Just in Time” CAREER FAIR PREP Online Participants : What to

“Just in Time”
Online Participants :
What to Expect:
■ You'll hear the presentation and see a
■ If you have a question:
Click on your hand icon
Text message your question
■ Workshop may be recorded for later use.
What is a Career Fair?
• Not a Job Fair!
• An event that is sort of like a trade show
and speed-networking event with a large
number of potential employers.
• Forum for gathering information about
potential opportunities
Why Attend?
Expand number of network contacts
Receive sound advice from recruiters
Learn about opportunities in your field
Increase chances for an interview by making
a good “first impression”
Employer’s Point of View…
• Want to make the most of his/her
experience at the Career Fair
• May not have positions available – NOW
• Policy may not allow him/her to take your
résumé, even if he/she interested in you.
• Like it when you are specific & purposeful
in your stated interests and skills
Have a Game Plan:
What is your goal
List of Employers to target
Research companies
Draft your introduction
Outline questions to ask
Prepare professional documents
Professional Documents Needed
Reference List
Copy of transcripts
Portfolio, representing
relevant skills and
Career Fair Ready
• Tailor resume towards companies you
plan to target
• Use key words and action verbs for
quick scanning
• Use the CDC website and services to
prepare a skills based resume
Do Your Homework About the Employers
• Review the list of employers
• Identify those that you want to talk with.
• RESEARCH these employers so you’ll
know basic information about them.
• Determine 3 – 5 questions for each
• Tailor a resume for each employer
Prepare to Meet
the Company Representative
• Prepare to ask and answer questions
• Create a list of questions to ask
• Practice answering potential questions
using Interview Stream
• Keep responses positive and on topic
“Elevator Pitch”
1-minute overview of you!
• Covers your background and the type of
position you are looking for.
 Why there and employment seeking
 Brief summary of education, experience,
strengths, etc
• Should contain professional & academic
information only, not personal.
Example of an “Elevator Pitch”
With a pleasant smile say:
“Hello, my name is ( ), I am here to speak
with you about potential opportunities with
your name
– Offer a firm handshake
– Present your resume
– Provide a brief summary of education, experience,
strengths, and any other significant details of what you
can do for their company.
Networking Cards
Size 3.5 inch width x 2.0 inch height
– Name
– Address
– Phone
– Fax
– Email
– Website (when available)
Sam Matthews
12 Elk, Lincoln, IL 61111 ■ S.Mathews @ gmail.com ■ 217-296-9999
Career Objective
Volunteer Coordinator and Advocacy Position
■ Recruited, trained and oversaw a 120+volunteer network
■ Created and promoted “Share to Care” program for local schools
■ Produced multimedia outreach presentations
Master’s in Public Administration
University of Illinois at Springfield
Bachelor of Social Work
University of Illinois at Springfield
Dec. 2009
May 2005
Core Skills
Multilevel Recruitment
Program Management
Events Planning
Advocacy and Outreach
Networking Card Resources
• http://www.quintcareers.com/student_netw
• www.VistaPrint.com (business card
Prepare to Make a Good Impression
• Determine your attire.
• Either “business casual” or “interview
attire” is appropriate.
• Examples of “business casual”:
• Polo or other collared shirts, long sleeved
• Khakis or knee-length skirts
• Sweaters
“Interview Attire”
• The most conservative and classic
business look
• Examples of “interview attire”:
Black, gray, navy suit (top and bottom match)
Solid color, long-sleeved shirt
Simple ties for men
Hosiery required for women, socks required for
Whether Business Casual OR
Interview Attire…
• Iron your clothes. You don’t want to look like
you slept in them!
• Cover tattoos if possible.
• Remove visible piercings (other than in ears).
• Women should avoid low cut or form-fitting
• Make sure your hair is clean and combed.
Day of the Career Fair…
• Use your time wisely. Find out where
employers are located and map your
• Use employers’ time wisely.
• Get a business card from everyone
you talk with.
• Don’t be all about the give away
Career Fair Checklist
 Portfolio/Briefcase
 Pen and notebook
 At least two dozen resumes
 Copies of transcripts
 Copies of list of references
 Appropriate clothing including comfortable,
professional shoes
 Small breath mints-no gum
 A positive attitude and firm handshake
Registration Table
 Sign In
 Name tags available
 Place name tag on right hand side
 Obtain Career Fair Handout listing
companies and their location
 Review layout and mark the companies
in the order you would like to meet
Meeting Recruiters
• Greet Recruiters.
– Introduce yourself.
– Initiate a handshake
– Smile.
• Provide a Resume with cover letter
• Ask companies what the next step is and
how you can follow up with them.
• Ask for a business card.
What’s in a Good First Impression?
Eye contact
Name tag
What else?
Don’t forget to follow up!
• Leave voicemails the evening of the
Career Fair.
• Send thank you letters (via email, or US
mail) soon after the Career Fair.
• Send networking letter with resume
Unable to Attend: Be a “Virtual” Participant!
Step 1: Upload your Career Fair Resume to UIS
Career Connect
Step 2: Go to the Events Tab on UIS CareerConnect
homepage and register to attend the Career Fair.
Step 3: Resume will be added to Online Resume
Books for employers to view.
Career Development Center’s
Career Toolbox Resources
Million Dollar Database
First Research
Interview Stream
CDC Career Fair web pages
Company websites
Putting your ‘Best Foot Forward’
• Polish your résumé
• Post or update your résumé on
• Create or review your elevator speech.
• Use the CDC Services
Wrap Up…
What are the 3 most important “Action Steps”
for you to do now to prepare for the upcoming
Springfield Collegiate Career Fair?