Name: Individualism/Transcendentalism Unit Exam Study Guide Be

Individualism/Transcendentalism Unit Exam Study Guide
Be sure to study and know all of the following domains. Unit Exam – Wednesday, April 11th.
1. Literary Periods: Understand dates, important themes, and authors for each period.
A. Colonial/Puritan Period:
B. Revolutionary Period:
C. Romantic Period:
D. Transcendentalism:
E. Realist Period:
F. Modernist Period:
G. Harlem Renaissance:
H. Postmodernist Period:
2. Transcendentalism Texts: Understand the primary theme of each text, and its author.
A. “O Captain! My Captain!”:
B. “O, Me! O, Life!”:
C. “When I Heard the Learn’d Astronomer”:
D. “Civil Disobedience”:
3. Transcendental Beliefs: Understand the primary beliefs and the following author of the transcendental movement.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
- Henry David Thoreau
- Walt Whitman
3. Romanticism: Understand the primary theme of each text and its author.
A. “I Felt a Funeral in My Brain”:
B. “Because I Could Not Stop for Death”:
C. “I’m Nobody! Who are You?”:
4. General Terms: Understand the following rhetorical devices and their applications.
A. Syntax:
i. How does punctuation effect syntax?:
ii. How is mood and tone effected by syntax?
B. Allusion:
C. Allegory:
D. Metaphor:
E. Simile:
F. Repetition:
G. Alliteration:
H. Personification:
I. Theme:
J. Mood:
K: Tone: