Tryout Information Packet - University of Nebraska at Kearney

University of Nebraska Kearney
Spirit Squad Tryout Information Packet
Office (308) 865-8523
Spirit Squad Program
The UNK Spirit Squad is comprised of the Cheerleading Squad and the Sapphires Dance Team. The Spirit
Squad is under the direction of the Student Life Office. First and foremost, members of the Spirit Squad
must be persons of the highest integrity and EXEMPLARY representatives of the University of Nebraska at
Kearney. This policy is intended to inform the Spirit Squad and those wishing to try out for the Spirit Squad
of certain rules that apply to those given the privilege of being on the Spirit Squad.
The University of Nebraska at Kearney Spirit Squad Program strives to support and not compromise, its
squad members’ academic careers and aids to develop them into responsible, mature and independent
adults. The program is a means of improving the student’s mental and physical well-being. The Spirit
Squad is a team where the student (1) will be provided leadership opportunities; (2) will develop the ability
to make good decisions; (3) will enhance the ability to respond to life’s situations; (4) will contribute to social
development, e.g. awareness of one’s self, the development of self-confidence, development of
interpersonal relationships; and (5) generally will maximize the opportunity for the student athlete.
The success of the Spirit Squad depends upon each member committing herself or himself to the Spirit
Squad team. The team’s paramount goal is to support the University of Nebraska at Kearney & UNK
Athletics. That support is directed into three major areas, as follows: (1) to raise the level of fan support for
the University; (2) to participate in the athletic activity known as cheer/dance by performing motions, dance
movements and jumps; to perfect this athletic activity for keeping crowd attention/direction focused on the
field/floor where the intercollegiate activity is taking place, and for entertainment and competitive purposes;
and (3) to serve as representatives of the University of Nebraska at Kearney & UNK Athletics.
The Spirit Squad is under the direction of Advisor Heather Wolf. Cheer is coached by Lacy Mortensen and
the Sapphire Dance Team by Sara McCarty.
The Cheer Squad is composed of 12-16 members. These squad members primarily perform at home
football, volleyball, and men’s and women’s basketball games.
The Sapphire Dance Team is composed of 10-14 members. These squad members primarily perform at
home football and men’s and women’s basketball games.
Summary of the Rules and Expectations for the 2015-2016 University of Nebraska Kearney Spirit Program
This summary is intended to inform prospective members, their parents and other interested parties of the
various policies and expectations of the University of Nebraska Kearney Spirit Squad program.
Auditions generally take place in the spring. Applicants are assessed in the areas of technical skill,
interview, academic performance, fitness and overall impression. Incoming freshmen, current UNK
undergraduate students and transfer undergraduate students may apply. The squad is selected by a
judging panel composed of individuals chosen for their expertise in the areas of cheer, dance and/or
leadership along with the current Spirit Squad Head Coach. Scores will be assigned in the areas of
technical skill and interview. Returning members will not be interviewed, but instead be given a score based
on their prior squad experience as evaluated by the Coach and Advisor. Academic performance, fitness
evaluation, overall impression and a successful reference check will be considered in determining the final
team. Auditions are closed to the general public.
All applicants must meet the following minimum requirements:
 Fully admitted to the University of Nebraska Kearney by the first day of their
respective tryout
 Full-time undergraduate student
 Possess and maintain a minimum 2.5 grade point average in 12 earned hours
each semester
 Possess and maintain personal health insurance while on the squad
Summer camp will be held twice throughout the summer. This camp is mandatory for all Squad members.
Specifics including report date and time will be communicated to selected members following tryouts.
Scholarship and Benefits
Eligible squad members who receive a 2.5 or better semester grade point average in 12 or more earned
hours may receive a $100 scholarship in the fall and spring. Uniforms and additional gear, as well as travel
expenses for away games, and a Sun Tan City membership are provided by the Student Life Office.
Practices and Attendance
Practice schedules will be determined by availability of facilities and decided upon before each semester
begins. Practices, games and scheduled appearances are mandatory. Your duties as a Spirit Squad
member are a priority after academics. Sororities, clubs, committees and other extracurricular activities are
highly encouraged but are secondary to your responsibilities on the Spirit Squad. If you choose to work,
communication and effective time management are a must.
