Week #11 Monday, October 26

1st Grade HBL: Monday; Oct. 26, 2015 Week #11
Subject: Josiah
Bible: 2 Chronicles 34:1-2
Complete Scripture Memory Verse (attached)
Family Bible Activity; Week #11 (posted in Bible section of website)
Read: Scholastic News – “Rotten Science”- Complete back and attached
Log into Raz-Kids and choose a story. Listen then read the story to your
family. Student should be reading 20 minutes/day on Raz-Kids. Don’t forget to
take the quiz!
Phonics: Review flashcards on HFW. If needed, continue to make flashcards from
new list.
Review sheets: complete short and long a/silent e - Make flashcards using
words on Silent e worksheet. Use to practice short and long vowel words/sounds.
(keep in zipper pouch)
Math: Review: Money/Drill -Math flashcards (front zipper pouch) *Work on
telling time to hour and ½ hour
Family Math #11(can be completed at any time during week)
Complete Fact Homework 45 & worksheet 45B (yellow math folder)
Grammar: Practice Shurley jingles (posted on website and in HBL Binder- through
Article Adjectives)
“My Popcorn” worksheet – use popped popcorn to write adjectives to
complete worksheet. (minimum of 3 in each category)
Spelling: Complete Monday #11 Spelling in HBL Binder (both sides) Keep in Binder
Handwriting: Do Monday #11 Handwriting; Please help your child write using the
correct strokes. Refer to handwriting sheet for help. All handwriting pages
remain in binder.