Corrective Action Problem Solving Carol Kurtz CJ Kurtz & Associates LLC CJ Kurtz & Associates LLC 1 Trainer: Carol Kurtz American Society for Quality (ASQ) Certified Quality Engineer Certified Quality Auditor Certified Quality Manager Certified Mechanical Inspector 20+ years of Quality & Manufacturing Experience CJ Kurtz & Associates LLC 2 Course Objectives Understand 8D Corrective Action & Problem Process Identify and Use Tools for Each 8D Process Step Understand Vocabulary & Principles Compare to Other Fact Based Problem Solving Methods CJ Kurtz & Associates LLC 3 Corrective Action Action to eliminate the cause of a detected nonconformity. Action to protect the customer from receiving or using nonconforming product. Corrective action is taken to prevent recurrence. CJ Kurtz & Associates LLC 4 Problem Solving Problem Solving: Typically involves a methodology of clarifying the description of the problem, analyzing causes, identifying alternatives, assessing each alternative, choosing one, implementing it, and evaluating whether the problem was solved or not. 8D, PDCA, DMAIC (du-may-ic) CJ Kurtz & Associates LLC 5 Corrective Action Origins The origins of the 8-D system actually goes back many years. The US Government first ‘standardized’ the system in Mil-Std-1520 “Corrective Action and Disposition System for Nonconforming Material” Mil-Std-1520 - First released: 1974 Last Revision was C of 1986 Cancelled in 1995 CJ Kurtz & Associates LLC 6 What is 8D? 8D means Eight Disciplines It is a methodology used for solving problems 8D also refers to the form that is used to document the problem and resolution Also called 8-D Report Corrective Action Report EW8D Report – East-West-8D CJ Kurtz & Associates LLC 7 Why 8D? 8D is a structured approach to solving problems Fact Based Tests progress and results Data Collection & Analysis Verify & Validate Documented History – An information database Anticipate future problems Prevent recurrence CJ Kurtz & Associates LLC 8 8D Corrective Action D4: D0: Recognize the Problem Identify Potential Causes D5: Choose & Verify Corrective Actions D1: Establish the Team Select Likely Causes D6: Implement & Validate Corrective Actions Root Cause? D7: Prevent Recurrence D2: Describe the Problem No Yes D3: Determine and Implement Containment Actions Identify Possible Corrective Actions CJ Kurtz & Associates LLC D8: Congratulate the Team 9 Six Sigma DMAIC D1: Team Approach Define D0: Recognize Problem D2: Describe Problem D3: Containment Measure Analyze D4: Define & Verify Root Causes Improve D5: Select & Validate Corrective Actions D6: Implement Corrective Actions Control D7: Prevent Recurrence D8: Congratulate Team CJ Kurtz & Associates LLC 10 Plan Do Check Act - PDCA D1: Team Approach Plan: D0: Recognize Problem D2: Describe Problem D3: Containment Identify the Problem Analyze The Problem Do: Develop Solutions Implement Solutions Check: Evaluate Results Achieve Desired Results? Act: Standardize Solution D4: Define & Verify Root Causes D5: Select & Validate Corrective Actions D6: Implement Corrective Actions D7: Prevent Recurrence D8: Congratulate Team CJ Kurtz & Associates LLC 11 Some Vocabulary Problem Symptom Concern Root Problem Failure Mode Effect Cause Special Cause Common Cause Root Cause CJ Kurtz & Associates LLC 12 Verification & Validation Verification and Validation are often not well understood. Verification and Validation work together as a sort of ‘before’ (Verification) and ‘after’ (Validation) proof. provides ‘insurance’ at a point in time that the action will do what it is intended to do without causing another problem. Predictive. Validation provides measurable ‘evidence’ over time that the action worked properly. Verification CJ Kurtz & Associates LLC 13 Verification & Validation Step D3 Process Verification Validation Purpose That the containment action will stop the symptom from reaching the customer. That the containment action has satisfactorily stopped the symptom from reaching the customer according to the same indicator that made it apparent. D4 Verification That the real Root Cause is identified. D5 Verification That the corrective action will eliminate the problem. D6 Validation That the corrective action has eliminated the problem according to the same indicator that made it apparent. CJ Kurtz & Associates LLC 14 Structure of a Problem Determining the structure of a problem assists in the selection of the correct tools to use. It may