EVS 3000L: Environmental Science and Humanities Lab Spring 2015 Instructors Tuesday Rachel Nifong Ph.D. Candidate, SNRE E-mail: rldouglass@ufl.edu Phone: (919) 497-2014 Office Hours: By appointment Thursday Elizabeth White MSc/PhD Student, SNRE Email: ehwhite@ufl.edu Phone: (612) 791-0553 Office Hours: By appointment Class Meeting Schedule Tuesday, periods 2-4 (8:30 – 11:30am), Building 0092 (NPB room 1200) Thursday, periods 2-4 (8:30 – 11:30 am), 2nd period in NPB room 1200, and from 3-4 period in MAT room 0009 Location Location varies by week (see calendar). We will meet in the classroom and travel to the site together, or meet at the site if it is on campus. Students will be notified of travel plans during the previous week. Course Objective To train students in basic environmental science field techniques and provide first-hand learning opportunities concerning the interactions between humans and the environment. Course Content The class will cover a variety of topics including waste water treatment, waste management, springs ecology, stream ecology, wetland ecology, upland ecology, land conservation, and energy. Most classes will include a field trip component either on campus or in the surrounding community. Field trips will often include meeting with a natural resource professional to learn first-hand about the challenges and opportunities in natural resource management. Communication All course communication outside of class will be done through Canvas and Gatorlink email. You are responsible for checking both regularly to keep up to date. Course Grading Component % of Grade Attendance & Participation (12 @ 10 points each) 40% Assignments (12 @ 10 points each) 40% Final Paper (60 points) 20% Total (300 points) 100% Attendance and Participation Attendance will be taken each week. Participation credit will be determined based on your interactions, questions, comments, punctuality and willingness to partake in class activities. Cell phone use is not permitted during the class or during field trips. Students are required to ride with the group to off-campus sites. If you are not at the designated meeting point at the scheduled departure time AND wearing appropriate attire, we will leave without you and you will receive a 0 for participation. Each student will be permitted ONE excused/non-penalized absence over the course of the semester. This means you will receive the 10 points for participation. However, in order to make-up the 10 points for the accompanying assignment, a make-up assignment will need to be completed. 1 Prior to each lab or site visit, students will be assigned a reading assignment. This will typically consist of a relevant scientific journal article and possibly instructions for the upcoming lab. Students will be responsible for completing this reading before arriving to prepare them to participate in the day’s activities. Proper Attire Proper attire may vary based on the conditions and the environment we will be in. Several of the tours require closed-toed shoes, long pants, and covered shoulders (no tank tops). There will be times when you may wish to wear boots as we may be in wet, muddy locations. Also, we may experience inclement weather such as rain. Please check the forecast and have rain gear when appropriate. Announcements each week will also give further direction regarding appropriate attire for the upcoming fieldtrip. Course Alterations The course calendar is subject to change. Any revised versions will be sent in email. Please refer to the most recent version. Assignments There will be a brief, usually single page, assignment for each lab or site visit. This assignment will be based off the day’s activities as well as the reading assignment. The assignments cannot be completed without having attended the field trip. Students will be responsible for turning in these assignments by the start of class the following week. Answer all questions in your own words. Cutting and pasting or otherwise plagiarized material will not be accepted. Please submit these assignments to your instructor on Sakai using a standard font and the following file name: AssignmentTopic_FirstInitialLastName. Late assignments will not be accepted. Make-up Lab To make up for missed lab points, you will be able to select a seminar to attend within three weeks of your missed lab. Please send an email for approval with the following information: the seminar title, presenter, date, time, location, department, and any short summary that was provided (usually provided in the advertisement by the department). After attending the seminar, write up a half-page, single-spaced report that summarizes the major topics and findings of the seminar, how it applies to environmental science, and what your thoughts were on the presentation (did you think it was valid research? are you interested in this type of research? etc.). This will be due a full week after the seminar date via email. Seminars can be found on the following department pages: WEC: http://wec.ufl.edu/seminars/ SNRE: http://snre.ufl.edu/graduate/seminar_series.htm Biology: http://www.biology.ufl.edu/News/Seminars.aspx SFRC: http://sfrc.ufl.edu/about/events/ Any other department seminar may be selected as well with approval. Final Synthesis Paper Students will be expected to turn in a 3 – 4 page double spaced paper that will synthesize topics you have covered in this course. A rubric and potential topics will be handed out mid-semester. The paper will be due Thursday, April 9, 2015. Grading Scale A B C D 93.0-100.0% 83.0-86.9% 73.0-76.9% 63.0-66.9% ABCD- 90.0-92.9% 80.0-82.9% 70.0-72.9% 60.0-62.9% B+ C+ D+ E 87.0-89.9% 77.0-79.9% 67.0-69.9% <60.0% Academic Honesty All Students are expected to abide by the UF Honor Code: We, the members of the University of Florida community, pledge to hold ourselves and our peers to the highest standards of honesty and integrity. On all work submitted for credit by students at the university, the following pledge is either required or implied: "On my honor, I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid in doing this assignment." 2 Students with Disabilities The University of Florida is committed to providing academic accommodations for students with disabilities. Students with disabilities requesting accommodations should first register with the Disability Resource Center (352‐392‐8565, www.dso.ufl.edu/drc/) by providing appropriate documentation. Once registered, students should present their accommodation letter to me supporting a request for accommodations. The University encourages students with disabilities to follow these procedures as early as possible within the semester. Campus Helping Resources Students experiencing crises or personal problems that interfere with their general wellbeing or academic performance are strongly encouraged to talk to the instructor or take advantage of the university’s counseling resources, available at no cost for currently enrolled students. University Counseling Center & Wellness Center, 3190 Radio Rd., 392‐1575; Personal and career counseling, as well as therapy for anxiety, stress and mental health issues: http://www.counseling.ufl.edu/cwc/ Teaching Center and Reading and Writing Center, Broward Hall, 392‐2010 or 392‐6420. General study skills, tutoring, help brainstorming, formatting and writing papers: http://teachingcenter.ufl.edu/ and http://teachingcenter.ufl.edu/rwcenter/index.html. Sexual Assault Recovery Services (SARS), Student Health Care Center, 392‐1161, sexual assault counseling Career Resource Center, Reitz Union, 392‐1601, career assistance and Counseling Course Schedule (subject to change) Lab 1 2 3 4 5 6 Dates (Tu/Wed) 1/6 & 1/8 1/13 & 1/15 1/20 & 1/22 1/27 & 1/29 2/3 & 2/5 2/10 & 2/12 2/17 & 2/19 2/24 & 2/26 3/3 & 3/5 3/10 & 3/12 Topic Site Orientation / Heat Island Effect Classroom Wastewater Treatment UF Water Reclamation Facility on campus Waste Management UF Zero Waste Initiative on campus Energy Production Deerhaven* Waste-to-Energy and Bio-fuels Bioenergy Technology Center on campus Stream Ecology/Water Quality University Gardens on campus 7 Wetland Ecology SEEP Wetland on campus 8 Springs Ecology Glen Springs and Ring Park* 9 Spring Break- NO CLASS 10 Upland Ecology Morningside Nature Center* Transportation & Storm water 11 3/17 & 3/19 Management TBA 12 3/24 & 3/26 Land Conservation Classroom and Cofrin Park* Green Buildings & Conservation 13 3/31 & 4/2 Behavior Rinker Hall on campus 14 4/7 & 4/9 Park Management and Planning Paynes Prairie* 15 4/14 & 4/16 MAKE UP WEEK TBA *Trip requires traveling in UF van; meet in parking lot (south/next of Black Hall) at time specified. 3