Smarter Balanced Assessments 2014-15 Webinar #6 March 10, 2015 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Division of Assessment and Student Information Today’s Topics 2015 is HERE!! OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Portal Updates Science Training Test Summative Assessment What we heard today Last Minute Loose Ends Technology Readiness Shipping Issues Known Issue Log Digital Library Access Interim Scoring Tips March 10, 2015 | Slide 2 As we begin, remember…. OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION This is new to everyone Challenges abound Remain calm and assure staff and students to try their best Unexpected issues will be encountered but they will be resolved This will be a tough season Next year’s administration will be much easier June 16, 2015 (the day after the test administration window closes) will come! We will all make it!! March 10, 2015 | Slide 3 Portal Smarter Balanced page/WCAP Portal OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Please share widely with all district and school personnel: OSPI’s Smarter Balanced page at AIR’s WCAP portal at March 10, 2015 | Slide 5 Available on the Portal – Manuals and Guides OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION TAM Online ELA/Mathematics TAM Paper-ELA (Updated 3/7. Refer to the revision log for details) The original posting was Smarter Balanced and had not yet been edited or vetted by OSPI. TAM Paper-Math TAM Paper-Math-Spanish Smarter Balanced Online Math Translated Student Directions: Arabic, Cantonese, Dakota, English, Filipino, French, Haitian, Hmong, Japanese, Korean, Lakota, Mandarin, Punjabi, Russian, Somali, Ukrainian,Vietnamese and Yupik March 10, 2015 | Slide 6 Available on the Portal – Manuals and Guides OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Test Coordinators Manual (TCM) Off-Grade Science (DAPE), HSPE, MSP, EOC TA User Guide DFA Off-Grade Science (DAPE) ES/MS DFA HSPE Reading/Writing Braille Requirements Document for Online Systems Feature Restrictions for iOS Devices Guidelines for Configuring iOS devices for Test Security Guidelines on Tools, Supports, & Accommodations for State Assessments (updated 1/27/15) Pre-ID Details Document (Updated 3/7) March 10, 2015 | Slide 7 Available on the Portal – Manuals and Guides OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Secure Browser Manual System Requirements Document System Support Sunset Document Teacher Hand Scoring System Guide Tech Specs Document March 10, 2015 | Slide 8 Available on the Portal - Modules OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Read-Aloud Reading CD DEMO Student Testing Interface Training Module TA Certification Teacher Hand Scoring System (THSS) Training Technology Requirements Training Module Test Administrator Training PowerPoint Test Administrator Online System Interface Module Example Coordinator Training PPT – Smarter Balanced and P/P Example TA Training PPT – Smarter Balanced and P/P March 10, 2015 | Slide 9 Available on the Portal – General Information OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Guidance for Online Smarter Balanced ELA/Literacy Summative Assessment Blueprint Mathematics Summative Assessment Blueprint Teacher Fact Sheet TIDE Student Records Pull Logic Washington Training Webinars Writing in Grades 3-5 Smarter Balanced P/P Test Booklet Samples –ELA Grades 3-5, 6-8, and HS Smarter Balanced P/P Test Booklet Samples –Math Grades 3-5, 6-8, and HS March 10, 2015 | Slide 10 Posting to the Portal - Weeks of March 9 and 16 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Off-Grade Science (DAPE) DEMO ES/MS (available 3/9/15 EOB) Off-Grade Science DEMO Translated Tool Button Tip Sheet (to be posted 3/6/15 EOB) Off-Grade Science DEMO Test Proctor Supplemental Directions (to be posted 3/6/15 EOB) March 10, 2015 | Slide 11 Posting to the Portal - Weeks of March 9 and 16 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Off-Grade Science (DAPE) DFA Translated Directions: Arabic, Chinese, English, Korean, Russian, Somali, Spanish, and Vietnamese (available 3/09) DFA MSP Science (available week of 3/9 EOB) DFA EOC Math/Biology (available 3/18 EOB) DFA EOC Translated Directions: Arabic, Chinese, English, Korean, Russian, Somali, Spanish, and Vietnamese March 10, 2015 | Slide 12 New Training Test Available OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Science Training Tests for Grades 5 & 8 to be added Available beginning Monday, March 16 Accessed via Portal, along with the Smarter Balanced Practice and Training Tests 14 items A Lesson Plan document to help teachers guide students through the Science Training Test will be available by Monday, March 23. It will be posted on the Science Assessment webpage: and on the Portal. March 10, 2015 | Slide 13 Summative Assessments 14 Summative Assessments OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Smarter Balanced uses separate test booklets and answer documents No demographic page on the answer document Use of student label is required March 10, 2015 | Slide 15 Test Administrator Certification OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Test Administrator (TA) certification module