give clues to the nature of the root causes. CJ Kurtz & Associates LLC 15 Structure of a Problem Gradual change, deteriorating performance over time: Established Performance Time Sudden change, catastrophic change from standard: Established Performance Time CJ Kurtz & Associates LLC 16 Structure of a Problem (continued) Start-up, gap between expected and actual performance: Expected Performance Time Actual Performance Recurring change, comes and goes with unknown causes: Established Performance Time CJ Kurtz & Associates LLC 17 Structure of a Problem (continued) Positive change: Established Performance Time Sometimes we experience positive changes that need to be investigated so that processes and products may be improved. CJ Kurtz & Associates LLC 18 Classifying Problems Correctly categorizing and classifying a problem precedes any problem solving effort. Ensures proper methods and tools are selected. If not done, wasted time and effort may occur and wrong solutions may be implemented. CJ Kurtz & Associates LLC 19 Classifying Problems – Type I Plant Floor Problems Rapid response is needed Usually have discernable root causes Usually require less data collection and analysis Usually can be solved by local experts Usually gradual or sudden problem structures Special causes Specific problem requiring Problem Analysis 8D methodology applies CJ Kurtz & Associates LLC 20 Classifying Problems – Type II Technical Problems Permanent corrective actions are needed Usually have difficult to discern root causes Usually require more data collection and analysis Usually require some technical expertise to solve May be any problem structure Special Causes Specific problem requiring Problem Analysis 8D methodology applies CJ Kurtz & Associates LLC 21 Classifying Problems – Type III Process Improvement Major systemic fixes needed Multiple causes and effects May require data collection and analysis May need “systems thinking” to solve Usually requires process owner’s involvement Common cause problem Structures include startup and positive. Others may apply. Broad problems requiring a Situation Analysis Quality Improvement Projects, Continual Improvement Projects or other methodologies apply. CJ Kurtz & Associates LLC 22 Problem Solving Tools Trend Chart Control Chart Pareto Chart Brainstorm Checksheet Histogram Nominal Group Technique Five Why’s Computer Aided Engineering APQP Situation Analysis Flowchart Failure Analysis Database Decision Analysis Action Plan Root Cause Analysis Cause & Effect Diagram Scatter Diagram Design of Experiments Poka Yoke Preventive Action Matrix CJ Kurtz & Associates LLC 23 Problem Solving Tools Tool Trend Chart Purpose 8D Step Indicator to track magnitude of D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 symptoms D7 D8 Pareto Chart Quantifier to prioritize and subdivide the problems D2 D8 Paynter Chart Indicator to monitor and validate the problems D2 D3 D6 D8 Repeated Why Method to move from symptom D2 to problem description Process to find root cause Information Database using Is/Is Not, Differences, Changes Decision Making Action Plan EW8D D2 D4 D5 D6 Method to choose best action D3 D5 from among alternatives Record of assignments, responsibilities and timing Report of problem solving process for management review CJ Kurtz & Associates LLC D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 24 Problem Solving Tools Quiz Trend Charts Pareto Analysis ? RACRoot Cause Analysis Problem Solving Tools ? RACRoot Cause Analysis Pareto Analysis ? CJ Kurtz & Associates LLC 25 D0: Recognize the Symptoms Detect the problem! Nonconforming Product Out of Control Conditions on Charts Rework Trend Charts What others? CJ Kurtz & Associates LLC 26 D0: Recognize the Symptoms Here? Or Here? Supplier In Tran sit Or Here? Or Here? In-Process Inventory / Shipping Company Receiving / Inventory Or Here? Or Here? Or Here? CJ Kurtz & Associates LLC In Tran sit Or Here? Customer 27 D0: Recognize the Symptoms Trend Chart A line graph plotting data over time. Use to observe behavior over time Provides a baseline and visual examination of trends No statistical analysis Look for trends and patterns Ask “Why?” Good for operations/processes where data for control charts is not available CJ Kurtz & Associates LLC 28 D0: Recognize the Symptoms Trend Chart Average Hours Worked Per Employee (3rd shift) 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Change shift starting times New entrance