Extended Essay

The Extended Essay
What is it?
And why should I care?
The Extended Essay is a requirement of the
diploma program.
A piece of independent research
 Independent
 you have control & are responsible for getting it done
 Self-directed
 You decide what you want to write about & how you’re
going to conduct & organize your research
 4000 words in length
 Places strong emphasis on the research process
IB Requirements
 Over the course of the two-year programme,
 study six subjects chosen from the six subject
 complete an extended essay (EE)
 follow a theory of knowledge course (TOK)
 participate in creativity, action, service (CAS).
IB Curriculum
Nature of the Learner Profile
The IB learner profile is the IBO
mission statement translated into
a set of learning outcomes for the
21st century.
IB Learners Strive to be…
Aim of all IB programmes
Internationally Minded
 Inquirers
 Open-minded
 Knowledgeable
 Caring
 Thinkers
 Risk-takers
 Communicators
 Balanced
 Principled
 Reflective
The EE demonstrates that you:
 are an inquirer;
 have become more knowledgeable about your subject thru’ research and
self directed inquiry;
can think critically about your material and not just regurgitate
Are able to communicate your ideas clearly & with confidence in a way
that is 0pen-minded, balanced and reflective;
Can be an intellectual risk taker;
Can act in a principled manner by giving credit to all sources used;
Can demonstrate a caring attitude by treating anyone involved in your
study with dignity, empathy and respect (this includes your mentor).
Emphasis is placed on the
Research Process
 Choose a topic (no later than June th )
 Formulate the research question
 Plan the investigation & writing process
 Plan a research structure (outline)
 Undertake some preparatory reading
 Carry out the investigation (May – Nov.,2014)
IB Requirements
 Participation in this process develops the
capacity to:
 analyze
 synthesize, and
 evaluate knowledge.
 Students are supported throughout the
process with advice and guidance from a
supervisor (a teacher at GFSS).
Diploma Point Matrix
Theory of Knowledge
1 + Failing
1 + Failing
What does this mean?
 If you fail to submit a TOK essay, or fail to give a TOK
presentation, you are given N for TOK.
 Failing condition*: An E in either TOK or the EE is a failing
condition. However, provided that your total diploma
score is 28 or more, you can carry one failing condition
and still be awarded the diploma. Nevertheless, having a
failing condition puts your diploma at risk (if you get 2427 points, or if you have another failing condition).
 An N in any subject, including TOK, means you will not be
awarded a diploma.
Choosing a Supervisor/Mentor
 Must be a teacher at GFSS
 Should be a teacher with whom you can work effectively
 Remember, teachers are not required to supervise an
extended essay
 Teachers normally only supervise 3 – 4 students so don’t
procrastinate (you can begin asking on May 8)
(you may begin your search on Tues., May 28 – not before)
 The extended essay supervisor has a few principal responsibilities:
 Provides advice & guidance in the skills of undertaking research
 Encourages & supports the student throughout the writing of the EE
 Helps you decide on and refine your research question
 Ok’s the final research question
 Knows the regulations governing the EE & the assessment criteria
 Reads & comments on first draft only – does not edit the draft
 Monitors the progress
 Submits a predicted grade
 Completes the supervisor's report
Viva Voce (mandatory)
 The Viva Voce is a short interview (about 10
min) between the student and the supervisor
 the conclusion of the EE process
 Students who fail to attend the Viva Voce must
realize that a comment to this effect may
appear on the coversheet of the EE and may
be disadvantaged.
A common assessment
rubric has been established
Read it carefully ...
“It was really helpful when my supervisor handed me a
copy of the assessment criteria from the guide, but I just
wish it could have been easier to understand.”
And understand it!
 11 assessment criteria
 the level your work has reached is determined separately
against each of these by the examiner
 Each criterion is judged on its own merit
 There may be some ‘knock on’ cumulative effect
 Each assessment statement has a stem which explain
what is being assessed, followed by descriptors that state
the qualities that should be demonstrated to reach a
certain achievement level
 Subject choice plays a role in each level
Assessment Rubric
-- Research Question (2)
 B -- Introduction (2)
 C -- Investigation (4)
 D -- Knowledge and Understanding of the
topic studied (4)
 E – Reasoned Argument (4)
Assessment Rubric, cont’d.
