ORGANIZATION CHART Research/ Economics MIN Error of Forecast ORGANIZATION CHART Research/ Economics MIN Error of Forecast MAX SALES? Responsible for Customer. ORGANIZATION CHART Research/ Economics MIN Error of Forecast MARKETING DEPARTMENT MAX SALES MINIMIZE COST? Responsible for resource providers ORGANIZATION CHART Research/ Economics MIN Error of Forecast MARKETING DEPARTMENT MAX SALES ENGINEERING, PRODUCTION, PURCHASING, PERSONNEL: MIN COSTS or MAX PRODUCTIVITY or MAX OUTPUT ORGANIZATION CHART Research/ Economics MIN Error of Forecast MINIMIZE ERROR OF REPORTING? Responsible to SEC & Professional Org. MARKETING DEPARTMENT MAX SALES ENGINEERING, PRODUCTION, PURCHASING, PERSONNEL: MIN COSTS or MAX PRODUCTIVITY or MAX OUTPUT ORGANIZATION CHART Research/ Economics MIN Error of Forecast Accounting MIN Reporting Error MARKETING DEPARTMENT MAX SALES ENGINEERING, PRODUCTION, PURCHASING, PERSONNEL: MIN COSTS or MAX PRODUCTIVITY or MAX OUTPUT ORGANIZATION CHART MAXIMIZE NET PRESENT VALUE? Responsible to Stockholders Research/ Economics MIN Error of Forecast Accounting MIN Reporting Error MARKETING DEPARTMENT MAX SALES ENGINEERING, PRODUCTION, PURCHASING, PERSONNEL: MIN COSTS or MAX PRODUCTIVITY or MAX OUTPUT ORGANIZATION CHART MANAGEMENT/ FINANCE MAX Net Present Value Research/ Economics MIN Error of Forecast Accounting MIN Reporting Error MARKETING DEPARTMENT MAX SALES ENGINEERING, PRODUCTION, PURCHASING, PERSONNEL: MIN COSTS or MAX PRODUCTIVITY or MAX OUTPUT ORGANIZATION CHART MANAGEMENT/ FINANCE MAX Net Present Value Research/ Economics MIN Error of Forecast Accounting MIN Reporting Error MINIMIZE LOSS OF MARKETING DEPARTMENT GOODWILL? MAX SALES Responsible for mainTaining customer goodwill ENGINEERING, PRODUCTION, PURCHASING, PERSONNEL: MIN COSTS or MAX PRODUCTIVITY or MAX OUTPUT ORGANIZATION CHART MANAGEMENT/ FINANCE MAX Net Present Value Research/ Economics MIN Error of Forecast Accounting MIN Reporting Error MARKETING DEPARTMENT MAX SALES CUSTOMER RELATIONS MIN Loss of Goodwill MIN Cost per customer ENGINEERING, PRODUCTION, PURCHASING, PERSONNEL: MIN COSTS or MAX PRODUCTIVITY or MAX OUTPUT ORGANIZATION CHART MANAGEMENT/ FINANCE MAX Net Present Value WHO MAXIMIZES CORPORATE VISIBILITY? Responsible for Goodwill in the long run Research/ Economics MIN Error of Forecast Accounting MIN Reporting Error MARKETING DEPARTMENT MAX SALES CUSTOMER RELATIONS MIN Loss of Goodwill MIN Cost per customer ENGINEERING, PRODUCTION, PURCHASING, PERSONNEL: MIN COSTS or MAX PRODUCTIVITY or MAX OUTPUT ORGANIZATION CHART MANAGEMENT/ FINANCE MAX Net Present Value Research/ Economics MIN Error of Forecast Accounting MIN Reporting Error PUBLIC RELATIONS MARKETING DEPARTMENT MAX Goodwill visibility MAX SALES CUSTOMER RELATIONS MIN Loss of Goodwill MIN Cost per customer ENGINEERING, PRODUCTION, PURCHASING, PERSONNEL: MIN COSTS or MAX PRODUCTIVITY or MAX OUTPUT ORGANIZATION CHART MANAGEMENT/ FINANCE MAX Net Present Value Research/ Economics MINIMIZE UNDESIRABLE VISIBILITY? Responsible For Enforcement Authorities MIN Error of Forecast Accounting MIN Reporting Error PUBLIC RELATIONS MARKETING DEPARTMENT MAX Goodwill visibility MAX SALES CUSTOMER RELATIONS MIN Loss of Goodwill MIN Cost per customer ENGINEERING, PRODUCTION, PURCHASING, PERSONNEL: MIN COSTS or MAX PRODUCTIVITY or MAX OUTPUT ORGANIZATION CHART MANAGEMENT/ FINANCE MAX Net Present Value Research/ Economics MIN Error of Forecast LEGAL COUNSEL Accounting MIN Reporting Error MIN Undesirable Visibility MIN Legal Costs (?) PUBLIC RELATIONS MARKETING DEPARTMENT MAX Goodwill visibility MAX SALES CUSTOMER RELATIONS MIN Loss of Goodwill MIN Cost per customer