assembly of people of kazakhstan

of interethnic tolerance and public
consent of N.Nazarbayev
(Aim: consolidation of society, unity and forming the civil identity)
of interethnic tolerance and public consent
Constitutional bases
and standards
in the sphere
of interethnic relations
Representation of APK
in the supreme legislative
body – Parliament
of Republic of Kazakhstan
(according to Constitution of
the Republic of Kazakhstan)
(was established by the President’s Decree of 01.03.,1995,
is led by the Head of state)
APK is the institute of harmonization of
interethnic relations and public consent.
APK is the key instrument of the state national
policy realization.
(Session is the highest leading body of
the Assembly and called by the President of
the Republic of Kazakhstan)
(is fulfilled by the leaders of the Assembly
during the period between the sessions)
Doctrine on the national
unity of Kazakhstan
April 2010
approved by President
of the Republic of Kazakhstan
the Law of Kazakhstan
“About the Assembly
of people of Kazakhstan»
of 20.10.2008.
Normative legal acts of
Republic of Kazakhstan
in the sphere of interethnic
relations, including
the international acts
(Aim: consolidation of society, unity and forming the civil identity)
of interethnic tolerance and social consent
Main branches of the activity of APK
in the interethnic sphere
Consultative and advisory and analytical
Scientific and
expert council
under APK
Public Fund
«Fund of APK»
Ақсақалдар алқасы
(Council of the elders)
Mass media of Assembly
of people of Kazakhstan
Committee on ethnic
Committee on
international relations
Committee on work with
assemblies of regions
of Almaty and Astana
Committee on work
with compatriots
Committee on work
with Mass media
Committee on forming
Kazakhstan patriotism and
work with the young people
Committee on the development of
state language and the languages
of ethnic groups and formations
Club of journalists
and experts
Social commissions under Council of APK
Committee on bills law
Assemblies of the
regions, Almaty,
Astana cities
«Менің Елім»
Mass media of
ethnic and cultural
Official web
-portal of APK
of the State National Policy:
I. Consolidating role of Kazakh ethnos.
II. Unity of Kazakhstan people.
III. Tolerance and responsibility.
IV. Creation of all the conditions for the development of
culture and the languages of the national groups of
V. Ethnic, confessional, cultural and language variety.
Constitutional bases and standards in the sphere of
interethnic relations
(11 norms of Main Law regulate the sphere of interethnic relations)
We, the people of Kazakhstan, united by a common historic fate, creating a state on the indigenous Kazakh land,
considering ourselves a peace-loving and civil society, dedicated to the ideals of freedom, equality and concord, wishing
to take a worthy place in the world community, realizing our high responsibility before the present and future generations,
proceeding from our sovereign right, accept this Constitution.
Article 1.
1. The Republic of Kazakhstan proclaims itself a democratic, secular, legal and social state whose highest values are an
individual, his life, rights and freedoms.
Article 1.
2. The fundamental principles of the activity of the Republic are public concord and political stability; economic
development for the benefit of all the nation; Kazakhstan patriotism and resolution of the most important issues of the
affairs of state by democratic methods including voting at an all-nation referendum or in the Parliament.
Article 3.
1. The people shall be the only source of state power.
Article 5.
3. Formation and functioning of public associations pursuing the goals or actions directed toward a violent change of the
constitutional system, violation of the integrity of the Republic, undermining the security of the state, inciting social,
racial, national, religious, class and tribal enmity, as well as formation of unauthorized paramilitary units shall be
Article 12.
2. Human rights and freedoms shall belong to everyone by virtue of birth, be recognized as absolute and inalienable, and
define the contents and implementation of laws and other regulatory legal acts.
Constitutional bases and standards in the sphere of
interethnic relations
Article 14.
2. No one shall be subject to any discrimination for reasons of origin, social, property status, occupation, sex, race,
nationality, language, attitude towards religion, convictions, place of residence or any other circumstances.
Article 19.
1. Everyone shall have the right to determine and indicate or not to indicate his national, party and religious affiliation.
Article 20.