available on TA Portal page (link also coming to resources section) Narrated Interactive Takes approximately 30 minutes Short quiz at end of module Provides a Certificate Certification module is not required by OSPI but recommended that districts use as part of TA training March 10, 2015 | Slide 16 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION New and Moved Students All Students need SSIDs in TIDE, SSIDs and TIDE records only come from CEDARS, Issuing an SSID creates a TIDE record. SSID Issuance process updated (for CEDARS admins): df Data Flow from TIDE to CEDARS (for CEDARS admins and DACs): Pre-ID Details (for DACs): March 10, 2015 | Slide 17 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION New and Moved Students No Booklet Bubbles for Student Identity or Demographics Must print LABEL from TIDE Release of functionality not-yet available Tracking Online test completion for students who move during window ORS: Plan and Manage Testing IF student has TIDE record in your district MUST check if they have completed Performance Task – if your site has a different PT, student not blocked from taking a second, different PT Students cannot retake CAT March 10, 2015 | Slide 18 TA Interface: 2 things to know Student Lookup OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Within TA interface, TA can search for a student to verify whether they are in TIDE Useful as a workaround if a new student is not exited from their former district Turn Universal Tools on/off: In TA interface – ‘edit test settings’ Student by student No bulk option March 10, 2015 | Slide 19 TA Interface: ALL tests still in the dropdown menus OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Easier to select only the summative CAT or PT from Menu on LEFT All summative tests have “Summative” in the title March 10, 2015 | Slide 20 Accommodations and Supports Primary Info Sources OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Info on Accommodations and supports: Guidelines on Tools, Supports & Accommodations for State Assessments ( How to set accommodations: TIDE User Guide ( Translated Directions (non-embedded) coming to Portal Maine: Oregon: March 10, 2015 | Slide 21 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Off-Grade Testing & Classroom Activity / Performance Task Assignment In TIDE March 10, 2015 | Slide 22 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Online School Program Students at Alternate Testing Sites Classroom Activities are intended to be administered in a setting as consistent with routine educational environment as possible, so Enrolled Site (ALE/Online Program) must: 1) For online tests, print and ship/fax test tickets 2) For paper tests, print and ship Pre-ID labels 3) Administer the Classroom Activity within guidance in TAM 4) Assign any Off-Grade tests (including OG performance tasks), supports and accommodations before start of testing; communicate those to test site 5) Communicate to test site which Performance Task the student is assigned March 10, 2015 | Slide 23 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Online School Program Students at Alternate Testing Sites IF ALE/ONLINE PROGRAM CANNOT ADMINISTER THE CLASSROOM ACTIVITY FOR SOME REASON the Enrolled Site (ALE/Online program) must also: 1) Contact test site to ensure student can participate in classroom activity at test site 2) Confirm which CA/PT are to be administered at the test site and assign that to the student in TIDE at least 24 hours prior to administration of the PT 3) Do steps 1, 2, and 4 from previous slide (as applicable) March 10, 2015 | Slide 24 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Off-Grade Performance Tasks and Classroom Activities OSPI Is not dictating that any specific classroom activity or performance task be administered to students taking OffGrade ELA or math assessments DC/DA roles can see which CAs/PTs are available at schools in the district and access the CA material in TIDE DC/DA can select from ANY CA/PT available at the grade of off-grade test for a student and assign to the student in TIDE Contact OSPI (assessment analysts for now) if a particular grade is not served in your district but a student will be offgrade-testing at that grade level to obtain the CA materials March 10, 2015 | Slide 25 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION “L2 Basic”, Absences, Refusals, H/P/F AIR is still building the functionality to code students as able to ‘meet standard’ with a level 2, non-attempt attempt codes, and home-based/private/F-1 Must be entered prior to end of testing DOES NOT AFFECT student access to tests Allow time for makeup opportunities March 10, 2015 | Slide 26 Technology Readiness Reminders OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Chromebooks should be updated to version 40.0.2214.115 to avoid technical issues Try out Secure Browser with practice tests or optional Interim assessments using proctor to approve sessions Practice using keyboards with iPads if students have not had experience with them (and to ensure they are working properly) Mac OS X 10.7 and Above: Spaces, Launchpad, and Fast User Switching must be disabled March 10, 2015 | Slide 27 