TOWARDS SELF-ADAPTIVE SOFTWARE-INTENSIVE SYSTEMS Hausi A. Müller University of Victoria, Canada IWPSE-EVOL Amsterdam, The Netherlands August 24-25, 2009 CONGRATULATIONS 10th Anniversary of International Workshop on Principles of Software Evolution (IWPSE) 5th Anniversary of ERCIM Workshop on Software Evolution (EVOL) Tremendous achievements! Congratulations! 2 MY BACKGROUND Founding Director of Bachelor of Software Engineering Associate Dean Research, Faculty of Engineering IBM Toronto Since 1991 CSER/NSERC CRD Project Design and Evolution of Autonomic Application Software SOA Governance CA Canada Inc. (formerly Computer Associates), Toronto 47 courses; 15 software engineering courses Since 2005 CSER/NSERC CRD Project Logging, Monitoring & Diagnosis Systems for Enterprise Applications SEI (Software Engineering Institute), Pittsburgh Since 1995 SOA Governance and Service Oriented Computing Ultra Large Scale Systems 3 KEEP IN MIND … 4 ENGINEERING SELF-ADAPTIVE SYSTEMS High degree of dynamism Goals / policies change at run-time Validation and verification performed at run-time Agility at run-time Müller, H.A.: SEAMS 2008 Panel—Report from Dagstuhl Seminar 08031 on Engineering Self-Adaptive Systems 5 VERY HIGH EXPECTATIONS FOR SELF-ADAPTABILITY Software systems must become more versatile, flexible, resilient, dependable service-oriented, mashable, inter-operable, continuously available, robust, decentralized, energy-efficient, recoverable, customizable, configurable, self-healing, configurable, self-optimizing, self-*, … by adapting to changing operational contexts and environments 6 IWPSE 1998: SESSION 3 DYNAMIC/RUNTIME STRUCTURES Analyzing Dynamic Change in Software Architectures Software Evolution and the Chemical Abstract Machine Kurt Geihs, Holger Grunder (University of Frankfurt) Decentralized Software Evolution Yasuhiko Sugiyama (Nihon University) Dynamic Objects for Software Evolution in Distributed Object Systems Hidehiko Masuhara, Akinori Yonezawa (University of Tokyo) Runtime Software Evolution based on Version Management Noriki Amano, Takuo Watanabe (JAIST) A Reflective Approach to Support Software Evolution Michel Wermelinger (University of Nova de Lisboa) A Procedural Model of Dynamic Adaptability and its Description Language Jeff Kramer, Jeff Magee (Imperial College) Peyman Oreizy (University of California, Irvine) Support for Evolution of System Through Software Composition R. Pandey, P. Devanbu, V. Akella (University of California, Davis) Architect, design for software adaptation … Decentralized software evolution … 7 SOFTWARE EVOLUTION GREAT SUCCESS STORIES Many methods, techniques, and tools Artifact identification and dependencies, (de)-composition Models, meta-models, exchange formats Analysis: impact, change, code smells, analysis paralysis, patterns (Multi-dimensional) separation of concerns Tooling: parsing, repositories, visualization, analysis, program transformation Several distinct research communities ICSM, IWPSE, EVOL, ICPC, IWPC, WCRE, PASTE, SCAM, MSR, VISSOFT, ATEM, and many others 8 CO-SOFTWARE EVOLUTION Do we concentrate too much on the code? Are we too reactive and not enough pro-active? Can we apply and inject our evolution experience into new development paradigms (e.g., service oriented systems)? IEEE Standard 830-1998 Software Requirements Specifications Product functions User characteristics Nonfunctional requirements Context and environment Constrain ts Co-evolve requirements, context, constraints, policies, code 9 Evolving Software Systems ULS Systems Autonomic Systems What do these systems have in common? SOA Systems Control Systems 10 Evolving Software Systems Selfmanaging Systems SOA Systems Feedback Loops ULS Systems Control Systems Autonomic Systems 11 OUTLINE Motivation for self-adaptive systems SOA governance and evolution governance Realizing self-adaptive systems using feedback loops Evolution of self-adaptive systems Research challenges 12 RISE OF THE DYNAMIC VALUE SET The value chains of today are the result of linked individual business tasks that come together to form a valuable end product Just like a physical assembly line, each participant in the value chain contributes something to increase the value of the end product Although these value chains have become increasingly distributed, they still tend to be predictable, structured and linear Set of service providers is changing dynamically based on who is in the best position to perform a given task at a given time Service providers