Volcanoes and Plutons Mount Etna, an active volcano in Sicily, erupts at night while mounds of molten lava cool in the foreground. Fig. 8-CO, p.169 Geologists retreat from a slowly advancing lava flow on the island of Hawaii. Fig. 8-1, p.170 How does magma form? The asthenosphere (from 100-300 km deep in upper mantle) is a layer where temperature is high enough and pressure is low enough that 12% is molten. Three processes melt the asthenosphere to form magma: -Increasing temperature (least important cause in asthenosphere) -Decreasing pressure -Addition of water Fig. 8-2, p.171 Pressure-release melting occurs from decreased pressure. Magma occupies about 10% more volume than the solid rock it melted from. High pressure results in the dense, orderly arrangement of solid mineral while low pressure favors the random, less dense arrangement of molecules in a liquid magma. Therefore, rock can melt easier near the Earth’s surface (given the right temp) than when it is under great pressure. Fig. 8-3, p.171 Pressurerelease melting produces magma beneath a spreading center, where hot asthenosphere rises to fill the gap left by the two separating tectonic plates. Fig. 8-4, p.172 also, A wet rock generally melts at a lower temperature than an identical dry rock. Certain tectonic processes add water to the hot rock of the asthenosphere to form magma. NOW, on to Environments of Magma Formation… Spreading Centers: hot, plastic asthenosphere oozes upward when plates separate; pressure drops as it rises, and melting forms basaltic magma. The magma is of lower density than surrounding rock, so it rises. Nearly all of Earth’s oceanic crust is formed at the Mid-Oceanic Ridge system. Iceland is one of the few places on Earth where volcanoes of the MidOceanic Ridge system rise above the sea. Shown is an eruption of Mount Surtsey of Iceland. Fig. 8-5, p.173 Mantle Plume: a rising column of hot, plastic rock from the mantle. The plume rises because it is hotter than the surrounding mantle, so it is less dense and more buoyant. As it rises, pressure decreases and just beneath the lithosphere is melts to form magma, and continues to rise. Can occur, for example, within a tectonic plate (Yellowstone) or beneath the sea (Hawaiian Islands).Fig. 8-6, p.173 Subduction Zone (SZ): huge quantities of magma form here from decreasing pressure, addition of water and heating. The asthenosphere is stirred up and rises. Volcanoes and plutonic rocks are common features at SZ. Fig. 8-7, p.173 75% of Earth’s active volcanoes lie in the “ring of fire” (a chain of subduction zones at convergent plate boundaries that encircles tha Pacific Ocean. Fig. 8-8, p.174 Basalt and Granite Are the most common igneous rocks. Basalt is the main rock of oceanic crust; granite is the main rock of continental crust. Because rock is a mixture of several minerals with different melting temperatures it does not melt to form magma at the same time (unlike a pure substance such as ice). This is called partial melting. Minerals with the highest silica content melt at the lowest temperatures (so magma is always richer in silica than the rock that produced it). Granite contains more silica than basalt and melts at a lower temp. So, basaltic magma can melt granitic continental crust. In this way, magmas with varying compositions are produced. Origin of the Continents The Earth is thought to have melted shortly after its formation 4.6 billion years ago. Geologists surmise the first crust was lava with a composition similar to today’s mantle (peridotite). When and how did the granitic continents form? The oldest rocks known have been dated to 3.96 billion years old (metamorphosed granite), and the oldest mineral known has been dated to 4.2 billion years old (the mineral zircon that commonly forms in granite). Possibly from partial melting during horizontal and vertical tectonics of the Precambrian crust. Fig. 8-9, p.176 Fig. 8-9a, p.176 Fig. 8-9b, p.176 Fig. 8-10, p.177 Magma Behavior When magma rises cooling tends to solidify magma while decreasing pressure tends to keep it liquid. What really happens depends on the type of magma (its composition). Granitic magma contains about 70% silica and 10% water; basaltic magma contains about 50% silica and 1-2% water. Higher silica makes the magma viscous (stiff). So granitic magma solidifies in the crust easily, while basaltic magma can reach the surface. Water escapes from granitic magma when pressure decreases as it rises. Its solidification temperature rises, causing it to crystallize within the crust. Basaltic magma’s water content is relatively unimportant. Plutons: granitic magma solidifies in the Earth’s crust to form a large mass of granite called a pluton. Tectonic forces may push it upward, and erosion may expose parts of it at the Earth’s surface. Fig. 8-11, p.178 Fig. 8-11a, p.178 A batholith is a pluton exposed over more than 100 sq. km of Earth’s surface; a stock is similar, but exposed over less than 100 sq. km. Fig. 8-11b, p.178 Many mountain ranges, such as California’s