3. Propaganda of or agitation for the forcible change of the constitutional system, violation of the integrity of the
Republic, undermining of state security, and advocating war, social, racial, national, religious, class and clannish
superiority as well as the cult of cruelty and violence shall not be allowed.
Article 22.
1. Everyone shall have the right to freedom of conscience.
2. The right to freedom of conscience must not specify or limit universal human and civil rights and responsibilities
before the state.
Article 39.
2. Any actions capable of upsetting interethnic concord shall be deemed unconstitutional.
Article 50.
2. … Fifteen deputies of Senate are appointed by the President of the Republic in accordance with the need to provide
the representation of national and cultural and other significant society interests in Senate.
Article 51.
1. Elections of 98 deputies of the Majilis shall be carried out on the basis of the universal, equal and direct right under
secret ballot. 9 deputies of Majilis are elected by the assembly of people of Kazakhstan…
(Approved by President of the Republic of Kazakhstan – Chairman of the APK N.A. Nazarbayev)
The Doctrine of the National Unity is the reason for people to understand
the necessity to unite before time challenges.
It’s a way to realize what makes us closer and entire.
It’s an impulse to a joint advance into future.
At the new stage of the development of the country the achievement
of National Unity based on the recognition of the system of values and principles
for all citizens is becoming a strategic priority.
Principles of Doctrine on the National Unity of Kazakhstan:
І. «One country – one destiny»
The awareness of every citizen that he and his Motherland, the Republic of Kazakhstan;
ІІ. «Different origin – equal opportunities»
The equality of opportunities for all the citizens despite their ethnic or another origin,
confession or social status;
ІІІ. «Development of national spirit»
The headstone of our national unity and everyone’s vital principles must be
independence maintenance, statehood strengthening, the equality of opportunities,
the defense of rights and freedoms, the creation of intellectual nation and
the development of national spirit.
Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan
«About the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan» of October 20, 2008, №70-IV
Consolidates the Assembly as the equal subject of the country political system, defines
the normative law bases of its activity, regulates the interethnic relations, facilitates
the state national policy realization.
The purpose of the Assembly is to provide the interethnic consent in the Republic of Kazakhstan in
the process of forming Kazakhstan civil identity and competitive nation on the basis of Kazakhstan
patriotism, civil and spiritual and cultural unity of Kazakhstan under the consolidating role
of Kazakh people.
The main tasks of the Assembly are:
1) supply of the effective interaction between state bodies and the institutes of civil society in the sphere
of interethnic relations, providing the favourable conditions for the further consolidating of interethnic
consent and tolerance in the society;
2) consolidating the people unity, the support and development of social consensus according the basic
values of Kazakhstan society;
3) assisting the state bodies in counteracting the extremism and radicalism manifestations in the society,
aimed to restrict the human rights;
4) forming the citizens political and legal culture, based on democratic norms;
5) providing the integrity of the efforts of the ethnic and cultural and other public formations to achieve
the Assembly aims and tasks;
6) revival, storing and development of national cultures, languages and traditions of the people of Kazakhstan.
The principles of Assembly activity are:
1) the priority of human and civil rights;
2) the priority of the interests of people and state;
3) the equality of human and civil rights without depending on race, nationality, language,
attitude to the religion, views or any other circumstances;
4) the equal rights and personal responsibility of the Assembly members for the activity in it;
5) publicity.
Normative law acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan
in the sphere of the interethnic relations
Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan
is adopted at the republican referendum of August 30,1995.
The Republic of Kazakhstan
ratified 160 fundamental
international normative legal acts
in the sphere of human rights.
Legislation of Republic
of Kazakhstan answers to
the principles of Main
International documents
in the sphere of international
documents in the sphere of
providing the ethnic rights of
the citizens: Copenhagen
conference on the human
measuring of 1992; Hague
recommendations about
the national minorities rights in
the sphere of education of 1996,
Oslo recommendations about
the national minorities of 1998,
Lund recommendations about
the effective participation of
the national minorities in
the social and political life of
1999, the Recommendations on
the languages using
of the national minorities
In broadcasting of 2003.
