Japanese Internment Camp Links Timeline of Japanese Internment

Japanese Internment Camp Links
Timeline of Japanese Internment
Explore the first eight dates of this timeline as an introduction to your research. Pay close
attention to the cause and effect relationship between the dates. Proceed to the next link
after documenting information from the first eight dates.
Reasons for Japanese Internment
Read this web page about Japan’s attack on Pearl Harbor and America’s subsequent
participation in World War II. Keep in mind how the attack affected the treatment and
attitudes toward Japanese Americans. Proceed to the next link after documenting any
important information.
A More Perfect Union
Read the passages and examine the images on this virtual gallery. Look for evidence of
discrimination and hysteria against Japanese Americans. Proceed to the next link after
documenting any important information.
Executive Order 9066
Read for President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s executive order about the powers of the
military in defending America. Remember to relate Executive Order 9066 to hysteria
against Japanese Americans. Proceed to the next link after documenting any important
Letter of Apology
Read this copy of former President Bill Clinton’s apology to Japanese Americans who
were relocated to internment camps during World War II. Look for information within
this apology about the appropriateness of Executive Order 9066 in responding to hysteria
against Japanese Americans.
McCarthyism Links
Information on Joseph Raymond McCarthy (blocked at school, but you can check it
out at home)
This site includes biographical information about Joe McCarthy, the events that took
place during the height of McCarthyism, and the aftermath in the years that followed the
hysteria. You should look through the first five bullets (Introduction, 1909-1950, 19501954, 1954-1957, and Conclusion)
Letters from McCarthy to President Eisenhower
This site includes links to letters exchanged between President Eisenhower and specific
senators and advisors during the “Red Scare” era. You should look specifically at the
three page letter written from McCarthy to President Eisenhower (three separate PDFs).
However, feel free to read any additional letters for more information about the period.
McCarthyism Definition
This site includes a more detailed description of McCarthyism, addressing the events that
led of to the height of the “Red Scare.” Feel free to look at some of the highlighted words
for further information. Under the description, there are several newspaper excerpts. Read
four excerpts and try to gain a general understanding of the public’s reaction to
Persons Accused of Being Communists
Scroll down to the section entitled "Blacklisted." This section provides a list of many
of the people blacklisted by McCarthy as communists. Look at the profiles of four
people on this list. Compare and contrast the type of people who were accused.
Post 9/11 links
A History of Backlash Attacks Against Arabs and Muslims in America
Read about examples of backlash against Arab-Americans prior to September 11. Note
the specific historical occurrences that provoked active discrimination and how American
society and the government have responded. Proceed to the next link after documenting
any important information.
Testimony of Karen K. Narasaki Before the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights
(blocked at school but you can view it from home)
Read the section entitled “Post September 11 – Direct Consequences,” which provides
examples of acts of discrimination and violence against Arab-Americans. Consider the
different ways Arab-Americans have been discriminated against in American society.
Proceed to the next link after documenting any important information.
‘Raging Against the Other:’ Discrimination Against Arabs
Read about personal accounts of discrimination against Arab-Americans. Again, note
how pervasive these acts are in various aspects of life. Proceed to the next link after
documenting any important information.
Poll Finds Many Want Restrictions on Arab-Americans
Read about a national poll taken regarding the prescribed solution to combat terrorism at
home. Think about how this is indicative of the general American attitude towards other
races, particularly Arab-Americans, and the implications this attitude has on policy
making. Proceed to the next link after documenting any important information.
American Leaders Speak Out Against Backlash In Wake of September 11 Tragedy
Read the responses of several American political leaders who discriminated against ArabAmericans. Relate these responses to the public response and hysteria and how
appropriate they were in effecting change.
West Memphis Three links
Main Homepage
View the most recent news on the West Memphis Three, both as a group and
Autobiography from Damien Echols
Read excerpts from Damien’s book about his time on trial and the hysteria
surrounding the event.
Interview review with Damien Echols
Reflection from Damien on the trials and hysteria. If working, you may be able to
watch videos as well.
TruTV – A Most Heinous Crime
TruTV dives into the lives of these three, exposing why they were accused and how
they were convicted on so little evidence.