Q&A Returning Officers Webinar Tuesday 19 March 2012 7.30pm

Q&A Returning Officers Webinar Tuesday 19 March 2012 7.30pm
Question: Our board has just elected a new person to the chair. Does he have to resign & be
re-elected to the next board?
Answer: Yes. Everyone must step down at the elections and then re stand if they wish to go
back on the board unless you are in midterms.
Question: When preparing the roll we do have a couple of parents where we do not have the
father details and can't get them as it is a split union - can we leave these people off the roll?
Answer: Both parents are entitled to participate and you must make "best endeavours" to
contact both. If you are in doubt over any particular circumstances, phone the Election
Helpdesk 0800 353 284
Question: How many 'step parents' /partners can vote?
Answer: There is no maximum number of votes. Natural parents always get a vote, and if
applicable any legal guardians and 1 immediate caregiver. See page 4 of the handbook.
Question: Continuously employed since 2 months prior - does this include a teacher who is
employed for 1 or 2 days a week, every week? Or does it have to be full time?
Answer: Permanent part time is fine, as long as the staff member is employed by the board.
See page 5 and 6 of the handbook.
Question: If you choose to call for nominations on the 15 April due to school holidays, can
the dates for the roll closing (30 April) and nominations closing (16 May) stay the same or do
these dates need to be moved as well??
Answer: The dates for roll closing, and nominations closing will stay the same. These are
set down in legislation.
Question: I have received a list of eligible voters from our school - however I know of one
natural parent not on the list - is it up to the school to provide this?
Answer: You need to make a reasonable effort to contact all those eligible to participate in
the election process. So you need to attempt to find the address. Call the Election helpline
for more advice 0800353 284
Question: Further to my Q - where does the responsibility lie regarding knowing who is a
child’s parent/step parent etc?
Answer: It is the responsibility of the RO to make best endeavours to contact all those
eligible to participate in the election process. I suggest you contact the Election Helpline to
discuss your situation 0800353284.
Question: We have a roll of over almost 3,000 students which is constantly changing. How
do we have the roll open for inspection as this will change almost daily and a hard copy is a
huge document? Also, if we sent out nomination papers and advertise calling for
nominations in the last week of the term, do we have to close the roll at this time and open a
supplementary roll earlier than the handbook suggests?
Answer: The main roll remains open until noon on 30 April. The supplementary roll then
opens at noon on 30 April and remains open until noon on 14 May. These dates stay
regardless of when you call for nominations. Please phone the election helpline if you need
to discuss this further 0800 353 284.
Question: Must the voting paper names be in alphabetical order - in some other elections
random listing is preferred to avoid the donkey vote scenario -is this an option?
Answer: Do you mean the name of the candidates on the voting paper?
Question: yes -sorry that was a little confused.
Answer: It is not a legal requirement, but an impartial way to order them so no arguments
about an unfair order. Phone the Election Advice Line if you would like to discuss further.
Question: Is the partner of the parent the student lives with eligible to vote?
Answer: The mother and father are eligible to vote, plus a step parent, as an immediate
caregiver, if they live in the same house as the mother or father. There can only be one
immediate caregiver vote.
Question: We have a roll over almost 3,000 students which is constantly changing. How do
we have the roll open for inspection as this will change almost daily and a hard copy is a
huge document?
Answer: At any time before the election day, the name of every person on the roll or
supplementary roll must be available for inspection at any reasonable time at the school.
You need to contact the helpdesk to clarify if this can be in a format other than hard copy.
Phone them to discuss options 0800 353 284
Question: Are we able to get an electronic copy of this slide show?
Answer: Yes you can get a copy. You will be sent the link.