ENGINEERING, PRODUCTION, PURCHASING, PERSONNEL: MIN COSTS or MAX PRODUCTIVITY or MAX OUTPUT ORGANIZATION CHART MANAGEMENT/ FINANCE MAX Net Present Value MAXIMIZE WINDFALLS FROM GOVERNMENT? Responsible for Top decision makers in government LEGAL COUNSEL Research/ Economics MIN Error of Forecast Accounting MIN Reporting Error MIN Undesirable Visibility MIN Legal Costs (?) PUBLIC RELATIONS MARKETING DEPARTMENT MAX Goodwill visibility MAX SALES CUSTOMER RELATIONS MIN Loss of Goodwill MIN Cost per customer ENGINEERING, PRODUCTION, PURCHASING, PERSONNEL: MIN COSTS or MAX PRODUCTIVITY or MAX OUTPUT ORGANIZATION CHART MANAGEMENT/ FINANCE MAX Net Present Value LOBBYISTS MAX Government Windfalls MIN Compliance Costs Research/ Economics MIN Error of Forecast LEGAL COUNSEL Accounting MIN Undesirable Visibility MIN Legal Costs (?) MIN Reporting Error PUBLIC RELATIONS MARKETING DEPARTMENT MAX Goodwill visibility MAX SALES CUSTOMER RELATIONS MIN Loss of Goodwill MIN Cost per customer ENGINEERING, PRODUCTION, PURCHASING, PERSONNEL: MIN COSTS or MAX PRODUCTIVITY or MAX OUTPUT ORGANIZATION CHART MANAGEMENT/ FINANCE MAX Net Present Value LOBBYISTS Research/ Economics MAX Government Windfalls MIN Compliance Costs MIN Error of Forecast LEGAL COUNSEL Accounting MIN Undesirable Visibility MIN Legal Costs (?) MIN Reporting Error PUBLIC RELATIONS MARKETING DEPARTMENT MAX Goodwill visibility MAX SALES CUSTOMER RELATIONS MIN Loss of Goodwill MIN Cost per customer MINIMIZE REPORTING ERROR FOR FIRM’S PAST? Responsible for posterity ENGINEERING, PRODUCTION, PURCHASING, PERSONNEL: MIN COSTS or MAX PRODUCTIVITY or MAX OUTPUT ORGANIZATION CHART MANAGEMENT/ FINANCE MAX Net Present Value LOBBYISTS MAX Government Windfalls MIN Compliance Costs Research/ Economics MIN Error of Forecast LEGAL COUNSEL Accounting MIN Undesirable Visibility MIN Legal Costs (?) MIN Reporting Error PUBLIC RELATIONS MARKETING DEPARTMENT MAX Goodwill visibility MAX SALES CUSTOMER RELATIONS MIN Loss of Goodwill MIN Cost per customer Historian MIN Reporting Error of Firm’s Past ENGINEERING, PRODUCTION, PURCHASING, PERSONNEL: MIN COSTS or MAX PRODUCTIVITY or MAX OUTPUT Studies Used in Private Organizations Objectives Choices Type of Study Department Min Error Statistical technique Forecast, Scenarios, Simulations, Sensitivity Analysis Economics, Finance, Planning, Research Max Sales Advertising, pricing Advertising, Demand Marketing Max Ouptut, Min Cost, Max Productivity Inputs, technologies Engineering, Production, Cost Effectiveness, Feasibility Engineering, Production, Personnel Max Profit Planning, method of reporting Income Statements, Business Plan Accounting, Finance Max Net Present Value Real estate, plant, equipment Capital Budgeting Finance, Planning Max net Benefit Public projects, taxes, regulation Cost-benefit Analysis Lawyers, Lobbyists, Trade Associations, Management Max Social Welfare Govt. Studies (same) Other govt regulation AGENCY PROBLEM Principals = Owners Agents = Managers and other employees who are not owners Individual Agents compromise an organization’s goals by achieving goals of their own. ORGANIZATION CHART MANAGEMENT/ FINANCE MAX Net Present Value AP: poison pills, greenmail LOBBYISTS MAX Government Windfalls MIN Compliance Costs LEGAL COUNSEL MIN Undesirable Visibility MIN Legal Costs (?) AP: Leaking information Research/ Economics AP: Creating legal problems Accounting MIN Error of Forecast AP: Whistle blowing AP: larceny, report delay MIN Reporting Error AP: unprofitable deals MARKETING DEPARTMENT MAX SALES PUBLIC RELATIONS AP: Grab own spotlight Historian MAX Goodwill visibility Unwanted visibility MIN Reporting Error of Firm’s Past CUSTOMER