Medicine+in+the+Industrial+ - marcela

Medicine in the Industrial Revolution
Some killer diseases of the time. Look at the Powerpoint and fill in the following.
Scarlet fever
Whooping Cough
This disease often killed or blinded children
Also known as flu, this disease killed thousands in outbreaks
Spread by contaminated water and killed thousands
The “red” disease which killed many children
This disease scarred or killed many people of different ages
Also known as TB
Spread by bites from body lice
This disease killed or maimed children
Spread by contaminated water and killed very quickly and painfully
Children severely weakened by this and often died from other infections.
Dates and Discoveries about Diseases
Edward Jenner
Louis Pasteur
Robert Koch
Louis Pasteur
He discovered that when people got cowpox then they couldn’t get smallpox
after that. He wanted to see if inoculating people with cowpox would protect
them from getting smallpox. It was a better solution than Lady Wortley
Montague’s idea because cowpox was just a mild illness. He was the person that
came up with the word ‘vaccination’. When he tested his experiment on a 8-year
old first he inoculated him with cowpox matter, after he got better he inoculated
him with smallpox matter and he didn’t get sick, so his theory was right and
because it worked, he named it ‘vaccination’ from the Latin word cow, vacca. He
was the one to publish his own work in 1798 because the Royal Society refused
to publish it.
He discovered why beer was going bad at the local brewery. He discovered it
because of the micro-organisms that he found in the beer, he called them germs
because they were growing/germinating. He said that they were the reason why
the beer was going bad. Before his discovery, people believed that germs were
found in rotting matter, Pasteur proved that this theory was wrong. He said that
germs exists everywhere, and that they lived in the air, he also believed that
germs would land on people and cause diseases. He called it the Germ Theory.
He did a lot of experiments and found out that where there were more people
there were more germs in the air
He built on Pasteur’s germ theory, he discovered the bacteria that caused
anthrax, this disease was found in cattle, sheep and humans. Using the same
process that he used to find out about the disease anthrax, he used it to
recognize bacteria that caused Cholera and TB.
After his discovery of the smallpox vaccine, he was asked to find one for chicken
cholera, he failed at it at first. Then he tried again and he experimented some
more and finally found a vaccine against chicken cholera. A couple years after
that he came up with a vaccine for anthrax and rabies.
Describe how Jenner went about developing a vaccine for Smallpox and say why do think that many people
thought that Edward Jenner’s methods were wrong?
Jenner tested his theory of cowpox protecting people from smallpox, after it was tested he sent it to the Royal
Society so they could publish it, this was denied. He decided to publish him work by himself in 1789. People
thought Jenner’s methods were wrong because the Royal Society didn’t think it was safe, and they also thought it
was wrong. That made people believe the same thing. When he published it, people started using the vaccine, it
actually worked, and more people started using it, and the vaccine started being used by clinics.
Surgery before the nineteenth Century
Why was surgery so dangerous before this time and had a low success rate?
Surgery was really dangerous at this time because they had no anaesthetics, no antiseptics and no blood
transfusions. No anaesthetics meant that the patients had to be awake during operations, this also meant that the
surgeon had to work really quickly while his assistants held down the patient. No antiseptics meant that there was
no cleanliness in surgery and the infections it caused killed many patients. This was due to the need of more
knowledge on what exactly caused disease. No blood transfusions meant that they had to use cauterization to
stop it from bleeding, they weren’t able to replace blood as they are nowadays.
Final Assessment Task – Who was the Greatest - Pasteur, Lister or Simpson?
Read the Information about Simpson, Lister and Pasteur in particular. Decide
which one you think was the most influential in the development of medicine
during the industrial Revolution.
Intro for Freddy’s favourite
singer’s obituary.
You will be writing an obituary for this person to commemorate his life.
This link is for some current obituaries to show how they are
The things that an obituary should have are:
Michael Jackson, the self-styled
King of Pop, who has died
suddenly aged 50 after being
taken to hospital in Los Angeles,
was music royalty – one of its
biggest stars and holder, for
Thriller, of the record for the
best-selling album in history.
Eventually, however, his bizarre
life-style and personal notoriety
eclipsed his talent and his
numerous achievements.
A photo / drawing of the person.
Intro paragraph: ….. died on … at the age of …. He/ she will be
remembered for their contribution to the advancement of
medical knowledge. Then any other simple info to get people
interested in reading on about the life and achievement of this
great person.
Early life: Family and schooling and how this might have had an
effect on this persons later life and achievements.
