Medstar: a prototype for biomedical social network Xiaoli Li Institute for Infocomm Research A*Star, Singapore Some bioinformatics research • • • • • Xiao-Li Li, Soon-Heng Tan, Chuan-Sheng Foo and See-Kiong Ng. "Interaction Graph Mining for Protein Complexes Using Local Clique Merging." in Genome Informatics, Vol. 16, No.2. 2005. (BEST PAPER AWARD) Kar Leong Tew, Xiao-Li Li and Soon-Heng Tan. "Functional Centrality: Detecting lethality of proteins in protein interaction networks.", Proceedings of 18th International Conference on Genome Informatics. Xiao-Li Li, Chuan-Sheng Foo, See-Kiong Ng, "Discovering Protein Complexes in Dense Reliable Neighborhoods of Protein Interaction Networks", LSS 6th Annual International Conference on Computational Systems Bioinformatics, CSB-2007. Xiao-Li Li, Jun-Xiang Lee, Bharadwaj Veeravalli, and See-Kiong Ng. "An HV-SVM Classifier to Infer TF-TF Interactions using Protein Domains and GO Annotations", Proceedings of the IEEE 7th International Symposium on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering (BIBE 2007) Boston, USA. Xiao-Li Li, See-Kiong Ng. " Mining for domain dependency sets from protein interactions", 12th Annual International Conference Research in Computational Molecular Biology (RECOMB 2008), Singapore. (BEST POSTER AWARD). Some bioinformatics research • • • • Hon Nian Chua, Kar Leong Tew, Xiao-Li Li, Seekiong Ng, "A Unified Scoring Scheme for Detecting Essential Proteins in Protein Interaction Networks", "Proceedings of 20th IEEE Int'l Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence, Australia, Ohio, USA, November 3-5, 2008 Hon Nian Chua, Willy Hugo, Guimei Liu, Xiao-Li Li, Limsoon Wong and See-Kiong Ng, “A probabilistic graph-theoretic approach to integrate multiple predictions for the protein-protein subnetwork prediction challenge”, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Vol 1158:224-33, 2009 Best Performance Award of the Protein-Protein Subnetwork Challenge, DREAM 2007, USA Xiao-Li Li, Jun-Xiang. Lee, B. Veeravalli, See-Kiong Ng, “Inferring Transcription Factor Interactions Using a Novel HV-SVM Classifier,” International Journal of Computational Biology and Drug Design, 2008 Min Wu, Xiao-Li Li *, Chee-Keong Kwoh and See-Kiong Ng, “A CoreAttachment based Method to Detect Protein Complexes in PPI Networks”, BMC Bioinformatics, Vol 10:169, 2009 Biomedical social networks Image Credit: Mathew Pirretti Medstar • Understanding the neighborhood of an organization or individual in a collaborative network allows one to identify several characteristics such as: – Intensity of internal/external collaborative activity – Clusters of actively collaborating organization/individuals – Possible conflict of interest relationships – Finding potential point of contacts (“middle man”) to expedite collaborations People search (example, I2R A*Star) • Given a researcher’s name, we mine from our publication data and provide the following information to describe the researcher’s profile. – Research Areas based on MeSH Terms – Researcher Associated Organizations – Researcher Publication Listing Expertise profiling Research areas, associated organizations and publications MeSH terms Organization Publication Organization search • We mine the following information to profile an organization: – Organization Research Areas based on Mesh Terms – Related Organizations – Organization Publication Listing – This search allows for understanding the working style of an organization based on the co-authorships of their staffs. Organization search (example1: SGH) Example2:Changi general hospital Example3:Tan Tock Seng hospital Medstar URL •