Sierra Nevada range, contain large batholiths. Fig. 8-12, p.178 Granite plutons make up most of California’s Sierra Nevada in Yosemite National Park. Fig. 8-13, p.179 Smaller magma intrusions may flow into a fracture or between layers in country rock. Dike: tabular intrusive rock that cuts across country rock. Sill: magma oozes between layers of country rock and forms parallel to layering. Fig. 8-14, p.179 Dikes intruding older country rock. Fig. 8-15, p.179 A large dike near Shiprock, New Mexico, has been left standing after softer sediment (country rock) eroded away. Fig. 8-16, p.180 A black basalt sill has been injected between layers of sandstone. Grand Canyon, Arizona. Fig. 8-17, p.180 Volcanoes: Lava is fluid magma that flows onto the Earth’s surface and solidifies. To right is pahoehoe lava, low viscosity lava that flows while it cools, forming smooth, glassysurfaced, wrinkled, or “ropy” ridges. Fig. 8-18, p.181 If viscosity is higher, its surface may partially solidigy as it flows. The solid crust breaks up as the deeper, molten lava flows, forming aa lava, with a jagged, rubbled, broken surface. If a volcano erupts explosively, however, it may eject liquid magma and solid rock fragments. A rock from this material is called a pyroclastic rock; the smallest particles are ash, while cinders are 2-64 mm. Fig. 8-19, p.181 Hot lava shrinks as it cools and solidifies, pulling the rock apart and forming cracks that can be 5 or 6 sided and grow downward through the solidifying lava. This is called columnar jointing. Fig. 8-20a, p.181 Columnar joints viewed from the top. Fig. 8-20b, p.181 Fissure eruptions and lava plateaus: gentle type of volcanic eruption occurs when magma oozes from cracks (fissures) in the land surface (or flanks of a volcano) and flows over the land like water. Common in Hawaii and Icelandic volcanoes. Some create flood basalts and lava plateaus. Fig. 8-21, p.182 Fig. 8-21a, p.182 Fig. 8-21b, p.182 Types of volcanoes Table 8-1, p.183 Lava and rocks commonly erupt from a vent located in the crater (bowl-shaped depression at the summit). This photo shows steam rising from vents in the crater of Marum volcano, Vanuatu. Fig. 8-22, p.183 Mount Skjoldbreidier in Iceland shows the typical lowangle slopes of a shield volcano. Fig. 8-23, p.183 Cinder cones in southern Bolivia Fig. 8-24a, p.184 Pyroclastic fragment of cinder cones. Fig. 8-24b, p.184 A composite cone consists of alternating layers of lava and pyroclastic material; Mount Rainier (below) is a composite volcano rising behind Seattle’s skyline. Fig. 8-25, p.185 Fig. 8-25a, p.185 Fig. 8-25b, p.185 Caldera eruption Fig. 8-26, p.186 Rising granitic magma stretches and fractures overlying crust. Gas separates from the magma and rises to the upper part of the magma body. Fig. 8-26a, p.186 The gas-rich magma explodes through fractures, rising as a vertical column of hot ash, rock fragments and gas. Fig. 8-26b, p.186 When the gas is used up, the column collapses and spreads outward as a high speed ash flow. Fig. 8-26c, p.186 Because so much material has erupted from the top of the magma chamber, the roof collapses to form a caldera. Fig. 8-26d, p.186 Ash-flow tuff forms when an ash flow comes to a stop. Fragments of rock are carried along with volcanic ash and gas. Ash-flows can travel more than 100 km in distance at 200 km/hr. Fig. 8-27, p.186 View of the caldera that forms Crater Lake, Oregon. Fig. 8-28, p.187 Calderas (red dots) and ashflow tuffs (orange areas) are abundant in wester North America. Fig. 8-29, p.187 Archaeologists uncover molds of people killed in the A.D. 79 eruption of Mount Vesuvius near the Roman city of Pompeii. During the eruption an ash flow streamed down the volcano and buried cities and towns under 58 meters of hot ash. Mount Vesuvius is a stratovolcano. Recent seismic studies show that seismic waves suddenly slow from 6 to 2.7 km/sec at a depth of 10 km. What does this mean? Fig. 8-30, p.188 Approximately 1300 active volcanoes are recognized globally, and 5564 eruptions have occurred in the past 10,000 years. Volcanic eruptions are one of the greatest geologic hazards. Table 8-2, p.188 May 18, 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens. Fig. 8-31, p.190 Fig. 8-32a, p.190 Fig. 8-32b, p.190 Plot of temperatures in the Northern Hemisphere shows that atmospheric cooling follows major volcanic eruptions. Mount Pinatubo in 1991 produced the greatest ash and sulfur clouds toward the end of the 20th century, decreasing solar radiation that reached the Earth’s surface by 2-4% and cooling the globe by a few tenths of a degree during 1992-93. Fig. 8-33, p.191 Do volcanic eruptions always create global cooling? End of Permian (248 million years ago); greatest extinction known, linked to flood basalts in Siberia 120 million years ago, vast submarine lava plateau formed beneath the Pacific Ocean off the west coast of SA. Large quantities of C02 released. Dinosaurs flourished in swamps, coal deposits formed…global climate may have warmed by 12-15 degrees C. p.193