Preventing Technology Security Issues OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION iPads running iOS 8.1.3 - security settings needed to prevent unauthorized use of iPad dictionary and predictive text features (see Technology Coordinators tab on WCAP portal), or must have sufficient proctoring oversight to ensure that students don’t use the “define” feature. Disable or refrain from using remote desktop monitoring software on all computers that will be used for testing. Student use of dual monitors during testing is not permitted. March 10, 2015 | Slide 28 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Summative Reporting Scores are available in the Online Reporting System within three weeks of completing online tests and submitting paper/pencil tests. Paper/Pencil tests are submitted by school (ELA and math) except for grade 3 ELA. Grade 3 ELA paper/pencil tests can be submitted in batches before other grades/content areas are completed, in order to have results within three weeks of receipt by the vendor. March 10, 2015 | Slide 29 Known Issue Log Issue # Topic Description Solution Documentation Needed OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION TIDE Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description 3 Description Description Description Description New issue TIME STAMP 4 Description Description Description 1 TDS 2 ORS Description March 10, 2015 | Slide 30 Issues Shipping OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Smarter Balanced and Off-Grade Science accommodated materials. Shipment shortages occurred statewide. Corrected/supplemental shipments were sent. Correction will ensure EOC or Science MSP shipments are complete. March 10, 2015 | Slide 31 Issues Shipping, cont’. OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Pre-ID Labels Incorrect algorithm generated additional labels. Securely dispose of overage. Shipping Addresses Some districts received materials at an address other than that listed in WAMS. March 10, 2015 | Slide 32 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Issues Classroom Activities and Performance Tasks labeled incorrectly (ignore grade 9 – we don’t test grade 9 in Washington). Appeals functionality won’t be available until March 17th COB. To report appeals (to have tests reopened, reset, etc.), call the AIR Helpdesk. Will take 24-48 hours to be adjusted. March 10, 2015 | Slide 33 Scheduled Downtime OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Friday though Sunday, April 17-19, the system will be unavailable as MSP science for grades 5 & 8 will be loaded to the test engine. System will be back online Monday, April 20. No other downtime is planned. Updates, if required, will be communicated. March 10, 2015 | Slide 34 Reminders OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Familiarization with TIDE Familiarization with TAM Provides the lists of resources needed by staff Schedule computer labs Ensure technology is working Develop communication plan for your teacher administrators and technology and school coordinators Headphones will be needed March 10, 2015 | Slide 35 Digital Library 36 Digital Library OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION New Digital Library Account requests Problems with slow or non-delivery of Welcome and Password Reset emails. The issues have been diagnosed by Smarter Balanced and most have been rectified with thousands of welcome and password reset emails delivered. A perpetual issue is that some district or school spam filters trap the welcome and password reset emails. March 10, 2015 | Slide 37 Interim Scoring Tips 38 Steps for hand scoring success Decide what interim your students should take OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Comprehensive / Block Check to make sure student rosters are loaded in TIDE Set up the test using the Test Administration tab Administer the test with students Access, download and print the Training Guide and the Exemplars from the THSS Train scorers (training on all ELA item types could take a few hours) Score student responses Access scores in the ORS March 10, 2015 | Slide 39 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Locating the materials When you open a student’s test in the THSS to score, a rubric appears with the item. To understand how the rubric is used educators will need to open and practice using the Training Guide and Exemplar. March 10, 2015 | Slide 40 What is located in each? Training Guide Exemplars Instructions Stimulus Item stem Rubric Condition Codes Prep Set 3/10/2015 Scored responses Scoring comments Check Set Scores located on a key Used for practice 41 Communications 42 Resources and News OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Family Resources page on Portal Consolidated PPT and Questions/Answers (Oct ‘14- Feb ‘15) Contains current information Redundancies removed Organized by category News articles March 10, 2015 | Slide 43 Resources and News OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION March 10, 2015 | Slide 44 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Thank you, your staff, and students for taking on this new assessment! March 10, 2015 | Slide 45