are becoming interconnected to the point that mapping their relationships yields more of a net than the traditional linear chain Familiar value chains are morphing into dynamic value nets Value nets are orchestrated by the organization that delivers the end product to market This orchestration may be the lead brand organization’s unique value add 13 Steve Mills, VP IBM Software Group: The Future of Business, White Paper, June 2007 IBM GLOBAL SERVICES SERVICE INTEGRATION MATURITY MODEL (SIMM) Ultimate goal: dynamically configurable services 14 SELF-ADAPTIVE SYSTEMS: ANTICIPATED AND UN-ANTICIPATED ADAPTATION Anticipated adaption The different contexts to be accommodated at run-time are known at design-time Un-anticipated adaption The variation possibilities are recognized and computed at run-time The decision which variant is best is computed using self-awareness and environmental context information Pure un-anticipated self-adaptive system are rare Most self-adaptive systems feature a combination of anticipated self-adaptation and un-anticipated selfadaptation 15 Control-Centric Design and Views Architecture-centric Design and Views ARCHITECTURE-CENTRIC VS. CONTROL-CENTRIC ORCHESTRATION 16 SOA GOVERNANCE Governance has been rated as the main inhibitor of SOA adoption SOA governance provides a set of policies, rules, and enforcement mechanisms for developing, using and evolving service-oriented systems, and for analysis of their business value SOA governance includes policies, procedures, roles and responsibilities for design-time governance and runtime governance 17 G. Lewis, D. Smith: SOA and its Implications for Software Maintenance and Evolution, ICSM FoSM 2008 SOA GOVERNANCE TYPES Design-time governance Includes elements such as rules for strategic identification of services, development, and deployment of services; reuse; and legacy system migration to services Enforces consistency in use of standards, SOA infrastructure and processes Run-time governance Enforces rules to ensure that services are executed only in ways that are legal and that important runtime data is logged Service level agreements (SLAs) including runtime validation of contractual specifications on performance, throughput, and availability; the use of automated metrics for tracking and reporting; and problem management 18 G. Lewis, D. Smith: SOA and its Implications for Software Maintenance and Evolution, ICSM FoSM 2008 FEEDBACK LOOPS ARE AT THE HEART OF DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS Feedback is ubiquitous in natural and engineered systems ... and in computing systems 19 Continuous Evolution Problems 20 Continuous Evolution Problems Software Evolution Problems 21 ULS CHALLENGES APPLY TO SOFTWARE EVOLUTION The ULS book describes challenges in three broad areas: Design and evolution Orchestration and control Monitoring and assessment The challenges in all three areas apply readily to the maintenance and evolution of software systems L. Northrop et al.: Ultra-Large-Scale Systems: The Software Challenge of the Future, SEI Tech Report, June 2006 22 SPECIFIC CHALLENGES IN GOVERNANCE SYSTEM MONITORING AND ASSESSMENT With respect to governance How do we evaluate the effectiveness of system design, operation, evolution, orchestration, and control? How do we monitor and assess system state, behavior, and overall health and well being? Challenges include Defining indicators Understanding why indicators change Prioritizing the indicators (e.g., to form a hierarchy) Handling change and imperfect information Gauging the human elements 23 SPECIFIC CHALLENGES FOR SYSTEM MONITORING AND ASSESSMENT Defining indicators Understanding why indicators change What system-wide, end-to-end, and local quality-of-service indicators are relevant to meeting user needs and ensuring the long-term viability of the subject system? What adjustments or changes to system elements and interconnections will improve or degrade these indicators? Prioritizing the indicators Which indicators should be examined under what conditions? Are indicators ordered by generality? General overall health reading versus specialized particular diagnostics 24 SPECIFIC CHALLENGES FOR SYSTEM MONITORING AND ASSESSMENT Handling change and imperfect information How do the monitoring and assessment processes handle continual changes to components, services, usage, or connectivity? Imperfect information can be inaccurate, stale, or imprecise. Gauging the human elements What are the indicators of the health and performance of the people, business, and organizational elements of the SOA subject system? 