Cold War Terms 1. TRUMAN DOCTRINE 2. MARSHALL PLAN 3. NORTH ATLANTIC TREATY ORGANIZATION 4. CUBAN MISSILE CRISIS 5. BAY OF PIGS 6. SPACE RACE 7. ARMS RACE 8. McCARTHYISM 9. HOUSE OF UN-AMERICAN ACTIVITIES COMMITTEE 10. POLICY OF DÉTENTE 11. PEACE THROUGH STRENTH 12. STRATEGIC DEFENSE INITIATIVE 13. SOLIDARITY MOVEMENT Truman Doctrine Definition: The provide military and economic aid to Greece and Turkey. Illustration Characteristics: Example: President Truman, Western Europe, Isolationism Marshall Plan Definition: The U.S sponsored program implemented following the Second World War to aide European countries that had been destroyed as a result of the war. Illustration Characteristics: Example Recovery plan, Production effort, Economic cooperation N.A.T.O(North Atlantic Treaty Organization) Definition: an organization of North American and European countries that provides military support for its members Illustration Characters: Example United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, France, Denmark, Iceland, Italy, Norway, Portugal, Belgium, Netherlands, and Luxembourg. Cuban Missile Crisis Definition: the closest approach to nuclear war at any time between the US and the Soviet Union. Illustrationt Characteristic: Example President John F. Kennedy, Premier Nikita Khrushchev, Fidel Castro, Attorney General Robert Kennedy. Bay Of Pigs Definition: is a small bay on the southern coast of Cuba Illustration that was invade on April 17, 1961 by approximately 1,400 Cuban exiles organized and armed by the United States CIA. Failed assignation of Fidel Castro. Characteristic: Fidel Castro, John F. Kennedy, Failure, bahia de cochinos, Invasion. Example Space Race Definition: the competition between nations regarding achievements in the field of space exploration. Illustration Characteristics: Example Space exploration, soviet union, USA, artificial satellites. Arms Race Definition: a competition between nations for superiority in Illustration the development and accumulation of weapons, between the US and the former Soviet Union during the Cold War. Characteristic: After WW2, H Bomb. Example McCarthyism Definition: a vociferous campaign against alleged communist in the US government and other institutions carried out under Joseph McCarthy in 1950-54. Illustration Characteristics: Accusations, Communist, Suspicions Example House Of Un-American Activities Committee Definition:The House Committee on Un-American Activities was an investigative committee of the United States House of Representatives. . Illustration Characteristic Example Policy Of D𝜖tente Definition: A policy toward a rival nation or bloc Illustration characterized by increased diplomatic, commercial, and cultural contact and a desire to reduce tensions, as through negotiation or talks Characteristic: Example