October 5, 2015

Minutes of a Regular Meeting of Council of the
Corporation of the Township of Pelee
held at the Royal Canadian Legion Hall
on October 5, 2015
Deputy Mayor:
Richard Masse
Dave DeLellis
Darlene Wiper
Dayne Malloch
Pete Letkeman
Wayne Miller, CAO
Katrina DiGiovanni, Deputy Clerk
Jill Crosthwaite-NCC
Janice Hensel-MMAH
1.) Agenda
The agenda was presented for adoption, with the following addition:
12. B) By-Law 2015-43 Agreement with ERCA for Source Water Protection
c) By-Law 2015-44 Confirming By-Law
Moved by:
Dave DeLellis
Seconded by:
Dayne Malloch
2.) Minutes
a.) The minutes for the Regular Meeting of Council for September 21, 2015 were presented and
Moved by:
Dayne Malloch
Seconded by:
Dave DeLellis
October 5, 2015
Regular Meeting of Council
3.) Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest
4.) Petitions and Delegations
a.) Jill Crosthwaite -NCC Annual Report
Ms. Crosthwaite began her presentation by giving an update on conservation activities on Pelee.
She stated that nothing has changed in way of acquisitions this year and showed a map of NCC
lands. Ms. Crosthwaite highlighted their work on invasive species removal and commented on
some of the species and techniques used. She also commented on habitat creation projects and
stated that 26 hectares had been created since 2009, and increasing to 34 hectares in the next 4
years. Ms. Crosthwaite stated that NCC was maintaining that they would continue to pay the
agricultural tax rate on their properties. Ms. Crosthwaite outlined the plans for their land on East
Shore Road over the next few years, to potentially include wetlands and some trail creation.
Ms. Crosthwaite thanked the community for helping NCC to achieve their goals. Mayor Masse
asked when NCC would be willing to build some trails through their properties so people can
enjoy what they have been working on, Mayor Masse asked if there would be any opportunity to
do this. Ms. Crosthwaite commented that it would be a good idea, and that the pheasant trails are
a good starting point, including more mowing and signage; she stated she was excited to begin
enhancing the accessibility of their lands. Ms. Crosthwaite stated that she would bring these
comments back to NCC; further discussion continued on the history of NCC trail land and use
through the pheasant hunts.
b.) Janice Hensel: Community Improvement Plan (CIP) Presentation
Ms. Hensel stated her intentions for this presentation were to discuss Community Improvement
Plans and stated that the Economic Development Advisory Committee had been working hard to
come up with a CIP and strategy to retain and expand businesses through a variety of plans,
incentive programs and strategies. Ms. Hensel gave an overview of CIP’s and highlighted them
as municipal strategic planning tools, to define what the community wants to see happen. Ms.
Hensel referenced the Planning Act and its ability to plan and finance development activity,
where it may have not previously existed. Ms. Hensel highlighted Pelee’s hamlet areas as the
area of focus. She commented that designating areas help to shape development in specific areas,
and to help focus the public on initiatives. Ms. Hensel commented on the surveys that were
circulated to get feedback on what businesses and the public were looking for in terms of
development and what challenges they were facing.
Ms. Hensel commented on incentive programs to create a level planning field for development
and diminish some of the barriers to provide an opportunity for developers to choose Pelee. .
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October 5, 2015
Regular Meeting of Council
Ms. Hensel outlined two approaches for the CIP, including no financial incentives and the second
being programs that include assistance involving lands, buildings, grants and loans. Ms. Hensel
highlighted different types of CIP’s including area rejuvenation. Ms. Hensel outlined legislation
in the Municipal Act in terms of granting or providing loans, and that the only way to provide this
is through the creation of a CIP. Ms. Hensel highlighted through the Planning Act what CIP’s
can accomplish such as acquiring and preparing land, construction to improve buildings and
selling leasing or disposing of municipal land, among others.
Ms. Hensel continued with her presentation and spoke on financial incentives that would be used
to best reflect council’s intentions that could be changed as the municipal situation changes. Ms.
Hensel continued to outline financial incentives and what options were available in CIPs and
what constitutes eligible costs for grants, such as minor variance application, tipping fees and
building permits. Ms. Hensel discussed the tax increment equivalent grant, meaning that before
rehabilitation or development the taxes that are being paid, are continued to be collected after
development and the incremental increase is phased in over a number of years, to allow the
developer to recover some of the costs of development. Ms. Hensel commented that this was the
most successful and appealing incentive.
Ms. Hensel stated that the municipality is required to consult with MMAH before adopting a CIP.
Ms. Hensel went on to comment on the different sections of the CIP and the content and
approvals needed in each section. Ms. Hensel concluded that CIP’s have been around since 1972
and that they can be used for many different priorities and goals. Ms. Hensel then provided some
examples of other municipalities CIP’s.
5.) Old Business
6.) New Business
7.) Correspondence
(a) Rural Economic Development Program
Mayor Masse stated that we may be able to do an application; Mayor Masse asked that the
information come back to the next meeting of council with more information and suggestions.
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Regular Meeting of Council
8.) Disbursements
The Mayor presented disbursements to Council.
Councillor Malloch asked about payment 267 to ERTH Holdings. The Deputy Clerk stated this
was for annual maintenance and calibration for equipment at the Water Plant.