Professional Life: Started where – studied where. What were the
things this person did that led up to their main achievements
Their major achievement/s: What will this person be known for. What was the situation leading
up to their work. Was it chance. Was it the result of a lifetime of work. Was their work recognized
in their lifetime or did it have greater effect later on?
Family life: marriage, children. Their death and who they will be survived by.
After this: You need to write a paragraph or two of your own to say why you think this persons
contribution was the most important . Here you need to back up your answers with evidence,
referring to your research, texts, quotes etc.
As ever: all sources of information need to be documented properly.
Louis Pasteur
Louis Pasteur was born on 27th of December 1822 in France,
and he died on 28th of September 1895 at the age of 72. He
will be remembered for his contribution to the
advancement of medical knowledge. He is remembered due
to his breakthroughs in the causes and preventions of
diseases. He created vaccines for anthrax and rabies. He
also found germs, and he proved to everyone that germs
were everywhere.
Pasteur was born in the Jura region of France, he grew up in Arbois. He was the son of
Jean Pasteur, it was his headmaster at college was who recognized his talent. Pasteur
joined Lycée as a professor of physics for a while then he was assigned as a chemistry
professor at the Strasbourg University.
Since he was a young man, he was interested in microbiology and chemistry. In 1865
Pasteur was asked to study his first disease that affected the silk worm industry, in less
than a year he found out that the disease was caused by living organisms, this made his
realize that microbes could affect humans as well and not only beer and silk worms, he
thought that microbes were the reason why diseases spread. There was a cholera
epidemic in 1865, he did a couple of experiments to find the germ that was causing it, and
this was not successful. He worked to find out ways that disease could be prevented.
His major achievements were in 1850-60 He discovered why beer was going bad at the
local brewery. He discovered it because of the micro-organisms that he found in the beer,
he called them germs because they were growing/germinating. He said that they were
the reason why the beer was going bad. Before his discovery, people believed that germs
were found in rotting matter; Pasteur proved that this theory was wrong. He said that
germs exist everywhere, and that they lived in the air, he also believed that germs would
land on people and cause diseases. He called it the Germ Theory. He did a lot of
experiments and found out that where there were more people there were more germs
in the air. Then in the 1880’s after his discovery of the smallpox vaccine, he was asked to
find one for chicken cholera, he failed at it at first. Then he tried again and he
experimented some more and finally found a vaccine against chicken cholera. A couple
years after that he came up with a vaccine for anthrax and rabies.
At the Strasbourg University was where he met his future wife Marie Laurent. They got
married in May in 1849, they had 5 children but only 3 of them dies when they were
young, 2 of them died due to typhoid fever.
I think that Pasteur’s contribution was the most important because he was the one that
found ways to prevent diseases. He also found the cause of diseases, this is very
important because then people knew what was really causing diseases. He created a
couple vaccines, so people would go to him to get vaccines and they wouldn’t get the
disease. Even though he failed at a couple of times, but some other times, most times he
got them right and they were very important to medical knowledge.
Achievement level Criterion B: concepts
Criterion D: organization and Presentation
and hints
This section is how much you can show the
persons role in change – i.e. the advancement of
medicine. This means you show an understanding
of what it was like before and what this persons
achievements led to. To gain higher levels you
need to show sophisticated understanding and
The student does not reach a
standard described below.
Audience: This is for the readership of a new journal
entitled “Obituaries of famous people in time”. You will
be writing it in the present day to assess the persons role
in medicine.
Follow the guidelines above.
Use subtitles if you want
Use captions on photos/ drawings/ cartoons
Use a bibliography
Write clearly. Check spelling and grammar.
DO NOT COPY – this must be your own work.
Cheating = 0 points and redoing the work.
The student does not reach a
standard described below.
The application of the concept of
change, is inappropriate.
The information used is not always
relevant; the structure is unclear and
inappropriate for an interview. The
expression is imprecise.
The application of the concept of change is
sometimes appropriate.
The information used is mostly
relevant; the interview structure
is attempted but is not always
successful. The expression is not
always clear.
The application of the concept of change is
appropriate but superficial.
The information used is relevant; the
interview structure is appropriate.
The expression is clear and attention
is paid to the audience.
The application of the concept of
change, is appropriate and shows some depth.
The information used is always
relevant; the interview structure is
well developed and has a logical
sequence. The expression is clear, concise, effective and
appropriate to the audience.
The application of the concept of
change, is appropriate and sophisticated.
Marking Rubric
Criteria B
Teacher Comment
Student Reflection
Criteria D