 F – Application of analytical and evaluative
skills appropriate to the subject (4)
 G – Use of Language appropriate to the
subject (4)
 H -- Conclusion (2)
 I – Formal Presentation (4)
 J -- Abstract (2)
 K – Holistic Judgment (4)
Student Responsibilities
It is required that students:
 Choose an appropriate topic
 Observe the regulations relating to the EE
 Meet internal school deadlines
May 28th – June 4th : topic meeting date with your teacher
supervisor sign up on Ms. Habib’s office door
May 28th : begin searching for a teacher supervisor
May 28 – June 3: individual conferences for topic approval & mentor
verification with your mentor
Mon., June 2: Contract for Supervision of EE & Final Topic
Confirmation to Mrs. Marsh in the Library (go to website or EE Guide
for necessary forms)
 Attend the UTM Research Workshops on June 5 or 6
Student Responsibilities
 It is strongly recommended that students:
 Start early (sign in to the library every day after your exams are completed)
 Think carefully about the research questions
 Plan how, when & where you will find the research material
 Plan a schedule for researching and writing the essay
 Record all sources accurately
 Have a clear structure for the essay before beginning to write
 Check & proofread the final version carefully
 Treat your supervisor appropriately according to IBO guidelines (start
hunting for a mentor on Tues., May 8th and not a minute before)
 Go to our school website for direction (under IB; Extended Essay) or consult
the EE Guide
Choice of Topic
 You must honor the deadlines:
 Sign up sheets for topic conference meeting dates on Ms. Habib’s office
 Attend your individual conference for final topic approval & mentor
verification during the month of May
 June 2 – you must have your topic and mentor in place
 June 2 - Submit Contract for Supervision of EE & Final Topic
Confirmation (on website & in EE Guide) to Mrs. Marsh in the Library
 Have your topic in mind for the UTM field trip
 Submit your first rough draft on Tuesday, Sept. 2
 Submit final copy of essay to turnitin.com on Mon., Dec. 8
 Absolute Deadline:
Monday, January 12th at 3 p.m. in the library
Deciding on your topic
 Your supervisor may help you:
 Ensure that the chosen research question is appropriate for
the subject
 Advise you on:
 Access to appropriate resources
 Techniques of information, evidence , data gathering, and
 Writing an abstract
 Documenting sources
Try to find an interesting topic:
Interest can stem from a wide range of experiences:
 A book, newspaper article, magazine piece that interested you
 An author, historical figure, performer who inspires you
 A website that looks intriguing
 A film, musical performance or play that captivated you
 An experiment that captured your imagination
 A natural phenomenon that you’d like to know more about
 An idea that you heard in class that you’d like to explore further
 A TOK topic that fascinated you
 An issue or problem in the local community that irks you
 A significant event in your own life or in the life of your ancestors
Consider the following:
 A research topic and question will not appear out of
nowhere; you have to find it
 Spending a lot of time on this step is not a waste of time
 Make sure it falls within a recognized IB subject
 Make sure a supervisor is available for this topic
 Make sure there is information available to research
 Consider all safety & ethical issues beforehand
Establishing the Research Question
 Consult your supervisor because he/she is the subject
 Know exactly what it is you want to write about
 Follow these steps:
 Decide on your subject
 Decide on a topic within this subject
 Explore and then develop some possible research questions
relating to this topic
 Show them to your supervisor
 Decide on the most suitable one
English A1
 An opportunity to explore a writer or topic that excites or absorbs you
 Do not choose a work that is studied in class
 Conduct an in-depth literary topic
 Engage in independent literary criticism and only include some establish
critical comment if necessary
 Literary works often address philosophical, political or social questions, so
the major focus of the essay should be the literary treatment of such
 The literary work should not be treated simply as documentary evidence in
a discussion of philosophical, political or social issues
 Always consider how the texts work as literature, dealing with aspects such
as the effects they achieve, the devices they use, and the way they are
Biology (living organisms & life processes)
 Your chance to actually be a biologist ; you will actually do some science
 As an independent researcher you should start with your own idea
 You have a chance to find out about living organism and investigating them first
 Where? In your garden, on school grounds, your kitchen, under a stone ...
