Assessing Impacts as Changes in Economic Output Anand Patwardhan Upasna Sharma Stock Vs. Flow Conventionally impacts of cyclones (or other climate hazards) measured as changes in stocks of human, social and economic capital. Alternatively, they may be measured as changes in flow of goods and services, (typically economic output). Motivation for assessing impacts in terms of changes in flow variables Provides information about length of recovery period Relief vs. recovery debate in disaster mitigation. Could be used to establish the validity or explanatory power of measures of adaptive capacity (generic or specific adaptation) Distinguish between loss of capital assets vs. loss of income for affected communities Natural Hazard – Tropical Cyclones Why tropical cyclones is a good starting point for exploring the concept: Bounded in space and time (unlike droughts). Impact large enough to disrupt economic activity over an area, and for a duration long enough that it may be resolved / detected What do we expect the data to reveal? We expect a drop in the output of the affected economic sector as a consequence of the event in relation to the baseline Event year output should differ from non-event year output We expect to observe gradual recovery in the period following the event Confounding factors: Secular change Other, non-event related disturbances Variability (signal to noise ratio problem) Output variables being studied Variable Specific Variable Agricultural production Spatial resolution Temporal resolution Length of the record Sample of Districts Paddy output District (‘000 tons) Annual 1966 - 1994 (8 districts) 1966 - 2001 (4 districts) 12 districts on the East coast of India Fish catch Marine fish catch (tons) District Monthly 1978 to 1996 8 coastal districts of Tamil Nadu Electricity consumption Units of electricity consumed by different categories of users Sub-district (for one district) Monthly 1988 to 2000 Nellore (Andhra Pradesh) Linkage between spatial extent and administrative units for reporting of data Considerations for selecting spatial unit/scale of analysis: • The scale of hazard and its impact • The scale at which the socio-economic data is reported Hierarchy of Administrative Units in India States The country divided into 28 states and 7 union territories. Districts The district is the principal subdivision within the state. There were 593 districts in India according to Census, 2001. The districts vary in size and population. The average size of a district was approximately 4,000 square kilometers, and the average population numbered nearly 1.73 million in the year 2001. Sub-districts: Tehsils / talukas / mandals Districts in India are subdivided into taluqs or tehsils, areas that contain from 200 to 600 villages. Descriptive statistics for paddy output Dsitrict Mean (‘000 tons /year) Standard. Deviation Max Min Range Balasore 388.43 109.48 642.82 214 428.82 Cuttack 619.03 139.39 946.89 292.59 654.3 Puri 441.92 112.19 769.67 261.44 508.23 Ganjam 412.18 139.87 750.76 180.88 569.88 East Godavari 754.59 243.53 1211 391.5 819.5 Krishna 761.26 233.57 1173.8 427.8 746 Guntur 752.3 259.29 1180.6 395 785.6 Nellore 452.89 176.65 819.48 198 621.48 Chengalpattu 655.81 187.3 993.57 232 761.57 1323.45 291.82 1937.4 878 1059.4 Ramnathpuram 348.04 157.32 744 117.1 626.9 Tirunelveli 351.44 104.85 611.27 211 400.27 Tanjavur East Godavari 94 92 90 88 86 84 82 80 78 76 74 72 70 68 66 800 600 400 '000 tons 94 92 90 88 86 84 82 80 78 76 74 72 70 68 66 300 '000 tons 400 200 19 66 19 69 19 72 19 75 19 78 19 81 19 84 19 87 19 90 19 93 19 96 19 99 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 '000 tons 700 0 1400 19 66 19 68 19 70 19 72 19 74 19 76 19 78 19 80 19 82 19 84 19 86 19 88 19 90 19 92 19 94 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 '000 tons Plots of Time Series of Paddy Output for Some Districts 2500 600 500 2000 1500 1000 200 100 500 0 Year Year Balasore Tanjavur 1200 900 800 1000 700 600 500 400 300 200 0 100 0 Year Year Nellore Secular Trend in the Data Dsitrict Trend Coefficient Balasore 9.78 Cuttack 8.22 Puri 7.80 Ganjam 10.55 East Godavari 24.52 Krishna 25.07 Guntur 27.24 Nellore 19.34 Chengalpattu 13.17 Tanjavur 15.49 Ramnathpuram 9.53 Tirunelveli 7.05 All values are significant at 1% level of significance Assessing Impact on Agricultural Output Grouped districts into 2 categories based on the number of cyclonic events that occurred during the study period: Districts with many events Districts with few events. Nellore Guntur 900 1400 800 1200 700 1000 '000 tons 500 400 800 600 300 400 200 200 100 Year Year 94 19 90 92 19 19 86 88 19 19 82 84 19 19 78 80 19 19 74 76 19 19 70 72 19 19 19 19 66 68 0 0 19 66 19 68 19 70 19 72 19 74 19 76 19 78 19 80 19 82 19 84 19 86 19 88 19 90 19 92 19 94 '000 tons 600 Districts with many events •Existence of secular trend in the agricultural output data required de-trending the data •Classified the residuals into