opened. Task group established. CJ Kurtz & Associates LLC 29 D0: Recognize the Symptoms Nonconforming Product Out of Control Conditions on Charts Rework Trend Charts What others? CJ Kurtz & Associates LLC 30 D0: Recognize the Symptoms Control Chart A line graph of a quality characteristic that has been measured over time Based on sample averages or individual samples Includes statistically determined Control Limits. Requires certain assumptions and interpretation CJ Kurtz & Associates LLC 31 Interpreting Control Charts Control Charts provide information as to whether a process is being influenced by Chance causes or Special causes. A process is said to be in Statistical Control when all Special causes of variation have been removed and only Common causes remain. This is evidenced on a Control Chart by the absence of points beyond the Control Limits and by the absence of Non-Random Patterns or Trends within the Control Limits. A process in Statistical Control indicates that production is representative of the best the process can achieve with the materials, tools and equipment provided. Further process improvement can only be made by reducing variation due to Common causes, which generally means management taking action to improve the system. Upper Control Limit Average Lower Control Limit A. Most points are near the center line. B. A few points are near the control limit. C. No points (or only a ‘rare’ point) are beyond the Control Limits. CJ Kurtz & Associates LLC 32 Interpreting Control Charts When Special causes of variation are affecting a process and making it unstable and unreliable, the process is said to be Out Of Control. Special causes of variation can be identified and eliminated thus improving the capability of the process and quality of the product. Generally, Special causes can be eliminated by action from someone directly connected with the process. The following are some of the more common Out of Control patterns: Change To Machine Made Tool Broke Tool Wear? Upper Control Limit Average Lower Control Limit CJ Kurtz & Associates LLC 33 Interpreting Control Charts Points Outside of Limits Upper Control Limit Average Lower Control Limit Trends A run of 7 intervals up or down is a sign of an out of control trend. CJ Kurtz & Associates LLC 34 Interpreting Control Charts Run of 7 ABOVE the Line A Run of 7 successive points above or below the center line is an out of control condition. Run of 7 BELOW the line CJ Kurtz & Associates LLC 35 Interpreting Control Charts Systematic Variables Predictable, Repeatable Patterns Cycles CJ Kurtz & Associates LLC 36 Interpreting Control Charts Freaks Sudden, Unpredictable Instability Large Fluctuations, Erratic Up and Down Movements CJ Kurtz & Associates LLC 37 Interpreting Control Charts Mixtures Unusual Number of Points Near Control Limits (Different Machines?) Sudden Shift in Level Typically Indicates a Change in the System or Process CJ Kurtz & Associates LLC 38 Interpreting Control Charts Stratification Constant, Small Fluctuations Near the Center of the Chart CJ Kurtz & Associates LLC 39 Control Chart Analysis Reaction There is a wide range of non-random patterns that require action. When the presence of a special cause is suspected, the following actions should be taken (subject to local instructions). 1. CHECK Check that all calculations and plots have been accurately completed, including those for control limits and means. When using variable charts, check that the pair (x bar, and R bar) are consistent. When satisfied that the data is accurate, act immediately. CJ Kurtz & Associates LLC 40 Control Chart Analysis Reaction 2. INVESTIGATE Investigate the process operation to determine the cause. Use tools such as: Brainstorming Cause and Effect Pareto Analysis Your investigation should cover issues such as: The method and tools for measurement The staff involved (to identify any training needs Time series, such as staff changes on particular days of the week Changes in material Machine wear and maintenance Mixed samples from different people or machines Incorrect data, mistakenly or otherwise Changes in the environment (humidity etc.) CJ Kurtz & Associates LLC 41 Control Chart Analysis Reaction 3.ACT Decide on appropriate action and implement it. Identify on the control chart The cause of the problem The action taken As far as possible,eliminate the possibility of the special cause happening again. CJ Kurtz & Associates LLC 42 Control