Quality Control Training Modules

Supplementary Training Modules on
Good Manufacturing Practice
Good Practices for Quality Control
Part 3:
Working procedures and safety
WHO Technical Report Series,
No. 902, 2002. Annex 3
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June 2006
Quality Control
Incoming samples (Sampling plan and procedures)
 Sample size sufficient for:
– the tests to be performed
– replicate tests
– retained / retention sample
 The laboratory must have a sampling plan and internal
procedure for sampling, available to all analysts and technicians
within the laboratory
Part Three. 14.1– 14.3
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Quality Control
Test request can be filled out during sampling - accompany each
sample submitted to the laboratory, and should contain the
following information, e.g.:
source of the material
full description including its International Nonproprietary
Name (INN), concentration or strength, manufacturer, and
batch number (if available), size of the sample
reason for requesting the analysis
date on which the sample was collected
Part Three. 14.5– 14.6 (a-f)
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Quality Control
Test request can be filled out during sampling – accompany each
sample submitted to the laboratory, and should contain the
following information (continued):
size of the consignment from which it was taken, when
expiry date (pharmaceutical product) retest date (starting
material, pharmaceutical excipients)
pharmacopoeia specifications or other official specifications to
be used for testing
record of further comments (e.g. discrepancies found)
required storage conditions
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Part Three. 14.6 (g-k)
Quality Control
Registration and labelling
 All samples should be assigned a registration number
 Separate registration numbers – different batches
 A label with appropriate information on each container of
the sample
Part Three. 14.7 – 14.8
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Quality Control
Central register
The following information should be recorded:
 registration number
 date of receipt
 specific unit to which the sample was forwarded
Sample received should be inspected
 the findings must be recorded, dated and initialled
 discrepancies and damage recorded
 queries referred back to the provider of the sample
Part Three. 14.9 – 14.10
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Quality Control
 The sample prior to testing, the retained sample and any remaining
portions of the sample after performance of all required tests must
be stored safely (storage conditions)
 Analysis is determined by the head
 The sample must be stored until all relevant documentation has
been received
 Request for analysis may be accepted verbally only in case of
 Data recorded on the analytical worksheet
 Copies or duplicates of all documentation must accompany each
numbered sample when sent to the specific unit
Part Three. 14.11- 14.17
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Quality Control
Analytical worksheet
 An internal document in a printed form for recording information
 Complemented by the raw data obtained in the analysis
 One used for each numbered sample
 A further set of analytical worksheets in duplicate can be used
for a collaborating unit (after testing, all results are assembled in
one analytical worksheet, using the data from all collaborating
Part Three. 15.1 – 15.4
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Quality Control
The analytical worksheet must provide or leave space for the
following information:
 registration number of the sample
 page numbering including total number of pages (including
 date of the test request
 date of analysis performed
 name and signature of analyst
 description of the sample received
Part Three. 15.5
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Quality Control
The analytical worksheet must provide or leave space for the
following information (continued):
 reference to the specifications to which the sample was tested
including limits (adding any or special methods employed) –
reference number of the specifications, if available (e.g.
pharmacopoeia monograph)
 results obtained of tested sample
 the interpretation of the results and the final conclusions, signed
by each of the analysts involved and initialled by the supervisor
 the identity of the test equipment used
 further comments, e.g. for internal information
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Part Three. 15.5 (a-k)
Quality Control
The above information may be complemented by:
 detailed notes on the specifications selected and the methods of
assessment used
 whether and when portions of the sample were forwarded to
other units for special tests (for example, mass spectrometry, xray diffraction), and the date when the results were received
 identification number of any reference material
 if applicable, data to be attached of an instrument verification
 if applicable, data to be attached of a reagent verification
Part Three. 15.5 (i-v)
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Quality Control
The completed analytical worksheet must be signed by the
responsible analyst/s and initialled by the supervisor
Specifications necessary to assess the sample:
 Particular pharmacopoeia monograph
 Manufacturer’s specifications
 National pharmacopoeia to be used
 Specifications contained in the product licence, and should be
the current version
Part Three. 15.6-15.8
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Quality Control
 Analytical worksheet filed for safe keeping together with any
attachments, including calculations and tracings of instrumental
 If stored in a central archive – a copy should be retained in the
specific unit for easy reference
 Analytical test report must be prepared on the basis of the
 Mistakes, amended data or text – old information may be
deleted by a single line (not erased nor made illegible) and the
new information added alongside, initialled or signed, and an
explanation for the change given
Part Three. 15.9 – 15.12
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Quality Control
 Testing performed according to the work plan
 If not feasible, the reasons noted, and the sample stored in a
special locked-up place
 Specific tests by a specialized external laboratory – responsible
person should prepare the request and arrange for the transfer
of the required number of units (bottles, vials, tablets) from the
sample. Each of these units must bear the correct registration
Part Three. 16.1. – 16.2.