Alcohol Policy
Squad members are expected to be outstanding, law-abiding citizens. This expectation is foremost when it
comes to the use of alcohol. The Spirit Squad is a highly visible group within the community and the
behaviors of Squad members are under constant observation in and out of uniform. Squad members are
often an easy target for criticism regarding their conduct particularly if indulging or over-indulging in
alcoholic beverages. With this in mind, the Squad will adhere to the following policies:
 Spirit Squad members of legal drinking age shall not procure an alcoholic beverage for a
squad member who is under 21 at any time.
 Spirit Squad members may not purchase, possess or consume alcohol during a game day
or away trip regardless of age.
 Spirit Squad members shall not draw negative attention to the team due to inappropriate
drinking behavior regardless of age. This includes observations in public, photos,
Facebook posts, tweets and other media.
Failure to comply with this policy may result in disciplinary action, up to and including suspension and/or
dismissal from the Squad with the eligibility to re-audition revoked.
Traveling is a privilege and reward, not a right of membership on the Spirit Squad. Many factors are
considered when assigning travel opportunities including, but not limited to, contribution to squad activities,
attitude and commitment, work ethic, academic performance and seniority. The number of travel
opportunities available is determined at the discretion of the Student Life Office in accordance with budget
guidelines and University regulations.
Communication regarding Spirit Squad matters will be conducted between the student and coaching staff.
This includes requests for feedback after the tryout process. Parents or guardians will be contacted only in
the case of an emergency or immediate need. Questions and concerns directed to any member of the
coaching staff from parents or other related parties regarding Spirit Squad matters will be re-directed to the
Personal Responsibility
Email and text messaging are common forms of communication used by the coaching staff. All squad
members are responsible for reading through email communications and responding to emails and text
messages promptly.
Any Squad member may be dismissed from the team for any of the following reasons:
1. Attitude
2. Lack of Ability
3. Poor attendance and/or tardiness
4. Personality conflicts
5. Inability to follow rules and procedures
6. Representation of self through social media inconsistent with team values and expectations
7. Insubordination and other behaviors deemed inappropriate by the coaching staff and/or
8. Best interest of the team as determined by the coaching staff and/or administration
Squad members may also be dismissed for other reasons not listed above, as determined by the coaching
staff and/or the administration.
2015-2016 Spirit Squad Tryout Participant Agreement
As an applicant for the University of Nebraska Kearney Spirit Squad, I understand that I have chosen to be
a candidate and fully understand the rules and expectations of the Spirit Squad program. I also recognize
and accept the inherent subjective nature of the audition process. The goal of the audition process is to
choose a team that best fits the needs and vision of the program and all decisions are final.
If I am chosen to be a member of the University of Nebraska Kearney Spirit Squad, I understand this is a
one year commitment. I agree to uphold the guidelines of the program from the moment I am selected
throughout the academic year.
In the spirit of excellence, I agree that the needs of the Spirit Squad will take priority second only to
academics. I understand that each member is an integral part of the success of the Squad and I choose to
put service to the Squad as a whole ahead of myself. I understand that the Spirit squad is a highly visible
representative of the University and it is the responsibility of all members to uphold the standards of the
program and the Student Life Office. Membership on the Spirit Squad is a privilege, not a right. I agree that
if the coaching staff and/or administration should determine that I have violated the terms of this
Agreement, consequences may include disciplinary action, up to and including suspension from activities
and performances, loss of travel privileges, immediate dismissal from the Squad and loss of benefits that
accompany membership on the team.
My signature below indicates that I have read and completely understand the Summary of the Rules and
Expectations for 2015-2016 Spirit Squad provided to me. I recognize and agree that any interpretation of
the Rules and Expectations made by the coaching staff and/or Student Life Office shall be binding as it
applies to me.
Signature of Applicant
Printed Name
Parent/Guardian Signature (if applicant is under 19)
Laura Matthies
Spirit Squad Advisor
Assistant Director for Student Activities/Events
University of Nebraska Kearney
1013 W 27th St
Kearney, NE 68849