 Observe the diversity of life forms around you and they way they change in the
 You must incorporate biological theory and emphasize the essential nature of this
 Can be based on data collected by student thru’ experimentation, survey,
observations, fieldwork OR on data/information obtained from literature from a
primary source that is manipulated or analyzed in an original way
 Most biology EEs that conduct the second kind of research tend to do poorly
because students tend to simply restate facts or date taken directly from the
original source and are of little value
 Provides an opportunity to investigate a particular aspect of the materials
of our environment
Chemistry is the science that deals with the composition, characterization
and transformation of substances
Should incorporate chemical principles and theory, and emphasize the
essential nature of chemistry, relating to the study of matter and of the
changes it undergoes.
This EE must be characterized by a particular chemical emphasis within a
more general set of research criteria
Outcome of the research must be a coherent and structured piece of
writing that effectively addresses a particular issue or research question
and arrives at a particular, and preferably personal, conclusion.
 Choose a topic which to which you can actually apply some economic
theory; use a theory you’ve learned about in class
Don’t summarize other people’s views
You must undertake in-depth research in an area of personal interest
Apply economic theory to real world situations
You may carry out original research on a topic within any of the syllabus
sections in the current Economics guide
An EE in microeconomics gives you the ability to carry out primary research
in the form of surveys, questionnaires, or interviews
Analyze and evaluate the outcomes of your research
Outcome of the research should be a coherent and structured analytical
essay that effectively addresses the particular research question
 A good history essay has to be well research and well organized
 Anything that has happened within the last 10 years is not considered history
 This means looking for and reading a lot of sources
 Keep a list of all sources you find
 Do not summarize general secondary sources
 Primary sources are the key
 Use primary and secondary sources in order to establish and apprais varying
 Analyze sources in order to explain changing views over time of particular
happenings or developments
 Collect and analyze oral and written data
 Note cards are essential
 NoodleTools is the way to go here (see Ms. Ludin for further information)
 An opportunity to investigate a mathematical idea or application that
you’ve found intriguing
 A mathematics EE means doing math as well as discussing it
 You can do one of the following:
 The applicability of math to solve both real and abstract problems
 The beauty of math as in, for instance, geometry or fractal theory
 The elegance of math in the proving of theorems
 The origin and subsequent development of a branch of math over time
 The link between different branches of math
 The way a branch of math has been born, or flourished, as a result of
 Real music should be at the heart of this EE
 Particular pieces of music, experienced via recordings, live performances or
 You should strive for a coherent verbal anaylysis and interpretation of one
or more pieces of music in relation to the research question
 Choose from a variety of different interests:
 Something in the DP music course
 Local performances or concerts
 Musical cultures that you have encountered that is not your own
 Personal contact with composers and/or performers
 Direct involvement in actually making music
 Recordings
 Music on the internet, or downloaded from it
 The best opportunity to attempt to exercise and master the basic but fundamental skills
implied in a scientific investigation
 Must take the form of a research paper involving a hypothesis or model, or a critical analysis,
that demonstrates argumentation, comparison, or the extraction of relevant information or
 Must have a basis in physical theory and emphasize the essential nature of the subject
 Student must be personally involved with the subject matter and not simply an informant
 Avoid topics that go beyond the scope of conventional science, like metaphysics or psedoscience
 Consult scientific magazines to attempt to answer your own research question
 Collection of data is extremely important
 The investigation must lead to a conclusion that can be drawn naturally from that data
 Investigate a narrow part of a topic within a given context and report the findings
 This subject is defined as “the systematic study of behaviour and experience”
 Most important thing is to clearly define your research question so that it is
possible to write an essay within the word limit
 Avoid “pop psychology” or “self help” topics
 A good research question in Psychology is one that promotes discussion or analysis
of a problem and not merely a description
 Find appropriate literature by talking to your supervisor
 Refer to relevant psychology concepts, theories and studies throughout the EE
 Try to see how you can apply psychological theories and use empirical research
done by psychologists to answer your research question
 Base your argument on existing research – you are not supposed to collect date
yourself for an EE in Psychology
Visual Arts
 Art is a form of expression so focus on this concept
 What drives one to create? What inspires? How does art fit into society?
 Illustrate your thoughts and findings with images—visual arts are visual!
