
Melodious- producing pleasant sounds
Synonym- easy on the ear
Antonym- loud
o I woke to the melodious sounds of birds.
Fragrant- sweet smelling
Synonym- perfumed
Antonym- stinky
o While walking through the forest, we found many fragrant flowers.
Embroidered- used as
Synonym- embellished
Antonym- deface
o My blanket is embroidered with animals.
Folly- foolishness
Synonym- silliness
Antonym- logic
o It is folly for me to ignore my homework.
Advance- bring forward
Synonym- proceed
Antonym- fall behind
o I advanced at school when I started studying.
Pilgrimage- journey
Synonym- crusade
Antonym- staying where you are
o Sometimes you just need to get away and go on a pilgrimage.
Virtuous- moral; righteous
Synonym- honorable
Antonym- wrong
o Nothing bad should happen to me because I am usually virtuous.
Reckon- estimate, consider
Synonym- imagine
Antonym- jump to conclusion
I reckoned doing my homework before I went out to play.
Endure- undergo; bear
Synonym- tolerate
Antonym- pass
o I had to endure the pain after I had surgery.
Diminishes- makes smaller; lessens; reduces
Synonym- decrease
Antonym- make larger
o I hope the sun diminishes the snow.
Affliction- suffering; something that causes distress or hardship
Synonym- problem
Antonym- answer
o The book I was reading showed great affliction.
Tribulation- great trouble or misery
Synonym- misfortune
Antonym- happiness
o Nothing good can come from tribulation.
Contemplation- deep thought; mediation
Synonym- consideration
Antonym- no thought
o When trying to relax, I try contemplation.
Dreadful- terrible; causing fear
Synonym- awful
Antonym- wonderful
o Hearing there is a murderer in town, everyone was dreadful.
Desperate- driven by hopelessness; moved to use extreme means to try to escape frustration and loss
Synonym- worried
Antonym- confident
o I was desperate for company because I was so bored.