those for event years and those for non-event years • Examined the difference in these two populations using the non-parametric Kolmogorov-Smirnov (K-S) test Results: Districts With Many Events State District KS test statistic D Orissa Balasore 0.5417 Orissa Cuttack 0.5152* Orissa Puri 0.5565* Andhra Pradesh Krishna 0.6800** Andhra Pradesh Nellore 0.5056** Tamil Nadu Tanjavur 0.7097*** *** denotes = 0.01 (one-tailed) ** denotes = 0.05 (one-tailed) * denotes = 0.10 (one-tailed) : Level of significance Districts with few events Compared residual in event year, with residuals of baseline years (after accounting for secular trend) by using the Student’s t-test. The hypothesis can be specified as: Ho: Re = Rne Ha: Re < Rne Where Re denotes the residuals for the event years and Rne denotes mean of residuals for the non event years Results: Districts With Few Events State District Cyclonic event year (s) Event year residual 95% confidence limit Orissa Ganjam 22/9/1972 28/8/1974 -40.46 -70.13 -33.3237 Andhra Pradesh East Godavari 7/11/1969 16/10/1982 -93.269 99.1569 -26.4841 Andhra Pradesh Guntur 19/11/1977 12/11/1987 -214.66 -204.01 -18.5919 Tamil Nadu Chengalpattu 28/11/1966 4/11/1978 18/10/1982 1/12/1996 -25.3307 34.22083 -368.062 -41.9519 -21.8977 Tamil Nadu Ramnathpuram 24/11/1978 5.02648 -44.3477 Tamil Nadu Tirunelveli 17/12/1980 18.4607 -28.7653 Figures in bold are statistically significant at 5% level of significance. Alternative approach for districts with many events To account for secular trends, earlier approach focused on residuals after detrending the data Alternatively, we can look at year to year changes in output. Four kinds of changes in output are possible: Non-event to event change in output, Event to non-event change in output, Non-event to non-event change in output and Event to event change in output. We can postulate certain expectations regarding these changes in output: Non-event to event change in output to be negative, Event to non-event change in output to be positive, Non-event to non-event and event to event change in output could either be positive or negative If there is a statistically significant increase / recovery in output after the event year, then it provides for a more robust basis for attributing the decrease in output in the event year to a cyclone. Year to Year Changes in Agricultural Output for Nellore District Year Rice_Output 1966 325 1967 250 1968 198 1969 306.2 1970 209.7 1971 293.8 1972 244.2 1973 271.5 1974 301.7 1975 387.1 1976 299.6 1977 335.8 1978 365.9 1979 491 1980 425 1981 518 1982 395.5 1983 527.6 1984 421 1985 545.4 1986 568 1987 617 1988 677.3 1989 657.5 1990 732.28 1991 623.47 1992 594.97 1993 819.48 1994 731.78 Change -75 -52 108.2 -96.5 84.1 -49.6 27.3 30.2 85.4 -87.5 36.2 30.1 125.1 -66 93 -122.5 132.1 -106.6 124.4 22.6 49 60.3 -19.8 74.78 -108.81 -28.5 224.51 -87.7 Statistical Technique Used To test whether there is a statistically significant difference between the means of the three types of changes in output, we use Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) technique. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) The hypothesis can be specified as: Ho: µne-e = µe-ne = µne-ne Ha: µne-e, µe-ne, µne-ne are not all equal. Where µne-e denotes the mean of non-event to event changes in output; µe-ne, denotes the mean of event to non-event changes in output; µne-ne denotes the mean of non-event to non-event changes in output Results of ANOVA for effect of cyclones on agricultural output State District ANOVA(F statistic) KS test statistic D Orissa Balasore 2.56* 0.5417 Orissa Cuttack 2.75* 0.5152* Orissa Puri 1.35 0.5565* Andhra Pradesh Krishna 2.65* 0.6800** Andhra Pradesh Nellore 5.24** 0.5056** Tamil Nadu 6.33*** 0.7097*** Tanjavur *** denotes = 0.01 ** denotes = 0.05 * denotes = 0.10 Observations Impacts of a cyclone can be measured in terms of flow of goods and services of the affected socio-economic sectors, if appropriate spatial and temporal resolution is chosen. This approach can provide new impact metric for linking generic adaptive capacity to observable impacts at the ground level. This not only a relatively low cost methodology but also uses in a different manner the data for which well established reporting mechanisms already exist. Assessment of impacts through a different route which could act as a check on biases and errors of the conventional impact assessment methods. This methodology can be replicated for natural disasters other than cyclones (for instance, floods, earthquakes etc.). Work in Progress Extend the work - Fisheries output (fish catch), Electricity Consumption (much higher temporal resolution then the agricultural data) Impact of Cyclone on Fisheries Output – Chengalpattu District 1600 1400 Cyclonic event Nov-85 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 Month and year Ju n86 -8 6 pr A Fe b86 85 ec D ct -8 5 O -8 5 ug A Ju n85 A pr -8 5 0 Fe b85 Marine fish catch in tons