Brunswick High School LFS Weekly Lesson Plan Teacher: Gehorsam Subject: 12th ELA British Literature, CP Dates: Week of Nov. 7, 2011 Unit Topic: Hamlet, including study of Shakespeare and the Renaissance Research Paper Standard(s): STANDARDS: BLRL1,2,4,5 BLRC1,2 12W3,4 12C1,2 12LSV1 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Essential Question How does the study of How does the study of How does the study of What evidence or dramatic elements dramatic elements dramatic elements dramatic elements can support and enhance support and enhance support and enhance best be used to the interpretation of the interpretation of the interpretation of support dramatic literature? dramatic literature? dramatic literature? understanding? (ELABLRL1) How can (ELABLRL1) How can (ELABLRL1) How can (ELABLRL1) Which plays display the plays display the plays display the writing genre will work characteristics of the characteristics of the characteristics of the best to demonstrate a literary time period that literary time period that literary time period that comprehensive grasp it represents? it represents? it represents? of the significant ideas (ELABLRL3) In what (ELABLRL3) In what (ELABLRL3) In what in the play? ways do conventions ways do conventions ways do conventions (ELABLRL4) and grammar make and grammar make and grammar make In what ways do differences in both differences in both differences in both conventions and written and spoken written and spoken written and spoken grammar make communication? communication? communication? differences in both (ELA12C1) To support (ELA12C1) To support (ELA12C1) To support written and spoken writing, what can writing, what can writing, what can communication? research and research and research and (ELA12C1) To support Friday What evidence or dramatic elements can best be used to support understanding? (ELABLRL1) What strategies work best for acquiring new vocabulary and using it correctly in reading and writing? (ELABLRL5) What can participating in discussions related to curricular learning do to aid understanding? (ELABLRC2) Brunswick High School LFS Weekly Lesson Plan technology add to composition? (ELA12W3) technology add to composition? (ELA12W3) technology add to composition? (ELA12W3) writing, what can research and technology add to composition? (ELA12W3) Activating/Acceleration: (Some ideas: KWL, Pre-reading, Think Pair Share, Thinking Maps, Vocabulary Overview, Word Splash, Survey, Big Four) Journal writing; Journal entry Word splash Review research project – list possible questions for family members. Review Hamlet or Macbeth, middle of play, probably Act 4 What do I know so far? Journals – If you were ordered to end your romance, what would you do? SAT word practice SAT word practice SAT word practice Trip to conduct research on historical background underpinning family story, at least for half the period. Introduce Vocab 6 and continue in vocab workbooks. Shakespearean insult handout, followed by trading insults. Read aloud handout on question of whether Shakespeare is the author of works credited to him. Trip to conduct research on historical background underpinning family story, at least for half the period. What do I want to know about Hamlet? List questions and predict the plot. List Hamlet’s conflicts Review outlining, notecards, thesis statements,and plagiarism. Possible trips to Media Center for discussion of research. Students will practice all of the above, and develop thesis statements and rudimentary outlines. Brunswick High School LFS Weekly Lesson Plan Perform scenes from Acts IV and V. through Acts IV and V. Divide into groups to answer questions about these acts. Summarizing Strategies: (Some ideas: Ticket Out the Door, 3-2-1, The Important Thing, One Word, Learning Logs) Act Three and Four What I learned today… Using assigned vocab, Word splash Hamlet Quiz, Act Four Test write two sents about Hamlet.