The following resolution was passed:
Resolution 2015-128:
Moved By:
Dayne Malloch
Seconded By:
Pete Letkeman
“Be it Resolved that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Pelee hereby resolves to
pay disbursements as presented and attached in the amount of $150,230.48”.
9.) Boards and Committees
(a) Economic Development Advisory Committee Draft CIP
Deputy Mayor DeLellis commented on the draft CIP and stated that is was the committee’s
thoughts that Pelee needs some strategic planning for business expansion and retention. Deputy
Mayor DeLellis commented on the 5 different incentive programs that may be possible. He
focused on the hamlet areas to attract tourists, businesses and to beautify the area. Mayor Masse
stated this plan should be brought back to the next council meeting with comments and
suggestions. Mayor Masse thanked the committee for their effort to put this plan together.
(b) Tourism Committee Meeting Minutes August 20, 2015
Mayor Masse commented on recent meetings that the committee has taken part in including with
local tourism marketing organizations, like TWEPI. Mayor Masse stated that they will help with
suggestions and ideas and have some possibility of indirect financial incentives, such as an
introduction and combination of employee training for the tourism industry on the Island, as well
as with advertising. Mayor Masse commented on the potential to brand Pelee Island, and the
desire for Pelee, Kingsville and Leamington to work together while ensuring Pelee does not lose
its identity. Mayor Masse suggested that the committee do a survey so the public can participate
in what they would like Pelee to be known for.
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Regular Meeting of Council
Deputy Mayor DeLellis commented on bike and nature paths, Mayor Masse stated that we are the
only Island on the Waterfront Trail and that the section that goes from Pelee to Grand Bend will
be celebrated in August 2016. Mayor Masse also commented on a discussion on trail
improvement for an accessible trail to the Lighthouse Point. Mayor Masse stated there has been
some movement, and that Ontario Parks has to do an environmental assessment to see what can
be done. Deputy Mayor DeLellis commented on the number of environmental assessments that
have been done and why they cannot be used, Mayor Masse responded that they were previously
tabled by MNRF. Discussion continued on the potential of trail creation in different areas and
relationship with MNR.
(c) Tourism Committee Meeting Minutes September 20, 2015
The following Resolution was passed:
Resolution 2015-129:
Moved by:
Darlene Wiper
Seconded by:
Dave DeLellis
“Be it Resolved that the Corporation of the Township of Pelee hereby accepts the Tourism
Committee Meetings Minutes from August 20th & September 20th”.
10.) Councillor and Miscellaneous Reports
a) Mayor Masse-MNRF Assistant Director
Mayor Masse stated that he had toured the Island with the Regional Director and talked about
challenges on the Island, in order to allow for development and the concept of prepaid
mitigation. Mayor Masse also commented on EBR postings for Pelee on species habitat
recovery plans. He stated that the township was not in agreeance with their biologists and that
Pelee has contributed enough land for species habitat and conservation. Mayor Masse
suggested that MNRF staff and biologists needed to come back to the community and take a
firsthand look, Mayor Masse further stated that he believed recovery plans should not be
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Regular Meeting of Council
b) Dayne Malloch-MPP Letters
Councillor Malloch asked the CAO if the subsequent letters were sent to MPP’s regarding
OPP cost modeling. The CAO responded they had not yet been sent. Councillor Malloch
stated concerns with the response time for an incident over the weekend and suggested sitting
down and talking to someone about concerns.
11.) In Camera-Personnel Matters
a) Councillor Wiper stated that she wanted to move in camera to discuss personnel matters.
The following Resolution was passed:
Resolution 2015-133
“Be it Resolved that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Pelee hereby moves into a
closed session to discuss personnel matters.”
Moved by:
Darlene Wiper
Seconded by:
Dayne Malloch
The following Resolution was passed:
Resolution 2015-134
“Be it Resolved that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Pelee hereby adjourns the
closed session.”
Moved by:
Dave DeLellis
Seconded by:
Darlene Wiper
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Regular Meeting of Council
12.) By-Laws
(a) By-Law 2015-42; being a By-Law to Amend Zoning By-Law 2012-24
The following Resolution was passed:
Resolution 2015-130:
Moved by:
Dave DeLellis
Seconded by:
Darlene Wiper
“Be it Resolved that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Pelee hereby adopts ByLaw 2015-43 being a by-law for amendments to Zoning By-law No. 2012-24 on McCormick
c.) By-Law 2015-43; being a By-Law to enter into an Agreement with the Essex Region
Conservation Authority
Councillor Letkeman asked if this plan was different from previous plans. Mayor Masse stated
this was a new plan and approved by the Province.
The following Resolution was passed:
Resolution 2015-131:
Moved by:
Dayne Malloch
Seconded by:
Pete Letkeman
“Be it Resolved that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Pelee hereby adopts ByLaw 2015-43 being a by-law to enter into an agreement with the Essex Region Conservation
Authority for the Source Water Protection Plan”.
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October 5, 2015
Regular Meeting of Council
d.) By-Law 2015-44; being a By-Law to Confirm Proceedings
The following Resolution was passed:
Resolution 2015-132:
Moved by:
Dayne Malloch
Seconded by:
Pete Letkeman
“Be it Resolved that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Pelee hereby adopts ByLaw 2015-43 being a by-law to Confirm Proceedings for October 5th”.
Rick Masse
Wayne Miller
Chief Administrative Officer
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