25 BRIEF SIDE NOTE ... COMPLIANCE VS. CONFORMANCE Compliance implies adherence to a standard or regulation You either pass or fail A company can be in compliance with Sarbanes-Oxley auditing requirements A browser can comply with a specific security requirement by providing 128bit security and TLS encryption Service delivery is compliant with an SLA Conformance describes how well a given implementation matches or does not match a standard or a reference A conformance testing suite that returns results that certain aspects of an implementation match a reference implementation A Web services implementation can conform with the WS-I basic interoperability profile Service delivery is conformance with an SLA depends on the importance of the customer A lack of conformance does not necessarily imply a value judgment the way that lack of compliance with a law or regulation does Keep in mind: Whenever we talk about “compliance,” we often really mean “conformance.” 26 MONITORING DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS Perform critical regression tests dynamically to observe satisfaction of requirements Testing run-time (and design-time) governance Govern and enforce rules and regulations Perform V&V operations (transformations) regularly to ascertain V&V properties Monitor compliance and conformance Assess whether services are used properly Recognizing normal and exceptional behaviour Monitor functional and non-functional requirements when the environment evolves SLAs Assess and maintain quality of service (QoS) Manage tradeoffs 27 CHANGE OF PERSPECTIVE From satisfaction of requirements through traditional, top-down engineering The system shall do this … but it may do this … as long as it does this … To satisfaction of requirements by regulation of complex, decentralized systems How? With adaptive systems and feedback loops 28 BIOLOGICAL SYSTEMS The internal mechanisms of humans continuously work together to maintain essential variables within physiological limits—the n-dimensional viability zone n-dimensional viability zone equilibrium The goal of human self-managing behavior is directly linked to survivability If the external or internal environment pushes the system outside its physiological equilibrium zone, the system will work towards returning to the equilibrium zone 29 MOST FAMOUS FEEDBACK SYSTEM AUTONOMIC NERVOUS SYSTEM (ANS) Autonomic nervous system (ANS) Measure Temperature Heart rate Breathing rate Blood pressure Blood sugar Pupil dilation Tears Digestion Immune response Resource Sympathetic Stressful situation processes Decide Parasympathetic Day-to-day internal processes Control Monitor and regulate 30 FEEDBACK SYSTEMS Merriam-Webster’s Online Dictionary the return to the input of a part of the output of a machine, system, or process producing changes in an electronic circuit to improve performance an automatic control device to provide self-corrective action 31 APPROACH: FEEDBACK LOOP 32 Dobson, S. et al.: A Survey of Autonomic Communications. ACM Trans. on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems (TAAS) 1(2):223-259 (2006) CONTROLLER AS AN AUTONOMIC ELEMENT 33 ACRA: A HIERARCHY OF AUTONOMIC ELEMENTS TO ORCHESTRATE INDICATORS 34 IBM: An Architectural Blueprint for Autonomic Computing, 4th Ed. (2006) REALIZATION OF A DYNAMIC ARCHITECTURE Feedback control system with disturbance and noise input Hellerstein, Diao, Parekh, Tilbury: Feedback Control of Computing Systems. John Wiley & Sons (2004) 35 REALIZATION OF A DYNAMIC ARCHITECTURE Reference input Reference input minus (measured) transduced output Control Input Goal, objectives, specified desired output Control Error Parameters which affect behavior of the system—number of threads, CPU, memory, parameters Disturbance input Affects control input—arrival rate Controller Managed system Measurable feature of the system— response time Noise input Dynamical system, process, plant— often characterized by differential equations Measured output Change control input to achieve reference input—design is based on a model of the managed system Affects measured output Transducer Transforms measured output to compare with reference input 36 Hellerstein, Diao, Parekh, Tilbury: Feedback Control of Computing Systems. John Wiley & Sons (2004) ADAPTIVE CONTROL Modify the control law to cope by changing system parameters while the system is running Different from Robust Control in the sense that it does not need a priori information about the uncertainties Robust Control includes the bounds of uncertainties in the design of the control law. Thus, if the system changes are within the bounds, the control law needs no modification. 