Constitutional law of the Republic of Kazakhstan
«About elections in the Republic of Kazakhstan»
of September, 28, 1995, N 2464 (with the changes of June 19,2007)
Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan
«About state social order» of April,12,2005 N 36
«Conception of development of the civil society of 2006-2011»
confirmed by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan
of June 25, 2006, № 154
Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan
«About the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan»
of October, 20, 2008, N 70-IV
Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan
«About the languages in the Republic of Kazakhstan»
of July,11,1997 N 151
Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan
«About the public formations» of May, 31, 1996 N 3
of APK activity in the interethnic sphere
The consolidation of the social stability as the basis of society integrity.
Improving the activity of the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan on the realization of state
national policy and rising its role in the democratization of the political system.
Forming Kazakhstan identity in the way of Kazakhstan people consolidation with the basic role
of the state language and culture of Kazakh people.
The overall development of Kazakhstan people’s cultures, languages and traditions.
The development of the system of educating Kazakhstan patriotism and the work with the youth.
The effective interaction of the state bodies and the institutes of the civil society in
the sphere of interethnic relations.
Forming the system of mechanisms on preventing the negative tendencies in the sphere of
interethnic relations and the possible threats neutralization, and ethnic factor politicization.
The support of compatriots, living abroad in the matters of keeping and development of
the native language, culture and traditions.
Broadening of the integral relations with the international organizations and the institutes
of the civil society of the foreign countries.
(from the speech of the President of the republic of Kazakhstan at ХIV session
of the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan,
October 23, 2008. «The country power is in the people’s unity»)
First. Kazakhstan model was initially built «from below»
on the basis of the national groups’ public organizations, constructive creative interaction
Institutes of the civil society, represented by ethnic and cultural formations and the state.
All the ethnic groups have the extremely high civil and legal and social status.
Their representatives come not as the national minorities, but as possessing
the complete rights. The citizens of the unified people of Kazakhstan.
The chairmanship and political realization of the interests of Kazakhstan national groups
is fulfilled on the high state level. The chairman of the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan is
the President of Kazakhstan himself, guarantor of Constitution, and this defines
the high status of the Assembly. The decisions of its high body, the annual session,
are fulfilled by all state bodies. In the intervals between the sessions the work
of the constant working body of the Assembly Council is often led by the State secretary.
The interests of the ethnic groups are supplied through the parliament guaranty
representation of the Assembly. As the result, 9 deputies of Majilis, elected from
the Assembly, present her interests, as the aggregate interests of all
the national groups of the country.
In Kazakhstan model the consolidating principle “Unity through the variety” is founded.
The aimed policy of the state on the ethnic languages and cultures support facilitates
the storage and multiplication of cultural variety.
Interethnic relations in Kazakhstan are principally depoliticized.
According to the Article 5 of Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan «About the political parties»
the creation and activity of the political parties, the aims and actions of which are directed for
the social, racial, national, religious, noble and tribal differences, is prohibited. The creation
of the parties according to the racial, ethnic and religious qualities is not accepted.
Point 2 of Article 39 of Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan defines that “any actions,
which can destroy international consent are accepted as unconstitutional”.
of the interethnic tolerance model:
The first stage covers the period between 1989-1995. is characterized from the beginning of
the ethnic and cultural formations creation till the beginning of the institutional designing of
Kazakhstan model as the result of adopting the Constitution of 1995 and the creation of
the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan.
The second stage – 1995-2002. The parameters of Kazakhstan identity were defined.
On the basis of the Conception of forming the State identity of the Republic of Kazakhstan
the consolidation of Kazakhstan society around Kazakh people is provided. The principal
Consensus relating the refusing the political ethnic and confessional relations is achieved.
The third stage – 2002-2007 includes the policy on Kazakhstan interethnic tolerance forming.
The number of program documents – the Strategy of the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan
Till 2011, State Program of languages development and functioning, Conception “The ideal
Consolidation of society as the condition of Kazakhstan progress” were elaborated and adopted.
During 2006-2008 the Program of improving Kazakhstan model of interethnic and
Inter-confessional consent was realized.
The forth stage has started in 2007 is characterized by the integrity of Kazakhstan society into
the unified people, the transformation of state national policy to the policy of forming national
unity of people of Kazakhstan, the public consent, keeping independence and statehood.