Chart Analysis Reaction 4. CONTINUE MONITORING Plotting should continue against the existing limits The effects of the process intervention should become visible. If not, it should be investigated. Where control chart analysis highlights an improvement in performance, the effect should be researched in order that: Its operation can become integral to the process Its application can be applied to other processes where appropriate Control limits should be recalculated when out of control periods for which special causes have been found have been eliminated from the process. The control limits are recalculated excluding the data plotted for the out of control period. A suitable sample size is also necessary. On completion of the recalculation, you will need to check that all plots lie within the new limits CJ Kurtz & Associates LLC 43 D0: Recognize the Symptoms Other Indicators Customer Concerns & Issues Warranty Data Quality Reports Product Quality Planning CJ Kurtz & Associates LLC 44 D1: Establish the Team Establish a small group of people with the knowledge, time, authority and skill to solve the problem and implement corrective actions. The group selects a team leader. CJ Kurtz & Associates LLC 45 D1: Establish the Team The 8D Team Members Cross Functional or Multi-Disciplinary Process Owner Technical Expert Others involved in the containment, analysis, correction and prevention of the problem CJ Kurtz & Associates LLC 46 D1: Establish the Team Team Roles Several roles need to be established for the team. These roles are: Leader, Champion, Record Keeper (Recorder), Participants and (if needed) Facilitator. Leader Group member who ensures the group performs its duties and responsibilities. Spokesperson, calls meetings, establishes meeting time/duration and sets/directs agenda. Day-to-day authority, responsible for overall coordination and assists the team in setting goals and objectives. Participants Record Keeper Writes and publishes minutes. Champion Guide, direct, motivate, train, coach, advocate to upper management. Respect each others ideas. Keep an open mind. Be receptive to consensus decision making. Understand assignments and accept them willingly. CJ Kurtz & Associates LLC 47 D1: Establish the Team Problem Solver Characteristics Persistent Intuitive (supported by mechanical aptitude) Logic & discipline Common sense Ability to balance priorities Ownership Inquisitive and willing Creative and open minded Needs proof & facts CJ Kurtz & Associates LLC 48 D1: Establish the Team Effective Team Characteristics Leadership Clearly define goals Clearly defined responsibilities Trust & Respect Authority Positive Atmosphere Good two way communication Effective action plan with timing CJ Kurtz & Associates LLC 49 D1: Establish the Team Management Responsibility Provide time and resouces Provide mentoring Understand need for change Recognize accomplishments & team process CJ Kurtz & Associates LLC 50 D1: Establish the Team Brainstorming Generate a great number of possible solutions to a problem Use to avoid conventional or in-the-box thinking Overcome mental blocks, inspire creativity Take advantage of team synergy Ideas from different perspectives CJ Kurtz & Associates LLC 51 D1: Establish the Team Team Check List Team Check List Yes No Has a champion accepted responsibility for monitoring the measurables? Have measurables been developed to the extent possible? Have special gaps been identified? Has the common cause versus special cause relationship been identified? Has the team leader been identified? Does the team leader represent the necessary cross-functional expertise? Has team information been communicated internally and externally? Has the team agreed upon the goals, objectives, and process for this problem solving effort? Is a facilitator needed to help keep process on track and gain consensus? Does the team have regular meetings? Does the team keep minutes and assignments in an action plan? Does the team work well together in following the process and objectives? CJ Kurtz & Associates LLC 52 D2: Problem Description Describe the problem in measurable terms. Specify the internal or external customer problem by describing it in specific terms. CJ Kurtz & Associates LLC 53 D2: Problem Description Problem Statement Problem statement = Object + concern + quantification Example: 20% of Tuesday’s first shift production of end cap #3245A have a ¼” to ¾” crack at the lower left corner