GRADUATE COORDINATORS WORKSHOP October 4 & 7, 2011 University Context University of Guelph Senate Board of Graduate Studies Subcommittees of BGS: Programs Admissions and Department Progress Graduate Studies Committee Chair Internal Quality Assurance Process (IQAP) replaces the OCGS process Board of Graduate Studies Division committee membership Faculty nomination process Three categories Regular Associated Special New programs and course changes Senate Policy on Rights and Responsibilities Graduate Calendar: Policy on Responsibilities of Advisors, Advisory Committees and Graduate Students and Graduate Student-Advisor Mediation Procedures nt/geninfo/geninfo-por-deptresp.shtml Departmental responsibilities may be delegated to Graduate Coordinator Departmental Responsibilities May be delegated to Grad Coordinator and Graduate Studies Committee: Establish appropriate deadline dates and regulations associated with review, examination and submission of the thesis or research project Make available information about current courses, areas of expertise of faculty members, and pertinent information not already outlined in the Graduate Calendar. Match students and advisors not later than within six months of initial registration. Approve the advisory committee/graduate degree program form no later than the end of the student's second registered semester. Departmental Responsibilities Establish procedures by which the Graduate Coordinator and, if appropriate, the Graduate Studies Committee can monitor progress of graduate students through reports by the Advisor, student, and appropriate others, and to communicate this progress to all involved parties. Investigate situations where an Advisory Committee has not met for two or more consecutive semesters. In addition, investigate perceived irregularities in student/Advisor/Advisory Committee relationships. If a student has received an unsatisfactory evaluation report for two consecutive semesters then the Departmental Graduate Coordinator will meet with the student, the Advisor and the Advisory Committee to consider the lack of progress and any possible remedial measures. Departmental Responsibilities Maintain a list of scheduled faculty leaves and, where warranted, assist in making satisfactory arrangements for the advising of the student when the Advisor is on leave or on extended absence from the campus. Inform Graduate Program Services should there be unresolved concerns about either the Advisor's effectiveness or the student's performance. Allow students to change Advisors In the event that an Advisor or Advisory Committee member withdraws because of a conflict of interest, work with all parties to mitigate any negative consequences of the withdrawal Dispute Resolution Interpersonal conflict between Student and Advisor Graduate Coordinator Dispute over progress evaluation or failed qualifying /defense exam (may include procedural irregularity, questions of academic merit or extenuating circumstances, including medical or compassionate) Graduate Coordinator Chair/Director Chair/Director Board of Graduate Studies Assistant VP Grad Studies (informal mediation) Dean may seek advice of the College Dean (Admissions & Progress Committee) Senate Committee on Student Petitions Departmental action, letter to Chair reporting on policies not followed Dispute Resolution Disruptive, abusive or destructive behaviour on the part of the Advisor Disruptive, abusive or destructive behaviour on the part of the Student Complaint by Student to Chair/Director (informal mediation). If not resolved, or disciplinary action may be required, College Dean Complaint at the departmental/school level – to Graduate Coordinator and/or Chair Complaint by Advisor, Graduate Coordinator, Chair normally to Campus Community Police who take carriage of complaint through the University’s judicial process Update on Policies and Practices Maximum Duration Policy Plan of Study Quality Assurance Program Completion Period2 Progress Report & Plan of Study To A&P by Mid-Semester Registration Blocked at End of Semester Continuation with Approved Plan of Study Maximum Program Duration Masters FT 6 7 7 8,9 9 PT 6 6.3 6.3 6.6 to 8 8 FT 12 13 13 14 to 16 183 PT 12 12.3 12.3 12.6 to 14 154 DE & T 16 17 17 18 to 20 225 DE & T - PT 16 16.3 16.3 16.6 to 18 196 FT 9 10 10 11,12 12 PT 9 9.3 9.3 9.6 to 11 11 PhD DVSC FT, Full-time; PT, Part-time; DE & T, Direct entry and transfer from a master's program Case Studies Review and Discussion Recruitment Coordinator Responsibilities Information Sessions One Pagers Graduate Studies Preview Day Graduate Recruitment Strategies – Website Responding to Prospective Student Inquiries Admissions On behalf of the graduate studies committee, recommend admission of new graduate students Sign all forms pertaining to admission Recommendation for Admission, Recommendation to Waive English Language Requirements, etc. New funding form in line with union requirements Admissions Upgrading – OGS website Transfers and alternate admissions Admission appeals - Provisional Records Advisory Committee Forms Facilitate establishment of the student’s Advisory Committee and academic program Submit Advisory Committee forms to OGS by the mid point of the student’s second registered semester (full time) or by semester 5 for part time students Semester Evaluation Reports Filed each semester, even if Satisfactory Unsatisfactory must come to OGS Students must sign Qualifying Examinations Program’s process must be on file with OGS Components (e.g. courses, examinations, written paper, oral exam) Use of standardized forms Recommendations to A & P A & P Guidelines When OGS rejects applicant, submit appeal and support documentation Recommendations on program transfers, extending LOA, resolving course failures. Recommendations for Withdrawal Documentation Student Petitions Departmental summary and support documents Counselling Students Sensitivity to ESL students, both domestic and visa Communication Academic Misconduct Sensitivity to personal issues that may affect performance and progress Monetary Health Family Referrals Student Financial Services Student Health Services Counselling Services Funding and Awards New awards Upcoming awards requiring attention Trudeau Award reference letter sample are available on OGS website Assistance with different awards processes Trillium – update OGS & SFS Students with funding difficulty Financial Assistance GRADUATE COORDINATORS WORKSHOP October 4 & 7, 2011