37 SYSTEM IDENTIFICATION MODEL BUILDING Mathematical tools and algorithms to build dynamical models from measured data A dynamical mathematical model in this context is a mathematical description of the dynamic behavior of a system or process in either the time or frequency domain Theories and processes Physical Computing Social Engineering Economic Biological Chemical Therapeutic 38 MODEL REFERENCE ADAPTIVE CONTROLLERS—MRAC Also referred to as Model Reference Adaptive System (MRAS) Closed loop controller with parameters that can be updated to change the response of the system The output of the system is compared to a desired response from a reference model (e.g., simulation model) The control parameters are updated based on this error The goal is for the parameters to converge to ideal values that cause the managed system response to match the response of the reference model. 39 MODEL REFERENCE ADAPTIVE CONTROLLERS—MRAC F B 40 MODEL REFERENCE ADAPTIVE CONTROLLERS—MRAC 41 MODEL IDENTIFICATION ADAPTIVE CONTROLLERS—MIAC Perform system identification while system is running to modify the control laws Cautious adaptive controllers Create model structure and perform parameter estimation typically using the Least Squares method Use current system identification to modify control law, allowing for system identification uncertainty Certainty equivalent adaptive controllers Take current system identification to be the true system, assume no uncertainty 42 MODEL IDENTIFICATION ADAPTIVE CONTROLLERS—MIAC F B 43 MODEL IDENTIFICATION ADAPTIVE CONTROLLERS—MIAC 44 MIAC AND MRAC ARCHITECTURES FOR DYNAMICAL COMPUTING SYSTEMS The goal of both approaches is to adjust the control laws in the controller MRAC approach Reference model is static—given or pre-computed and not changed at run-time MIAC approach Reference model is changed at run-time using system identification methods 45 DEBATE QUESTIONS EVOLUTION CONCERNS How different are the maintainability and evolution concerns for self-adaptive systems compared to static, non-adaptive systems? Is a system that is designed for dynamic variability or adaptation easier to maintain? Control-Centric Design and Views Architecture-centric Design and Views 46 RESEARCH CHALLENGES Model construction Managing and leveraging uncertainty Making control loops explicit 47 RESEARCH CHALLENGES: MODEL CONSTRUCTION The process of designing feedback-based computing systems requires the construction of models which quantify the effect of control inputs on measured outputs While performance engineering and queuing theory have developed advanced models for many different applications, we need models for many other quality-of-service indicators that come into play in dynamical applications For some of these criteria (e.g., trust) quantification is difficult What system-wide, end-to-end, and local quality-of-service indicators are relevant to meeting user needs? Models are also needed to design trade-off analyses schemes for combinations of quality-of-service indicators Developing feedback models for quality-of-service indicators for various application domains is a major challenge Models and quality-of-service indicators related to governance, compliance, and service-level agreements are of particular importance for service-oriented business processes and applications 48 RESEARCH CHALLENGES: MANAGING AND LEVERAGING UNCERTAINTY When we model potential disturbances from the environment of a system (e.g., unexpected saturation of the network) or satisfy requirements by regulation (i.e., trade-off analysis among several extra-functional requirements), we introduce some uncertainty Therefore, designers and maintainers of such dynamical systems should manage uncertainty because the environment may change in unexpected ways and, as a result, the system may adapt in such a way that was not foreseeable at design time Introducing uncertainty requires trade-offs between flexibility and assurance For a maintainer it is critical to know which parts of the environment are assumed to be fixed and which are expected to introduce uncertainty Moreover, assurance and compliance criteria should be continuously validated at run-time—not just at system acceptance time Thus, understanding, managing, and