The representation of the assembly of people of Kazakhstan
in the supreme legislative and local state organs of the authorities
(the reject to practice quoting the parliament representation according to the ethnic features is the main characteristics for Kazakhstan)
The deputies of APK
represent their interests as the aggregate interests of all the national groups of the
Article 50.
2. … Fifteen deputies of Senate are appointed by the
President of the Republic in accordance with the need to
provide the representation of national and cultural and
other significant society interests in Senate.
The representation of Kazakhstan national
groups is fulfilled on the basis of their direct
participation in the representative bodies
through the political parties. Majilis of
Parliament is represented by 26 deputies, and
Senate is represented by 9 deputies.
In Maslikhats of all the levels 31 national
groups are represented by 810 deputies
(totaling 3333), among them 147 regional ones
(totaling 550), 233 urban ones (totaling 624),
430 district ones (totaling 2159).
Constitutional law of the Republic of Kazakhstan «About
the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan and its
deputies status»
Article 24. 4. The authorities of the deputies of Majilis of
Parliament (note - from APK) can be stopped in advance
after APK decision.
Article 51.
1. Elections of 98 deputies of the Majilis shall be carried out
on the basis of the universal, equal and direct right under
secret ballot. 9 deputies of Majilis are elected by the
assembly of people of Kazakhstan…
In the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan
the deputy group “New Kazakhstan” is created
and functions effectively. The elaboration of
2 bills is initiated, the leaders of the working
groups took part in the preparation of 13 laws,
the members of the working groups prepared
160 laws. During the bills discussion more than
precise proposals were offered. 68 inquires from
the APK deputies were sent to the PrimeMinister and Parliament members’ address.
Constitutional Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan «About
the elections in the Republic of Kazakhstan»
Article 87. 1. The right of the candidates’ promotion into
Majilis deputies ... Referring the candidates into Majilis
deputies, elected by the assembly of people of Kazakhstan,
to the Assembly Council.
of the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan
(is the supreme leading body, is called and held under the chair of the Head of the Country)
Among 382 members: Kazakhs – 90, Russians – 61, Uzbeks – 10, Ukrainians – 17, Uyghurs - 15,
Tatars – 19, Germans – 19, Koreans – 21, Azerbaijanians - 17,
other people are represented by 120 members of APK.
The Decision of Session is stated by the Assembly chairman.
The recommendations and propositions on the state national policy
which are kept in the Session decisions are necessary for
compulsory consideration by the state bodies
Produces the conceptual approaches in the defining
The Assembly Strategy for the middle term prospect
Elects nine deputies of Majilis
of Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Elects two deputies of the Chairman of the Assembly from
the ethnic and cultural formations (with the annual rotation)
Before the Session the Ministers and the heads of the republican departments meet
the members of APK for discussing the practical questions
in the sphere of the interethnic relations
At 15 past sessions of APK the key questions
in the sphere of the interethnic relations were considered:
Among the main questions, considered at the sessions there are:
the Strategy of formation and development of Kazakhstan as sovereign state;
the Strategy of forming the common national consent;
the Strategy of development «Kazakhstan – 2030»;
the Strategy of Assembly of people of Kazakhstan (till 2011);
Forming the civil identity;
Program «Cultural heritage»;
constitutional status of the Assembly, its parliament representation;
Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan «About the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan».
Realization of the orders of the President of the Republic of
Kazakhstan, the chairman of the APK, given at Session XV of
October, 26, 2009:
Finishing the project of Doctrine of the national unity is going on with the help of direct
participation of APK. The main points of the Doctrine are included into the Strategy of development
of Kazakhstan till 2020.
2. The elaboration of new State program of the languages functioning and development for the years
of 2011 – 2020.
3. The work on creating the Club of the leading journalists-experts on the questions of the interethnic
relations under the APK is going on.
4. The question of creating the Agency on the religious matters is being elaborated.
5. Under the APK «Ақсақалдар алқасы» (the Council of the elders) is being created
6. The measures on financing in the frame of state social order of the projects of ECF in the sphere of
the interethnic consent provision were taken.
