Ubd Culinary Arts I Glossary Fall Semester Unit 1- Origins of Modern Cuisine Unit 2- Serve Safe Unit 3- Safety and Equipment Unit 4- Soups and Stocks Unit 5- Mother Sauces Spring Semester Unit 1- Butchery Unit 2- Cooking Methods Unit 3- Breakfast Cookery Unit 4- Hot Sandwich Production Ubd Unit Plans Culinary Arts I Topic: Origins of Modern Cusine Grades: 9-12 Designers: DTP Established Goals: 1.1.1 Identify current trends in foodservice industry. 1.1.2 Examine history in foodservice industry. 1.1.3 Utilize current trends in foodservice industry. 1.2.1 Differentiate between the job descriptions in foodservice industry. 1.2.2 Explore career opportunities in related foodservice industries. 1.2.3 Perform different jobs in food production and service. Understanding/ Performance Tasks: Students will know… The European roots of the Modern Restaurant Industry in the United States The Classical Brigade relationship to organization of the Modern Kitchen Current trends in American Food Industry and the American Diet Standards of Professionalism Students will be able to… Organize a kitchen into classical Stations Describe innovations in the culinary field that have changed cooking in the 21 st Century. Essential Question: Other Evidence: (tests, quizzes, work samples, observations, etc.) Learning Activates: Topic: Serve Safe Grades: 9-12 Designers: DTP Established Goals: 2.1.1 Identify foodborne illnesses and their causes. 2.1.2 Practice safe food handling techniques and prevention of foodborne illnesses. 2.2.1 2.2.2 2.2.3 Practice appropriate personal hygiene/health procedures and report symptoms of illness. Demonstrate awareness of the model food code. Demonstrate an awareness of local health department regulations. 2.3.1 2.3.2 2.3.3 Identify and implement procedures for critical control-points. Follow a safe food-handling flowchart. Implement safe food-handling procedures. 2.4.1 2.4.2 2.4.3 2.4.4 2.4.5 2.4.6 Apply proper warewashing and pot-washing techniques. Identify approved chemicals and appropriate uses. Practice proper floorcare. Practice proper facility cleaning. Comply with cleaning schedules. Demonstrate waste disposal and recycling methods 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.2.1 3.2.2 1.3.1 1.3.2 Simulate first aid procedures. Recognize and implement universal precautions for blood-borne pathogens. Implement appropriate procedures and precautions to prevent accidents and injuries. Recognize OSHA standards. Wear and manage proper workplace attire. Employ proper kitchen etiquette. Understanding/ Performance Tasks: Students will know… Food Borne Illness Food Borne Illness Outbreak HACCP ( Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points) Flow Of Food FDA Food Code Potentially Hazardous Food Cross Contamination Personal Hygiene Time Temperature Abuse Contamination Microrganism Pathogen Bacteria Dry Storage Guidelines FIFO ( First In First Out ) Four Hour Rule Minimum Internal Cooking Temperature Two Stage Cooling Ice - Water Bath Cold Paddle Hot Holding Equipment Cold Holding Equipment Sneeze Guard Off Site Service Single Use Item Hazard Analysis Parasite Fungi pH Spore Food Borne Intoxication Food Borne Infection Food Borne Toxin Mediated Infection FATTOM Temperature Danger Zone Water Activity Mold Yeast Virus Biological Contamination Chemical Contamination Physical Contamination Hand Sanitizer Finger Cot Single Use Gloves Calibration Ice Point Method Boiling Point Method Inspection Receiving Bi Metalic Stemmed Thermometer Shell Stock Tags Refrigerated Storae Guidelines Frozen Storage Guidelines Control Point Critical Control Point Critical Limit Monitoring Corrective Action Verification Air Gap Backflow Cross Connection Blast Chiller Potable Water Vacuum Breaker Cleaning Sanitizing Heat Sanitizing Chemical Sanitizing Pest Control Operator Sanitizer Chlorine Iodine Quaternary Ammoniam Compounds ( QUATS) Material Safety Data Sheets ( MSDS) Master Cleaning Schedule Integrated Pest Management Infestation USDA ( United States Department of Agriculture ) FDA ( Food and Drug Administration ) Health Inspector Students will be able to… Explain the dangers of Food borne Illness Describe how a Food borne Illness occurs Differentiate between food borne Infection and Intoxication, Prevent the introduction of Physical, Chemical and Biological Contaminants into Food Wash hands properly Dress in a manner that is appropriate to safely working in the kitchen Respond appropriately to injuries and health problems that may affect kitchen safety. Choose a safety conscious Food Supplier. Receive an order within the FDA Food Code guidelines Calibrate a Bi Metallic Steamed Thermometer Use a thermometer appropriately in various situations Label in use foods for storage Apply the principal of FIFO Store Raw food to prevent cross contamination Assess a critical control point within the structure of HACCP Identify Critical Control points within the flow of food Clean and maintain the Culinary Arts Lab in accordance with Nevada health code Interact with a Health Inspector in a professional manner. Essential Question: Other Evidence: (tests, quizzes, work samples, observations, etc.) Learning Activates: Topic: Safety and Equipment Grades: 9-12 Designers: DTP Established Goals: 4.1.1 Identify tools and equipment. 