
To stretch the boundaries = repousser les limites
Adding value = ajouter de la valeur
To deliver the promise = tenir ses engagements
Bar chart = grahique en barre
Diagram = schema
Flow chart = organigramme
Graph = graphique lineaire
Pie chart = camembert
Table = Tableau
To decrease = to make less
To digress = to go off the subject
To fluctuate = to go up and down
To increase = to make greater
To outline = to explain the structure of
To spell out = to explain clearly
A significant drop = une baisse signifiative
A substantial rise = une augmentation substantielle
To shoot up = monter en flèche
Plummets = chuter
To level off = se stabiliser
Marginally = très légèrement
Roughly = à peu près
A great deal = énormément / beaucoup (=substantially)
Definition: luxury is something inessential but conducive to pleasure and comfort; expensive and
hard to obtain.
If not luxury : up-scale (=/ down-market), premium, top of the range, up market…
5 key trends defining the luxury industry: diversity, exception, personalisation, optimisation,
and succession.
Checkered = motifs (squared patterns)
Craftsmanship = artisanat
Embroidery = broderie
Fabric = materiel / matière
Fragrance = smell
Fur = fourrure
Garment = articles of clothing
Gem = precious stone
Leather = cuir
Lining = doublure
Man-made = fait maison
Mother-of-pearl = nacre
Plain = uni
Scarf = écharpe
Second-rate = standard
Silk = soie
Stitching = couture
Striped = rayé
Substandard = inférieur
Suede = daim
Tailored = sur-mesure
Tweed = plaid / tweed
Upholstery = rembourrage
Velvet = velours
Wool = laine
A taint = une tare
Luxury in China:
- Wealth centres are moving East
- Decline of bling and rise of Craftsmanship
- Niche brands are rising
- Chinese brands are improving to offer equivalent quality and design to foreign brands
- Sophistication
- Luxury goods are bought as gifts
- The wealthier a consumer is, the more likely he/she is to appreciate luxury for their
innate quality and value; and the less likely he/she is to define luxury in terms of status
or extravagance.
Luxury in India:
- Conflict between traditional values and conspicuous consumption
- Growing market – no longer reserved for a privileged few
- Democratization of luxury
- Consumption of “bridge-brands” high = entry-level luxury.
"Determining national characteristics is treading a minefield of inaccurate assessment and
surprising exception. There is, however, such a thing as a national norm."
Lewis plots countries in relation to three categories:
Linear-actives = those who plan, schedule, organize, pursue action chains, do one thing at a time.
Germans and Swiss are in this group.
Multi-actives = those lively, loquacious peoples who do many things at once, planning their
priorities not according to a time schedule, but according to the relative thrill or importance that
each appointment brings with it. Italians, Latin Americans and Arabs are members of this group.
Reactives = those cultures that prioritize courtesy and respect, listening quietly and calmly to
their interlocutors and reacting carefully to the other side's proposals. Chinese, Japanese and
Vietnam are in this group.
5 dimensions of culture:
- Power distance = how people accept power/authority
- Individualism = be seen as an individual, not just as a team
- Masculinity = if both sexes are at the same level or not (for jobs…)
- Uncertainty avoidance = anxiety felt in unknown situations (rules and regulations)
- Indulgence
- Pragmatism = respect for traditions
Culture is but one category or dimension of human behaviour, and it is therefore important to
see it in relation to the other two dimensions: the universal and the personal. The three can be
distinguished as follows:
 Universal refers to ways in which all people in all groups are the same;
 Cultural refers to what a particular group of people have in common with each other
and how they are different from every other group;
 Personal describes the ways in which each one of us is different from everyone else,
including those in our group.
These are two important points for you to remember:
 Because of universal behaviour, not everything about people in a new culture is going to
be different; some of what you already know about human behaviour is going to apply in
your host country.
 Because of personal behaviour, not everything you learn about your host culture is
going to apply in equal measure, or at all, to every individual in that culture.
Definition: a small but profitable segment of a market suitable for focused attention by a
marketer. They do not exist by themselves, but are created by identifying needs or wants that
are not being addressed by competitors, and by offering products that satisfy them.
 Their success depends on good market segmentation
 They can be used with mass-market products (toothbrush, cars…)
Definition of a RATCHET:
An arrangement in which the value of someone's share in a company depends on how well the
company performs. This is often done where company managers own a share in the company.