RELATIONS MIN Loss of Goodwill MIN Cost per customer AP: Brusque treatment of customers AP: Write EXPOSE ENGINEERING, PRODUCTION, PURCHASING, PERSONNEL: MIN COSTS or MAX PRODUCTIVITY or MAX OUTPUT AP: Thievery, waste, failing to report proble How does your practice cover these responsibilities? MANAGEMENT/ FINANCE MAX Net Present Value AP: poison pills, greenmail LOBBYISTS MAX Government Windfalls MIN Compliance Costs LEGAL COUNSEL MIN Undesirable Visibility MIN Legal Costs (?) AP: Leaking information Research/ Economics AP: Creating legal problems Accounting MIN Error of Forecast AP: Whistle blowing AP: larceny, report delay MIN Reporting Error AP: unprofitable deals MARKETING DEPARTMENT MAX SALES PUBLIC RELATIONS AP: Grab own spotlight Historian MAX Goodwill visibility Unwanted visibility MIN Reporting Error of Firm’s Past CUSTOMER RELATIONS MIN Loss of Goodwill MIN Cost per customer AP: Brusque treatment of customers AP: Write EXPOSE ENGINEERING, PRODUCTION, PURCHASING, PERSONNEL: MIN COSTS or MAX PRODUCTIVITY or MAX OUTPUT AP: Thievery, waste, failing to report proble Will You do these all yourself? Really? MANAGEMENT/ FINANCE MAX Net Present Value AP: poison pills, greenmail LOBBYISTS MAX Government Windfalls MIN Compliance Costs LEGAL COUNSEL MIN Undesirable Visibility MIN Legal Costs (?) AP: Leaking information Research/ Economics AP: Creating legal problems Accounting MIN Error of Forecast AP: Whistle blowing AP: larceny, report delay MIN Reporting Error AP: unprofitable deals MARKETING DEPARTMENT MAX SALES PUBLIC RELATIONS AP: Grab own spotlight Historian MAX Goodwill visibility Unwanted visibility MIN Reporting Error of Firm’s Past CUSTOMER RELATIONS MIN Loss of Goodwill MIN Cost per customer AP: Brusque treatment of customers AP: Write EXPOSE ENGINEERING, PRODUCTION, PURCHASING, PERSONNEL: MIN COSTS or MAX PRODUCTIVITY or MAX OUTPUT AP: Thievery, waste, failing to report proble MARKET GOVERNMENT GOVERNMENT FAILURE INTERVENTION FAILURE EXTERNALITY PUBLIC ENTERPRISE -PUBLIC GOODS-NATIONALIZATION MARKET -PRIVATIZATION POWER REGULATION INEQUITIES - OUTPUT DYNAMIC - PRICE MKT. FAIL. - STANDARDS INDIVISIBILITY ANTITRUST INFORMATION -STRUCTURE ASYMMETRY -CONDUCT TAXES (SUBSIDIES) PROVISION OF INFORMATION RATIONING (MONEY) ADMINISTRATIVE COST COMPLIANCE COST EFFICIENCY COST - NEGATIVE EXTER. -PUBLIC BADS - MKT POWER - INEQUITIES - DYNAMIC - INDIVISIBILITY - INFORMATION GOVERNMENT STUDIES Type of Study Objective of Study Definition and Focus Cost Benefit Analysis Net Social Benefit Regulatory Impact Analysis Net Social Benefit & other social objectives Economic Impact Analysis Describe all regulatoryt impacts Closure Analysis Maximize regulatory objective Cost Effectiveness Analysis Maximize pollution Avoids $ value on abatement, etc. benefits of government intervention Up to decision Focuses only on makers govt. unit Fiscal Impact Analysis Implicit Constraints Benefits & costs None included to whomever occurring Includes cost Environmental & benefit analysis and other constraints other studies Examines price, output, financial, & employment impacts Defines degree of regulation that will shut firms down Assumes impacts should be minimal Implicitly, firms are not to be shut down Budget or cost constraint limits amount of intervention Govt. revnue must exceed cost Problem ________ Comprehensive measurement of benefits & costs is hard Goes beyond costbenefit, but becomes very subjective Regulation discouraged. Limited weighing of costs/benefits Overregulates profitable, underregulates unprofitable Comparisons difficult across different types of intervention Ignores costws & benefits to society