of the strain relief hole. Remember: A well defined problem is half solved! CJ Kurtz & Associates LLC 54 D2: Problem Description Five Why’s A technique for stepping through successive layers of symptoms to find the root problem statement. Go to the point of occurrence of the problem (gemba) Begin asking “Why?” Using a flowchart, track back from symptom to symptom until you find: The root cause A level where permanent corrective action can be implemented A point where “Why?” can no longer be answered CJ Kurtz & Associates LLC 55 D2: Problem Description Flowchart Start or input at the beginning of a process A picture of a process using symbols and arrows to represent sequence of the steps. Action Step Document associated with a step such as a form or report Action Step Yes Question or Decision? Action Step No Action Step Completed process CJ Kurtz & Associates LLC 56 D2: Problem Description Situation Analysis Tool used to break broad problems into smaller prioritized pieces to attack one at a time. Many problem solving efforts start with large, messy, poorly defined, unforcused issues. This method is detailed in the book The New Rational Manager by Kepner & Tregoe CJ Kurtz & Associates LLC 57 D2: Problem Description Pareto Analysis A Pareto chart offers the following benefits: Focuses on the problems or causes of problems that have the greatest impact Displays the relative significance of problems or problem causes in a simple, quick-to-interpret, visual format Can be used repeatedly to produce continuous improvements CJ Kurtz & Associates LLC 58 D2: Problem Description Pareto Analysis Ball Lifting Cause Frequency Percent (%) Cum Percent (%) Bonder Set-up Issues 19 38% 38% Unetched Glass on Bond Pad 11 22% 60% Foreign Contam on Bond Pad 9 18% 78% Excessive Probe Damage 3 6% 84% Silicon Dust on Bond Pad 2 4% 88% Corrosion 1 2% 90% Bond Pad Peel-off 1 2% 92% Cratering 1 2% 94% Resin Bleed-out 1 2% 96% Others 2 4% 100% Total 50 100% - CJ Kurtz & Associates LLC 59 D2: Problem Description Paynter Chart This chart is combination of Trend and Pareto charts. Provides information on actions taken and shows effects. Can be modified for Returns, Scrap, Rework, etc. CJ Kurtz & Associates LLC 60 D2: Problem Description Paynter Chart Number of 3rd shift workers affected % Late Employees 100 Third Shift # Late Employees 60 90 54 80 48 70 42 60 36 50 30 40 24 30 18 20 12 10 6 0 1 Buses Late 2 Bad Weather 0 3 Not Enough Parking Problems: Traffic jam on Hiway Buses Late Not Enough Parking Bad Weather Road Construction July 90 30 17 9 4 150 Aug Sept 84 4 30 9 16 17 10 20 0 0 140 50 Oct 3 8 8 21 0 40 Nov 0 30 0 9 21 60 Dec Total 90 30 17 9 4 150 = Containment Action: Change Shift Starting Time = Corrective Action: Open second gate, change shift starting times back to 'normal'. = Corrective Action: Task Group established. Average Hours Worked Per Employee (3rd shift) 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Change shift starting times New entrance opened. Task group established. CJ Kurtz & Associates LLC 61 D2: Problem Description Information Database A tool for organizing all data about a problem into four categories: What, Where, When, Extent. Used for Problem Analysis Detailed in The New Rational Manager by Kepner/Tregoe CJ Kurtz & Associates LLC 62 D2: Problem Description Information Database Is Is Not What: What is the object you are having a problem with? Where: When: What could be happening but is not? What is the problem concern? What could be the problem concern, but is not? Where do you see the concern on the object? Be specific in terms of inside to outside, end to end, etc. Where on the object is the problem NOT seen? Does the problem cover the entire object? Where (geographically) can you take me to show me the problem? Where did you first see it? Where else could you have observed the defective object, but did not? When in time did you first notice the problem? Be as specific as you can about the day and time. When in time could it have first been observed, buy was not? At what step in the process, life or operating cycle do you first see the problem? Where else in the process, life or operating cycle might you have observed the problem, but did not? Since you first saw it, what have you seen? Be specific about minutes, hours, days, months. Can you plot trends? What other times could you have observed it but did not? How Big: How much of each object has the defect? How many objects