Handout #1 of 3

The Introduction Paragraph and Thesis Statement
First Sentence
General introduction statement about your topic. Get attention by sounding intelligent, not by being
cute or flashy. Does not “take a stand” or introduce some specific piece of evidence; sentence
merely makes a mature comment that logically introduces your topic. By all means, this sentence is
not a quotation from anyone besides you.
Next 4-6 Sentences
This is the systematic unveiling of your topic and points which logically leads up to your thesis.
Almost a “connect the dots” to lead the way to the thesis statement. Main points are mentioned in
ascending order of importance and relevance.
Final Sentence
Thesis Statement—an “answer” to the topic “question”. This sentence “takes a stand” by making a
clear and supportable claim. This sentence is a STATEMENT, not a QUESTION.
Sample Introduction Paragraph
Once an influential and cutting-edge automobile designer and manufacturer, Chrysler
Motors has recently driven itself into financial disrepair. Even though the American auto giant
once prided itself on creating top-of-the-line luxury sedans as well as horsepower-laden
muscle cars, the past two decades have seen Chrysler swallowed by a self-created financial
catastrophe. Not able to keep up with the needs of younger tastes and therefore, younger
buyers, and the inability to construct engines efficient enough to rival those of its Asian auto
competitors, the embattled car company has suffered historical financial losses. In addition,
corporate focus on continuing to have more trucks than fuel-efficient cars roll off assembly
lines, and re-branding many models under different Dodge, Plymouth, and Jeep trademarks
has nearly buried the company. Although top executives continue to blame their
company’s forthcoming bankruptcy on the nationally poor economy, the roots of Chrysler’s
monetary hardships are entirely self-created.
BODY PARAGRAPHS: Sample and Notes
The Body Paragraphs
First Sentence
This is your topic sentence. It should clearly introduce the idea that will be discussed in this
paragraph—and this paragraph ONLY. This sentence is not a quote or a question. It is an intelligent
statement that you have created to introduce an idea.
Next 4-7 Sentences
These are your explanation and elaboration paragraphs. They should clearly explain one of your
points and display that your thesis is, in fact, true. Use at least one reference (quote, paraphrase,
etc.) here, but do not insert a quote unless you have laid the groundwork for it. Use your own words
and ideas to lead up to the reference
Final Sentence
This is the whammy! This is where you make a statement that clearly connects the idea of this
paragraph to the thesis. This sentence should more or less say—but not in these words—”Aha! My
thesis is true you blasphemous disbelievers!” This sentence is not a question or a quote.
Sample Body Paragraph
Chrysler began laying the groundwork for its own demise when the company shifted its
consumer demographic from young adults to senior citizens. “Decades old sports car classics like
the Dodge Dart and Plymouth Fury slowly disappeared and gave way to the more mature and familyoriented Chrysler Towne and Country and equally hideous Sebring (Pendergast 116). Since younger
drivers tend to shy away from soccer mom vans and cars that are only seen in adult, retirement
communities, Chrysler “lost nearly half of its previous customers” (Jones 23). Unable to attract the
portion of the population that tends to buy and lease new cars nearly every three to five years, the
once thriving legacy automaker found itself selling boring cars to boring people—buyers with a few
years to live and no intention of being returning customers. Any business person—except those at
Chrysler apparently—knows that return customers and a wide consumer base are important in
creating cash flow and profitability. Johnny Dixson, a senior at Rutgers University, summed the
situation up nicely in a recent survey. When asked if he would ever buy a Chrysler product, he
responded, “A What?” Taking itself out of the market and minds of youthful buyers, Chrysler slowly
started its own collapse.
The Conclusion Paragraph
First Sentence
This sentence makes a clear, simple statement that intelligently restates general point of your essay.
This sentence is not a quote or a question. It is an intelligent statement that you have created to
SOUNDS LIKE ANY OF THE FOLLOWING PHRASES: In conclusion, to conclude, all in all, overall, to end,
in ending, as can be seen from the previous paragraphs, etc. Don’t tell me you’re ending the essay, just
end it.
Next 4-5 Sentences
These are your “let me quickly sum up everything so the reader can see that I effectively proved my
point” sentences. Briefly recap—using different language and wording—your key points and how
they support the thesis. Do not re-quote any quotes you may have used; just use your analysis.
Final Sentence
This is the whammy! This is where you make a statement that clearly tells the reader that you have
given enough information to prove your thesis. This sentence should more or less say—but not in
these words—”Aha! My thesis is true you blasphemous disbelievers!” This sentence is not a
question or a quote and it is not a “cut and paste” of your actual thesis. Possibly attempt to make it
slightly witty and memorable.
Sample Conclusion Paragraph Beginning
Chrysler undoubtedly is responsible for the inception of its own downfall. Poor decisions at
the levels of upper, middle, and lower management snowballed into a monster that no one in the
company had the intelligence or wherewithal to halt. (Add in a few more sentences here that quickly
highlight your main points without completely retelling them.) When Chrysler finally suffers its
ultimate collapse, the only object of blame will be the company executives themselves. Not only
were they in the driver seat the entire time the car was skidding off the road, but they were also the
ones driving irresponsibly enough to initiate the skid in the first place.