4.1.2 Operate equipment appropriately while recognizing OSHA standards. 4.1.3 Clean and maintain tools and equipment while recognizing OSHA standards. 6.1.1 6.1.2 Demonstrate basic knife cuts. Demonstrate how to properly handle, sharpen, and maintain knives. 6.4.1 6.4.2 Utilize weights and measures to demonstrate proper scaling and measurement techniques. Select and utilize the most appropriate measuring instrument. Understanding: (Students will understand that…) Essential Question: Students will know… Students will be able to… Performance Tasks: Other Evidence: (tests, quizzes, work samples, observations, etc.) Learning Activates: Topic: Soups and Stocks Grades: 9-12 Designers: Established Goals: 14.1.1 Prepare a variety of stocks. 14.1.2 Utilize cost control methods in production. 14.1.3 Incorporate portion control. 14.1.4 Demonstrate a variety of cooking methods for stocks. 14.1.5 Properly cool and store stocks. 14.2.1 14.2.2 14.2.3 14.2.4 14.2.5 14.2.6 14.2.7 Prepare the grand sauces. Prepare derivative sauces. Prepare small sauces. Prepare a variety of thickening methods/agents. Utilize cost control methods in production. Incorporate portion control. Properly cool and store sauces. 14.3.1 14.3.2 14.3.3 14.3.4 14.3.5 14.3.6 14.3.7 Prepare a variety of clear soups. Prepare a variety of thick soups. Prepare a variety of specialty soups. Utilize cost control methods in production. Incorporate portion control. Demonstrate a variety of cooking methods for soups. Properly cool and store soups. Understanding: (Students will understand that…) Essential Question: Students will know… Students will be able to… Performance Tasks: Other Evidence: (tests, quizzes, work samples, observations, etc.) Learning Activates: DTP Topic: Mother Sauces Grades: 9-12 Designers: Established Goals: 14.2.1 Prepare the grand sauces. 14.2.2 Prepare derivative sauces. 14.2.3 Prepare small sauces. 14.2.4 Prepare a variety of thickening methods/agents. 14.2.5 Utilize cost control methods in production. 14.2.6 Incorporate portion control. 14.2.7 Properly cool and store sauces. Understanding: (Students will understand that…) Essential Question: Students will know… Students will be able to… Performance Tasks: Other Evidence: (tests, quizzes, work samples, observations, etc.) Learning Activates: DTP Topic: Butchery Grades: 9-12 Designers: DTP Established Goals: 12.6.1 Select appropriate cuts for intended uses. 12.6.2 Identify cost control methods in production. 12.6.3 Describe proper procedures for purchasing, storing, and fabricating poultry. 12.6.4 Identify appropriate butchering methods of poultry. 12.6.5 Identify uses of poultry by-products. 12.6.6 Outline federal grading systems. 12.5.1 Identify appropriate cuts for intended uses. 12.5.2 Identify cost control methods in production. 12.5.3 Describe proper procedures for purchasing, storing, and fabricating meat. 12.5.4 Identify appropriate butchering methods of meats. 12.5.5 Identify uses of animal by-products. 12.5.6 Outline federal grading systems. 12.5.7 Utilize a specification sheet. Understanding: (Students will understand that…) Essential Question: Students will know… Students will be able to… Performance Tasks: Other Evidence: (tests, quizzes, work samples, observations, etc.) Learning Activates: Topic: Cooking Methods Grades: 9-12 Designers: DTP Established Goals: 15.1.1 Demonstrate methods of dry heat cooking with fat. 15.1.2 Demonstrate methods of dry heat cooking without fat. 15.1.3 Demonstrate methods of moist heat cooking. 15.1.4 Demonstrate methods of combination cooking. Understanding: (Students will understand that…) Essential Question: Students will know… Students will be able to… Performance Tasks: Other Evidence: (tests, quizzes, work samples, observations, etc.) Learning Activates: Topic: Breakfast Cookery Grades: 9-12 Designers: DTP Established Goals: 8.1.1 Identify the differences between old and fresh eggs and proper cooking uses. 8.1.2 Prepare and serve eggs using a variety of cooking methods. 8.1.3 Select and purchase appropriate eggs. 8.1.4 Properly store eggs and egg products. 8.1.5 Utilize portion control. 8.2.1 Prepare breakfast meats using various methods. 8.2.2 Prepare a variety of breakfast starches. 8.2.3 Select and purchase appropriate breakfast meats. 8.2.4 Properly store breakfast meats and breakfast meats products. 8.2.5 Utilize portion control. Understanding: (Students will understand that…) Essential Question: Students will know… Students will be able to… Performance Tasks: Other Evidence: (tests, quizzes, work samples, observations, etc.) Learning Activates: Topic: Hot Sandwich Production Grades: 9-12 Established Goals: Understanding: (Students will understand that…) Essential Question: Students will know… Students will be able to… Performance Tasks: Other Evidence: (tests, quizzes, work samples, observations, etc.) Learning Activates: Designers: DTP