PHENIX: The Next BUP and the Next Decade J. Lajoie for the PHENIX Collaboration 5/14/2010 RHIC Spin Collaboration Meeting 1 Charge from Steve Vidgor ALD Steve Vigdor has charged PHENIX and STAR to write decadal plans due August 1, 2010. Summarize detector upgrades underway and to be utilized in the next 5 years. Compelling science beyond 5++ years that require additional detector upgrades and machine capabilities. Prioritize the physics and the upgrades above. Discuss the option of an electron beam in the tunnel and thus an ePHENIX and eSTAR in the MeRHIC and EIC era. 5/14/2010 RHIC Spin Collaboration Meeting 2 Caveats The PHENIX BUP for Run11-12 is still in development Still, it’s relatively straightforward The PHENIX Decadal Plan is a moving target Active effort within the PHENIX Collaboration As of now, there is no “official” Decadal Plan What you will see is my take on the current process Of course, it’s probably biased PHENIX has decided to THINK BIG! RHIC will have no future if it does not pursue exciting new physics discoveries! 5/14/2010 RHIC Spin Collaboration Meeting 3 The Next Five Years Run-10 Run-11: Silicon VTX on schedule. Precision heavy flavor era! Muon Trigger Upgrade on schedule! Forward Wm DAQ Upgrade on schedule! Run-12: Forward silicon VTX available. Run-14: Forward Calorimetry (FOCAL proposal) Critical to exploit the detectors to do the physics they were designed for. 5/14/2010 RHIC Spin Collaboration Meeting 4 High Precision Heavy Flavor 5/14/2010 RHIC Spin Collaboration Meeting 5 The FOCAL Si-W calorimeter 44cm from the interaction point Replaces existing Cu nosecone Modular Brick construction Physics Goal Gluon PDF at low-x via direct photons This is a very new type of detector! A hybrid between a calorimeter and a tracking detector 5/14/2010 RHIC Spin Collaboration Meeting 6 The PHENIX Run-11/12 BUP Run-11: Anticipate an even split between AuAu and 500GeV pp running: Considering how useful ~1-2 weeks of U+U running would be Run-12: pp – commissioning/physics with muon trigger and VTX AuAu – first physics running with VTX Additional physics running at 500GeV HI running with VTX and FVTX Will ask for some pp low energy running (HI comparison – 62.4, 39, 22.4 GeV) Some AuAu low energy running Excitation of constituent quark scaling (~20GeV) 5/14/2010 RHIC Spin Collaboration Meeting 7 Run-11 Spin Goals and Assumptions PHENIX wants to emphasize that 500GeV polarized running in Run-11 is commissioning for both the collider and PHENIX New PHENIX Muon Trigger New VTX detector Assuming ~10 weeks of 500 GeV running, this should be broken into two parts: First ~4 weeks: Collider commissioning, detector setup Expect priority is on luminosity and polarization development, beam for experiments on evenings Next 4-5 weeks: Physics running for W AL 5/14/2010 Emphasis on stable running conditions PHENIX assumes it will integrate ~50pb-1 RHIC Spin Collaboration Meeting 8 Run-11 Expectation AL W->m Assumes 50pb-1, P=50% S/B=0.3 – Believe we can ultimately achieve S/B=3.0, but this requires additional analysis and development S/B uncertainty shown as gray box Run-11 is the beginning of the W physics program… 5/14/2010 RHIC Spin Collaboration Meeting 9 PHENIX Near-Term Spin Goals Main PHENIX focus is W physics! Need to insure we accumulate sufficient integrated luminosity Expect to run at least three years Run-11 through Run-13? Additional spin physics efforts: Longitudinal (500GeV): ALL for p0, h, charm, direct photons Transverse (depends on running): 5/14/2010 IFF, AN for charm Could be 200GeV (HI comparison running) Particle correlations over a range of rapidities RHIC Spin Collaboration Meeting 10 Long-Term HI Physics Objectives Hot QCD Medium q: fast color triplet Jets and Leading Hadrons q: fast color octet C: slow color octet B: slower color octet Heavy Flavor QQ: slow color singlet/octet J/y and Upsilons QQ: fast color singlet/octet Photon: colorless 5/14/2010 High pT J/y RHIC Spin Collaboration Meeting 11 How to Upgrade PHENIX? Step #1: Remove the outer PHENIX Central Arms Step #2: Replace Axial Field Magnet with Solenoid (2 Tesla with inner radius = ~70 cm). Step #3: New silicon tracking layers at 40 and 60 cm Step #4: Compact EmCal (Silicon/Tungsten) |h|<1.0 8 cm total depth and preshower layer Step #5: Hadronic Calorimeter Outside Magnet Step #6: Maintain high DAQ bandwidth and triggers Result 5/14/2010 PHENIX Reborn RHIC Spin Collaboration Meeting 12 sPHENIX? sPHNX? A complete redesign of PHENIX focused on the next generation of physics questions at RHIC. 145cm 80cm HCAL EMCAL 68cm Preshower IP 60cm 2T Solenoid Silicon Tracker VTX + 1 layer Silicon Tracker FVTX 1.2 < h < 2.7 8o < q < 37o 5/14/2010 RHIC Spin Collaboration Meeting 13 GEANT4 Performance Evaluation Excellent electron-ID for pT > 2 GeV electrons E= 5 GeV Need detailed study at lower pT as well. g/p0 separation over full kinematics > 50 GeV p0 E=40 GeV 5/14/2010 p+ E= 5 GeV Energy Resolution RHIC Spin Collaboration Meeting 14 FastJet (anti-kT) FastJet (anti-kT) Jet Reconstruction Mike McCumber (Colorado) With tracking, dominated by “fakes” above some pT (e.g. pT > 10 GeV). Thus, low overall efficiency for true high energy jets. Bias in spectra reconstruction when FF is uncertain. Issue largely solved with EMCal + HCal for jet energy! 