 Be sure to source all images and reference materials & refer to artists
Be passionate about your topic
Research may be generated or inspired by your direct experience of
artwork, craftwork or design, or interest in the work of a particular artist
Personal contact with artists, curators and so on is strongly encouraged
Absolute reliance on textbooks and the internet is discouraged
You must include visual references
World Studies
 An in-depth, interdisciplinary study of an issue of contemporary global significance
 The interdisciplinary essay is different from the other subject areas in that students have the
opportunity to advance the students’ global consciousness, which encompasses
 Global sensititivity
 Global understanding
 Global self
 Students should choose to explore a topic from one of the following global themes:
 Language, culture and identity
 Science, technology and society
 Equality and inequality
 Conflict, peace and security
 Economic and/or environmental sustainability
 Health and development
Time Management
 Recommended: 40 hours in total
 Work done outside of regular class time
 Attendance at Library Workshops count
towards final hours
 Consultation Sessions with supervisor
 Internal Deadlines established by supervisor
 Final Deadline: Monday, January 12, 2015
Glenforest EE Website
 Go to the GFSS Extended Essay webpage to find all of the
information and forms needed to complete the EE.
 Seriously, everything you need is right there
How to Write a 4000 word EE...
 Attend the Research Skills Workshop at UTM on
Thurs., June 5th or Fri., June 6th .
 If your last name begins with:
 A to Lau – you will go to UTM on June 5
 Lee to Zhou – you will go to UTM on June 6
 Look at exemplars (on website)
 Consult the EE Guide
 Work on research during your free time
 Ask for help if you need it 
Please remember ....
 Math & Sciences: APA
 Environmental Sciences: APA
 Economics: APA
 Psychology: APA
 English, Art, French, Music, Film, Dance: MLA
 History/Politics: Chicago (footnotes)
“A consistent structure will protect the students from being
Create a Clear Argument
 Make sure you :
 Take a position (an argument – How? Why?)
 Present evidence
 Draw a conclusion
“If the arguments aren’t convincing and/or there are gaps in
knowledge, there is room for an alternative interpretation
and the student will be penalized.”
Demonstrate a good command of
the English language:
Subject specific language (syntax)
Diction, word choice
Are the words used correctly? (affect vs. effect)
No contractions
Avoid passive voice & first person (except for Art)
Abstract can have first person
Definitions whenever necessary
“Communication is vital: the little things are the things that are
going to radically affect the grade.”
 Have a plan (see school website)
 Paragraph 1: R.Q. stated; explain what questions were
 Paragraph 2: approach and scope: what method was
 Paragraph 3: what conclusions did you reach?
 Know the criteria (school website)
 Edit carefully (not the mentor’s job)
Definition of Malpractice
 Plagiarism
 The representation of ideas or work of
another person as the candidates own
 Collusion
 Supporting malpractice by another
candidate, as in allowing one’s work to
be copied or submitted for assessment
by another
Definition of Malpractice
 Duplication of work
 The presentation of the same work for
different assessment components
and/or diploma requirements
 Any other Behaviour
 Which gains an unfair advantage for a
candidate or which affects the results
of another candidate
Tackle the EE by breaking it down
into small parts.
The Research and Writing Process
The success of an extended essay
is shaped largely during the
preparatory stages.
The Research and Writing Process
 The iceberg analogy
illustrates clearly the
importance of the
erimentation that
underpins the
completed essay.
The Research and Writing Process
Since the initial work is so crucial,
consider following the steps in
preparing the extended essay.
Pick your favorite thing to do outside of
class; pick your favorite class in school
= research question
 Provide a concise title that clearly
indicates the focus of the essay.
 Do not use your research question or
hypothesis as your title.
 An abstract is not an introduction,
although there is some overlap. (250 to
300 words)
 An abstract is a synopsis of the essay.
 It also sets the tone of the essay.
Table of Contents
 The contents page outlines the main
sections with corresponding page
 It also indicates the structure of the
Although not listed as a criterion of
assessment, an introduction is an
important component of an
extended essay.
Body & Development
This is the longest and most
important section.
Remember that last impressions
are lasting impressions.
Use quotations judiciously and
integrate them smoothly into
the text of the essay.
Organization enhances the
clarity of your thesis.
Write your essay in a style
that is clear and smooth and
in a tone that is formal and
Longer essays in certain subjects,
like the sciences, might require
section headings.