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Quality Control
Performing the tests
 Official pharmacopoeia requirements – see general notices and
the specific monographs of the pharmacopoeia
 System suitability done as relevant
 All values obtained from each test, including blank results, must
immediately be entered on the worksheet, and all graphical data,
whether obtained from recording instruments or hand-plotted,
must be attached to the analytical worksheet
Part Three. 16.3 – 16.4.
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Quality Control
Evaluation of test results
 Results must be reviewed and evaluated – do they meet
 Consider the results of all tests
 Doubtful results should be investigated (internal quality system,
OOS investigation, etc.)
 Doubtful results can be rejected only if they are clearly due to
error, which has been identified
 All conclusions entered on the analytical worksheet by the
analyst and initialled by the supervisor
Part Three. 17.1 – 17.2
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Quality Control
Analytical test report:
 is a compilation of the results and states the conclusion
of the examination of a sample
 issued by the laboratory
 based on the analytical worksheet
Part Three. 17.3
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Quality Control
Analytical test report must provide the following information:
registration number
name and address of laboratory testing the sample
name and address of originator requesting analysis
name and description and batch number of the sample, where
 reference to the specification(s) used for testing the sample,
including limits
 results of all tests performed, numerical results of all tests
performed (if applicable)
 conclusion whether or not the sample was found to meet the
limits of specifications
Part Three. 17.4
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Quality Control
Analytical test report must provide the following information
 date of test performed
 signature of the head of the laboratory or authorized person
 name and address of repacker/trader, if applicable
 name and address of original manufacturer
 compliance to requirements
 date received
 expiry date
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Part Three. 17.4
June 2006
Quality Control
Retained samples
 The purpose is to have access to the sample material
for a specified period
 See also basic GMP
Part Three. 18
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Quality Control
 Safety in the laboratory
– General aspects to consider. . .
Part Four.
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Quality Control
General and specific safety instructions must be:
 available to each staff member and
 supplemented regularly as appropriate (e.g. written material,
poster displays, audiovisual material, and occasional seminars)
General rules and SOPs should include:
 availability of safety data sheets to staff prior to testing being
carried out
 prohibition of smoking, eating, and drinking in the laboratory
 familiarity with the use of fire-fighting equipment, including fire
extinguishers, fire blankets, and gas masks
 the use of laboratory coats or other protective clothing including
eye protection
Part Four. 19.1 – 19.2
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Quality Control
 special handling as required, e.g. for highly potent, infectious or
volatile substances
 full labelling of all containers of chemicals, including prominent
warnings (e.g. "Poison", "Flammable", "Radiation", etc.)
whenever appropriate
 adequate insulation and spark-proofing of electrical wiring and
equipment, including refrigerators
 observation of safety rules in handling cylinders of compressed
gases and familiarity with their colour identification codes
 awareness of avoiding solitary work in the laboratory
 provision of first-aid materials and instruction in first-aid
techniques, emergency care, and use of antidotes Part Four. 19.2
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Quality Control
 Protective clothing must be available, including eye protection, masks
and gloves
 Water showers should be installed
 Rubber suction bulbs used on manual pipettes and siphons
 Staff must be instructed in the safe handling of glassware, corrosive
reagents, and solvents, and particularly in the use of safety containers
or baskets to avoid spillage from containers
 Warnings, precautions and instructions must be given
 Safe disposal of unwanted corrosive or dangerous products by
neutralization or deactivation
 Safe and complete disposal of mercury and its salts
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Part Four. 19.3.
Quality Control
 Poisonous or hazardous products
 Singled out and labelled appropriately
 Unnecessary contacts with reagents, especially solvents and
their vapours, must be avoided
 The use of known carcinogens and mutagens must be limited or
totally excluded if required by local regulations
 Replacement of toxic solvents and reagents by less toxic
materials or reduction of their use
Part Four. 19.4
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