7. The preparation for the IV kurultay of the World association of Kazakhs is being held.
8. The system of ECF and NGF is being widened. These formations deal with teaching population
9. The work on consolidating the whole infra-structure of the APK is being held.
10. The work on further modernization of the APK activity is being defined
The infrastructure of
the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan.
More than 800 ethnic and cultural formations of all the levels work, among them there are 28 republican
ones, мore than 46 ethnic groups have their own ethnic and cultural formations.
The Friendship Houses function in the regions, The Palace of Peace and Consent functions in Astana,
“The House of Friendship, the Centre on the research of the problems in the interethnic relations” works
in Almaty.
Cultural and art establishments:
- National theatres: 14 Russian theatres, Uyghur, Korean and German (the only in CIS), Uzbek theatre is
financed from the republican budget means;
- ethnic oriented museums and the exhibitions halls.
The development of the national groups’ languages:
- the languages of 22 national groups are taught in 108 schools of Kazakhstan as the individual subject.
In 88 schools the teaching is led in Uzbek, Tadjik, Uyghur and Ukrainian languages.
195 ethnic and educational complexes, Sunday and linguistic schools function.
Ethnic and cultural mass media:
- 35 ethnic newspapers and journals issued in 11 languages (4 republican newspapers of the national
groups are financed from the republican budget in the frames of state social order);
- teleprograms (in 7 languages);
- radioprograms (in 8 languages).
The total circulation of mass media are on the national groups’ languages, without any account
of the Kazakhs and Russians, is more than 80 thousand units.
of the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan
(is held with the participation of State Secretary of Kazakhstan is called by Council Chairman
and the Chairman deputies of APK not less than once a year)
30 of 58 members are the representatives of the different national groups
The competence of APK Council includes:
- The promotion of the candidates into the deputies of Majilis,
elected by the Assembly;
- The consideration of the candidates of the Assembly members;
- Adding some proposals about the calling and agenda of the next
Assembly Session to the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan
for the consideration;
- Adding some proposals into the plan of the Assembly Secretariat work;
- Accepting the other decisions, which do not refer to the excluding
competence of the Assembly Session.
Council considers the actual problems in the sphere of interethnic relations,
connected with the further activity of APK and
recommends them for the consideration at session.
is headed by the chairman deputy of APK
(is the working body of APK in the structure of the Administration of the President
of the Republic of Kazakhstan in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan
«About the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan»)
of the regions, Almaty and Astana cities
The chairmen are the regions akims
(while fulfilling their activities the assemblies of the regions are responsible before
the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan)
Regional Ethnic
cultural formations
of the regions assemblies, Almaty and Astana cities
(are the supreme head organs of APK regions)
The Infrastructure
of the APK regions
of the regions assemblies, Almaty and Astana cities
(are the collegial bodies, fulfilling the management
between the sessions)
Scientific and expert
under APK regions
of the regions Assemblies, Almaty and Astana cities
are headed by the deputies of APK regions
(are the working organs of APK in the structure
of the apparatus of the regions akims,
Almaty and Astana cities)
Funds of the APK
Consultative and public structures of APK
Scientific and expert council under
the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan
(is created on the order of the President of people of Kazakhstan,
the Chairman of the as the consultative and analytical body, stuff and the position of scientific
and expert council are approved by the APK council on 29.01.2009.)
of Monitoring
and analysis
of expert
of the social
Experts in the sphere of
interethnic tolerance,
Including the foreign ones
The group of the scientists,
the representatives
of ethnic and cultural formations
The resource basis of the scientific expert council (consultative and analytical body under APK)
is represented by: the scientific and technical, intellectual and trained bases
of the scientific and expert council members. The resource base of the SEC (consultative and analytical body under the APK)
is the scientific and technical, intellectual and stuff base of its members.
The scientific and expert groups are created in the regions.
The main tasks:
- complex expert evaluation of the tendencies of ethnic and political, social and economic
and confessional development in the Republic of Kazakhstan, forecasting the
development of the data of the processes in the country and the world;
- the assistance to the intensification of the role of the APK as political and civil institute in
the development of democracy, the consolidation of Kazakhstan society unity, the common
national consent achieving;
- the scientific expert Assembly activity accompanying on actual dimensions of ethnic policy;
- coordination of scientific and research works in the sphere of interethnic and
inter-confessional relations.