Whether you are citing a
quotation, an idea, an illustration
or Internet information, you
must document the source.
The most successful essays are in
the 3,200 – 3,800 word range.
[4000 maximum]
Formal Presentation
Proofread your essay
meticulously from the title
page to bibliography.
All material placed in the
appendix must be directly
relevant to your thesis.
The computer is simply a tool and
its effectiveness as a tool is
determined by how you use it.
The Research and Writing Process
• Over Selected Books
– 1984
– Harry Potter
– Wuthering Heights
– Lord of the Rings
– To Kill a Mockingbird
– The Handmaid’s Tale
– The Grapes of Wrath
– The Great Gatsby
– Frankenstein
– David Copperfield
– Robinson Crusoe
– Pride & Prejudice
– Jane Eyre
– Heart of Darkness
– Moby Dick
• Selecting a Topic with limited
resources in the English
– Mozambique Independence
• Portuguese, Swahili, Makhuwa
• Selecting a Topic not studied in
– New Zealand Aboriginal History
• Maori voting rights
• Selecting a Topic without
creditable historians
– Website resources only
• Wikipedia not an acceptable
Scope of the Investigation:
 Biology
 Experiments
 Bean Plants
 Genetics
 Art
 Descriptive not
• English
– Ensure that the
scope is NOT too
• Economics
– Did not address a
specific regional
• History
– Ensure that the
topic merits study
Research Question
• English
– A research question that
is too narrow or too
obvious will normally be
deemed to be one that
does not lend itself to
systematic investigation
• Chemistry
– It is reasonable to
formulate the research
question as a statement
or as a hypothesis rather
than an actual question.
• Biology
– A broad statement of the
topic of the essay or a
statement of the
hypothesis is not sufficient
on its own to meet the
• Economics
– The question should not be
trivial, nor should the
answer to the question be
patently obvious. It should
not be a “double-barrelled”
question with two parts or
a “yes/no” question.
Reasoned Argument
 English
 Avoid descriptions of a literary
text through plot summary or
 Biology
• History
– Personal views should not
simply be stated but need
to be supported by
reasoned argument based
on specific details
 Essays that attempt to deal with a
large number of variables are
unlikely to be focused and
 Politics
 Seek to achieve a balance, by
presenting conflicting views in an
impartial way before reaching a
• Philosophy
– Developing a
philosophical argument
must be clearly
distinguished from simply
describing or narrating a
series of theories or
• Criteria F -- Application of analytical and evaluative skills
appropriate to the subject
– Scientific Skills
• Analysis of Data (biology)
• Experimental Design (chemistry)
• show an understanding of the statistics and mathematical
relationships (physics)
– Literary Skills – Themes and Literary Devices
– Economics need for Theories and Concepts
– Historiography (refers either to the study of the history
and methodology of history as a discipline, or to a body of
historical work on a specialized topic )
– ITGS -- social and ethical impacts required
And ...
• G – Language appropriate to the subject
– Clarity and precision of communication in an English essay
includes the correct use of language.
– Biology need to show a mastery of, and fluency in, the use
of appropriate terminology.
– Relevant chemical formulas (including structural formulas),
balanced equations(including state symbols) and
mechanisms should be included.
– Computer Science & ITGS -- Layman terms for computer
parts and systems should not be used.
• English -- The abstract is judged on the clarity with which
it presents the three required elements, not on the
quality of the research question itself, nor on the quality
of the argument or the conclusions.
• History -- The abstract must consist of three elements:
the research question (or hypothesis), the scope of the
essay (that is, what was investigated and how it was
investigated) and the conclusion. An abstract is not a
précis of the topic
• English -- The abstract is judged on the clarity with which
it presents the three required elements, not on the
quality of the research question itself, nor on the quality
of the argument or the conclusions.
• History -- The abstract must consist of three elements:
the research question (or hypothesis), the scope of the
essay (that is, what was investigated and how it was
investigated) and the conclusion. An abstract is not a
précis of the topic
Holistic Judgement
English -- K: holistic judgment
 Intellectual initiative, creativity and insight
 Routine essays on well-worn topics will not
score highly under this criterion
History – K: holistic judgment
 Intellectual initiative
 Insight and depth of understanding
Your next meeting with us is …
At UTM 
Thank you.
Mrs. Marsh & Mr. Fink