1. What is it?
2. Why write it?
3. Why study it?
POETRY: Can it be defined?
One of three genres:
POETRY: Can it be defined?
No single characteristic
Most=regular rhythmical pattern or meter
Some in prose, some in free verse
Most=concise, musical, emotionally
charged language
Most=imagery, figurative language, sound
devices such as rhyme
A. Narrative poetry: tells as story, told
by a narrator
1. Ballads-Songlike poem, often
dealing with adventure or romance
(Middle Ages)
Narrative poetry
2. Epics-long, narrative about the
adventures of gods or of a hero, such
as Beowulf. (Anglo-Saxon Period)
B. Lyrics: expresses the observations
and feelings of a single speaker.
Presents an experience or single
effect but does not tell a full story.
1. Odes-Long, formal lyric poem with serious
2. Elegies-solemn and formal lyric poem
about death.
3. Sonnets-14 line lyric poem focused on a
single theme.
C. Lyric Popularity
Lyrical poetry flourished in the
Renaissance and was revived during
the Romantic period (1798-1832) and
has remained a common poetic form
since that time.
14 lines lyric poem
Focused on a single theme
Most written in iambic pentameter
D. Two traditional patterns
1. Petrarchan or Italian Sonnet
2. Shakespearean or English Sonnet
-(English sonnet first used by Sir Thomas Wyatt in 1530’s)
1. Petrarchan or Italian Sonnet
a. 2 parts
i. 8-line Octave
ii. 6-line sestet
b. Octave rhymes abba abba and raises a
question, states a problem, or presents a brief
c. Sestet rhymes cde cde or some combination
of cd rhymes and answers the question, solves
the problem or comments on the problem
2. English or Shakespearean
a. three 4-line quatrains and concluding two-line
b. Rhyme scheme of each quatrain is usually
cdcd efef and couplet is gg
c. Each quatrain explores a variation of the main
d. the couplet offers a summarizing or concluding
Spenserian Sonnet
Used variation of English
Uses interlocking rhyme scheme
(abab bcbc cdcd ee) to link the three
Also wrote pastoral poetry and the
epic romance The Faerie Queene.
E. Sonnet Cycle or Sequence:
1. series of sonnets that fit loosely together to form
a story, written to one person or on one theme.
2. Each poem can stand alone.
3. The sequence lets the poet trace the
development of a relationship or examine different
aspects of a single subject.
All of the terms that follow are fair game for
ALL remaining quizzes and exams.
Additionally-they will be crucial to AP12 as
well. Consider typing them up and saving
them for quick reference!
Write out the definitions to all the terms in your
class notebook. You may add these to our ongoing
definitions section.
Some of the terms have previously been defined.
You may use the glossary in your textbook as well
as the information provided in the time period
overview section to come up with a complete
definition. Pay attention to examples when offered
Avoid writing word for word; try to write in such
a manner as you will remember.
POETRY TERMS: Define each of
the following terms
1. Alliteration
2. Allusion
3. Apostrophe
4. Assonance
5. Conflict
6. Consonance
7. Imagery
8. Metaphor
9. Mood
10. Personification
11. Repetition
12. Simile
13. Symbol/ism
14. Theme
15. Tone
16. Meter
17. Feet
18. Iamb
19. Pentameter
20. Stanza
21. Free Verse
22. Paradox
23. Octave
24. Sestet
25. Quatrain
26. Rhyme Scheme
27. Rhymed Couplet
28. Internal Rhyme
29. End Rhyme
30. Exact Rhyme
31. Slant Rhyme
If not interested, you need not go any
further in this power point.
If you are interested, the assignment is
DUE: Friday February 24
1. QUIZ: You must type out an objective quiz over the terms.
It must contain 20 items. They may be matching, fill in the
blank, true false, or short answer. The purpose is to create
higher-level than simple memorize-regurgitate. Consider
providing examples of the techniques and having students
identify them, or giving lines of poetry and asking the student
to identify the techniques and explain the purpose/effect, etc.
The more advanced the items, the more points.
2. Create a name line at the top for the test taker. Make it look like
an actual Quiz
3. Put your name at the bottom of the quiz as the creator.
4. ANSWER KEY: On a separate sheet write an answer key, also
with your name on it.