could be defective, but aren't? What is the trend? Has it leveled off? Has it gone away? Is What other trends could have been observed, but were it getting worse? not? How many objects have the defect? How many objects could have had the defect, but didn't? How many defects do you see on each object? How many defects per object could be there, but are not? How big is the defect in terms of people, time, $ and/or other resources? How big could the defect be, but is not? What percent is the defect in relation to the problem? CJ Kurtz & Associates LLC 63 D2: Problem Description Checksheet Checksheets are simple and effective method of gathering information on the job. Ensures consistency of data collected. Simplifies data collection and analysis. Highlights trends. Spots problems. CJ Kurtz & Associates LLC 64 D2: Problem Description Checksheet Part Number 621532-B Date Part Defect Checksheet 12-16-04 Defect 1st Shift 2nd Shift 3rd Shift Totals Nicks 22 14 5 41 Missing holes 1 0 0 1 Missing screws 8 4 0 12 Totals 31 18 5 54 CJ Kurtz & Associates LLC 65 D2: Problem Description Histogram Chart using bars of varying height to show frequency distribution of some characteristic. Use for problem recognition, problem definition, data analysis, and validation of corrective actions. Visually evaluate spread, centering, capability. CJ Kurtz & Associates LLC 66 D2: Problem Description Histogram 23mm OD Histogram P/N 543612 on Machine 6 6 4 3 Frequency 2 1 or e M 27 25 23 21 0 19 Frequency 5 Outside Diameter CJ Kurtz & Associates LLC 67 D3: Containment Define and implement those intermediate actions that will protect the customer from the problem until permanent corrective action is implemented. Verify with data the effectiveness of these actions. CJ Kurtz & Associates LLC 68 D3: Containment Contain Symptom Flow Immediate Containment with Current Information and Problem Description Stop Defect at Each Point in the Process Back to the Source Determine Escape Point Validate that Action Taken is Fully Effective Choose Verify Before Implement Certify parts and Confirm Customer Dissatisfaction No Longer Exists Should an existing ‘check’ (control) have caught the defect? Validate After Implementation CJ Kurtz & Associates LLC 69 D3: Containment Objectives The objective of this step is to isolate the effects of the problem by implementing containment actions. Once a problem has been described, immediate actions are to be taken to isolate the problem from the customer. In many cases the customer must be notified of the problem. These actions are typically ‘Band-aid’ fixes. Common containment actions include: 100% sorting of components Items inspected before shipment Parts purchased from a supplier rather than manufactured inhouse Tooling changed more frequently Single source CJ Kurtz & Associates LLC 70 D3: Containment Containment Action Checksheet Containment Action Checksheet Yes No Has immediate containment action been taken to protect the customer? Has the concern been stopped at each point in the process back to the source? Have you verified that the action taken is FULLY effective? Have you certified that parts no longer have the symptom? Have you specially identified the 'certified' parts? Have you validated the containment action? Is data being collected in a form that will validate the effectiveness of the containment action? Has baseline data been collected for comparison? Are responsibilities clear for all actions? Have you ensured that implementation of the containment action will not create other problems? Have you coordinated the action plan with the customer? CJ Kurtz & Associates LLC 71 D4: Determine Root Causes Identify potential causes which could explain why the problem occurred. Test each potential cause against the problem description and data. Identify alternative corrective actions to eliminate root cause. CJ Kurtz & Associates LLC 72 D4: Determine Root Causes Root Cause of Event (Occur or Occurrence) What system allowed for the event to occur? Root Cause of Escape What system allowed for the event to escape without detection? CJ Kurtz & Associates LLC 73 D4: Determine Root Causes Root Cause Analysis – 5 Why’s The 5 why's refers to the practice of asking, five times, why a failure has occurred in order to get to the root cause/causes of the problem. There can be more than one cause to a problem as well. This root cause analysis is often done by a team with knowledge the problem