5/14/2010 RHIC Spin Collaboration Meeting 15 Forward Physics Objectives Transverse spin phenomena Kinematics high xf, high rapidity |h| > 2 Drell-Yan test QCD prediction for Sivers between SIDIS and DY Separate Sivers and Collins and do a flavor separation for the PDFs Longitudinal spin phenomena high rapidity |h| > 2 extend x coverage for DG and Dq Drell-Yan in dAu p0-jet, g – jet, IFF for identified hadrons, jet AN, direct photon Measure quark distributions in nuclei Possible access to quark saturation EIC physics Measure polarized and unpolarized inclusive structure functions in ep / eA (F2, FL, F3, g1, g2, g5) “Diffractive physics” (DVCS, etc.) 5/14/2010 RHIC Spin Collaboration Meeting 16 What is Required? All measurements need increased acceptance in the forward direction (|h|>2) than the current muon arms provide Apart from DY all the measurements require EM calorimetry and PID DY can be done with muons and/or electrons so no disadvantage Hadronic calorimetry required for Transversity+Collins (similar jet reconstruction issues as Central PHENIX) 5/14/2010 RHIC Spin Collaboration Meeting 17 Scenario I: DY at High h 3.1 < | h | < 3.9 2.5o < Q < 5.2o Muon Arms 1.2 < | h | < 2.4 South: 12o < Q < 37o North: 10o < Q < 37o Central Arms | h | < 0.35 60o < Q < 110o MPC Keep South Muon arm and put m-detectors in the gap between MuTr/MuID. May require dipole magnet before muon piston iron. Upgraded FVTX required to cover acceptance. 5/14/2010 RHIC Spin Collaboration Meeting 18 Scenario I Pros and Cons Advantage: Modest upgrade Cost if no magnet is needed around ~2-3M$ Many technologies available RPC If additional magnet is needed modifications become significantly more involved higher costs ~5M$ Disadvantage: 5/14/2010 Very limited physics capabilities Only possible in south muon arm (no gap in north muon arm) RHIC Spin Collaboration Meeting 19 Scenario II: Full Forward Spectrometer North Muon Arm 145cm 80cm HCAL EM CAL HCAL EMCAL Preshower R I C 68cm 60cm IP Silicon Tracker VTX + 1 layer Silicon Tracker FVTX 1.2 < h < 2.7 8o < q < 37o H 5/14/2010 2T Solenoid RHIC Spin Collaboration Meeting 20 Scenario II: Pros and Cons Advantages: Can address all the physics objectives Will keep the PHENIX spin community interested Will be able to participate in EIC EMCal could re-use currently existing PHENIX central arm EMCal HCal could try to re-use an HCal from an other experiment or use the same technology as in central detector ~?M$ RICH COMPASS or LHC-b design ~4M$ Additional Tracking: new electronics needed ~2M$ GEM tracker? less mass than Si-trackers Improve STAR design: Cost ~3M$ Total Cost in the order of 12M$ Disadvantage: Relatively high cost 5/14/2010 RHIC Spin Collaboration Meeting 21 ep/eA Physics Lets concentrate on 4GeV lepton energy electron beam “replaces” yellow hadron beam Proton Energy 50 GeV 100 GeV 250 GeV p/A 180o pe: 1-2 GeV pe: 2-3 GeV pe: 3-4 GeV 4x50 pe: 0-1 GeV 0o 5/14/2010 RHIC Spin Collaboration Meeting 22 e- DIS vs. Diffractive (Hadrons) 5/14/2010 4x50 4x100 4x250 4x50 4x100 4x250 E.C. Aschenauer RHIC Spin& Collaboration PheniX STAR meet EICMeeting 23 23 Diffractive Kinematics (p’) t=(p4-p2)2 = 2[(mpin.mpout)-(EinEout - pzinpzout)] 4 x 50 Diffraction: ? 4 x 50 4 x 250 Roman pots required to detected outgoing proton 4 x 100 5/14/2010 RHIC Spin Collaboration Meeting 24 Conclusions The future of RHIC will require a bold effort to directly address fundamental questions in QCD: Heavy Ions: Spin: Separation of Sivers and Collins+Transversity DY to test modified universality ep/eA: Quantitative study of the QGP Inclusive and diffractive measurements to get us on the road to the full EIC PHENIX is developing a comprehensive upgrade plan to pursue an exciting, broad physics program over the next decade at RHIC! 5/14/2010 RHIC Spin Collaboration Meeting 25 BACKUP 5/14/2010 RHIC Spin Collaboration Meeting 26 FOCAL Acceptance h = 1.2-2.7 (red circle) = 0.27 p (x 2) h = 1.6-2.7 (blue circle) = 2p 27 5/14/2010 RHIC Spin Collaboration Meeting 27 Counts per 2.5 GeV bin in 50B AuAu Events NLO pQCD (W. Vogelsang) CTEQ6M5, DSS FF pp @ 200 GeV |h|<1.0 p0 q,g jets Direct g Fragmentation g 0 p (assume RAA = 0.2) Photons Jets 5/14/2010 RHIC Spin Collaboration Meeting 28 RHIC-II Luminosity Projections SuperDAQ (i.e. sDAQ) DAQ2010 RHIC II luminosity and new proposed DAQ upgrades can yield 50 billion AuAu event samples (and with great new detector capabilities). 5/14/2010 RHIC Spin Collaboration Meeting 29