Consultative and public structures of APK
(is created upon the order of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan,
the Chairman of APK, is registered in the Justice organs on 12.02.2009, №33105-1901
The Fund Founders are the Republican ethnic and cultural formations).
Fund was created for financial provision of the Assembly activity in the sphere of
interethnic consent consolidation.
MISSION: the fulfillment of the cultural and educational, spiritual and moral,charitable,
or other socially useful activity in accord with the aim and tasks of APK.
- financial and material provision of APK and regions assemblies activity;
- assisting to ethnic and cultural formations;
- using the investments, financial and technical aid of Kazakhstan, foreign and international
organizations and the citizens for the fulfilling the tasks of the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan;
-fulfilling the cooperation with the citizens and organizations in the sphere of interethnic relations.
“The Corporate Fund of the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan”, Fund “Ethnos-Forum”,
corporate funds under APK regions are created and developed.
of APK and HCNM of OSCE
Realized projects:
- assisting polylingual education;
- training civil workers to acquire the questions of the management of
interethnic relations;
- systematized monitoring of the interethnic relations.
The proposals on cooperation development:
1. Mutual change and translation of Kazakhstan experience of interethnic
tolerance into Europe for using at OSCE area while settling interethnic conflicts.
2. To prepare and spread the presentation of Kazakhstan model
of interethnic tolerance in the states-participants of OSCE.
3. To continue the development the system of conferring and consultative
bodies in Kazakhstan and the states-participants of OSCE with
the participation of the national groups’ representatives with
the experts’ inclusion in the sphere of the interethnic relations.
4. To use APK and HCNM OSCE as the dialogue board for discussing the
questions of the effective participation of the national groups in the social
and political life and taking decisions.
5. To consider the possibility to create joint structures for deep scientific
and expert research of interethnic relations sphere.
The Interaction and cooperation of the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan
with the state, scientific and public structures of the Russian Federation
The projects, being realized:
- the agreements of cooperation between SEC under APK and IAC MSU, between SEC under APK
and the department of History of M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University were signed;
- the journal “EuroAsia” was issued;
- the special course “Kazakhstan Model of interethnic tolerance at the department of History of
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University” (36 hours) for the students of the higher educational
establishments of the Russian Federation was introduced;
- the Agreements and Assemblies of people of Russia and Tatarstan are signed.
The proposals on the short-term prospect humanitarian cooperation development:
- development of inter-parliamentary cooperation between the deputies of Majilis of Parliament of
the Republic of Kazakhstan from APK and deputies of State Duma (Committee on the CIS affairs
and the links with the compatriots, Committee on the national affairs);
- consolidation of cooperation between the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan and Interstate fund
of humanitarian cooperation of CIS state-participants;
- development of bounder cooperation with the assemblies and diasporas, promoting integration
and widening of the area of civil society formation;
The proposals on the further development of humanitarian cooperation:
-Holding the joint scientific research in the sphere of interethnic relations and
interconfessional tolerance;
-Publishing the scientific research in the sphere of intercultural dialogue and interethnic tolerance
in the scientific journals and publications;
- access to the data bases and electronic catalogues of the members of the scientific experts and
the student youth, dealing with the problems of interethnic relations;
-Interaction in the high qualified stuff training for the work and management in the sphere
of interethnic relations;
- the joint issue of the textbooks and manuals.
of the international cooperation of the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan
Development of the set contacts with the scientists and institutes of
foreign states:
1. International fund of F. Ebert, Germany in the sphere of language policy and
ethnic and cultural education.
2. Turkey, the institute of Eurasia of Istanbul University in the sphere of Diaspora
3. The republic of Belarus with the Plenipotentiary on the religious and national
4. The Republic of Latvia in the framework of the project “the connecting thread of
the fates”.
5. The Republic of Tajikistan on development of cooperation in the sphere of
interethnic relations.
6. With the scientists of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the sphere of archive and
museum materials researches.