process or item. CJ Kurtz & Associates LLC 74 D4: Determine Root Causes Root Cause Analysis Process of analyzing “is” & “is not” pairs of information for differences and changes that lead to root cause CJ Kurtz & Associates LLC 75 D4: Determine Root Causes Root Cause Analysis Is Is Not What: Object Heavy traffic Defect Late Employees Where: Seen on object I-70 Expressway Seen geographically East bound I-70 near Main Street When: First seen July 7, 1996 When else seen Ever since When seen in process (life cycle) Afternoon How Big: How many objects have the defect? Third shift (4:00PM) How many defects per object? Once per day What is the trend? Increasing --> SPECIAL CAUSE! Enhanced Problem Description --> CJ Kurtz & Associates LLC 76 D4: Determine Root Causes Cause & Effect Diagram Shows the relationship of causes and sub-causes to an identified effect or problem. Clearly identify the problem or effect to be diagrammed in the box at the right Draw the fishbone structure Identify the major categories, factors, the causes related to the effect. Brainstorm, or note the causes of the problem that fall within each of the major categories. Each branch may have sub-branches, or sub-subbranches As ideas are generated determine which branch of the "bone" they should be placed CJ Kurtz & Associates LLC 77 D4: Determine Root Causes Cause & Effect Diagram Man Machine Measurement Effect Method Materials CJ Kurtz & Associates LLC 78 D4: Determine Root Causes Scatter Diagram Scatter diagrams are used to study possible relationships between two variables. Although these diagrams cannot prove that one variable causes the other, they do indicate the existence of a relationship, as well as the strength of that relationship. A scatter diagram is composed of a horizontal axis containing the measured values of one variable and a vertical axis representing the measurements of the other variable. The purpose of the scatter diagram is to display what happens to one variables when another variable is changed. The diagram is used to test a theory that the two variables are related. The type of relationship that exits is indicated by the slope of the diagram. CJ Kurtz & Associates LLC 79 D4: Determine Root Causes Scatter Diagram Strongly correlated CJ Kurtz & Associates LLC 80 D4: Determine Root Causes Scatter Diagram Moderately correlated CJ Kurtz & Associates LLC 81 D4: Determine Root Causes Scatter Diagram No Correlation CJ Kurtz & Associates LLC 82 D4: Determine Root Causes Design of Experiments - DOE Shanin’s Red X Component Search Taguchi’s Methods Classical Design of Experiments CJ Kurtz & Associates LLC 83 D5: Select & Verify CA After root causes and possible corrective actions have been identified, select the corrective actions that will permanently correct the problem. Decision analysis may be needed if the choice is not obvious. Verify that the selected corrective actions will resolve the problem. CJ Kurtz & Associates LLC 84 D5: Select & Verify CA Poka Yoke Poka Yoke Devices Are Built within the Process In General Have Low Cost Have the Capacity for 100% Inspection Remember SQC is performed outside the process which adds cost and allows defects to escape the system. CJ Kurtz & Associates LLC 85 D5: Select & Verify CA Poka Yoke Interference Fit Poka Yoke Orientation Poka Yoke CJ Kurtz & Associates LLC 86 D5: Select & Verify CA Poka Yoke Floppy disks have many poka-yokes built in. One example is you cannot insert the disk into the drive completely if the disk is upside down. This is because of the corner notch [#1]. 1 6 3 1 4 6 5 2 4 6 5 Spring loaded shutter mechanism - Do you remember the old 5.25 inch floppies from the early to mid1980’s? Failsafe disk surface protection [#4]. Slide Tab to protect against erasure. Mechanism senses [#5]. 720k disks have no hole [#2] while HD disks ‘Precision’ alignment. Disk alignment holes and notches [#6] ensure the disk is have hole properly aligned and also provides a ‘focus’ area for manufacturing. (mechanism senses)[#3]. CJ Kurtz & Associates LLC 87 D5: Select & Verify CA Poka Yoke Computer Files New lawn mowers are required to have a safety bar on the handle that must be pulled back in order to start the engine. If you let go of the safety bar, the mower blade stops in 3 seconds or less. This is an adaptation of the "dead man switch" from railroad locomotives. Microsoft: File type identified by file name suffix. If one does not add the correct suffix, the program