leveraging uncertainty is important for delivering evolving systems with reliability and assurance guarantees 49 RESEARCH CHALLENGES: MAKING CONTROL LOOPS EXPLICIT Investigate architecture-centric vs. control-centric design and run-time views for evolving systems Software engineers are trained to develop abstractions that hide complexity Designers of evolving systems will likely realize significant benefits by raising the visibility of control loops and specifying the major components and characteristics of the control loops explicitly When arrangements of multiple control loops interact, system design and analysis should cover their interactions As control grows more complex, it is important for the control loops to be explicit in design and analysis Investigate the trade-offs between hiding the complexity of feedback loops and treating feedback loops as first class objects with respect to the construction and operation of evolving systems Further benefits could be realized by identifying common forms of adaptation and then distilling design and V&V obligations 50 CHALLENGE FOR SOFTWARE EVOLUTION COMMUNITIES To instrument software systems with manageability endpoints—sensor and effectors—using the reverse engineering and transformation technology developed over the past 15 years To monitor and control software systems and their environments at run-time at unprecedented levels 51 CONCLUSIONS Changes in traditional value chains are giving rise to interconnected, dynamic value nets To be able to observe and possibly orchestrate the continuous evolution of dynamical systems in a complex and changing environment, we need to push the monitoring of evolving systems to unprecedented levels Monitoring evolving systems using feedback loops Architecture-centric vs. control-centric orchestration Make feedback loops explicit and first class Recognize the limitations of evolutionary developments Combination of anticipated and un-anticipated adaptation Instrument systems from the ground up for KPIs Maintainability and evolution concerns for self-adaptive 52 systems compared to static, non-adaptive systems TO PROBE FURTHER Hellerstein, J.L., Diao, Y., Parekh, S., Tilbury, D.M.: Feedback Control of Computing Systems. John Wiley & Sons (2004) Northrop, L., et al.: Ultra-Large-Scale Systems. The Software Challenge of the Future. SEI Tech Report, 134 pages, ISBN 0-9786956-0-7 (2006) Lewis, G., Smith, D.: SOA and its Implications for Maintenance and Evolution, ICSM FoSM (2008) Mills, S.: The Future of Business, White Paper (2007) IBM: An Architectural Blueprint for Autonomic Computing, 4th Ed. (2006) Huebscher, M.C., McCann, J.A.: A Survey of Autonomic Computing—Degrees, Models, and Applications. ACM Computing Surveys, 40 (3):7:1-28 (2008) Dobson, S., Denazis, S., Fernandez, A., Gaiti, D., Gelenbe, E., Massacci, F., Nixon, P., Saffre, F., Schmidt, N., Zambonelli, F.: A Survey of Autonomic Comm.. ACM TAAS 1(2):223-259 (2006) Diao, Y., Hellerstein, J.L., Parekh, S., Griffith, R., Kaiser, G.E., Phung, D.: A Control Theory Foundation for Self-Managing Computing Systems. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 23(12):2213-2222 (2005) Müller, H.A., Pezzè, M., Shaw, M.: Visibility of Control in Adaptive System. In: 3rd ACM/IEEE International ICSE ULSSIS 2008, pp. 23-26 (2008) Müller, H.A., Kienle, H.M., Stege, U.: Autonomic Computing: Now You See It, Now You Don’t— Design and Evolution of Autonomic Software Systems. In: De Lucia, A., Ferrucci, F. (eds.): In ISSL, LNCS 5413, pp. 32–54 (2009) Brun, Y., Di Marzo Serugendo, J., Gacek, C., Giese, H., Kienle, H.M., Litoiu, M., Müller, H.A., Pezzè, M., Shaw, M.: Engineering Self-Adaptive Systems through Feedback Loops, In: Software Engineering for Self-Adaptive Systems, LNCS 5527, pp. 47-69 (2009) 53 HOPE TO SEE YOU ALL IN EDMONTON IN SEPTEMBER ICSM 2009—September 20-26 IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance (ICSM), Edmonton, Alberta VISSOFT 2009 MESOA 2009 Ninth IEEE International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation WSE 2009 3rd International Workshop on a Research Agenda for Maintenance and Evolution of Service-Oriented Systems SCAM 2009 IEEE International Workshops on Visualizing Software for Understanding and Analysis 11th IEEE International Symposium on Web Systems Evolution SEAMS 2010—May Software Engineering for Adaptive Systems (SEAMS) Workshop at ICSE 2010, Capetown, South Africa 54 QUESTIONS, FEEDBACK, COMMENTS, IDEAS, AHA-EXPERIENCE, INSIGHTS, ... 55