OLEH R. INDARJANI SEAMEO DEPUTY DIRECTOR FOR PROGRAMME The whole of science is nothing more than a refinement of everyday thinking." Albert Einstein Mengapa IPA penting ?? 1. ILMU PENGETAHUAN YANG BISA MENJELASKAN FENOMENA KEHIDUPAN It is part of our daily lives 2. PEMBENTUK KARAKTER SUATU BANGSA it reveals our ignorance and humbles us, even the most intelligent and the most powerful person. 3. PERTANDA KEMAJUAN SUATU BANGSA "We want young people energized in the way that you all are, because we know that human rainpower in science and math has always driven this country's prosperity," 4. PERTANDA KEMAJUAN ZAMAN it creates “Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)” concept SEAMEO QITEP in Science QITEP : Quality Improvement of Teachers and Education Personnel Didirikan 13th July 2009 www.qitepscience.org VISI Menjadi pusat unggulan dalam peningkatan profesionalisme para guru IPA dan tenaga kependidikan dalam kerangka pembangunan yang berkelanjutan MISI Misi untuk melaksanakan peningkatan profesionalisme dengan program yang berkualitas dan relevant program yang bekualitas melalui pembangunan kapasitas, berbagi sumber daya, penelitian dan pengembangan serta jalinan kerjasama. www.qitepscience.org Identitas • Relung/domain : Inquiry Based Science Education (IBSE) • Program Thrusts/Lingkup program: 1. Pengembangan profesionalisme guru dan tenaga kependidikan 2. Pengembangan bahan ajar 3. Pengembangan komunitas pembelajaran Diklat • Pendidikan Lingkungan Hidup • Ilmu Pengetahuan Kebumian dan Antariksa • Pengelolaan Laboratorium IPA • Pembelajaran IPA berbasis IT • Management Kelas (IPA) • Penelitian dan Pengembangan www.qitepscience.org Adopting 21st Century Curriculum - Agenda Pendidikan 2015-2035 para menteri pendidikan di Asia Tenggara - Prioritas nomor tujuh (7) - Pendidikan untuk meraih pekerjaan yang lebih baik guna mencapai kehidupan lebih baik (Education for work and for living) - HCI sebagai sarana untuk meraih keunggulan st 21 Century Learning 21st skills for Student E-Collaborative Learning Concept Teacher Country-n Teacher Country-1 Edmodo Project Based Learning 21st Century Skills Students • Students • Discussion/ Communication Learning Resources: Digital Book, Mobile Apps, etc. • Assessments Adopting 21st Century Curriculum through SEA-Digital Class (on Science and Mathematics) as Inter Center Collaboration Program (SEAMOLEC, SEAQIM, SEAQIS) Pelaksanaan 1. Diluncurkan di Kota Bandung 14 Mei 2015 2. Dibuka oleh Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Bapak Anies Baswedan 3. Bertempat di SDN Percobaan Sabang II 4. Diikuti oleh 35 SD dan 15 SMP Grade 5 Science Result 5% 33% 62% Data Science ≥ 70 Data Science 51- 69 Data Science ≤ 50 35 Schools, 935 students, highest score 85/100 (1) Grade 5 Mathematics 1%12% 87% ≥70 69-51 ≤50 35 Schools,930 students, highest score 80/100 (1) Grade 8 Science 9% 40% 51% ≥ 70 69-51 ≤ 50 15 Schools, 1191 students, highest score 80/100(13) Grade 8 Mathematics 18% 56% ≥ 70 26% 51- 69 ≤ 50 15 schools, 1191 students, highest score 90/100 STUDENT READINESS IN SCIENCE AND MATHS 120 100 Brunei Darussalam Cambodia 80 Indonesia Malaysia 60 Myanmar Lao Philippines 40 Thailand Timor Leste 20 Vietnam 0 ≥70 51-69 SCIENCE GRADE 5 ≤50 ≥70 51-69 MATH GRADE 5 ≤50 ≥70 51-69 SCIENCE GRADE 8 ≤50 ≥70 51-69 MATH GRADE 8 ≤50 The highest scores on Mathematics and Science Country Highest Score (grade 5) Mathematics Brunei Darussalam 50 (18/22) Science Highest Score (grade 8) Mathematics Science 70 (4/22) 90 (3/22) 85 (4/22) Cambodia 35 (2/32) 65 (7/32) 55 (1/50) 50(5/50) Indonesia 80 (935) 85 (935) 90 (1191) 80(1191) Malaysia 75 (1/12) 95(1/12) 95 (1/28) 95 (1/28) Myanmar 50 (2/20) 65(1/20) 70 ( 1/43 ) 80 (2/43 ) Lao 45(1/7) 40(3/11) 65(1/10) 45 (4/10) Philippines 85 (1/20) 85 (4/20) 95 (1/40 90(1/40) Thailand 85(1/23) 75/100 100 (3/20) 95 (1/20) Timor Leste 35(7/21) 55 (1/21) 40 (1/20) 50(2/20) Vietnam 85 (2/27) 90 (1/21) 100 (6/41) 85 (2/41) Number indicates : the score (number students/number students involved Student’s Learning Skill in Science Refer to science learning skills revealed that most students lack of skill in C3: Apply (carrying out or using a procedure in a given situation), C4: Analyze (breaking material into its constituent parts and detecting how the parts relate to one another and to an overall structure or purpose), and C5: Evaluate (making judgments based on criteria and standards). But they have ability in C1: Remember (retrieving relevant knowledge from long-term memory) and C2: Understand (determining the meaning of instructional messages, including oral, written and graphic communication) Student’s Learning Skill in Mathematics Regarding to Mathematics, grade 5 students still have difficulties doing measurement, ratio and proportions, and pattern and relationship, and data handling. Similarly students at grade 8 also found difficultird in the topic coverage of graphing equation, measurement, ratio and proportions, and data handling. To some extend students had difficulties giving their explanation. Students also rarely scratched or drew anything on the figures given on the items. Technical Recommendation • Have equal competence edmodo • the facility and equipment should be standardize • every classroom should provide with standard computer or laptop with at least one internet browser • internet connection should adequate to serve more than 20 devices at once • Wi-Fi connection is strongly recommended for laptop or mobile gadget users • One class room has one PIC to help students in test and one technician staff to troubleshoot the technical problems. Program selanjutnya 1. Melaksanakan Diagnostic Test bidang IPA dan Matematika untuk kelas 10----15 Januari 2016 2. Mengadakan Workshop Pembuatan dan Pengembangan soal IPA bertemakan HOT dan STEM-----Februari 2015 3. Mengembangkan bank soal 4. Memberikan kuota kepada para guru untuk ikut serta dalam training reguler di SEAQIS Terima kasih