the file is from will not recognize it. Macintosh Poka Yoke (1984): File type and creator application are identified and embedded in the first part of every file. File name plays NO part in recognition by the originating program. Computer Floppy Drives Microsoft: Disk must be inserted and ejected by hand. It is possible to eject a disk while it is being written to. Macintosh Poka Yoke (1984): Disk drive grabs disk as it is being inserted and draws it in and seats it. Disk cannot be manually ejected. You must drag the ‘desktop’ icon for the disk to the ‘Trash’. The drive then ejects the disk as long as there are no disk operations taking place. CJ Kurtz & Associates LLC Warning lights alert the driver of potential problems. These devices employ a warning method instead of a control method. 88 D5: Select & Verify CA Corrective Action Check List Corrective Action & Verify Check List Yes No Has corrective action been established? Does it meet the required givens? Have different alternatives been examined as possible corrective actions? Have Poke-Yoke techniques been considered? Has each alternative been screened? Have the risks involved with the corrective action been considered? Was the corrective action verified? Was the corrective action proven to eliminate the root cause? CJ Kurtz & Associates LLC 89 D6: Implement & Validate CA Implementation can proceed when best corrective action has been selected & verified. An effective implementation plan reduces problems. Validation is obtained by tracking performance over time after implementation to ensure the corrections are permanent. CJ Kurtz & Associates LLC 90 D6: Implement & Validate CA Implementation Check List Implement CA & Validate Over Time Yes No Has the implementation plan been constructed to reflect Product Development Process events and engineering change process? Do the corrective actions make sense in relation to the cycle plan for the products? Have both Design and Process FMEAs been reviewed and revised as required? Have significant / safety / critical characteristics been reviewed and identified for variable data analysis? Do control plans include a reaction plan? Is simultaneous engineering used to develop process sheets and implement manufacturing change? Is the Paynter Chart in place for validating data? CJ Kurtz & Associates LLC 91 D7: Prevent System Recurrence Implement the corrective actions in other potentially affected areas. Ensure the systems that allowed the problem to occur and escape have been corrected. The problem is now Type III requiring a larger scale continual improvement project of some type. CJ Kurtz & Associates LLC 92 D7: Prevent System Recurrence Prevent System Problems Check List Prevent System Problems Check List Yes No Have the system prevention practices, procedures & specification standards that allowed the problem to occur and escape been identified? Has a champion for system prevention practices been identified? Does the team have the cross-functional expertise to implement the solution? Has a person been identified who is responsible for implementing the system preventive action? Does the system preventive action address a large scale process in a business, manufacturing or engineering system? Does the system preventive action match root cause (occur & escape) of the system failure? Does the team utilize error proofing and successive checks on a proactive on-going basis to eliminate the occurrence and escape of all defects? Has a pieces over time (Paynter Chart) been used to indicate that the system preventive actions are working? Has the System Preventive Action been linked to the Product Development phase? CJ Kurtz & Associates LLC 93 D8: Congratulate the Team Recognize the collective efforts of your team. Publicize your achievement. Share your knowledge and learning. CJ Kurtz & Associates LLC 94 D8: Congratulate the Team Congratulate The Team Checksheet Congratulate The Team Checksheet Yes No Have documented actions and lessons learned been linked to Product Development Process for future generations of products? Has appropriate recognition for the team been determined? Has application for patents & awards been considered? Has team been reassessed? Has the team analyzed data for next largest opportunity? CJ Kurtz & Associates LLC 95 References Prince Corp, Corrective Action Manual The New Rational Manager, Kepner & Tregoe Ford Team Oriented Problem Solving CJ Kurtz & Associates LLC 96