
Electronic Instrumentation
* Group Taught Studio Course
* Syllabus
Group Taught Studio Course
3 per week -- 2 hours each
20-30 minute lectures (in theory)
“self-explanatory” experiments
Raise your hand if you need help
2-3 staff members here at all times
• Most work is done in pairs
• Projects are done in team of 4
• Parts of some experiments use data from your team
• Dr. Shayla Sawyer (all lectures &
• Dr. Russell Kraft (all studios)
• To be announced – watch web page
Syllabus – will be updated !!
 Grade
 Attendance Policy
 Open Shop
 Syllabus located at:
 Text:
Essence of Electronics by Colin Lunn
• less than $25 at RPI bookstore
• old copies are good
 Software: Capture/PSpice Student Version
• (download from Syllabus page)
 Electronics Kit
• MUST BUY 1 per pair
• $50 per kit (buy from instructor)
• cash or check to ECSE Department
 web resources
Your Grade
8 Experiments (25%)
• hand in one write-up per pair (two students)
• 2.5 to 3 classes each
• see “what to include in experiment write-ups”
• To be updated
4 Quizzes (35%) (No final exam)
8 Homework Assignments (10%)
• homework on WebCT (15 questions each)
• note warning about inactive connection
4 Design Projects (25%)
• more detailed (work with 2 pairs to form team)
• one report per team of 4
• apply what you learned in experiments
Participation/Performance (5%)
Attendance Policy
Attendance taken daily
 You can make up missed classes during open
shop (fill out form EImakeup.pdf)
 Attendance counts as part of:
• participation grade (5% of final grade)
• each experiment (20/100)
• each project (20/100)
missed class = -10pts/missed class late = -5
 miss 3 classes = 0 for experiment/project
 More information: EIAttendance.html
Participation Grade (5%)
Attendance and staff assessment
Questions on the four topics: circuits,
equipment, theory, and computer tools
Group self assessment on WebCT
Don’t specialize
Don’t eat in the classroom
Use headphones for your own music
More information:
• EIAttendance.html
Open Shop
Located in JEC 4201 – Core Studio
• Shared with Circuits and Embedded Control
During any open shop
• make up missed classes
• work on experiments/projects not finished in class
Some hours will have EI TAs
• help with homework
• help with theory
• study for tests
Hours to be determined
Each pair of students uses one IOBoard
• Boards are each pair’s responsibility
• Boards are purchased for the semester and cost is reimbursed when returned at
the end of the semester (student account is automatically charged).
• Boards may be used during class and during open shop
• Use your own board each time (unless there is a failure)
• Your name will be listed with a serial number of the board
Each pair of students also have a parts/tool kit
• These are purchased, so they may be removed from the room
• Label you kit with your names
• There is space in the cabinets to store the kits, if you desire
At the beginning of class
• Get your IOBoard
• Get your tool/parts kit
Put things away at the end of class
Download and install software
• http://mobilestudio.rpi.edu
• Click on DOWNLOADS
• Download Mobile Studio Desktop
• Install
After the software is installed
• Connect IOBoard to your computer using the USB cable
• If it’s the first time, let it search for new hardware drivers and
install them
• Start Mobile Studio
• If it doesn’t work – unplug the USB cable and then plug it back in
• If it still doesn’t work:
• Read the FAQ on the IOBoard web page
• Ask for help
• If you have a T-40, we need to determine if your UBS2 is working
The HARDWARE link on the IOBoard web page shows
the pinout of the board
• Two pairs will work together on projects, so introduce yourself to the rest of
your team of 4.
• Sign the seating chart for the first couple of classes.
• If you have a T-40
• Pick a partner who has a newer machine
• Or make sure that the Mobile Studio software will work on your machine. It will
work if your UBS port is working at USB2 speed.
Each pair
• Purchase a tool/part kit
• $50 cash or check (made out to ECSE Dept.)
• (Swap the screw driver with one that has been ground to a smaller size)
• Pick an IOBoard
• Write you names on the label in the IOBoard cabinet
• Take the board to your seat
• Get the Mobile Studio software running
• Read the FAQ on the Mobile Studio web page
• Ask for help
• If you have a T-40, we need to determine if your UBS2 is working
• If time permits, Start Experiment 1, part A
Will interrupt once most teams are set.
The course is under new
management and it is evolving to
accommodate larger numbers
We are doing new things with new IOBoards
• We will have to make changes as we progress
• Some of the material on the web is for the old version
so it may be wrong or it may have missing links
• Give us a few weeks and things will be better
In other words, parts of the course will be a little
rough around the edges, but I plan on having fun.
I hope you will enjoy it also.